Fort Lauderdale Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, October 8, 2005
Reflections for Patrolman Jose Antonio Diaz
We give our loved ones back to G-d,
And just as He first gave them to us,
And did not lose them in the giving,
So we have not lost them in returning them to Him..
For life is eternal,
Love is immortal,
Death is only a horizon,
And a horizon is nothing but the limit
of our earthly sight.
Author unknown.
May you Rest in Peace and May Our Lord, comfort,strengthen and Bless your family.
October 4, 2006
Hey Jose, well you know they say, time flies. We (your friends) still talk of the memories we shared with you. I still talk about the day before God took you. We were setting up to do a surveillance of a wanted person for murder. We dressed to look the part in the neighborhood we were going into. Just then someone said that the suspect was leaving the area on a bike. We moved in and grabbed him without him knowing what was going on. We drove him to the Detective's bureau where he was positively identifed. For the rest of the day in the car we laughed and talked about it. Both of us being from New York reflected on the things we both missed. We New Yorkers here in Florida seem to always have a special bond. I joined the Honor Guards since then. It's my way of keeping in touch we reality and mainly showing support to your family and families that have lost. We went to NYC on Sept. 15, 2006. Of course we met with you family and went to see the head stone your wife put up. It looks great. Like I said, time flies and you are missed. I got the call to do your memorial service of one year Oct. 8th. It will be an Honor. Never goodbye, I'll see you later kid.
Detective Allen Diamond
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
October 4, 2006
Hey, It's been almost a year, (wow !!!!)
It seem so new I still can't believe your really gone ... Life seems so crazy. Sometimes, I think I can't deal w/things anymore. But, Then I feel you there,giving me that "You better Not, Ever give up." Beleive you me I'm trying.I can't understand how the good always go first, I know I shouldn't be saying this or feeling this way. But, I just can't help it. That should of been others in your's & mami's spot!! "YEa YEA, I know stop acting up... You know me, I just miss you so much. You know, you can only push reality but so far into your head, it's still going to eventually pop right back up in your face. Then it's time to deal w/it again... So much I wanna say to you & I can't. I show the kids your pictures & they LOVE wearing your shirt. "Yea, They had to have their own".Believe you me,It hurts but they wear it so proudly & that's what hurts more they didnt have enough time w/you. It's a shame cause I still remember it all & I know what my 3 kids are missing... you ARE the best TIO ever...
We always keep you in our hearts & prayers ...
Keep us in your Heavenly Hands & Protect us always ...
We LOVE you, We MISS you, God BLESS you
Always in my heart & mind,
Yara "La Loca"
October 3, 2006
As the day grows nearer, I cannot believe it has been almost year since you left us. There is not a day that goes by that I don't walk into the station and look at your picture in the case and talk to you, even if it just to say good morning. It seems like just yesterday we were all joking about you and Dave and the things you two encountered on the road together taking pictures and referring to you guys as Chips n Salsa,all of the conversations we had however brief at the smoking table in the sallyport, and seeing your smile light up so many peoples' days and lives. I know you are watching over all of us and are doing God's work but that doesn't make it any easier or make us miss you any less. Fort Lauderdale is certainly not the same without you.
September 28, 2006
Jose, I only knew you for a short time. In that time, you always lifted my spirits! You would come in with a big smile, and make us all laugh. I am so glad for the time I got to know you. Ft. Lauderdale isn't the same without you, and your goofy hat. You are truly missed. Your memory will always live on in my heart..
Cassie- Friend
September 14, 2006
September 11, 2006
As I sit here and type it seems like none of this is real. To me you are at work. Unfortunately you seem to be working for ever. It's starting to get harder to except and I'm tired of this dream I'm having, or is it really true that you are not here. Everytime I come here and read the reflections people have left it reminds me of how you had a way with people. As we get closer to your anniversary (October 8)I seem to miss you more and more. (This is one of the worst day's of our lives, we lost you and I can't except)People say only time can heel the pain but, in my case it seems like time just gives me more pain. People say we have to learn to except GODS will and never ask WHY but, I hate to say I can't seem to stop asking WHY YOU!! I miss you so much that I don't know if looking at this page makes things better. But I do love looking at that handsome face of your's. Just today I found a stone you found at the beach just day's before you left us And I remember you saying it had an eye and that I should carry it with me so you could always watch me. That stone helped me today to laugh and remember your crazy ways which I miss so so much. It's little things like this that make me feel that you are still here. I sent Rob, the FLPD, the FOP and the 44th precient some plaques just thanking them for everything they have done. I must tell you that if it's true that you are not here you made sure we stood with great people and let me tell you that all the above mentioned and the C.O.P.S organization have helped us keep your memory alive and we are truly greatful to them. Some of the guys from FLPD are coming up on September 15 and guess what they are going to visit you here. Those are what you call true family. Honey you made friends and now they are our family. Thank you for being YOU!!! And I thank God for putting you in my path. We miss you and pray for your protection. Till we meet again luv ya!!!!!!!!!!
September 4, 2006
As I sat here once again reading the beautiful and touching words of others, some who never even met you, I found myself getting angry that more of those who worked with you at the 44 haven't written something. Then I realized I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING EITHER! WHY!! .......... It hurts too much to think of you as not being in this world. Of not seeing your bright smile or those understanding beautiful eyes. Of never being able to talk to you again! These are thoughts that instantly make me cry.
Then as if you had whispered it in my ear, I understood why I haven't written and why so many others have not. If we do this will be real, it will be true and you will really be gone! But you will always be with us, you are in our hearts, our memories, you have touched us all! You were an extraordinary man! You will never die because you have made such a strong impression on all of those you came into contact with! You always knew that you were meant for something greater than this but we all misunderstood you and thought we could watch you soar! Now you fly with a tougher crew than those of us left here. Fly brother...He has big plans for you!
My one big regret is missing your memorial here in NY. There are no excuses but you were #3 in a trio of loss in just over two weeks and I didn't find out until the day after the memorial. For this I am truly sorry...but I know you would forgive me with a smile and a great big hug.....even if I can never forgive myself.
Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope I can be half the parent, partner and friend you were.
I love you and you will alway be in my heart!
(For those of you who have come here and read but have not written: I understand and have done it several time myself over the past 10 months. It is heartbreaking but helpful to read other thoughts. Let me say that somehow it helps to write down how you feel! It almost feels like Jose himself is telling you that he is alright and giving you one of those great big Jose hugs! Try it! Maybe what you say will help someone else too!)
Retired Police Officer
NYPD - 44th Precinct
August 21, 2006
It's amazing how much has changed at FLPD in the year since I started. I stopped a vehicle in the same area of the accident today and I couldn't help but to think about you and what happened. I kinda made me more alert and to keep my guard up, I guess it was your way of looking out for me. I proudly wear my "1487" pin on my uniform shirt everyday and so does everyone else. You are definately not forgotten and very much a hero. God Bless...
Ft. Lauderdale Police
August 16, 2006
I’m sorry I haven’t written to you. This very hard for me, it just feels like yesterday that you were calling Anthony checking up on him when he was here. There is so much I have to say about you. Men like you are rare. You are heaven sent. You were put on this Earth to touch many souls. You touched mine. You made me a better person you didn’t even know it. I thank you.
Today you were honored for your heroism. Giving your life to serve and protect human life. You were honored by your love ones and fellow comrades. Today I honor you for being a great father, husband and friend.
Jose when you walked into a room it lit up. Your halo lit sooo brightly. There is nothing negative to say about you. You were beautiful inside and out. (You knew you were cute too. Your kids are that way too.)
I stood back and always observed what a great dad you were. Destiny your princess never did anything wrong in your eyes. One always felt the love you had for Daddy’s Little Girl. Anthony your son, the endless talks of life you would have with him. You were teaching him to be a better man in the future. How you and Sylvia could dance to any Spanish song that was playing on the radio. I can honestly say you two are best friends soul mates. That’s very rare to find. You treasured your family.
Jose it is very hard to talk about you in the past tense. It’s hard to except that you’re not working this Earth with us. That in years to come there will be family functions and you won’t ask me to dance. You had a way of making me look like a star on the dance floor.
I talk to you everyday. I ask you to give your family strength, to ease their pain. I ask you to let me bare the pain for them. I truly know their hurts. I know the love they have for you.
I have always been there but today I promise and I will honor you. If your family needs me I will be there. I’m a phone call away and a two hour flight to NY. I will be there shoulder that they can cry on. I will be there to ease their pain. In good or in bad.
You will live in my heart forever. Till we dance again…
Gina Vazquez
Sister-in _law and Compadres
May 15, 2006
Sorry it's taken so long to write something here but I just don't know where to start. This year,we will be honoring you at the Law Enforcement Memorial in DC, it's so hard to see all the Officers names on the wall and to know that your name will be added also. You've accomplished so much in your short time with FLPD and your family has so much to be proud of. You've touched many hearts here and in NY not only your fellow officers but the many you vowed to "Serve and Protect". You truly did make a difference and I'm proud to have worked with you.
You are deeply missed.
Officer Crystal Brignoni
Fort Lauderdale PD
May 11, 2006
Officer Diaz,
I still look back on the reflections about the kind of Cop you were and everyday I go to work and hope that I can be half the Officer you are....thank you for your inspiration...RIP...
Deputy Newton
Broward Sheriffs Office
April 12, 2006
My Baby Brother,it has been very difficult for me to accept that you are no longer here. People say it gets easier as time goes by. As I sit here with tears in my eyes, I say, "it isn't so". My heart aches so much that it hurts. "I miss you sooo much". I miss hearing your voice and when you called me "loca fea". Growing up, I always knew you were meant to do great things. I love you & always will. I know you're in heaven with mom, grandpa and uncle right beside God, protecting and watching over us. You wanted to be a star. Well kid, you are so much more. I am so so proud of you so is Victor & the kids. You are our hero. You always put others before you. You never once stop to think of yourself and that night was no different. You were always there for the one in need or protection. Never selfish. You taught me so much more. Just one more lesson, show me how to live without you. Cause I can't. You're a major part of my life. My heart is broken and can not be repair. "I love you Jose", you will always be in my heart and in my every thought. Rest in iternal peace my brother.
Your Sister, Marisol
March 24, 2006
"WatzUp" We all know it's you! You were our Guardian Angel on Earth, now you'r our Angel w/Wings in Heaven ... As I type I can't believe the keys I am touching & what they're spelling & saying,your gone. Tio Jose, I'mma miss you sosososo much. My kids are sadden to know that you won't be able to be the God-Father here on earth. But they know you will be from heaven, Go on be about your "bad" self, I always told Titi; How I envied her, You were the best in almost everything,just wasn't great at making jokes & dancing reggae.(haha)Luv U. Well man what can I say I miss you "KID". You made me smile on my wosrt days when I thought the end was here. "YOU WERE SO SPECIAL".What a WASTE! I'm so proud of being your niece & having the honor of having you in the family. Jose,loosing you was like losing my own blood... It hurts so bad. I guess "Bye" for now my silly clown.
Know that we love you & miss you deeply. REST IN PEACE
PS. Say hi to mami(Smiley)for me.
Ya better behave up there, Ya didn't know how to act when ya were together. Oh'Yeah, Dance like crazy, ya have alot of catching up to do. "Bachata & Freestyle" Luv U KID.
Yara-Lee (niece)
March 24, 2006
My brother, My friend:
I rarely use the term friend but for you it qualifies. I still remember some of the moments we had discussing family and other issues in the parking lot at 32 & Fed. Know that you are truly missed and my prayers are constantly with your family. I will never forget the one thing you did for me that day and I will be eternally grateful. You are the epitome of a police officer and your family should be oh so proud. I will never forget you. As strange as it sounds, I still can't take your cell # out of my phone. It is my way of holding on to you!
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Ofc. Doni E. Robinson, I
Fort Lauderdale PD
March 9, 2006
Come take flight with me into the raging storm
like paired doves on the wings of time.
Far, far away from your safe harbor
where reality is but a self-made illusion.
Come let us find the meaning of life,
the essence of love where what is, is not, is.
Like Sand Dollars scattered along a secluded beach
imperfect in their form, deceiving to the naked eye.
Come take a closer look and relinquish your fears, quell your doubts, for you are safe with me.
Gently break it open, experience my gift to you
yours for the taking... doves of love, happiness and joy.
Come take flight with me into the raging storm
like paired doves on the wings of time...
Don Quixote, "The Phantom Writer"
Kim P.
kindred spirit
March 6, 2006
Hi Hon; You don't know how hard its been to write. It just doesn't feel right its like we were on the phone yesterday talking about me getting a ticket in NY for making a right turn on the light. I remember telling you how sorry I was because I forgot that you can't make a right in NY when the light is red. And like always you told me not to worry that you was taking care of it. You were going to talk to a buddy who now is in FLPD about the ticket. Funny that it turned out to be Rich Rivera who ended up being my shoulder through out the service and through everything we went thru after Oct 8,05. It has definetly been difficult for me and the kids. I always thought that I would go first since I was the one who loved to drink. I remember how just 2 days before I came to NY you were telling me that you had a different purpose on earth. And you needed to find out because you wanted to start that purpose. Our last walk at the beach is an image that has kept me going throug out these days. Just seeing you run into the water telling me " come join me you are going to miss this while you are in NY" you said to me im going to visit the beach everyday for you until you get back on the 12th of october. You said remember that when you get back we are going to have another baby. I just looked at you and said you are nuts. So many things that we went thru and so many years together. We started dating on September 25, 1983 and you acted like everyday was our first. I'm sorry for not appreciating you a bit more, for not giving you that 3rd baby, for not enjoying the beach the way you did, for always being difficult with you, i'm sorry sorry sorry. You were my first man and my true love and that will never change. There will not be no one who can replace you in my heart.
Just wanted everyone who reads this to know that my email was created by you and this is it "onemanslady" you were something else Jose, I will always be your browneyes and you will always be my spade. Until we met again, may you be at peace and help me with the kids from up there. You trolu missed for all your crazy ways and for just being you. Hasta pronto mi loco.
Wife Sylvia Diaz
March 1, 2006
This is a Biography I did on my uncle Jose which I got an A on.
In Loving Memory of my Uncle/Godfather
I am dedicating this biography to a man that went beyond the call of duty .He was a husband, father, brother, uncle, and a friend to lots of people. He was fun to be with. A prankster, but most of all he was honest, trustworthy, and an honorable man all around. This man is my uncle/godfather Jose A. Diaz.
Jose was born May 13, 1968.In Banao, Dominican Republic. At the age of nine his family made the ultimate decision to immigrate to America. Where life would be richer for their future. They made New York City Home. My uncle went to a High School called Art and Design. This where he met my aunt Sylvia. They both wanted to become Artist. That wouldn’t happen because my aunt became pregnant.
Uncle Jose dropped out of school to support my aunt. He was a hard worker. He worked for different companies. But he always knew he wanted to do something bigger in his life. He wanted to become a police officer.
While studying to become a police officer he first needed to become a U.S. citizen. That was put on hold. My aunt became pregnant again. But in June of 1992 my uncle became an United States Citizen. He knew once he could accomplish this goal he could accomplish anything.
Two years later he did. He became a New York City Police Officer. He was great at his job. He had lots of respect from the youth of the community. He had a big heart. He would buy dinner for the homeless. He would also feed the stray animals. He was a spiritually grounded. He did Gods work on Earth. This is something he did for ten years.
In the year 2003 he and my aunt decided to move to Florida. For a better life for their family. He retired as a New York City Police Officer. A month later he joins the academy. So he can become a Fort Lauderdale Police Officer.
He earned a lot of awards and metal in the short time at FLPD. He saved the live of two drowning kids. After every arrest he and his partner would sing "Bad Boy Bad Boys" theme song.
He always made the job enjoyable for his fellow brothers even at its most dangerous times. I can honestly say he loved his job.
On October 8, 2005 my uncle Jose was coming off of duty when he stopped to assist other officers with a traffic stop near I95 and I595 interchange in Fort Lauderdale. Because of the darkness, the area between the two highways appeared to have a solid surface. He attempted to take cover on the other side of the overpass barrier and jumped over it. He fell 110 feet and landed on the ground below. He died instantly.
My uncle wore his badge on his heart. He was a workaholic. But he always made time for his family, friends, and fellow officers. Always dependable, Always willing to give a helping hand. We believe he did Gods work on earth.
My uncle when he was alive he walked this earth he was an angle without his wings. Now he has gained his wings.
Nephew Javier Vazquez Jr.
February 28, 2006
My brother. My friend. I miss you very much. I wish you were still here with us. I just finished FTO. I might be staying in district II/evening shift for a little while. At least until shift change. I know that I still have alot to learn. There's always room for improvement, right... Nevertheless, I'll never forget how you did the job. You were the type of cop that I always dreamt of being while growing up in Bronx, New York. Simple little stuff, like waving at kids as you're patrolling the neighborhood. It always made me feel special when a cop waved at me as a kid. I remember wanting to be a HERO like the big, tall, tough looking Irish/Italian cops that worked the subway, which I rode to school as a kid. Well, now I'am one of those guys, except the tall, tough-looking part/LOL). Anyway, I hope you continue watching over me for the rest of my days. Please guide me to always "do what's right", to be courageous, especially when EVIL rears its ugly head, so that I may come home at the end of my shift. I promise to always strive for self-improvement, to do the job as well as you did, and to never lose sight of the true meaning of the silent oath we both took to "SAFEGUARD THE HELPLESS & CRUSH EVIL".
Officer Rolando Rivera #1551
Ft. Lauderdale P.D.
January 13, 2006
We miss you brother.
You will never be forgotten.
Ofc. B. Dodge
January 3, 2006
As many others that have left reflections, I did not have the pleasure of meeting you. However in a way, you have made my decision of coming to FLPD even more secure. I learned of your passing in the days I prepared to move from Oakland County MI., and thought is "is this a sign"? But I came anyway. Then my first day as a FLPD officer was 10/24 (Wilma), Again I thought "is this a sign"? But I stayed anyway. Since then, I have been working with some of the greatest people both new and seasoned officers alike. I have heard them speak of your name, courage, integrity, and most of all their pleasure of being your friend and brother. As of now, I realize this has all very much been "a sign". A sign that I have elected to work side by side with some of the finest officers I have ever seen. I have come to understand that you ARE a true hero and will be missed very much. Live on and protect US as you have the citizens you have served!
Officer Jon Bohm
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
December 2, 2005
We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of a loved one in law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support. As we personally know, sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 28, 2005
It has taken me along time to do this, not only because I had no internet service, but because I couldn't think of what to say. Even though we speak daily, it seems that today I cannot find the words to express my feelings for all to read. We were hired together. 2 guys from different parts of the street from differnt parts of world. Both of us had different experiences and ways of doing things. However, we were put together for a reason. I have never met a man like you before, nor will I ever again. Your spiritual stength and passion for "the job" is unsurpassed. Together we were an unstopable team. There was no task that we could not not complete. You helped me grow so much since I met you. From the first, "What's up kid", 3 years ago, to our final "Later........bye" we were family. You helped me through so many bad times and made me see so many things within myself that so few, if any, see. I will never forget the talks we had, the laughs we shared, and the "4D" incidents that occured. They could not keep us apart when we worked together on patrol and did not dare to seperate us on TIU. Every time I look to heaven to for advice I know you'll send me down the right path. I will watch over your family the best I can, even if I have to go to the "boogy down". I love your family like my own and always will. We still have so much work to do, I know you will always continue to be there for me. Thank you to the "44" and members of NYPD and Port Authority for their hospitality. In closing, because you and I know I can't shut up, to my brother, friend, partner; I love you, miss you and look forward to seeing you again. Until that time, "Don't worry kid, I got this !"
Ptl David M Soika TIU
November 23, 2005
Mr. Diaz, your instincts made you stop that day,and you paid with the ultimate sacrifice. You did what every law enforcement officer should always do "Back up each other."
Even though I have not been an officer for as long as you were, this is something that I will never forget from the old school trainers, always back up your brothers in uniform, you are a Hero and a role model for all of us. Thank you. God bless you and your family. Rest in peace my brother, the watch in ours now.
Det. L. Arteaga
November 15, 2005
All my love goes out to the Diaz family. Jose touched my heart without ever meeting me. I never had the opportunity to meet Jose personally, but I had heard many great things about him from my husband, Allen. They worked together briefly and he truly was a wonderful husband, father, friend, mentor… an all around good person. He seemed to have touched every heart he had ever met. I will never understand why these things happen but I pray that God gives the family the endurance to continue in the way that Jose would have wanted them to. God Bless, Nadine Diamond
Nadine Diamond - Officers Wife
Fort Lauderdale
November 13, 2005