Danville Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Friday, November 11, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Courtney Lamont Dickerson
Well The Sopranos come back on in a couple of days & I'll be thinking of u as I watch 'em...u know the weirdest thing happened to me the other day...as I was rinsing out my mop UR scent arose all around me, at first I thought I was just imagining things but all of sudden the smell became more intense, all I could smell was ur nautica colonge...I kinda laughed it off at first speaking out "Courtney quit playing" but when the scent became stronger I realized that u must've been in my presence...it was nice but at the same time it was hard for me...just like the other day I seen a guy walking down the road & I just knew it was u!...just as I think I'm getting through this whole ordeal...it gets easier in some areas (my dreams)but then harder in others...the HARDEST part for me is that if I see or hear someone or something that "reminds" me of u I have trouble distinguishing if it actually reminds me of u or if it "reminds" me of u b/c I WANT it to...I want it to be u, or I want it to sound like u...so sometimes are harder than others...but I was truly blessed to have had in my life as long as I did...until next time...passionately...
March 10, 2006
Hey, just another sad day thinking of you and wishing you were here with us. Corey said he was picking zeke up at daycare today since he is going to the games this weekend and he likes to get him at least once a week. He loves that little boy like his own and he knows you only want the best for him. I see alot of others miss you as much as we do and this website proves it well, I am going for now you know I have had alot of stuff on my mind lately but its nothing to say on here. You know we all love you and miss you very much!!!!
March 8, 2006
I found another poem & of course thought of u...I hope it will offer comfort to ur loved ones...
I'm Free
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.
I'm following the path God has laid you see.
I took his hand when I heard Him call.
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day, to laugh, to love, to work, or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that peace at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Oh yes, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much.
Good friends, good times, my mother's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and peace to thee.
God wanted me now; he has set me free!
...with sunshine...
March 1, 2006
well I guess you are laughing at me right now for my speeding ticket I just got. That really sucked bad, I guess I have to come out of my pocket with the money to pay now. Something gets my tax money every year and this year will be my ticket. Your birthday has past now and I was so scared it was going to be harder than it was but Corey going to the basketball game helped so much. Corey keeping Donnovan now has helped him better deal with having children around. I guess you see how good he is with Donnovan and Taylor. He said Donnovan is like growing up with you all over again. He is the younger one but tries his best to tell Taylor what to do and anything shes playing with he decides he wants it as soon as she get it. He is soo funny though we get good laughs off him. Corey enjoys him so much, its like a big part of you is running around the apartment when hes there. I'm getting upset now but WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!
February 28, 2006
Courtney, We miss you so much. I see the hurt in Jerome when we talk about you, he misses you so.. He said it is not the same without you. You both were so close. I'm glad that God allowed us to share you. I miss your early morning calls, I would fuss then but I would love to have one now. I miss cussing you out then hearing you say shut up and put Jerome on the phone. I miss fussing b/c you and him would spend so much time after work on the phone talking about what happened... if only I knew I wouldn't have called him to dinner or told you all that was enough!!! It hurts so bad. Your mother is hurting so bad and I wish I could take the pain away. Donovon is doing so well w/ his little country self. He sounds just like Katie. Sometimes it seems unreal that you are gone.. Oh how I wish it was.... Well let me go and wipe the tears away......
February 28, 2006
Its been a while since I wrote but of course we think about you EVERY DAY!!! Your birthday is almost here and we will visit you and celebrate you on that special day. We have always went out to eat on your birthday and I still don't understand how it was always for yours, well I take that back you just wanted a free meal. You see my problem right now with my job and please do your best to help me. I have prayed the past couple of days and ask you to help turn the other girl from wanting the store and she did not accept it, so when they come to visit Danville send them in the bad parts of town. We miss you so much!!!! talk to ya later!!
February 22, 2006
Well it's almost ur birthday...I went by ur grave today & left u a water globe thing...I seen they put ur picture on ur headstone.It was a good one, u were smilimg so big...Well Happy Birthday...With all my love...
February 22, 2006
Hey, I seen ur mom the other day. We talked for a while, about how she's doing, Donovan, Corey...ya know...I was just wondering how everyone was doing.It was good to see her, to find out how everybody was...it was ...uh... soothing to see her. I'm glad her & Donovan have each other. I believe they will heal each other with time. The void ur death left in her heart will NEVER be filled, but I think through Donovan it will get easier. And I think the bond they have will help him deal with ur death.Well I'm gonna go...with sunshine...
February 17, 2006
Well Courtney its, been a few months since you've been gone, but your memory and voice will leave on with me. I talked to Katie every once in a while to see how they are doing. The academy was great with you, you made it a fun learning experience. I'll see you when I get to heaven, and we will rejoice together forever.
You boy and brother Mike Osei
Officer Mike Osei
February 15, 2006
Officer Dickerson, it seems like yesterday I was at your funeral. Hard to believe it's been three months since your departure. I know that you are in a much better place now and I know that you are looking over us from above in a positive light. Continue to be that bright star that I see at night when I glance into the heavens and continue to be my inspiration as I continue to move on in life. You will forever be missed brother in blue, you are a true hero. May God continue to bless your wife, son, parents, brother and the remainder of your loving family and true friends and may he continue to give them strength to move on as the days go by. Thank you so much for your dedicated service to the citizens that you served. (RIP)
February 12, 2006
Hey, I just wanted to drop u a line or 2... I left u a pink rose today ( for valentine's)I had to stick it in ur wreath, because the ground was to hard I hope ur mom ( or whoever put the wreath there) doesn't mind!Well I had sprite ( flat of course) today & I remember as I was shaking it I just looked up & smiled :)Ah... the things I do or...see...hear...or...say that reminds me of u. You know I really never thought so many things would remind me of u. Maybe now it's b/c that's all I have left...memories... Well the Steelers won so Corey should be on cloud 9! Courtney I feel like I could go on & on about this & that...it's been soooo long for me I can only imagine what ur family is going through. Remember my little brother throwing snow balls at ur truck? Ha-Ha!That just hit me & I thought I'd share it w/u. My little girl had to have surgery last week & I prayed that u would be sent down from Heaven to watch over her...all went well, so thx! Alright I'm gonna go...until next time...with all my love...
February 9, 2006
It's still so hard to know that you are not here with me to smile and to pick on my big head. I loved you so much even tho i never told you. you meant alot to us. Katie was really blessed only to have someone who loved her unconditionally as you did. you were a real man thankz you showimg me all men aren't the same. i'm going to visit your grave today to show u all respect if i cry just look past that..i gotta go please watch over me, ur beautiful wife, cute son and all your family. Keep Damian close, he is really trying to be strong but he loved you, looked up to you and when you lefted to go with your father it hurt him alot.
U kno who!
February 9, 2006
Courtney, just wanted to let you know we think about you everyday and we miss you so very much. Chauncey has finally accepted your death and he is doing much better. We love you. Your aunt and uncle:
Debra and Robert
Debra Wilson
February 6, 2006
Hey I just wanted to touch base w/u. Well valentine's day is coming... I wish u were gonna be here to share the luv...although I think u shared the luv enuf when u donated ur HEART!!At least a part of u ( other than Donovan)lives on...What a blessed man to receive a heart of pure gold...Well I vistied ur grave the other day & u know I try to go at least once a week, but sometimes it's still so hard to swallow back my tears...almost as if I still can't believe it.Well I'll go now...until next time...all my heart...
February 1, 2006
just wanted to say hey and as you can see the past couple of days has not been the best for your loving family members. It seems like you have been gone for a lifetime but it hasn't been three months yet. Corey has been so happy the past couple of weeks over his steelers winning and help me pray they win the superbowl so I don't have to hear that for the rest of our lives!!! I am sure you hear about it everyday though when I am not around. I know he talks to you everyday but the sad part about it is not getting a response back. I'm going now because the more I write the more I cry.
January 27, 2006
I hadn't "wrote" in a while...but I haven't forgot 'cha. I won't keep u long, I'm at work & had u on my mind, so I thought I'd drop u a line. It seems some new "angels in blue" have come to greet u...welcome them w/ open arms, which I know u will/did! Until next time........with sunshine.....
you know who
January 24, 2006
An Angel once wrote "People walk in and out of your life everyday, but only true friends leave footprints IN your heart." Well there has been some more letters about u in the newspaper, people who didn't even know u are trying to pass judgement...but for the ones who did know you loved you...I'm afraid more than you'll ever know...I just hope ur mom & everybody else will see the gratitude left here from people who did know & love u & also from those who did not know u. Courtney...to us you were a HERO! And no matter what uncalled for things are said that will never change...all my love...RIP.
you know who
January 16, 2006
Hey, it's me again. Well it's been 2 mths today...& I'm doing better than I thought I would.I'd have to say this is the best day Iv'e had since u left ur life on earth. I feel like maybe there really is a way I can get past all this...I see Crystal liked the poem & I'm glad,although she did cry as I did when I first came across it, I hope it did give her so comfort& I hope it will also offer comfort to some of ur other family.Well I don't guess I'll keep you too long tonight....With all my love...
you know who
January 11, 2006
I just want to say thanks for the poem it just seems like something courtney would say to all of us. It made me cry for a few minutes but every little thing like that helps us to get by every day. Just knowing that coutney left a good impression on everyone that came in contact with him makes us smile too, and we know it was some citizens he made upset but oh well that was his job. Everyone that knows courtney like I do knows he was a wonderful person and a great brother-in-law, I couldn't ask for better. And thanks Courtney for putting a stop to the crazy girl calling all the men and saying she was me, I have not heard anything since I talked to her mother and solved it all. The night you passed you called and told me not to worry about it because you would solve everything and you stuck to your word like you always did. As you can see I'm taking care of your brother just like you have always wanted me to do. We love you so much!!!!!
crystal smith
January 10, 2006
Well they have released the cause of your wreck & to say the least I'm upset w/ the results...But only you & God know why you were traveling so quickly to get to that alarm call.Well I visited ur grave again yesterday, for some reason when I go there or when I write to u here I feel like...I don't know, like it's the only way I have left to "talk" to u. Anyways I ran across this poem I'm gonna leave u & I hope it will offer some comfort to ur mom, Corey & Crystal, Donovan,Bria, "The Boys" & the rest of ur family & friends. It helped me to see that u really are gone & it has Courtney wrote all over it! I love u...RIP...
A letter from Heaven
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say ...but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven.
Here I dwell with God above.Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon, and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through, God picked me up and hugged me and He said "I welcome you."
"It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone. As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on."
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do. And foremost on the list, was to watch & care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight, God and I are closest to you...in the middle if the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years because you are only human, they are bound to bring you to tears.
But do not be afraid to cry;
It does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy ans I'd like it for you too...that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain, then you can say to God at night... "My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented...that my life has been worthwhile, knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low, just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When your'e walking down the street, and youv'e got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free, remember your'e not going...your'e coming here to me.
Author Unknown
you know who
January 9, 2006
I'm not quite sure how to begin this. Although I never had the pleasure to meet Officer Dickerson, I used his story for a presentation in my public speaking class this past semester in college. The speech assignment was to honor an individual or a group, and because my father, Deputy Lee Russ, Ward County Sheriff's Office EOW 10/29/00, was killed in the line of duty, I chose to honor fallen law enforcement officers in my speech. I chose Officer Dickerson's story, along with a few other's, to show the everyday risks that our protectors face.
I was reading the reflections for Trooper B.J. Zachary, Texas DPS, EOW 1/1/06, because he was from my small hometown of Monahans in west Texas. While reading these, I came across one written by a person who identified herself as a friend of Officer Dickerson, and of course I immediately recognized the name. What an appropriate reminder that we are all joined, not only in our sadness when losing a loved one, but in our support of others in their time of need.
Thank you, Officer Dickerson, for your service to your country, state, and community. May God watch over your family as they go through this difficult time.
Miranda R.
January 8, 2006
Our time together was short my friend but the academy sure was fun. I'll miss you greatly bud just as all us graduates of the ole academy will. Good luck to your family and my prayers will always go out to them. Love ya bro.
Deputy S.F. Barnes
Henry County Sheriff's Office
January 7, 2006
courtney, just letting u know how much we miss and love u. We think about you each and every day, just keep watching over us. Love corey and crystal
Crystal and Corey
January 7, 2006
Courtney... where do I start? It's been almost 2 mths since ur passing & I'm still having a really hard time. People tell me "remember the good times u had w/ Courtney" but when I "remember" it's that much harder for me to accept the fact that ur gone. Remember flat sprite.... cotton candy bubblegum...ur hat flyin' off when u opened the car door to throw something out 4 me...the sopranos...spencers.... olive garden...wal-mart...I could go on & on & on but there's no need 4 u know all this. I really miss u & even though we were not close in the end you were a wonderful person & the time we had together was truly a blessing. I may never know why things ended up the way they did but it was all for good reason. However I don't know when I'll ever truly be able to get past this WHOLE ordeal but if & when I do I will NEVER EVER 4get u! If I sit & think about ONE memory of u long enough I can see ur smile & sometimes still even hear your voice...Oh how happy I'd be just to have you here... I wish we coulda had a "goodbye" although I did see u the tuesday b4 the accident at Hylton's store on Mt. Cross just in passing by but maybe that was our"goodbye"...But I know that u now walk the beat w/ our MASTER...ur my angel in blue & at times that is the only comfort I can find. Please keep Donovan safe, from what I hear he's having a really hard time. He misses his daddy!Please let there be comfort for him & the rest of ur family. I pray that Donovan will be able 2 learn from others what kind of MAN u were...so kind...so loving...so true.And if he grows up 2 be anything like u he will be a wonderful lil' image of his daddy!Well I could probably go on 4ever about this & that but I won't... Just keep ur eyes on ur little one, ur family , friends, & "The boys"....we all need u but beyond the call of duty this time... May u rest in peace...I love you truly, madly deeply...
you know who
January 3, 2006
December 22, 2005