Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Robin G. Vogel

Decatur Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Monday, October 3, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Robin G. Vogel

Rest safe with Our Lord and may He Bless,comfort and stregthen your loved ones,friends, and fellow officers.

October 3, 2006

Remembering you today,and praying for your family.

The family of Austin Police Officer Amy Lynn Donovan
E.O.W. 31 October 2004

October 2, 2006

So much time has passed, but yet so little time has passed. As your Mom does, I too remember getting a phone call with shocking and unbelievable news. My first thought was that it couldn't be you. That this wasn't true. Then I knew that you would be okay because of how strong of a woman and how great of a cop you are. After seeing you in the hospital, I knew that you had made up your mind to move on to bigger and better things. We know that you now walk the beat in the sky watching over us everyday. We miss you deeply and always remember the great times we were able to share with you. You were always so funny on the calls with drunks. I remember the one guy we found on the porch and when Tina and I pulled up in the rig, you told us that we could call off the search chopper because you had located the missing person. Thinking of you used to bring tears to my eyes, but now it brings a smile because I remember. I remember good times and bad times. But I will always remember.
To Alex - You are a great kid and should know that your Mom was sooooo proud of you. I hope you are still playing your guitar. Live life as she would want you to. Before making decisions, think about what she would want you to do. And always remember that love she has for you!
R.I.P. Robin! Still missing you!
Jen, Lee, Brett and Brian Sharp

Jennifer Sharp, Aux. Sgt, Paramedic
DPD Auxiliary, Decatur Ambulance

October 2, 2006

One year ago we received a phone call at 5:15 AM from Suzie telling us that you had been involved in a very bad accident. That was the worst phone call of my life. It seemed like the ride to get to the hospital took forever. Nothing could have prepared me for the devastion I felt seeing my little girl lying in that hospital bed. One year has passed and yet it seems like it was just yesterday. My heart aches everyday wishing things could have been different. Parents expect to have their children outlive them; but when it doesn't happen that way
it really breaks your heart. I love you and miss you so much. May God keep you forever in his loving care.


October 1, 2006

I didn't realize just how hard this day would be. Instead of celebrating your 38th bday, i put flowers on your grave. I still don't understand why you're gone...i just know that it hurts.

Little Sister

September 6, 2006

Dear Robin
We miss you always.
Mom and Dad.


September 6, 2006

I miss you. Very VERY much. I miss standing in the Hallmark store for an hour searching for the "perfect" card to send to make you laugh, knowing that you were doing the same on our birthday. I miss your hugs and your laughter. It doesn't seem~fair you were taken away much, much too young. Time keeps rolling by though. Life goes on, as I know you would want it to for your friends and family. It is still difficult though when the birthday comes along and now, it's been 20 years since our high school in peace dear friend. I know that you are keeping watch until it is time for us to join you.


September 6, 2006


I miss you! I Love you! Happy Birthday!


Suzie Brown

September 6, 2006

My Dearest Robin,
As your birthday approaches I have such saddness in my heart. Just thinking how 38 years ago I was so anxious to bring you into this world and how it killed me to see you leave this world. You brought so much happiness into my life and the lives of so many others. I will never understand why you were taken from us at such a young age with so much to offer. I pray each day that God is keeping you in his care and that you have reunited with Ma. You are always in my heart.

Marilyn Cisowski

August 29, 2006


Every day I think of you. I miss you so much but I know you are watching over everyone. Whenever I get the opportunity,I tell people the story behind your ultimate sacriface- especially the new guys coming on. I love you and miss you dearly. :-)

Dep. Nancy Ealey - Sangamon County
good friend

August 19, 2006

It is said that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and time heals pain. I'm not sure if that's true because I re-live the day I lost you every single day and it NEVER gets easier. It has been sooooo hard for me. I'm extremely lucky that I have Bruce and the boys right here with me. Naturally I think of you every day. You're my big sister. You were my rock and I knew I could always count on you. I love you so much.

I took Alex to Chicago a week or so ago to accept the Illinois Police Cross in your honor. I would give anything to have you back but I take great pride and honor in knowing you gave your life protecting others. One day we'll meet again. Until that time, know you will live on forever in what's left of my broken heart, my mind, and my memories.

Missing you like crazy!! Proud of you until the end of time!!

Love you always,

Suzie Brown

August 10, 2006

Okay, where is the lucky bat? At our game the other night I couldn't buy a hit with all the money in the world. I really needed your lucky bat! We've actually been playing really well this year, but we're still missing It just isn't the same. We think of you daily and hope that you're keeping yourself busy up there watching out for all of your fellow officers. Someone has to keep them in line!
Missing you all the time!

Auxiliary Sgt. Jennifer Sharp
Decatur Auxiliary Police Department

July 7, 2006

The 3rd of every month always brings back the pain of the day you left us. Miss you every day sis.

Cheryl, Little Sister

July 3, 2006

Dear Alex,
I have visited this site so many times and have never had the courage to write. Mostly because it makes my heart sink knowing I will never see her again. There is not a day that goes by when I don’t think of her, you or your family.
I wanted you to know that your mom touched so many lives in so many ways. Sometimes I like to look at this site and read what other people write and say yep that sounds like Robin. I too had many adventures with Robin. We were after all Charlie’s Angels.
One day Aux Sharp, Robin and myself were standing waiting to cross Franklin Street and Robin looked over and said something like “look we’re Charlie’s Angels” and from that day forward Robin and I fought over who was going to be Sabrina because she was after all the toughest one. Many nights I rode with Robin laughing, praying for the cubs to win and talking about you, your guitar and how she wasn’t sure what she was going to do with you when you started dating. She was so proud of you. And if we weren’t riding together we were text messaging each other until our fingers turned blue.
We had many laughs together. One time we went on a call with a very large woman and she looked Robin and I up and down and said “You aint like them gals on Cops, you are some husky girls” And so from that day on we were the husky Charlie’s Angels.
Robin taught me a lot, how to properly search a woman, and how to get up in a person’s face. For being such a little person your mom had a big bark. I remember the first time I rode with her, it was on Halloween and that year we were having problems with people on E William Street and I remember pulling up to these 6 huge men a bit worried that it was just Robin and I and Robin only came up to their arm pits. But Robin she walked, no stomped right up to them and took charge, I don’t think that I ever worried about being with her again.
One night after she kicked a door in she asked me to go get the camera so we could take a picture of the door, it was right after we got the new squad cars and everyone was worried about scratching them. When I went to lock the door I had my flashlight and the camera in my hand because I was afraid to put anything on the car, I dropped the camera and broke it. Pratt walked out. He was getting ready to clear and he said “I think I will wait to see what Robin’s going to do to you”. Robin never got mad at me she just teased the crap out of me from that day on. She even wrote most of my bulletin. The day of her funeral I knocked my camera to the floor and it broke the same way I broke the dept camera.
I know Robin is with me every time I go on the streets, sometimes its just going past a street sign with her name on it, or passing the gas station that we used to buy her favorite nuts at, or maybe its just thinking about having “Gene Wilder hair “ because of the humidity.
On my stove sits a candle that I got with Robin, one of the last things we ever did together. I can’t bear to light it for fear that when the wax is gone I will have no more memories of a person that meant so much. However when I look at it I am reminded that every moment of everyday I cherish knowing that I had an opportunity for an angel (your mom) to touch my heart and change it forever.

Auxiliary Frankovich

June 27, 2006

Just thinking of you and looking at all the reflections. The leg of the bike ride from Springfield to Decatur was dedicated to you. I guess they experienced a little rain. Way to make those guys work, girl! I am coming off maternity leave Thursday and now I have to find someone to ride with. It sure won't be the same without you! Remember when Janice and I used to fight over you! It's because it was so much easier to ride along with another female. We got our shirts for softball and they have your name on them. We are officially the "Big Guns Trauma Squad" in your honor. We sure do miss you there as well. I hope that you are keeping a close eye on Alex and not letting him break too many hearts already. He really is a good kid. I hope he is still practicing his guitar.
Not a day goes by that you are not thought of and missed!
Until we see you again!
Jennifer, Lee, Brett and Brian (yes, our newest, Brian Anthony born on 5-5-06)

Auxiliary Sgt. Jennifer Sharp
Decatur Auxiliary Police

June 14, 2006

I only had the opportunity to know Robin for a period of a couple of months, but within the first month of knowing her it was more than apparant what an amazing person she was. And it should be said that her reputation proceeded her. Even when I was in the academy, I would hear other recruits that were more familiar with our department talking about how Robin "kicked a**" and was apparently fearless.

As a new female officer on the police force, I was more than happy to take any advice or words of wisdom Robin had to offer me. It was nice having another female to complain to about the rigors of removing our duty belt when nature called and to help me figure out where the "clean" spots in Decatur are. Robin took the time to invite me to play softball with her and do other activities, basically just including me and making me feel welcome on the department, even though I was still in the FTO phase. Robin was the first person on the department that treated me like an actual person and actually gave me her phone number without me having to ask for it. She was the one who told me not to follow my male FTO when he went to do a "building check" on a detail where the building wasn't needing to be checked... :) Robin was the one who kept telling me to keep my chin up when she thought I looked down, for no other reason than just to be nice.

She taught me so much in the short amount of time I got to spend with her and I will be forever grateful. I just came across this website today and have seen that a lot of her family members log onto this. I wanted all of you to know how much she is missed by our department as a whole, but on 3rd shift especially. I think she's ruined the chances of any of the future women on 3rds to amount to much in the eyes of the male third shifters...but it's understandable. Robin was a force to be recogned with.

I also wanted to tell her son that though I never met you, I got to know you a little through your mom. I sat through some of your phone conversations when she would call to check on you in the early a.m. hours. The love she had for you was apparant in her eyes when she spoke of you. I am so sorry for your loss.

I consider Robin a friend, though I only knew her for a very short time. I am glad I got the time, though it was limited, to have her in my life.

Ofc. Becker
DPD police officer

June 11, 2006

I tend to look into this web page alot for some odd reason. Tears just roll when I see how much you are loved and missed. I still remember our good times and bad times, but more good. I still laugh at everything that we did and tell my fellow officer's here in Minnesota about you. You will never be forgotten just like the rest of the fallen officer's in the world. Salute to you my dewar friend!

Suzie McCollor
Friend former SPD Dispatcher

June 3, 2006

Robin -

You are thought of daily, missed frequently, and loved continuously. Keep smiling down on us all.

Best friends forever,
Carol Ann

Carol Goetz

May 31, 2006

DC was beautiful. Vince Gill performed at the memorial service singing "Go Rest High on that Mountain." I now listen to it everyday and think of you (especially your smile). Miss you so much.

Til we meet again one day...

Little Sister

May 19, 2006

Dearest Robin:

I got back from DC this week and wanted you to know that all the memorial ceremonies were beautiful. It was such a great honor and tribute to see you recognized as the hero you have always been. It was bittersweet because they were special but it also meant you had to be gone.

Mom, Dad, Alex, Cheryl, Steve, Jamie, Adam, and I all had dinner one night and toasted the wonderful person you are. Shannon and Rafael were in DC too but we didn't get a chance to meet up with them. Even though you were divorced, Mike was also in DC paying tribute to you. I know in spirit they were toasting with us. You have a wonderful collection of friends and it was so nice to have them there celebrating you and your life.

Adam was our escort officer. Time for you and Adam was cut very short because of the accident. I had met Adam less than ten times but over the last few months I've really gotten to know him. I can see why he was so special to you. I can see the love he has for you when we talk about the "good times". I'm glad that you found someone to make you happy. I know the last time we spoke you sounded really happy and that helps me get through some of my tougher days.

Alex went to prom a few weeks back. I helped him get ready and took lots of pictures. He's such a handsome little devil but you already know that! Everyone always says what a great job you did raising him.

In DC Alex met other kids his age that are going through the same thing and have the same feelings as him. It was very beneficial for him and he's made some lasting relationships that will help him the rest of his life.

I think of you every single day and it never gets easier. I miss you so much. There is a hole in my heart because a part of me died that day too. You will NEVER be forgotten. I love you!!

Love Always,

Suzie Brown

May 18, 2006

I just found this site. We all miss you very much! I wish that our time with you was not cut so short, so we could have had more time to get to know you better. We will see you again someday and we can catch up then. It makes us realize how precious time is. We miss that big smile that would light up any room. We have many things around the house to remind us of you. We have the "aunt" heart pillow and an old toy police car in our curio cabinet. Everytime I go in Emilee's room and see that, I think of you. Your nieces and nephews are getting so big. I wish that you could see them! We were over at Ruth & Joe's on Mother's Day and they have a picture of you and Mike up on the shelf. Ruth and Joe were so proud of you. I also couldn't help but think of your mom and Alex and how hard that day must have been for them. I pray that they are doing well. Alex is such a great young man. You did a great job! Ruth told me that he and Mike as well as your sister, parents, Adam, and some other officers that you were close to were invited to the Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. What an honor that is to you and must be for all of them. You have touched so many lives Robin. There are so many us that are left with a void in our hearts and we don't understand why God allows things like this to happen, but we can't become bitter by placing blame or fault on anyone, but rather realize that God is in control and He has a reason for everything. God says to love the sinner, but hate the sin. We need to realize that another family hurts just like we do. We all make mistakes, just some are not as permanent as this. Most of us get second chances. I know when you took your oath, that you new that you would be placing yourself in harms way and that was a chance that you were willing to take. You loved your job!! Thank you for the light that you showed to all of us and for keeping us safe while you were here with us and now while you watch over us. Your family and friends continue to be in our prayers.

Jeni Vogel

Jeni Vogel

May 17, 2006

I miss you my friend. Working in adjoining districts was a pleasure and relief. I miss your quick smile and sense of humor. I will always remember the times we shared and you will never be forgotten. You were third shift's lady and always will remain in the hearts of those you touched. Thank you for being my friend.

Always yours E.

Officer Eric Waggoner
Decatur Police Department

May 14, 2006

Your sister, Alex, and Adam all flew out to D.C. for the services at the NLEOMF. Shannon, Rafael, Steve, and Jamie are all heading there in the morning.
The girls and I are still missing you. I can only imagine what Suzie is going through. Or your parents!
I have been keeping touch with Adam and he seems to be doing okay.

Thank you for being who you were and making a difference in so many lives!!

Love ya!

Jen Landrus, EMT-P

May 11, 2006

Dearest Robin,

The ceremony in Springfield honoring all of the fallen officers was so beautiful. Seeing your name engraved on the Memorial filled my broken heart with such pride. Every time I meet a new person who knew you and they tell me how you touched their lives I am filled with such a feeling of love. You were such a wonderful person and you are missed by so many people. I am so proud of the woman you became.

Love never dies,

Marilyn Cisowski

May 7, 2006

It is still so hard to look at this site and not cry. I saw Carol the other day and all the memories of you quickly came back into focus. We all still miss you so much. Brett still talks about you and still tells everyone that I ride in the police car with Robin. Actually, as I was cleaning my duty belt the other day I found some mud left on it from our "incident" behind LaGondola. How did you not have any mud on you? Softball is starting now and I know it will not be the same without you there. I hope and pray that Alex is doing well. You really did a wonderful job raising him. While he still has more growing up to do (he had to grow up so fast), he is going to be a fine young man and will definately be a heartbreaker! We had our Emergency Response Recognition Committee banquet last Friday and they did a memorial for those in the EMS/Fire/Police professions that have gone before us. I was asked to light a memory candle for you. Of course, I accepted (with tears) and was truly honored. You were presented with a plaque recognizing your service which I will present to Acting Chief Anderson in hopes that it will be proudly displayed in the LEC. I know that all the other officers would like to see it. Also, I am scheduled for a c-section this Friday as we get ready to welcome Brian Anthony to our family. Hard to believe the time is here already. I know that you'll be with me to make sure everything goes well with surgery. I also know you'll be with me kicking my butt telling me to get back out there and speeding my recovery. You are still such a good motivation to all who knew you and many who didn't. Keep watching out for everyone and until we see you again...
Love and miss you!
Jennifer, Lee and Brett

Auxiliary Sgt. Jennifer Sharp
Decatur Police Department Auxiliary

May 3, 2006

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