Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Ethan G. Collins

Fairfield County Sheriff's Office, Ohio

End of Watch Wednesday, January 4, 2006

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ethan G. Collins

Ethan, happy Birthday, we are all thinking of you, you would be proud of everyone; your parents, Kylie and especially Madison and Hayden. Until we meet again, we'll watch over your family for you.
We miss you Brother.

Deputy Hemsworth
Fairfield County Sheriff's Office

October 30, 2007

Happy 31st Birthday. All of your fellow officers miss you. We are thinking and praying for you and your family today.

Deputy A. Curry and Deputy E. Curry

October 30, 2007

We spent the whole day with the kids about a month ago, WOW, it was like spending the day with you when you were that age. We had a great time, and the kids were so good!!!
Today is your birthday, and of course, it has been laying
heavy on our hearts. We miss you!
We love you!
Aunt Lori

Lori Collins

October 30, 2007

On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City lodge #9 in Columbus, Ohio we are very sorry for the loss of your life while serving your community and our country! God bless your family!

President Jim Gilbert
Fraternal Order of Police,Capital City Lodge #9, Columbus, Ohio

July 9, 2007

Hi Ethan,
How wonderfully lucky the citizens of Fairfield County, Ohio are to have such a dedicated force of officers to protect and serve their community everyday. We are reminded everyday of your sacrifice and the danger that our fellow officers are put in during the line of duty and the Ethan G. Collins Memorial Highway is a fabulous reminder of not only you, but all of the Law Enforcement Officers who "put their lives on the line" everyday for Joe Citizen and Fairfield County. I am sure that Fairfield County will never forget your memory and my hope is that every time someone thinks of you that they say a quick prayer for those officers who keep them safe while they are away from their families to protect someone else's.

Teresa Strawn

June 3, 2007

I did not know you well but what I do remeber you is how quiet you were. I look at Hayden and Madison and how sad I feel for them not to be able to visually see you but I know that you are watching out for them and you will always be their daddy angel. I have a video of you and Madison dancing at my wedding and we all know how wonderful a father you are and even to this day. Kylie will never let them forget you, you will always be in their hearts. Thanks for protecting all of us and doing a wonderful job. I will see you when we meet again. Love Tara

Tara Bobo

May 30, 2007

As I sit here at the end of Memorial Day all I can do is think about how the meaning of today has changed for me, as well as for Nick. Before it was more of a day off, a day to have cook outs and in your own personal way remember all that has fallen for our country. Now I know a true hero to remember not only today but everyday. You are my hero Ethan and you always will be.

We also just got back from Washington DC, what a trip that was! The ceremonies were beautiful, and a great honor. The first time Nick and I saw your name on that wall we just felt so overwhelmed. Then when we were at the candlelight vigil it was so nice to see all that is done for our heros. It was so sad to see all of those candles lite for not only you but all of our fallen heros. And what an honor the main ceremony was! Now the rest of the trip you would of laughed so hard at us! These hillbillies (your family) wandering around Washington DC trying to find our way back and forth. Oh my gosh! Then your mom almost got hit by a bus trying to finally get our ride home. Lacy really surprised us all when she would just go up to random people trying to find our way back to the hotel. Well Ethan there is no easy way to close a letter to you, but I just want to tell you that you are missed by so many people. And we all love you.

Sister in law

May 28, 2007

May God's blessings be with you


May 25, 2007

We took 14 scouts with us to Washington D.C. to honor you. It was an absolutely amazing trip, one that the kids will never forget. Leading up to the trip, the kids knew what they were working for and everytime someone asked them they would always say, "we are going to Washington D.C. to honor our hero." These kids, ranging in age from 7-10 truly amazed us and surpassed our expectations. They stood strong and with amazement at the candlelight vigil. They had officers from around the United States and the world coming and asking them if they were the scouts they had heard about. As the kids told them about you and the reason they were there, the officers told them how proud they were of them. I wish you could have met these kids or saw the look on their faces and in their eyes when these officers told them how proud you would have been of them. There was one officer who was so taken back by the kids that he took the patch off his uniform and gave it to one of the kids, after telling him how proud he was of him. Please know that in these children's eyes and lives you will truly never be forgotten. We will always be here for your family, whatever we may do to help them, in any way that we can. You will always be our hero.

Megan Brumbaugh
Millersport Cub Master

May 24, 2007

We were in D.C. to share in the honors that were shown and given to you for your sacrifice. We took your mom and dad with us, and we tried to help them get through the whole overwhelming week. We are all so proud of you, for what you received and deserved, of course, we would give it all back to have you with us again. Your dad did much better than anyone expected, he was being strong for your mom I think, because he surprised us all. He said many times, that being there in D.C. for the ceremonies, was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. Kylie did about as well as to be expected, too. We can see how proud she is to be receiving these honors for you. Your fellow deputies were great supporters, and showed their pride as they stood saluting in the receiving line for the survivors to walk through, and also while your name was read at the candle light vigil and at the State House. Everyone loved you!!
I'm sure you were probably watching over us as we ventured out into D.C. on our own, and you were probably thinking my family shouldn't be in a big city, unattended. We had some laughs and we all cried a lot.It is just unbelievable all that has been done for you! We miss you and love you!!

Lori Collins

May 19, 2007

To the friends and family of Dep. Collins,

I was at tent city this year when they brought the door to the cruiser in. I could not stand to look at it but I did. One of the hardest things I have ever done was sign it. I met Mrs Collins, she is very lucky to have such a great group of friends and family with her during this tragedy. I just wanted to commend the officers who were there with her during this time that is a perfect example of the brotherhood we share. TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN.

I just wanted to stop by this memorial page and pay my respects to Deputy Collins, he is now patroling the streets of Heaven.

Kyle D Matlock
Montgomery County SO

May 16, 2007

Last Sunday my son Shaun and I rode our motorcycle down to The memorial for the Law ride, while at the memorial as we were reading the names an unknown woman handed me a pin. not being able to see wording on the pin that well without my glasses,i did not relize at first what the pin was. After looking at it closer I then relized the pin she handed me was that of Deputy Sheriff Ethan G. collins.Then I relized that the woman that handed me the pin was most likely very close to Deputy Collins, and at that moment I choked up, and thanked her for the pin with no further words exchanged. I just wanted to let this woman know that although I did not know Deputy Collins, The pin she gave me that day will always have a special meaning for me and my first visit to the memorial, and that I will always wear it on my vest in Ethan's memory.
God Bless

O.I.C. Deputy Brian C. Yerich
Schoharie Co. Sheriff's Bomb Disposal Unit

May 16, 2007

Ethan, it was indeed an Honor, to ride the Unity Tour in your memory this year. I also had the honor of escorting your mother into the candlelight vigil, where I presented your wife your memorial bracelet, that I wore for you, from Portsmouth Va. to D.C. I will be thinking of you every year both in my training for, and during every future Unity Tour I am able to participate in.
Rest in Peace my Brother, we'll take it from here.

Deputy Dave Moss P.U.T Va.IV #184
Mahoning Co.S.O.

May 15, 2007

Well everyone is getting ready to go to DC for the memorial. I am not able to go because someone has to stay home with the kids, but know that I would love to be there to see you get honored for your sacrifice that you have made for all of us. Please look after Kylie while she is there she has gotten stronger but I think this will be really hard on her. We love you and miss you alot.

Kindra Sunkle
Sister in law

May 11, 2007

As we get ready for Washington DC it seems to be getting harder and harder. We miss you so much and we want this bad dream to end. I drive the Deputy Ethan Collins Memorial Highway everyday on my way to work, and I always catch myself wondering what you would think of all of this. I know you never thought in a million years a highway would be named after you.. It is amazing everything that has been done in your memory. You deserve everything. I miss you

May 6, 2007

I live in Fairfield County and it makes me feel good that there are officers like you protecting my family while I am at work.

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

May 5, 2007

Ethan G. Collins, I greatly appreciate what you have done for this county. I will remember you every time i see a cruiser go by, every time i look into the faces of all of the deputies I see. I want to say that you, as well as every other officer of the Law are my heros. I mourn no more, but rather celebrate your passing to a better place. I know that you passed on doind what you loved the most. Deputy Collins may you rest in peace brother.

Devin McDonald
he was my hero

April 22, 2007

I was looking through some photo albums the other day and I came across one from our college years.How funny it was to see all of us. Things are so different now. Nothing will ever be the same. I am sure that you can see all of us and I know that you are with kylie and your children everyday. I think about you alot and not to long ago I felt as if I had let you down. It took a long time and alot of prayer for everything to feel okay. I am going to be 30yrs old soon, it will not be an easy one for me. I can't help but wonder why I get to turn 30 and you did not. You did so much right with your life and you were a much better person than I have been. It just doesn't seem fair. Like I said, I am not looking forward to it. The closer it gets the more I think of you, but I will do my best to make you proud.


March 26, 2007

It has been a year. What a year. Every day i get into my car i think of you and what a great friend you are. We all miss you and will always keep you and you family in our hearts. I am deployed with my military unit at this time, but I will be at the NLEMF in may for you. I knew when you first started working with us, then moved on to Fairfield that you would be a great deputy and an even greater man. Thank you for being our friend.

YOUR Brother Deputy Miles 3712

Deputy Jason Miles
Hocking County Sheriff's Office

March 25, 2007

The other day I was approached by a young man that was looking at my shirt...your "in memory" shirt. He asked "you a Deputy?" I replied "yes". He then asked "did you know him?" I again replied "yes", but did not know what else to say. Even you knew I always have something to say.Maybe I was having "one of those days" and just wasn't running on all cylinders.Myself and the rest of your friends and co-workers have been getting things ready for Washington DC.It is so well...strange.Your memory has been kept alive in so many ways, and yet the nation will honor you on May 15. The pride that we who knew you and worked with you is always present. ALL your family will be taken care during that emotinal time in DC, it will be a bitter sweet tribute to you.Even the local Boy Scouts from Millersport are going to DC...what a tribute for them to be there for their heroes name to be announced at the memorial.I'm sure as time gets closer to us going to DC our emotions will be...well...a rollar coaster.The other day I was watching Star Wars, and for a moment thought of a conversation we had about Princess L. how hot she was! I just starting laughing.We all have had "moments" like that. We will say "you know Ethan" this or that. It goes to show how strong you memory is.Well, I'm sure I will be making another reflection soon. 321

Deputy Frank "Farva" Diamond 321
Fairfield Co. Sheriffs Office

March 20, 2007

The signs were unvailed today for Rt. 188 being named The Deputy Ethan Collins Memorial Highway. The family members were all there and many of the fellow deputies. What an honor that is for you!! You deserve it for the sacrifice that you made for the community!!! We all miss you, and it still doesn't seem real, just like a bad dream that we wish we could just wake up from, and everything be back to normal. Since we know that God had better plans for you, we know that we will make it through until we all will meet again. Your little ones are everyday reminders of you, some of when you were young, to the present time.
We took Madison to the mall one day, and it was like being with you at age five, same looks and the grin, and smart answers, just like you gave at that age.
We are very proud of you, and miss you!
Aunt Lori, Uncle Alan,
Lacy & Malyn

Lori Collins

March 9, 2007

Ethan, I will be riding in memory of your sacrifice this May in the Police Unity Tour, with Virginia IV, starting in Virginia Beach, Va., 250 miles to arrive in Wash. D.C. at the National Police Officer's Memorial and present your survivors a memorial bracelet at the annual candlelight vigil . It will be a GREAT Honor my friend. I will be looking foreward to it. Rest In Eternal Peace. We'll never forget you.

Deputy David J. Moss
Mahoning County Sheriff Dept., Police Unity Tour Va.IV.

February 6, 2007

I have thought of and prayed for you so much over this past year. I have watched you grow stronger over time and yet still see you get teared up over the enourmous loss of your husband. You are a wonderful blessing and example to your children of strength and keeping the memory of their father alive to them. I'm kind of on the sidelines....but I have seen how hard this is on you but you didn't give up. Ethan left a legacy. That much is evident by reading the memorials on this page. You were a very special part of who he was and the person he was. Always remember that you were paramount in his life. Hang on to will carry you through tough times. You once wondered what your "purpose" was here on earth. God has a purpose for Him.

February 3, 2007

You and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers as the first anniversary of your death has just passed. Please know that your sacrifice has not been forgotten and you will always be remembered as a hero.

Linda Lamm -LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

January 9, 2007

As I sat waiting to talk at your memorial service I wondered back to that "day".I remember my mother calling me and saying as I answered "your ok , thank God its not you". I asked what was wrong.She told me to turn on the news because a Deputy in Fairfield was killed. The sickness and horror is like none I have felt since.I recall how I rushed to the office to be with the rest of our brothers and sisters during this tragedy.
As the bagpipes began to play I flashed back to your funeral. I remembered trying to be strong while on the stage...trying not to shed a childish tear. But what emotion came over me when I heard Madison cry for her "daddy", I could no longer hold back those tears.
The scene at the cemetary then came to mind. All the
honor, pride, and deep sadness I felt along wth our fellow bothers and sisters. Hearing your unit number over the radio for the final time just crushed all of us.
As I got-up to speak at the memorial,I kept thinking "I need to get these words out, I need to complete this". I wanted ALL to know that even though we might not have had our families go out to dinner together, or go out after work together, that you were still a missed part of our "family". Those who knew you even for a little while, knew you were a good Deputy, a great father, a good son, a caring brother, and loving husband.
In our hearts we know that we have done only our best to show all that we are truely interested in keeping your memory alive in a respectful and dignified way.We know that you would be proud...just as your family is.
After the service and dedication. Myself and Mark escorted Kylie to the "site". She placed a wreath, and she stood there, God only knows what pain and thoughts were going through her mind. She recovered and we proceded to your grave. A wreath was placed there on behalf of the department...we all signed the ribbon on it. Some of our fellow brothers were there as well as most of your family. We talked about how it still just doesn't seem "real", and how we couldn't believe its been a year.
We know you were smiling down on us. We still feel a loss. We also know that if it wasn't for others donating there time and resources, things would have been a little tough for us...we thank all of you for helping keep his memory alive.

Deputy Frank "Farva" Diamond 321
Fairfield Co. Sheriffs Office

January 6, 2007

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