Kirkwood Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Reflections for Sergeant William Leo McEntee
Happy Easter Bill,
Once again another holiday without you. I look at the picture taken last Easter of all of us, re-creating the picture taken when we were young, and you have that grin on your face and I can still hear your laugh that went with it..I treasure those times, even though right now they make me sad knowing you are not here and why. I never imagined you would not be here and always looked forward to being together - I miss hearing that giant walk of yours knowing you had arrived. I miss you. Thanks for being with mom on Friday - she could feel you with her. Love you-Jayne
April 16, 2006
Its baseball season Bill and this time of year really has me missing you(although I miss you everyday!)One of my earliest memories is of you me dad and mr mosely going to the cards/giants game in 66 and the hours and hours we spent in the backyard playing catch,fuzzball and wallball.Then at night taking our shoeboxs to bed and making baseball card trades.The last conversation we had on this earth was about knew your stuff you were almost impossible to stump at baseball trivia!!You also were a good player Id like to think its because you had agood player to practice with!Ill keep leaving the baseballs because it was one of the things that when I think about it brings a smile to my face and now adays those are hard to come by mike
April 13, 2006
I really miss you. I could always talk to you and always end up laughing. I could really use one of those talks now. Love you-Jayne
April 4, 2006
The fifth of the month is here again. Time keeps moving on, but my heart is still in the same place. I'm trying to learn to live without you, but it's a hard journey. I miss talking to you, laughing with you and knowing that you were always there. You are the first and last thing on my mind each day. I can still see that Boston cap, that boyish grin and that lumbering walk. Rest in peace my giant little brother. I will never forget you. Love, Kath
April 4, 2006
"Rid of the world's injustice and his pain,
He rests at last beneath God's veil of blue . . ."
Oscar Wilde (Kath)
March 28, 2006
I would love to have a couple of beers with you at Halls place, and hear you talking about the Blues. Miss you alot
Mike Ubben
March 21, 2006
happy st pats. i miss you guys so much. thanks for watching out for all of us. not a day goes by that i dont think about you two. things are still messed up here, but maybe its for the best. i know you wouldnt steer me wrong! talk to ya later.
March 18, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day! May the luck of the Irish be with the Bulldogs today.
March 17, 2006
Happy St Pat's Day Bill,
This is your day and I know you will be with us. I also know you will be celebrating with dad like you always use to - have a few for us. We miss you so much-especially today. I hope you get your two-three plates of corned beef and cabbage. Love you-Jayne
March 17, 2006
I may lie and try to feel that I am dreaming,
I may lie and try to say, "Thy will be done"-
But a hundred such as I will never comfort Erin
For the loss of that noble son!
Samuel Ferguson
March 13, 2006
About now you would be calling to ask how the run went yesterday-thanks for keeping me going. Miss and Love You-Jayne
March 12, 2006
...and until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand beannachtai na feile padraig oraibh (st. patricks day blessings upon you) crohaim thu(I miss you) mike
March 10, 2006
Even though its not the "real"st patricks day parade today you will still be in a lot of peoples thoughts as it goes by.You were as irish as they come and this next week is going to be full of Irish reminders of you.more than a few "ales" will be hoisted in your honor!!!keep watch over everyone that they get home safe!love ya
March 10, 2006
eight months and I still think of you every minute of every day the pain hasnt gone away at all but I dont think it ever will
March 6, 2006
Bill - Eight months today. I miss you always. Kath
March 5, 2006
It's eight months-still waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I am trying...Love you-Jayne
March 5, 2006
Give dad a hug for me and tell him I miss him - miss and love you both so much. Have a couple of drinks for all of us. Love you-Jayne
February 13, 2006
I just found out about this today! I am so damn sorry to learn this. It's just not fair. I guess its been 16-17 years since I've talked to ya. You were just one of the new kids on the department when I left but I can see and hear you right now as we used to sit, parked side by side, talkin' on some of the midnight shifts. As big, impressive, deep voiced and sincere as you were -- you held me in awe of you even when you were a young rookie. If I'm remembering correctly, you were still single with no children yet -- just an impressive kid intent on being a good cop. I'm sorry Bill. I am so very sorry -- but I know you're up there watching over and taking care of the other guys on KPD.
Help 'em out.
L. Speer
former Kirkwood P.O. #125
February 10, 2006
Tell Shannon "Happy 17th birthday" for me and give her a hug.
February 9, 2006
Bill, It's seven months today. I wish I could say its easier. But its not. I miss you everyday, I miss you every minute. Please continue to pray for us. I love you always, Kath.
February 5, 2006
Tomorrow will be seven months and it hasn't gotten any easier. There have been so many things lately that I want to pick up the phone and talk to you about and this is when the pain hits the hardest. I can still see your face and of course, hear your laugh, so vividly. We were just talking about one of your laughs the other night where Mike would get you going so hard that you couldn't breathe - and of course, we all laughed because we all tried to imitate it! We all miss you so, so much and wish we could hear that laugh again in person. Please give us your strength and guidance. We need it. Love you-Jayne
February 4, 2006
coming up on 7 months and I still cant believe your gone I think of you every day I wish I could have talked with you just one last time When I hear that song "one more day" I think of more day!!!I love you Bill
February 2, 2006
I was thinking about that time we were with Gram at the Nursing Facility. You were wheeling her down the hall and all the other residents were just in awe of you. They all wanted to meet you and you were very friendly saying "Hi" and "Nice to meet you." You looked like such a giant next to them. Well, a crowd was kind of gathering and Gram got a little mad and yelled "DO YOU THINK I COULD SPEND TIME WITH MY OWN GRANDSON?" I was thinking how proud of you she must be up there and I'm wondering if she's telling the angels, "Can I spend time with my own Grandson?" Love you Kath
January 28, 2006
I was thinking about that time we went to see Gram in the Nursing Home. You were wheeling her down the hall and all the other residents were just in awe of you. They all wanted to meet you and you were very friendly saying "Hi" and "Nice to meet you." You looked like such a giant next to them. Well, a crowd was kind of gathering and Gram got a little mad and yelled "DO YOU THINK I COULD SPEND TIME WITH MY OWN GRANDSON?"
January 28, 2006
Just thinking about ya. I'm glad that I can go here and see your handsome smiling irish eyes. Give my little girlfriends a hug up there. I'm sure you already have.
January 28, 2006