Braselton Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, July 25, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant K. Todd Helcher
I leave home and see that intersection everyday but a few weeks ago I noyiced the cross placed in your memory. The memorial brought that fateful day back in a rush. I still wish there was more I could have done.
I never knew you personally but we shared many mutual friends and from them I realize what a special person you were. God bless your family and your spirit. We will never forget.
Cpl. Bradley Raper
Gainesville Police Department
September 8, 2006
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
John & Jason
September 5, 2006
You were an amazing cop-you never abused your authority or bosted about it.Unknowningly to many it was just your job not all of who you were.Sure in the beginning it was all consuming for you as is natural but unlike others you discovered yourself and the real meaning to life.You were amazing at everything you did.You were "The Man" to all the docs while in the Navy...the "One" and only one they wanted to assist them...that made so many mad because you were that good.But you never let it give you the big head.You even waited tables to make sure the bills got paid.Then you drove a tractor and trailor cross country, you farmed.You excelled at everything you had to do.However, thank God, you figured out pretty quick that selling cars was not for you.I remember you telling me about a couple(husband,wife & 2 kids)that came to buy a less than bargain priced car that really wasn't that great.And just before signing the papers you told the man to just walk away not to put any additional financial burden on him and his family.You could have kept your mouth shut and pocketed your commission and went on but that wasn't you.Granted you didn't always remember to be the most tactful person but you never sacrificed your honesty and integrity to simply benefit yourself.You then went back to your love of helping others, but this time you returned to the hospital.The lab flurished when you stepped in.You instinctual knack for solving problems,your natural born leadership made such a difference with all there who knew you.But all in all your greatest gift was the love you gave to Amy and that she gave to you.The two of you neither one had an easy upbringing and to find and give true unconditional love after so much suffering and pain you two had previously encountered was nothing short of envious awesomeness for lack of better description.People made fun of how loving and connected you two were.The fairy-tale love is what I like to call it.Naturally she's not the same.I believe each day is an internal struggle...only those super close to her know the torture she still endures.She's trying so hard to make a good life for her and the kids but her spark is gone,it went with you.She is still such a beautiful loving person but feels your shared wishes for her life to go on almost as a betrayal.I pray that she can find a different love now.I know it will never be even close to the same, it couldn't,for the two of you were the true definition of soul-mates.It's sad though because she lost everything...the husband she was so proud of just for being him,not what he did(actually I don't think she was fond of the career choice because of the political bs, backstabing and constant fear she felt)her best friend,her house, her job...everything.I know those three perfect babies keep her going.Holden emotionally and intelluctually is a great combination of the two of you but physically all you!!Logan although still in the terrible two's is the sweet sensitive soft little boy who looks still more like Amy but hey I always thought you two favored the blonde hair blue eyes maybe you guys were just so close you started to morph into one!!ha-ha!And Haleigh, the gorgeous baby girl you always wanted...I guess she's almost 1 1/2 now snow white hair crystal blue eyes and the meanest laugh I've ever heard.It was the closest thing to a perfect family I think could ever be.You gave that gift to her and she to you.I hate to see the struggle she has with life...who to still consider a friend,who to realize she needs to let go,those who only saw you as a cop,I wish everyone would have taken the time to know you guys and what completed you had nothing to do with the job...that just paid the bills.Now don't get me wrong I know you loved what you did but it was nothing compared to the love you had for life or even motorcycles for that matter.I'm so glad I have so many wonderful funny memories of you,I honestly can't recall even one bad.Well brother I hadn't wrote in awhile, I guess I made up for it.RIP...Heroes live forever!!I Love You and miss you.
August 25, 2006
It still amazes me that you are gone. You were always so full of life, of humor, of joy - not just for the job that you loved so very much, but for everything. Especially your family. I don't think I've ever known anyone outside of my own family who loved their wife and children with the absolute devotion that you showed.
You were truly one of a kind, Todd. Even now, after a year, my heart still breaks just thinking you aren't around. The world still seems a bit dim with the loss of your light. You always had a kind word for your fellow man. And you could make people laugh, even in the toughest crowd. You never treated anyone like they were beneath you, or that you were somehow bettter because you were a cop, or a deputy, or a supervisor, or whatever.
I will never forget you. None of us will. Not that we could. You left an imprint on our souls.
Thank you, Todd, for being yourself no matter what anyone thought. Thank you, Amy and the kids, for sharing this wonderful man with the rest of the world. I know that we could never feel the same loss that you do, but know that he will always be missed by those whose lives he touched, which is too many to count.
Todd, I know that you are still patroling, though the scenery is much better where you are. And I know that you still have my back as you look down from above.
August 12, 2006
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
When tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes are filled with tears for me,
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn’t get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you,
And each time you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too,
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready in heaven far above,
And that I’d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I’d always though I didn’t want to die.
I had so much to live for and so much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had,
If I could relive yesterday, I thought, just for a while,
I’d say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized that this could never be,
For emptiness and memories would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things that I’d miss tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven’s gates, I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me, from His great golden throne,
He said, “This is eternity and all I’ve promised you,
Today for life on Earth is past but here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last,
And since each day’s the same day, there’s no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful, so trusting and so true,
Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn’t do.
But you have been forgiven and now at last you’re free.
So won’t you take my hand and share my life with me?”
So when tomorrow starts without me, don’t think we’re far apart,
For every time you think of me, I’m right here in your heart.
August 4, 2006
One year. It seems impossible, yet I live everyday knowing how real it is. We visited you yesterday. It was surreal. When I closed my eyes I could hear the clip clop of the riderless horse and the gentle sound of the bagpipes drifting off in the distance. The pain of missing you and knowing that you are missing Amy, Holden, Logan and Hailey is present everyday. It's a lie when they say "it'll get better". It doesn't and it just isn't fair to any of us who love you so much. I am so honored to have been one of the people you shared your life and your family you so adored with. You are an honorable man that all who know you look up to. I am so glad you gave up that craziness of selling cars and phlebo to be back where you belonged. You died doing what you loved and doing what you were put here to do. Obviously God needed an exemplary officer to patrol the streets of heaven and he chose the finest in you. You are so loved and so missed.
P.S. When we there last night, even the goats were quiet. I guess even they knew it was THE day. LOVE YOU!!!!
July 27, 2006
We all still miss you so much, and still think about you every day! Watch over us and look in from time to time.
Greene Co. S.O./Braselton P.D.
July 26, 2006
One year. It seems impossible, yet I live everyday knowing how real it is. We visited you yesterday. It was surreal. When I closed my eyes I could hear the clip clop of the riderless horse and the gentle sound of the bagpipes drifting off in the distance. The pain of missing you and knowing that you are missing Amy, Holden, Logan and Hailey is present everyday. It's a lie when they say "it'll get better". It doesn't and it just isn't fair to any of us who love you so much. I am so honored to have been one of the people you shared your life and your family you so adored with. You are an honorable man that all who know you look up to. I am so glad you gave up that craziness of selling cars and phlebo to be back where you belonged. You died doing what you loved and doing what you were put here to do. Obviously God needed an exemplary officer to patrol the streets of heaven and he chose the finest in you. You are so loved and so missed.
P.S. When we there last night, even the goats were quiet. I guess even they knew it was THE day. LOVE YOU!!!!
July 26, 2006
To say you are missed is an understatement.You completed all of us and now searching for who we are without you is a constant ache.Yesterday was only 1 year but it feels like its been forever.I Love You and Miss You!!!
July 26, 2006
To the best husband, father, and brother a cop could ever know. RIP you will not be forgotten.
July 25, 2006
It will be one year since your tour of duty ended and I know that one year has been a very long one for your loved ones. Some people say it seems like yesterday we last saw you, but to those that are real close to you and have to deal with the pain in the their heart each and ever day know it feels like an eternity. All they can do is take one day at a time and keep your memory alive. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever forget you. You are a true hero. Protect your loved ones and wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. Visit them in their dreams to let them know you are okay.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon, Gold Star Member
July 24, 2006
Todd I know you don't want us to be sad but it is so hard. Even after almost a year it is so different without you.
I just wanted to tell you that every time I get discouraged I remember how you are so optimistic and supportive and that always helps me get through. Thank you for being so unforgettable and for making a mark on my soul that will stay with me forever.
I know you are being blessed now in Heaven for all the wonderful things you did here, so thank you again...
And may God bless your family and your children and provide them with comfort.
With love.
Justina, former dispatcher, LEO wife
Jackson Co. 911, and S.O.
July 22, 2006
As I sit here and read about all the lifes you have touched it brought tears to my eyes.You were one of a kind and will never be forgotten.I can remember many graveyard shifts we just sat around talking about the kids and all the new things the were learning and getting into and just life in general. You will be missed dearly.
Habersham Co ER
July 19, 2006
Todd,I really miss and think about you daily.I say a prayer in your honor each and every time I get behind the wheel of my patrol car or any car for that matter.You meant a lot to me and my family.I really enjoyed the night I rode with you just two weeks before the wreck,we had a lot of fun.I try each night to patrol the streets the way you did.Thinks for keeping watch while we sleep.Amy and family we are here for you if you ever need anything.
Sgt. Wesley Littlejohn
Habersham County Sheriff's office
July 18, 2006
No one can ever imagine how much you are missed...your beautiful eyes,your voice,the smell of your cologne,your touch,your love...just the unbelievable perfect you.It seems the tears nor the lonliness ever end.No matter how much time or what circumstances may pass the whole in our hearts and lives get bigger.Your babies are gorgeous just like you and getting so big,your baby girl has your little dimple,your smile and that same glistening in her eyes that seem to speak to people without her even saying a word...just like yours did.Of course your big boy is still a "mini-me" and the other is so full of love and life it makes everybody smile.But I really didn't have to tell you all that I know you see it.
July 6, 2006
hey man. this is kinda different talking to you this way but me and you never did anything normal. i never was inspired by a police man until we met. but our relationship wasnt about that. we were profesional moto x. atleast we thought so any way,rt. dude, ur ride out of here was awsome. i never seen a funeral with that much respect.i still check in on poullet when i can. ur life is still a legacy and your children, well they hold that same glimer in ther eyes,like that of there know normaly i'd say, man you missed out this past weekend, but you were there. just like every time since. later man,
[his b]
July 1, 2006
Todd, I still think about you all the time. I'll never forget how wonderful you were to me. What I wouldn't give to hear your voice just one more time. If I could, I know you would tell me everything was going to be alright. Something told me to come see you before I left Georgia and I'll always be grateful that I took a chance and followed that instinct. I'll always cherish those memories with you. I won't ever forget you. How could I? You're one of the good ones.
Your Friend N
June 1, 2006
You know my thoughts.. I miss seeing you around and the talks we had.. Life is not fair.. I am glad I can write you here.. I feel so empty inside.. I thought by now the sadness would fad, but it has not.. Your Wife and babies are in my heart and prayers.. I have tried in my own way to help and be a part in them, but have not heard if they received the bears.. Help me keep watch.. Know that I am here if you need me.. Thanks for keeping watch while I sleep..
Miss you my friend..
May 17, 2006
Todd we miss you so much! There's not a day that don't go by that I don't think about you. Today when I was on Braselton radio I entered your badge number in a traffic stop, all I could do is just sit and think about the old days. It just doesn't seem for real that your gone. Sometimes you just want to key up and just call your number to see if you would answer. I miss all the nights when you would come and hang out and dispatch and we would cut up! I will always remember you and miss you!
Dispatcher-Alicia Thomas
Jackson Co 911
May 17, 2006
We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
May 9, 2006
I didn't know you, but like all my fellow brothers and sisters that make the streets safer every day I want you to know that I appreciate your selfless service and your sacrifice. I want you to know that it will not be forgotten, and that I will be representing you at this year's Police Unity Tour Chapter IV out of Chesapeake, Virginia to honor you and your service. God bless you and your family and friends for their support.
Officer Christopher W. Guest
Fairfax County Police Department
March 27, 2006
todd i have missed you you were a very good officer. i was glad i got to know you when you worked for towns co. sheriff dept. i had worked mva. with you. i will never for get you. but you are in a good place now! where you will not have to worry any more about all the bas things in the world. god bless your family.
duane ledford
towns county fire and rescue.
March 21, 2006
I really miss you Todd. I'm sorry I haven't wrote you sooner. I miss those nights that you and Jay would me and Vic at the QT. You never Know what's going to happen in this proffesion we have chosen, you just live one day at a time. My prayers to you and your family, and I'll see you soon brother!
Ofc. Trey Downs
Snellville Police Department
March 20, 2006
It has been almost 7 months and I still can't believe you're gone. Every time i hear that song they sang at your funeral "I'll see you on the other side" I get choked up. I will dearly miss the times I would call you even after I left Braselton. You will never be forgotten. I still say a prayer every morning on the way to work, and after i get home for your family. Miss ya. Jay
Jay P
Oconee CO SO/ Former Braselton PD
January 31, 2006
I saw you several times over the years in Cornelia and Habersham County.I served you as a waitress and I remember when you told me about your little ones, how proud of them your were, while you explained to me how to use my son's new car seat. I will tell him about you when he is older, because of you he is still safely riding with me. I always wanted to thank you, but never got the chance. You, your childern and your wife will always in my prayers. THANK YOU TODD!!!
D. M.
Just a Habersham Resident
January 19, 2006