Decatur Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Monday, October 3, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Robin G. Vogel
I found your cite by a reflection left on another Fallen Officer's memorial page. I am touched by the obvious impact you had on those around you. I pray that Alex will understand what a wonderful, honorable, and brave mother he has. As a fellow sister in blue, your story has touched me. Rest in Peace, dear one...we have it from here.
Officer Laura Madore
April 30, 2006
Well I made it through Easter. As always, it's just not the same without you. I come to this site every day to read the reflections and I still sit here and cry my eyes out. I could write a zillion things but nothing takes away the pain of missing you. I call your cell phone just so I can hear your voice. It's been over six months and I still can't believe you're gone. It's like a bad dream that I can't wake up from. I miss you so much!!
I hold dear to my heart the conversation we had hours before your accident. I am so thankful that just before we hung up we thanked each other for being the shoulder to cry on. I told you I love you. The very last things you said to me were "I love you too. Talk to you later. Bye." You sounded so happy.
Matthew and Justin are doing pretty good but they miss you. When they talk about you they get mad and say "Mom, we hate the murderer who killed our Aunt Robin. Drunk drivers are stupid!" All I can tell them is I feel the same way.
Alex has a girlfriend named Krystal and he's gearing up for her prom, she's a Junior. Of course with him turning 16 next month he's gearing up for driving too. He needs to concentrate on his grades but he's doing good other than that.
I keep in touch with Adam and though it's hard, he's doing okay. He finally got his puppy. :) He kept Abbie for us for a while until Alex got settled and brought her home. Abbie misses you too but she's doing alright. Alex takes great care of her.
Until next time. Love You Always,
Suzie Brown
April 20, 2006
I wanted to thank you for being such an outstanding officer for Decatur Police Department. I remember when you were at my testing for DPD and I was doing the run (which I hate doing) and every lap I came around you were there, cheering me on. I didnt make it that year. But I did want to let you know that I did make it. I am now a Police Officer. Thank you for your encouragement, and your advice when I rode with you during my internship with DPD. I have a lot of respect for you, along with everyone else. Thank you Robin - rest in peace, you will ALWAYS be remembered!
April 9, 2006
I have been selected to ride in memory of your service and sacrifice in the 2006 Police Unity Tour. I will do so with pride and honor.
Steve Mazur
National Park Ranger
Grand Canyon National Park
Ranger Steve Mazur
National Park Service
April 6, 2006
I can't believe it has been 6 mos since you've been gone. Your son Alex is the sweetest and definitely has your qualities and personality. I still have the business card we made when we were roommates that said "Robin and Christy - Babes with guns and bad attitudes" It still makes me laugh but there is always that sadness. Thank you for all the memories and fun times. Love, Christy & Kelsi
April 5, 2006
I went to this web site on a recommendation of an instructor of the class I'm in right now, and got chills when I saw your picture again. You are sorely missed all over central Illinois and I know you are watching over all of us every day from heaven's gates. God Bless You--Jason
Deputy Jason Boesdorfer
Sangamon County Sheriff's Office
March 21, 2006
Robin, although I did not have the honor of meeting you, I will keep you and your family in my heart for years to come. I stumbled upon you name from a reflection on another officer's page. I was doing okay until I read what your son wrote to you. Wow what a mature little boy.
I am so glad that he doesnt have to endure the hardship of a trial. It is so hard for adults I cant imagine a child. I started that journey on April 21st, 2005 when my beloved friend, Officer Larry R Cox was taken.
I think we as females hold a different part of everyone's heart. I think they see us as softer than the guys and I think that they see us as easy targets. You ma'am were neither one of these. From the reflections that have been left here, you were nothing less than a hero and a fighter.
Enjoy your time above on the great highway and wait for your loved ones to get there. May you rest in peace knowing that your son is in so many thoughts and prayers still. God Speed Ma'am we have the watch from here.
Ross County Sheriff Department
March 12, 2006
As of yesterday it was 5 months since you left us. I still miss you. Keep Heaven safe and keep smiling down at us.
March 4, 2006
My Dear Daughter,
It is often said, "There is no greater love than a Mother's love", but now I know there is no greater grief than that of losing your child. You are in my thoughts every minute of every day. I miss you so much. I am so proud of the person you were from the day you were born until the last day of your life. I am so blessed to have been given the priviledge of being your mother and I thank God for letting us have you for the short time you were with us. I would give all that I own to be able to hug you one more time and to tell you how much I love you.
Marilyn Cisowski
February 25, 2006
Dearest Robin. It's another night where I can't sleep because I'm missing you. In my head I know what happened but in my heart I still can't believe it.
There are sooooo many memories. I remember when we were little how we used to play "Chips" using our bikes for motorcycles. There was that one time I finally beat you around those three blocks with the big hills. Man was I thrilled.
What about the time you colored me with blue chalk to make me look like a smurf. Oh, can't forget the Christmas when Smokey got sick and we stepped in dog poop when we went to sneak a look at the presents. GROSS!
What adventures we had. Crossing Rollins Road even though I wasn't allowed to but we wanted to play the arcade games at Pizzertainment. Playing Beverly Hills Cop with our squirt guns. Sharing birthdays. Softball! Discovering boys! Driving. Rock concerts. Too many to mention but they are all floating around in my mind.
Growing up we sure did a lot of stuff together. Of course we had our fights like sisters do but we always made up. I'm thankful we stayed so close and remained the best of friends through the years. In each other's weddings, having our babies, crying together in rough times, living life to the fullest.
I look back and remember how I always chose you to write about for those "who you admire most" assignments. You always did what you set out to do. You were a great mom and you can bet Alex will turn out to be as wonderful of a person as you. I was so proud of you the day you graduated Police Academy because you fulfilled your dream! All you ever wanted to be was a cop and you were one of the best.
You are, always were, and always will be my hero.
Suzie Brown
February 15, 2006
Robin -
You always called me your bestest sister friend and that is truly what you were to me - my sister of the heart. I look daily at the dancing angels you gave me last Christmas with both our names on them, and know that you truly are an angel watching over me.
Life isn't the same without you little cop girl - but we go on - with less laughter and joy in our lives now that you're gone, but we cling to each other when times get bad.
To those who didn't know you, you were a bright star who touched alot of lives. You were a dedicated police officer who strived to prove herself daily and succeeded. You were respected and admired by your friends and peers and everyone you encountered in the course of your job - even some of the "bad guys" who "loving" referred to you as "the bi*&^ with the ponytail." Yep, some of them were in the lines paying their respects to you.
Please promise you aren't trying to sing in the celestial chorus - even with the help of Marguarita's you couldn't carry a tune.Thank you for the love and friendship you gave me - I miss you.
Your bestest sister friend always...
Carol - friend
February 10, 2006
There isn't a day go by that I don't think of you and miss you. The girls are still saddened by you leaving but know that you are in a much better place.
There are so many "I wish" that I think of when I think of you.
Thank you for watching over Steve and Shannon during their recent ordeals. It has been a rough year on Decatur's Finest.
I still have to fight back tears when I think of you or when the girls talk about how they miss you. I am trying to remain strong but it is so hard.
Thank you for being my friend!!
Love and miss you always!
Jen Landrus
February 8, 2006
Dear Robin,
I've sat here many nights thinking you're not really gone. I always thought you'd be just down the road a ways. I'll never forget your laugh or the tears in your eyes you didn't want to show from "that call". I was always comforted knowing S.C. had a backup. I'll never be able to go camping again without thinking of you! Thank you for the laughs and I was proud to know you. God bless you Robin and God bless Alex.
Friend and former SPD dispatch
February 7, 2006
I was down on my luck today, looking for something to do. I just got off the phone with my dear aunt, who has scheduled my family and I to go down to Washington D.C. during National Police Week. I turned to the internet, to research the events that would be held during my stay in Washington that week. After skimming through the articles, I wanted to perform a search for my mother. And today is the day I stumbled upon this sight. I was emotionally overwhelmed when looking at other officers with such young children. Then, after looking at about 50 officers, i scrolled down to my mother, Officer Robin G. Vogel. I read the reflections that everyone had left behind, and couldn't believe it. I just wanted to say thanx to everyone, and sorry to everyone. I knew my mother was a key part of so many people, but not of this proportion. I recommend leaving a reflection for everyone to read, I hope to check in here everyday. Again, Thank You everyone, your support is greatly appreciated.
P.S. I love you Robin
February 7, 2006
Not a day goes by that we don't miss you and think of you. Softball is just around the corner and we're still one short. This year we are going to be the "Big Guns Trauma Squad" in your honor. It's been hard not seeing you out on the streets even though we know you are still here. We carry your memory with us wherever we go. Until we meet again, Charlie's Angels Live on!
Miss you, Robin!
Sgt. Jennifer Sharp
Auxiliary - Decatur Police Department
February 5, 2006
Well it's me again. I can't stop thinking about you. I miss you so much! I want you to know that I'm making sure Alex is taken care of and he's doing alright. Love you always!!
Suzie Brown
January 25, 2006
Happy New Year, Robin. I think of you every day. I miss you more than words can say. Love you always!!
Suzie Brown
January 2, 2006
Robin words cannot reflect the loss that we have felt as a shift since you left this world. I had the honor to work with Robin for the past three and a half years on thirds and I knew here previously for about four years. I was an aux. officer for DPD and Robin was always nice to me then even though I wore the light blue shirt.
Once I got hired on Robin was sorta of a mentor for me, when I would have a bad day in FTO she would always take me aside and assure me that every thing was going to be fine. It was so nice to have her support during a time when I did not have the confidence in me that she had for me. Robin I just want you to know that there is not a third shift that is worked that you are not thought about by most if not all of us and you will never be forgotten that is for sure.
I am so proud to call you a friend of mine and I want to thank you for being the great friend/officer/mother you are and will always be.
Patrol Officer L. Brooks
Decatur Police Department
December 21, 2005
I had the pleasure of working with Robin for five years and getting to know her outside of work for almost six years. My husband, Shawn, has worked for the Decatur Police Department for over eight years and worked on 3rd shift with Robin for the past three years.
Robin was a beautiful person inside and out and she touched everyone's heart, who knew her. I can't think of a single time spent with her, that she did not have a smile on her face. There was never a dull moment with Robin, inside or outside of work.
I especially remember the night we attempted to karaoke "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"!! We were so off key and we didn't have any of the words even remotely close, but we had fun doing it!
Robin, you will be greatly missed at the softball tourney's, at work and everywhere that you went! I know so many people love you and wish they could have just one more day with you, so that we could all tell you how special you were to all of us and the community. I only wish that you could have seen the appreciation that everyone showed you the day of your funeral. It was unbelievable!
You were very good at your job and I knew, that if you were ever to be Shawn's back up in a call, I knew he was safe, cause you were definitely one too kick some arse and take names later! No matter what the circumstance might have been. You were always one to jump in and help out anyone!
Thanks for all the smiles and good times that you shared with all of us! You are greatly missed and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you! Bowsher made a CD with pictures of your funeral service with the song, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Greenday and it is amazing. He did a great job and you would be so flattered to know all his hard work and time was for you, lil cop girl! I have it downloaded to my computer and everyday I watch it, at some point in time. Madeline is even hooked on it and she tries to explain to MaKenna, that you were the cop that worked with daddy that got hurt one night! :(
The night of your visitation, Hags gave a St. Michael to every DPD Officer, that was a replica of yours. I just want you to know, that it has most definitely come in handy. He got into a confrontation at work last week and a man tried to take his life. I know that God and you were watching over him, because he was able to walk out alive! Thank you Robin, for watching over our friend! You were once in our lives, but forever in our hearts! May God be with your family, friends and especially Alex. He is beautiful inside and out, just like you! You did a phenomenal job raising him!
I found a Christmas poem that I would like to share, because I feel that this is what you would say!
Take care "Lil Cop Girl"!! We love and miss you always! Be sure to check in on us once in awhile! Rest in peace sweetheart! :)
Lil Guenther :)~
Christmas In Heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular please wipe away that tear, for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you of the joy their voices bring, for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor or the peace here in this place, can you just imagine Christmas with our Savior face to face?
I'll ask him to lift your spirit as I tell him of your love, so then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful and let your spirit sing, for I am spending Christmas in heaven and I'm walking with the King.
Rachel Guenther/Correctional Officer
Macon County Sheriff's Department
December 4, 2005
Thank you very much for your service.
A previous Decatur resident.
December 2, 2005
God bless Officer Vogel and her family. Today I participated in a burial for a young soldier, killed in Iraq whose father was a retired state trooper, and the outpouring of support from the law enforcement community was inspiring. Thanks and Godspeed to Officer Vogel ane all our law enforcement officers who protect our communities from the atrocities of drunk drivers.
COL Tom Kolditz
US Army
December 1, 2005
We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of a loved one in law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support. As we personally know, sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 28, 2005
I had the opportunity to work with Robin when I was a dispatcher for the Springfield Police Department. Robin you will be missed I have never forgotten about our good times. She wa a hard worker and a compasionate person. Rest in peace my dear friend.
Suzie McCollor
Hennepin County Sheriif;s Department
November 27, 2005
On 10/07/05 Boston Police Academy RTG 42-05 remembered Officer Robin Vogel and dedicated our training day to her.
You are not forgotten.
Boston Police Academy RTG 42-05
November 22, 2005
I have decorated the outside of my home entirely with blue lights. One of those lights will be lit in your honor every night from now up until New Years. It is my way of saying that you have not been forgotten. I know what your family is going through right now as I lost my son exactly the way your were lost. Innocent officers, doing their duty and then killed by someone with no regard for the law or others. Our solace was the other person also died so we did not have to face the trial process and then the sentencing which is many cases does not fit the crime. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
November 20, 2005