White County Sheriff's Office, Arkansas
End of Watch Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff George Clifford Griffin, Sr.
I love you pawpa and miss you a lot. I want to see you but mom says I have to wait until i get old and go live with god. Love you lots mattie
# 2 grandson
November 19, 2006
Dad, Just setting here thinking about you. Mom and the babies are n there wipen Christmas presents. We went to Kims last night and had a wennie roast and Bubba, Court, Timmy and Amber came. We rode the four wheelers. It was fun. Keith took five of your babies to some arcade place yesterday. They had sooooo much fun. I wish Autumn would of got to go. That way all 6 of them would of been togather. Today is Jenny's b-day. She is coming over when she gets off work and Mom, Kim, me and all 6 of your babies are going to take you some new flowers and Ettie man has a duck for you. Chey has another angel for you. We love you and miss you. Kim and I went by the pole yesterday and the flowers she put there are still there. She keeps them changed out. I guess I need to get up and get ready jen gets off in a hour and i still in my pj s. I love you . I miss you pawpa love chey.
November 19, 2006
DAD I am setting here at moms thinking how hard it is going to be in a few days when we all set down to eat and you are not here. Last year me and the babies stayed at home and had dinner because I couldnt go out there knowing that it was susposed to be your day off and you where soooooo happy cause you was going to be at home to fry the turkey in stead of having to work. The babies and I will be here this year. Still wont be the same without you. But it will never be the same again. I miss you sooooooo much. It is only a few more months til you will be the big 50. The birthday you just couldnt wait for. (Because I was going to let you go white headed).Of course we didnt make it. But I know when I see you again it will be as white as snow like you always wanted, since the day you found out you was going to be a pawpa. But about the hayride it was a blast. Kim fall off the trailor and you know we all got a huge laugh out of that. We had a lot of people there this year. Mom came and had a bunch of fun. it was soooooooo good to see her laughing and having fun. Big Terry and little Terry was there and their nephews. Jimmy Dale came.One of Keith jrs friends was there. His name is Logan so like all the Terrys now we have to Logans.Angie and Phil and the kids came this year to.With everyone that always comes and the new ones we had about 30 people there. Hopefully there will be more next year. Well mom will be home in little bit I got to get your babies ready so we can go to town. We Love you Daddy and cant wait till it is are time to see you again. Until than we will miss you each and eveyday. Phil is going back over seas Please be with him while he is over there. Moe and Tiff also left for boot camp to day. Bubba is also going to join. Like I told him I dont want you to But I will always be proud of you in what ever you do. He said that is what dad and I talked about so it is what I want to do. I said and Daddy is very proud of you . Got to go love you!!!!
November 15, 2006
There is a new Sheriff in town...... We have not frogotten you or your family.
November 12, 2006
George its been a while since I have left you a message but I visit this site daily.I talked with Patti and Jennifer about you on Friday...they love and miss you so much..all your children and grandchildren do!! I have a reminder of you on my desk so everyday I see something that reminds me of the good man you were,George I still cant think about that day without crying,dont know that I ever will! Please continue to watch over us all and keep us safe.we love and miss you.
I think of you and the girls alot,I cant imagine how you feel or the emotions you go through but please know we pray for you daily and we love you.
Tonia Hale Paramedic
NorthStar EMS
October 28, 2006
Today was a goodday I got to see your grandbabys oh how they have grown. I have missed them so much an just to beable to hug an give them each a kiss was so good. I got to see Christy an Gene they look good i miss all of them so much. Christy said they would come by to see me before they go home.
You would be so proud. Now that i know about this site i will write as much as i can I know it is still hard but with Gods Grace it will get easier.
I miss you my friend
October 28, 2006
Dad It has been awhile but I havent had my computer. I Miss u more and more everyday. The babies had their first dance at school. Mattie said he shaked his booty like u and him always did. Chey didnt want to go cause you wasnt here to take her. But I Done a lot of Talking to her and finally she decided that you would be there with her and she went. Ettie was the easy one he said I am going cause papaw wants me to. I am tring to do my best it is hard. I like it down here but it is not what I thought it would be. We are going to the hayride at Kims Saturday. I know it is a long ways to come for a hayride. But that is one of the things you liked doing for halloween and me and Kim has decided we will keep doing it as long as we are able. I see mom has started to write. I have been tring to get her to I told her it would help a lot. I am so glad that Toyna told me about this site cause it really does help. I even got Kim to write. She is still having a very hard time. And now that I am not here she dont know what to do. We talk everyday but it is not the same we was together everyday just like you and I was. I thought moving would make it easier but it didnt. I guess nothing will. I Love you and miss you bunches. But I have to get off here for now. We will NEVER FORGET YOU. YOU WAS AND STILL ARE OUR HERO. We love you Dad.hat Keep watching over us and keep us safe until we are back with you. The babies love you and talk about you everyday. (but of course you already know that).
Christy Grow
October 28, 2006
my friend it has been over a year now an i miss you. You just being there when i opened the store or just coming in just to say hi ment so much to me. I miss Patty the kids an grandkids. There isn't a day that goes by that i don't think about all of you. I mostly tell people how safe i felt when you were on duty I truly miss your smile an your humor You are the best.
will see in Heaven my friend
October 26, 2006
No one who truly knew you will ever forget.
October 26, 2006
To wife..... I will never forget the day.... Seeing the accident and then pulling up on it was the hardest day of my life as a deputy. Geroge in my wifes hands.... You are in my prayers all the time. I pray for God and George to watch over you and give you strength. There are many of us here that think of you and the family. As long as I am here George will be remembered. I hear you and understand you think we don't care. But I am here I CARE and my WIFE CARES. God Bless YOU
October 25, 2006
honey it has been a hard day but somehow i keep putting one foot in front of the other, i know with gods help i can do it, i know that i need to be strong in each passing day. but it is very hard. when i really think about you its like the tears start and want stop. I know i haven't come to this sight very much cause it breaks my heart even more it is very hard to get on it and write. but the couple times i have it has gave me a little comfront.at times very much i think why you. but i know that god needed you more. its just that if i just had someone to talk with at times it might be a little easier,but i cry for a while and then laugh at some of the things you use to say! all i have left is the memories of you but i promise they will always be with me, the kids are doing ok, they still have there bad times. your son is following in your steps, but i've learnt from the best it is better to support than fuss about it. but i can not help to say why he wants to get in i have no clue i'll just have to support him the best i can. and pray that when he leaves he'll be back home the same with your son_inlaw Jeremy .babe you will always be in my thoughts you will never be forgotton . love u very much. there are times i think is it like this always but if it is i'll do my best to cope.i know we have police officers die everyday i can only pray for the famlies cause i truly no what it is like.all there is to do for them is pray and hope that there dept. gives them the support. cause we sure don't have it in ours!!!! love u
October 18, 2006
there is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts, somedays I feel i can make it and that it will get easier without you being here with us. but I don't think it will, all I do and can do is hang on to the memories. I miss you alot but I do understand your work here is done. and yes people do forget! But me and the kids will never forget we all love you and miss you very much! You hardly ever here from any of the other dupties, but as you always said in times like this you really know who your true friends are!!! The grandkids miss you very much they are always talking about my papa.autumn says hi and to tell you that she always see you and talks to you every day. she is forever saying nana papa is right here do you not see him,he talks to me all the time. what do you say? all I know to say is yes i know honey! it takes all i can do not to cry when she says this. But I know God will help me get through. even if I think i will not. but its like you always said thats why we have our kids & grandkids.Because you never can depend on anyone for support. I really understand now why, Just to let you know I miss you very much and some how I'll make it the rest of my day without you. but i know it is not going to be easy, Love You
October 13, 2006
I have not forgotten. Still say my prayers for your family all the time. We are in the the new Sheriff's Office now. Know would would have liked it.
To your family... Some forget but I have not, I do not see you very often but God is always there with you. Take comfort in him. I will keep you in my prayers..... forever.
White County Sheriff Dept.
October 11, 2006
It has been over a year.Since you left,But it seems like yesterday. It is hard to make each day without you.you are a true hero and will never be forgotten by those that love you. not a day goes by that i don't think of you. I have to say that it will always be that way as long as i'm on this earth, You will always have a place in my heart.MISS YOU alots, Keep watch over us!!!
An Angel in the sky must leave his place of rest.
Gently tucking his wings beneath his armored vest.
For duty has called,there is much to do.
Little did he know this one is dressed in Blue,
Arriving at the scene he knows just what to say,
"Follow me fallen brother, I'll show the way,
Your duty has ended, Your work is now through,
Come hang your hat beside mine, I'm a cop too"
September 23, 2006
I love you vere much. Selina and Trenton love you to.
September 15, 2006
Well dad mattie made it two days at school without getting in trouble. The third day well it wasnt his day. He got in trouble for fighting. You always said you couldnt wait for him to start school so you could see how long he went before he got in trouble. i knew when the phone rung yesterday morning it was the school. She told me who she was and that she had mat in her office I said what did he do. She said he pushed and kicked a little boy. When his teacher asked him why he did it, he stuck his tongue out at her and shruged hie shoulders. I dont know what i am going to do with him. But like always you was right you said he was going to be our little thug. He is so mean it is not funny. He was not to happy when his daddy came home from work. Last night when I was putting them to bed he said mommy I miss pawpa. And if he was here i would of gotta spaken for being ugly at school wouldnt of I. I said yeap pawpa would not of been happy with you. He said I am sorry pawpa and I will tell my teacher in the morning that I am sorry for being ugly. It took all I could do not to cry dad when he said that. I knew the other two would remember what you told them if they was ugly at school. But I was scared that he was to young he wouldnt remember but he does. He told me that he would be good today cause that is what papaw wants him to do. I Love you daddy.
Christy Grow
August 25, 2006
Dad Just setting here thinking of you. Missing going riding after we dropped the babies of at school. Was watching news Monday and first thing on was Baton Rouge officer killed. I just started cring. He leaves behind his wife a son and a six month old baby. I am sure by now yall have done met. I know what his son is going through. It is hard on me and I am grown he is only 9. I miss you more and more each day. Ettie-man is not doing so well at school again this year. He doesnt want to go. He cries every morning when i drop them off. The school called Friday to let me know he had been cring in class everyday. I dont know what is wrong he willnt talk to me. I think it might be because it is the begaining of a new school year with out you. She wanted to know if I wanted the cousaler to talk to him I told her I would talk to him when I picked him up. Maybe he might talk to someone else. This is another thing that you would know how to handle. I am tring really hard to be strong like you but it is getting harder everyday. I just want to be half the mom to them as you was the dad to us. I know I cant be the best because you have that title. well matti-man is up wanting to eat. We love you and miss you dad. hi pawpa love you mattieman
Christy Grow
August 16, 2006
George, I got the opportunity to visit the memorial today and see your named engraved with all the other fallen heroes. You are always in the hearts and mind of those of us who will never forget what you meant to us, and our community.
Dep. Phillip E. Miller
August 8, 2006
Dad I know I have not been on in awhile but as it got closer to the Worse day of my life I just wanted to be left alone.I miss you. Im sure you already know that we are in La now. This is where we was going to move sooner or later but as we all know now god had different plans for you. it has been a long and very very hard year. But I have made it. There was times I didnt thing I could. and sometimes I still dont thing I can. But than I look at your pictures. And it is like I can hear you saying it will be ok I love you. Well we was setting here yesterday and Mattie-man asked why are we calling that man pawpa. Pawpa leaves up there now. I said that is your Pawpa Denny. He said pawpa wont get mad at me if I call him Pawpa. I said no cause Pawpa liked him and he is your grandpa to. i think I took care of it. It is moments like that were i miss you the most. You always knew how to answer ALL the questions. School is about to start. This
one is really going to be hard cause my baby starts and I will be by myself during the day. I know you will be here with me. I just wish it was in person. You was here for the first day with Ettie-man and chey but mattie i have to do by myself. Nothing about it is fair.But I am your daughter and you raised all 4 of us too be strong know matter what happens. As everyone seen on 6-21-05 you did a GREAT job cause we all was very strong or at least while everyone was around.(Behind closed doors was another story). Ilove you and miss you lots. I know it is almost two months late but Happy Fathers Day. That was a bad day also. Well got to go fill out the school papers. Love you!!!!!!!
July 31, 2006
It has been a year today. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I've missed having you there to help me out when I get into those tough situations. I miss you very much.
Love, James
Dep. James Armstrong
White County Sheriff's Department
June 21, 2006
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Romans 13:4
June 21, 2005 - June 21, 2006 Never Forgoten
June 21, 2006
George, it seems that only yesterday we were havng such great times working together. Although you and I were at different agencies it seemed you could always find a way to work the north end of the county when I was on shift. I can't believe it has been a year today. I miss you and wish I could turn back the hands of time. I cannot play God and I cannot bring you back. I visited with Jennifer this morning on the phone. She seem to be very strong as does all of your family. Chief Coffman is such a great help for your family. You have great friends and that is because you were a true friend to all of your brothers in blue. I wish I could see and talk to you and tell you how much I do miss you and wish things were different. I will tell you this, rest easy and take comfort in the knowledge that you have a great family and they are doing well under the circumstances. We will all be together someday.
Sgt. Tim Sanford
Bald Knob Police Department
June 21, 2006
A man so remembered with love and respect never dies but continues to live on in the hearts and minds of others.May you Rest in Peace and may Our Lord, who loves us all, wrap His Arms tightly around your loved ones, friends and brother officers today that they may know His Love and Comfort.
June 21, 2006
Please know that your dedication and sacrifice have not been forgotten as the first anniversary of your tragic death approaches. You will forever be remembered as a hero.
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
June 20, 2006
I noticed last week that the number of hours riding with other officers had just finally (last week) caught up to the number of hours logged riding with you. I've missed that a bunch. Thanks for all the patient instruction (and stories).
I may have to go find an omlette topped with grits in memory (which you did get me to try once).
Ptl. Ryan McAfee
Kensett PD
June 19, 2006