Fort Lauderdale Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, October 8, 2005
Reflections for Patrolman Jose Antonio Diaz
My fiancé, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis was a Deputy Sheriff with the Davis County Sheriff's Office in SE Iowa. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Jose did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Jose be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Patrolman Diaz' family, friends, and co-workers are going through in losing him. My heart goes out to you all. No one can truly understand the pain of loss until they've walked in our shoes. Please know that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone in your "journey". Should you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. (The Davis County Sheriff's Office will always know how to reach me.)
As a fallen officer "survivor" and a friend, please accept my condolences on behalf of myself and the McElderry family. I never got the opportunity to know Jose but, I am certain he was well respected and well loved. Jose will live on in the hearts of all the lives he touched. You were all blessed to have been able to know and love Jose, even for a short time. I pray that Jose, Dennis, and all the other fallen officers will continue to watch over us all as only they can.
Thank you Patrolman Diaz for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please say "hello" to my fiancé Dennis for me.
Wishing you and all those who's lives you touched brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
November 11, 2005
Jose it has taken me several weeks to be able to sit down and write to you. I remember when we got hired together and we traveled to PBCC for seemed like an eternity. I miss seeing you in the hall and hearing you say "yo kid what's up" You will always be remembered. Rest in peace and we have your watch now.
Off. Brent Chase
Ft. Lauderdale PD
November 9, 2005
Thank You for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
November 7, 2005
Jose. As your family looks back, they can see the many colleagues and citizens that you touched their lives. We are all proud of the life you led. We are inspired by your dedication to your brothers and the city of Fort Lauderdale and New York City. You met the highest tradition of the Police Department. Now for those who have been left behind, may God grant your family, the extended police family and your friends the courage, strength and peace that they need in this tragic time.
Chaplain Transue
Norfolk, VA Police Department
October 27, 2005
My family would like to extend our deepest heart felt sympathies to the family, friends, and fellow co-workers of Patrolman Jose Diaz. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We would like to let law enforcement officers everywhere know how much we appreciate them for putting their lives on the line everyday doing their jobs to keep their communities safe. May God watch over and protect each & everyone of you!
Gail M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2-16-04
October 26, 2005
Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. May GOD bless you all. Rest in peace, Sir.
Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Office John Logan EOW-3-14-04
October 25, 2005
October 22, 2005
I have been debating for days about what to write to you Jose. I feel sad that I never had the pleasure of knowing you while you were here,because of all the great things that I hear about you. I feel blessed and saddened in the way that I did finally meet you. I feel blessed to have met your amazing family and to have been taken in by all of your friends and fellow officers on the job that offered me tremendous support during and after this entire unfortunate incident.
I can tell you a few things about what I have learned thru this. I have learned what an amazing father, friend and officer that you were, your endless reflections on this page are just the beginning. I can tell you that after speaking with everyone about you and finding out the person that you were that I became a cop to be like you. I can also tell you that a day will not go by that I will not think about you and about the amazing bond that you and I will share until we meet again up in Heaven. I know without a doubt that you will forever be my guardian angel and that God had a plan for putting me there with you that night. It was only my first week here on FLPD, but I hope that I can help your name live on and that I can have half the impact on people that you have had while you were here. Tell God I said hello while your sitting by his side and continue to watch out for all of us from up there as you did down here.
God Speed Brother!
P.O. Douglas Silk
October 22, 2005
I always told you that you were an angel, and you would just smile. I feel honored to be able to call one of God’s angels on Earth my friend. I still can’t believe you’ve moved on so soon. I know this is what you were preparing for during your time here. Your mission was to help people and you did it without complaint. You’ve touched thousands of lives, from being at Ground Zero on 9-11, to the children you saved from drowning last year, to me. I hope you know how much of an impact you had on my life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did. Every time I want to cry, I play back all of the talks we had, especially the ones where you helped me deal with my fiance’s death. I’m trying to apply everything you taught me now so that you know your words didn’t fall on deaf ears. I want to show you that I did learn what you were here to teach me. I imagine if you were sitting here what you would say to comfort us. I'll miss you terribly but I know you’re where you’re meant to be. Now that you have your wings you can help us even more than you did when you were here. To my brother, my friend, my guardian angel: You are loved, you will be missed and you'll never be forgotten. You live on in every one you’ve touched, especially your children. I know they’ll continue to make you proud. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, and I know you’re with them too. Until we see each other again…
Tonie Farace
October 20, 2005
God Speed My Fallen Friend. I didn't know you but always mourn the loss of a
fellow law enforcement officer. God's strength and love to your family and friends.Keep the faith and his memories
alive. We will never forget a fallen brother or sister.
Lt. Rhonda Sanders
Wetumpka PD, AL
October 20, 2005
The policeman stood and faced his God, which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shinning just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman. How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To My church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said, "No lord. I guess I ain't. Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint."
I've had to work most Sundays and at time my talk was rough... and sometimes I've been violent because the streets are awful tough."
"But I never took a penny, that wasn't mine to keep... though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills got just to step."
"And I never passed a cry for help, though at time I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I wept unmanly tears."
"I know I don't deserve a place mong the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fear."
"If you have a place for me here, Lord it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don't... I'll understand."
There was a silence all around the throne, where the saints had often trod, as the policeman waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk the beat on Heavens streets. You've done your time in hell."
October 19, 2005
I delivered Officer Jose Diaz's eulogy at his memorial service on 10/13/05 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Officer Diaz was laid to rest on Saturday, 10/15/05 in New York City, NY. I would like to share that eulogy with family and friends who were not able to attend the memorial in Ft. Lauderdale:
Family and honored guests:
On behalf of myself, and the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, please accept our deepest sympathies on your tragic loss. It is often said that the law enforcement community is a family. We work together, face dangers together and share in each others triumphs and losses. Today, we want you to know that we grieve for José as we would for the loss of a brother.
Officer Jose Diaz began his law enforcement career in February 1994 with the New York City Police Department. In his 9 years of service with NYPD, Jose served in numerous roles including road patrol, youth services, gang intelligence, anti-crime and community policing. Officer Diaz was on duty September 11, 2001, when terrorist struck New York City; he worked heroically through that event proudly serving along side his brothers and sisters in blue.
In March of 2003, Jose came to Fort Lauderdale as a seasoned law enforcement officer. One of his stated goals was to further his career growth and to increase his opportunities for advancement. In short order, Jose did just that. He earned outstanding reviews from his supervisors and the citizens he served alike. Jose's skills as a police officer and his spotless record made him a top choice for the recently created Tactical Impact Unit, which is tasked with combating violent crime. He earned multiple commendations for outstanding performance of duty. In one instance last June, he received both Officer of the Month honors and a Lifesaving Award for saving three drowning children.
Another example of service that so aptly describes this officer is a testimony provided to us a couple days ago by an elderly gentleman upon learning of Officer Diaz's death. He wanted us to know the impact Jose had on his life. The gentleman said that he had become depressed due to his wife now having to live in nursing home. Every Wednesday, he would see Officer Diaz working a security detail at a construction site on the beach. Upon learning of the gentleman's troubled times, Jose would take the time to talk to him, reassure him and lift his spirits. He stated Jose would embrace him and tell him that he would be all right. In his words, the time spent with Jose meant everything to him.
Beyond his professional abilities, Jose's personality made him well liked and respected by his peers and supervisors. He was quick with a smile and demonstrated a sincere concern for the wellbeing of his friends and family. It is in this way that Jose's family and friends speak of his kindness, caring, and a faith in God that we see the kind of man he was and that we all strive to be.
Most notable is the award I will humbly present to Officer Diaz today. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department's Medal of Honor signifies Jose's supreme sacrifice in service to the community he was sworn to protect. His sincere commitment to his oath and his fellow officers could not be more evident than in his heroic return to duty to assist other officers even when he had already left after a long day's work. This Medal of Honor immortalizes Jose's selflessness and heroism, as well as recognizes his highly regarded service to humanity.
Jose Diaz's work in this challenging profession should be emulated by all who serve in the ranks of law enforcement. His example of duty and selflessness shine like a beacon for us all to follow. There is no greater description than exemplary to best depict Jose's work, and no better term than honorable to illustrate his life. God bless each of you as you mourn today, and know that while Officer Jose Diaz's tour of duty with us has ended, this good and faithful servant has just begun his tour in heaven. May he continue to watch over us and continue to protect his law enforcement family.
Chief Bruce G. Roberts
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
October 19, 2005
To the wife, son and daughter of Patrolman Diaz I offer my deepest sympathy. Your loved one was obviously a man who was not afraid to take risks in wanting to protect and serve his community and his bravery was unfortunately evident as attested to by this tragic accident. May you always remember him as heroic and those of us survivor families will honor and never forget the sacrifices made by all those willing souls who are not afraid to put their lives on the line in performance of their duty. May God comfort his family and fellow officer at this sad time and may God's perpetual light shine upon Officer Diaz and may he rest in His eternal peace.
Anita L. Culosi
sister of Tpr. S.J. Embarrrato eow 7/6/61
October 19, 2005
It seems like yesterday that I arrived at the FLPD. My first day there they assigned me to ride with you because my training officer happened to be off. By the end of that ten hour shift it felt like we met in our NYPD academy class of '94. We parked on the beach and called Diedra at the "44" and she cussed us out for thinking we were cute. We talked about "the job" and what brought us to south florida and FLPD. We shared so many views, wishes, and dreams. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't call to see how things were going for me. We oftened talked about going back to the "BX" and visiting with old friends. Needless to say I didn't think we would be going back under these circumstances.
Your memorial service was incredible kid. I can honestly say that I am proud to be a Ft. Lauderdale Police Officer with the send off they gave you.
I got off the plane coming back from NY, hugged and kissed your wife and your children and they thanked me for my support during this difficult time. On my way home I stopped and thought that they shouldn't be thanking me, I should be thanking you. Even in your passing you have shared with me. In the last week i've had the honor to spend time with your beautiful family. I see what a wonderful father and husband you were. Your son is a man beyond his years, I know how proud you are of him. I now know why you call your daughter your princess, and she is in every sense of the word. If I can be half the father, husband, cop, and man that you are, I will still have accomplished much. To say I love you like a brother does you no justice, because you are my brother. I will watch over your family as if they were my own. Peace Kid, I love you, will deeply miss you, hold it down until we meet again.
Patrolman Richard Rivera #1503
October 18, 2005
As I sit back & read what others have wrote I still can't believe your gone. Jose, you are one of the few who recognized that the purpose of life is far greater than personal fulfillment, peace of mind, and even happiness. You accepted & allowed the Lord to do his will. I admire not only your strength during times of struggle, but the truth behind the source of such strength. I know your exactly where you need to be, sitting at the right hand of the Lord. Finally....... resting in peace.
Karla Cespedes, cousin & friend
October 18, 2005
I still cannot believe that your gone. It was so hard going to your service and realizing that it was about you. The time we spent together I won't ever forget and I wish there were some way to tell you how appreciated you were by both your family and friends. All of us miss you, and it makes me proud to say that you were part of my family. I'll see you in heaven!
October 18, 2005
I did not know personally but eveytime a brother in blue is lost, the brotherhood feels the pain. St, Michael Arc Angel which our protector, clearly states,"Though We Walk Through The Valley of the Shadow of Death We Fear NO EVIL!" GOD BE WITH YOU, Because he has attained a great warrior.
Det. Alberico Crespo
Hialeah P.D.
October 18, 2005
As President of the Fort Lauderdale F.O.P. making the preparations for an Officer's funeral is the most difficult task. I can assure you that you will always be in my thoughts and that your wife, son and daughter will never be alone. You will be in our hearts forever.
Jack Lokeinsky
October 18, 2005
To Officer Diaz and Family,
Being at your ceremony was an honor, you will always remain in our hearts.
Brother Diaz, we will be on the road next week and we will never forget about you.
God Bless you and your family and may he keep you safe.
Police Academy Class #234
October 18, 2005
Jose, it seems like yesterday that we were riding together on one of your first days at FLPD. Before long, we were reunited as teammates in TIU. I wish there could be more memories, but the ones we had will last a lifetime. You will be greatly missed brother, and never forgotten. Your children and wife will never be alone, and always taken care of. Thank you NYPD 44th Pct., for all that you did for his family, friends, and co-workers. Your generosity will never be forgotten. You are at peace now, fly. One day we will meet again, and just like old friends, look forward to shaking your hand.
Patrolman TIU John Graul
Ft. Lauderdale Police Dept.
October 17, 2005
It has been an honor and a pleasure to have met and to serve with you. Since meeting you, I just knew you always had a good heart, and it deeply saddens me that you are gone from this earth. However, knowing that you are now watching over us gives me the strength to continue putting on the blue uniform and to go out there at night and encounter the unknown. My wishes and prayers are with you and your family. I will never forget you.
Ofc Anthony Johnson 1394
October 17, 2005
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We as a police family in chesapeake just lost one of our own, we hate that we have another agency,wife,family out there hurting. God Bless you.
Disp Kendrick
Chesapeake Police
October 17, 2005
RIP Brother, You may have left us here on earth but you'll never leave our hearts. See you in heaven brother
October 16, 2005
It is with a sense of fraternal loss I send this reflection. I am a frequent visitor to Fort Lauderdale in Spring and Fall and as such feel a sincere bond with the Fort Lauderdale Police. My sincere condolences to the family of Jose and of course to his brother and sister officers.
Sergeant Vern Martyn (Retired)
Toronto Police Service
October 16, 2005
Jose my Brother, I have just returned to Florida from New York. The services you received both in Ft. Lauderdale and NY were top notch. Nothing less would have done you justice. Your T.I.U. brothers miss you greatly. Go with God my friend! Many thanks to our Brothers and Sisters of the NYPD who helped us in this difficult time, opening their hearts and sharing our pain. God bless the Diaz family.
Tactical Officer Carl Hannold
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
October 16, 2005