Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox
I was in 5th grade when Officer Cox was killed. He had been our DARE officer at Bishop Flaget for many years. He was always so kind and enthusiastic. Today I am a teacher in Georgia, and still think of his bravery and inspiration to students. I wear his pin on my lanyard at school to remind myself to be brave in the event of a crisis.
Katie Jesser (Hammonds)
DARE Student
October 2, 2024
Hi. As I sit here at home looking at the Fallen pics and names my heart is heavy for every single person that is starting this journey. I really don’t think it ever gets easier, or makes sense or in time you heart will heal. I don’t think any of that is even possible. The void is still with me after 19 years, 19 years. Unbelievable. Sometimes I can just see you throwing back your head and laughing your “loud” laugh, I still relive that night more often than I should, but I will always remember you and all of our good times and bad times. I still have your pic with me all the time. You have missed out on so much! It just isn’t fair, ya know? I wonder where you would be now. Retired and living life. As you should be.
May 9, 2024
NEVER FORGET! Please help me honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox of the Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio and the additional 61 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.
Superintendent Joe Morbitzer (Retired)
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation
April 21, 2024
Well, the holidays are coming around again. No I’m not ready for them. So many things that you have missed. So many people were robbed of knowing you. The whole thing still sux! I still hate it. I was talking to Aunt Vicki’s nephew the other day, boy was I confused. I absolutely could not figure out the connection to you. I got it now. It was a senior moment on my part. Of all of our friends, I’m. It sure if more are with you or more are with me. So much has happened with all of us. It has been 18 years since you left. Man, that doesn’t seem possible. I’m sorry I haven’t had much contact with Ev, but he is doing an amazing job where he is! You sure did raise that kid right! I ask about him often and everyone singings his praises. I miss your face and that stupid wave of yours.
November 21, 2023
Officer Cox,
You were my D.A.R.E. Officer in elementary school. I remember when and where I was when I heard the crushing news. Quite some time has passed since, but I didn’t forget you.
People like you leave imprints bigger than just memories.
Thankful for you, always.
Natalie Howie
Previous D.A.R.E. student. Active Duty USAF Officer.
August 3, 2023
I miss you!
July 26, 2023
Retired CPD
April 21, 2023
Hi!!! Sorry I haven’t been down in a couple weeks, I have so much going on it’s crazy. I think I. Gonna pack up and move to SanJuan. I love it there and I think there would be perfect weather everyday and I could live a lot better than stupid Ohio. Ya know? I hate being cold!
Anyway, I will be down soo to catch-up on some stupid that is happening.
Love and blessings my dear friend!
April 17, 2023
Man, do I miss your face! It is absolutely astonishing that you have been gone this long. Wow. I know you have greeted so many of our friends up there, too many. Several of us have left the Department and ventured out on our own little businesses. So far so good. I love retirement! I still don’t like the holidays much. I’m getting a little better, but not much. I’m sorry I haven’t been down to see you for a couple weeks, but I have had a lot going on. Anyway, please keep an eye on our brothers and sisters in blue/black and gray. They can use all the help they can get with all the stupid stuff going on. Love ya.
December 19, 2022
You have been heavy on my mind today for some reason. The weather is beautiful and people are out walking everywhere. You should be running somewhere down here. The Department sure has a lot of new faces, I don’t think I know hardly any of them. Every now and then I see some familiar faces at a restaurant or store but not too much. I just got back after being gone for a week, the break was much needed. Anyway, please keep watch over us and we will see you when we get there. Love and blessings.
June 11, 2022
Larry was my dare office in school he was a great man I just seen him the day before it happened so crazy it’s been 17 years already when I stop to see my moms grave I stop to see you as well miss you Larry
None K S
April 25, 2022
Yep this day still sucks!!! It will never get easier. I will never forget. Love and blessings. H.
April 21, 2022
NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Attorneys General Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox of the Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio and the additional 63 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.
Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation
April 21, 2022
I graduated with Larry. He was a hell of a runner and really good at basketball. His son & my oldest daughter were the same age. We would see each other with the kids down in the park. His office was next to mine at the LEC. As DARE officer he was in the office with the CPD detectives. He would always go by my office & tell me what school he would be at that day since the detectives never remembered where he said. (Lol). He would say “Mom, I’m going to be at ________ school today, grab a handful of Hit Tamales & be off.
We became really close friends. I never will forget getting that call that night. I immediately went down to the scene and worked in the command bus noting all the information that was received.
It still feels so fresh in my mind. I think of him often. I hope heaven has Hot Tamales.
Cheryl Ray
April 20, 2022
As I sit here reflecting on all the good times I had as a deputy, I realize I made lifelong friends and prob lifelong enemies, lol, what a true blessing. I made friends that I will never forget, more than one is up there with you. I still think that I was absolutely the most blessed person I know. God has really stuck with me and I am truly grateful.
I don’t go down to the LEC much anymore. About everyone we worked with have left or moved on to another agency. Sad really. We sure did have some great times. On duty and off duty…. Sssshhh don’t tell those stories. Almost 17 years have passed, how? Sometimes it seems like days and sometimes it seems like lifetimes ago. I sure do miss you! I still have your pic in my wallet and I still have my sweatshirt you bought me. I don’t wear it, it hangs in my closet with a bag over it to protect it from dust.
E is absolutely loved by the OSP peeps. They love that child. He has been promoted already. Awesome huh? He has a lot of you in him I think. I keep hearing nothing but good about him and his work ethic. Papaw would be so proud of that boy.
Love and blessings!
February 3, 2022
As I sit here reflecting on all the good times I had as a deputy, I realize I made lifelong friends and prob lifelong enemies, lol, what a true blessing. I made friends that I will never forget, more than one is up there with you. I still think that I was absolutely the most blessed person I know. God has really stuck with me and I am truly grateful.
I don’t go down to the LEC much anymore. About everyone we worked with have left or moved on to another agency. Sad really. We sure did have some great times. On duty and off duty…. Sssshhh don’t tell those stories. Almost 17 years have passed, how? Sometimes it seems like days and sometimes it seems like lifetimes ago. I sure do miss you! I still have your pic in my wallet and I still have my sweatshirt you bought me. I don’t wear it, it hangs in my closet with a bag over it to protect it from dust.
E is absolutely loved by the OSP peeps. They love that child. He has been promoted already. Awesome huh? He has a lot of you in him I think. I keep hearing nothing but good about him and his work ethic. Papaw would be so proud of that boy.
Love and blessings!
February 3, 2022
As I sit here reflecting on all the good times I had as a deputy, I realize I made lifelong friends and prob lifelong enemies, lol, what a true blessing. I made friends that I will never forget, more than one is up there with you. I still think that I was absolutely the most blessed person I know. God has really stuck with me and I am truly grateful.
I don’t go down to the LEC much anymore. About everyone we worked with have left or moved on to another agency. Sad really. We sure did have some great times. On duty and off duty…. Sssshhh don’t tell those stories. Almost 17 years have passed, how? Sometimes it seems like days and sometimes it seems like lifetimes ago. I sure do miss you! I still have your pic in my wallet and I still have my sweatshirt you bought me. I don’t wear it, it hangs in my closet with a bag over it to protect it from dust.
E is absolutely loved by the OSP peeps. They love that child. He has been promoted already. Awesome huh? He has a lot of you in him I think. I keep hearing nothing but good about him and his work ethic. Papaw would be so proud of that boy.
Love and blessings!
February 3, 2022
As I sit here reflecting on all the good times I had as a deputy, I realize I made lifelong friends and prob lifelong enemies, lol, what a true blessing. I made friends that I will never forget, more than one is up there with you. I still think that I was absolutely the most blessed person I know. God has really stuck with me and I am truly grateful.
I don’t go down to the LEC much anymore. About everyone we worked with have left or moved on to another agency. Sad really. We sure did have some great times. On duty and off duty…. Sssshhh don’t tell those stories. Almost 17 years have passed, how? Sometimes it seems like days and sometimes it seems like lifetimes ago. I sure do miss you! I still have your pic in my wallet and I still have my sweatshirt you bought me. I don’t wear it, it hangs in my closet with a bag over it to protect it from dust.
E is absolutely loved by the OSP peeps. They love that child. He has been promoted already. Awesome huh? He has a lot of you in him I think. I keep hearing nothing but good about him and his work ethic. Papaw would be so proud of that boy.
Love and blessings!
February 3, 2022
Thanks for the visit yesterday!!! I was so happy for a minute and then just like that, you were gone. I hate this!!! Time does not heal anything!!!
December 8, 2021
Oh so many more LEOs have joined you in heaven. Larry i absolutely hate that you aren’t here anymore! I still don’t understand it. Probably never will. I still think it isn’t fair. I haven’t seen much of Ev, but I hear he is loved up at the Palace. Lol. All of our friends are retiring and a whole new group are coming in. Di is still hanging in there, but Keith finally retired. Shock, I know. Sandy is in Pike County working on a DARE Chapter, she will get it done,I’m sure. Please keep an eye on us. Love ya.
August 31, 2021
My Brother. Another year gone by and still hurts thinking bout this night all these years ago. Think of the good shifts, good times, laughs, and doing the job right and it helps to lessen the sorrow. Pass the cemetery 5 days a week sometimes more and still look over there.
I know your not there and definitely know where your at! All good in God's neighborhood Brother!
Miss You!
Retired Ofc.
April 21, 2021
I cleaned out some pictures today and found a few of your parents and Ev. Larry, I still think about you almost daily! I would absolutely love to see you throw your head back and hear your signature laugh again. Your EOW anniversary is coming up soon. It’s hard to believe it has been this long. Unbelievable really. Talk soon, I miss you dearly.
April 12, 2021
You have been on my mind today for some reason. Lar, so many of our friends and families are dying because of COVID. I don’t know the solution, but I hope somebody finds a way to stop all the heartache. I hear that Ev is doing a phenomenal job up north. He is such a good kid, you did so well with him. I hate that you aren’t here to help him. I haven’t been to the LEC for such a long time. So many new officers and deputies, please help them stay safe. They sure are taking a lot of nonsense from people, it drives me insane. There aren’t too many people left that would know me or you either one. I still miss you more than I can stand. I hate the whole situation. All of it! Talk to ya soon!
January 25, 2021
You were just on my mind and I wanted to say hi.
November 16, 2020
What I wouldn’t do to have your shoulder to cry on right now. I have been in a funk of some sort. Anyway, by the list of fallen officers you and God must be busy. This whole world sux! Nothing good about it. I have had Ev on my mind a lot lately for some reason. He is doing a phenomenal job at work. The upper staff loves him. Please keep him safe so he can take care of his family, they sure do need him. Let Capt Hough know I said hi, he just got up there with ya too. Talk soon. Love and blessings!!!!
October 21, 2020