Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox
60 to go homie. Miss ya bro!
November 30, 2010
Brother man, thinking of you today and how we are short timers now. Just seems like yesterday we started this adventure. Little over 5 months to go. Miss ya brother.
September 13, 2010
Oh how I could have used your help this past week. I am co-chair of a project that is trying to get toys for low income families in Ross County. I really could have used you to talk to people. You always had a way of talking people into what you wanted. Oh how I wish I had that "skill."
I was down on Eastern today and came by but a gentleman with a cane was there and I didnt want to bother him. I didnt know if he was having a conversation with you or not.
Lar, I still think about you all the time. I can still hear your laugh and see you throwing your head back. I really miss that. I would do most anything to get you back with us. I wish life had a "rewind" button. Wow, that would really get a lot of people in a lot of trouble wouldnt it?
Well, I just wanted to say hi because I wasnt able to do that today.
September 2, 2010
Happy B-day and Happy Memorial Day!
May 31, 2010
In darkness silence of the night,
when all appeared safe and secure.
What Larry had no way of knowing,
this night would be his last tour.
In the alley the car came to a stop,
he was told not to exit the car.
Instead he ran into the night,
soon shots could be heard from afar.
Things became very personal,
as Larry lay on the ground.
Then you heard the words frozen in time,
start me a squad, Officer down.
A mist of glow befell upon the scene,
as Angels in radiance shone.
Watching over brave officers in blue,
Angels charges, children of the throne.
Perhaps you have never met a policeman,
our heavenly Father knows them all by name.
Their honor, integrity, courage and pride.
but none of them seek glorious fame.
On bended knee, with head bowed low,
through tears that had come and gone.
Angels gathered Larry in their arms,
And slowly began the Ascension home.
There at heaven's magnificent gate,
was God, waiting for this soul to embrace.
"Welcome home my son, Officer Larry Cox,
come walk with me in eminent grace
May 25, 2010
huh. as time goes by i still remember the night i found out about the whole situation. I remember being at a friends house and his dad a sheriff got a call that a cop had been taken down and to be on watch for the killer. I am amazed at your life and how you helped me in so many ways, i look up to you, your faith, your strength, and your enduring will to lend a helping hand. As your memorial came around this year i looked at all the kids who still remember you and how they missed you. It brought sadness to my heart that your gone. but i know that soon one of these days i will see you again and when that day comes it will be a great day!
Until we meet again, God be with you!
former dare student in elementary
May 25, 2010
Summer is upon us again. Another summer you will run the highways in heaven. I was just telling a friend of mine the other night how you out-ran dobermans. I had to almost swear on a bible to get her to believe me. I told her you could run like the "wind" and not get "winded", oh how I envy that.
Well, I will talk to you tomorrow when I come down. Rest easy my friend.
May 5, 2010
Larry, Just want you to know I miss you and think about you often. Didn't go to the memorial, but you know my reasons for that. I'm sure there are some who would not understand but that is okay. See ya Bro.
April 25, 2010
It has been five years but you are not forgotten. I will never forget your words of wisdom from when I was a teenager when you would patrol with Officer McKee. I am continuing to keep my chin up and hope to see you one day so we can catch up, I know you would be proud that you had a positive influence on my life and it will affect my future.
Rebecca (Hastings) Shaeffer
April 22, 2010
Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
April 21, 2010
Today, April 20th, 2010, is the 10th Year Anniverary of the passing of your cousin, Dwayne Butcher. We are remembering him today.
Tomorrow we will be remembering you at Greenlawn Cemetery at 8:30 P.M. Stan, Diane, Phillip and Adam Harrington, aunt, uncle and cousins will be singing. There will be two speakers and of course Eric McKee will be the MC. He has stood by us as well as others since your death. We will be honoring you tomorrow and remembering you every day as usual.
National Geographic has chosen to air the breakout of your killer at 10 PM on the fifth anniversary of your death. The community does not appreciate it. We know that God knows how it really happened.
We honor the MEN IN BLUE this day and every day.
Love and Blessings.
Joy Cox
April 20, 2010
Brother Man, It will be five years tomorrow at 9:10pm. Nice articles in the paper and getting ready for the rememberance service at cemt. The family is truly awesome and their faith is deff what got them throught these last five years. I've learned so much from them. Want you to know bro that you never have been nor will ever be forgotten. I"ll see ya on the other side.
Chilli PD
April 20, 2010
We made it to our 50th Wedding Anniversary and missed you being there. Teresa, Evan, Velvet, Scott, Kelsey, Jacob, Aunt Lee Ann and Uncle Bernard really threw a celebration. It was held on June 27th, 2009, our actual wedding day, at Tabernacle Baptist Church here in Chillicothe and the church we were married in. Three hundred people attended. We had the pictures of the family including Gordon on tables for all to see. We had the flower basket that Debbie carried in our wedding on display along with my wedding dress. Your dad surprised me with a diamond ring for our 50th.
You would have enjoyed seeing Evan, Kelsey, Jacob and Evan's roommate blowing up the balloons and hanging them from the ceiling. They decorated the tables with roses, hearts and candy. Those kids really have talent and act like you use to at that age.
Kelsey made a picture video which played throughout the afternoon. And one of your brothers, Jamie Rout, was there as our DJ. Velvet gave him a list of questions about us and Jamie would call out a question and those who answered were given a piece of candy. Eileen Wise, mother of one of your classmates, made the Wedding Cake. Teresa made all the pasta salad and we had meatballs, wings, fresh fruit trays and cheese trays along with the condiments. Jeff, Joe and their wives and Judy Benson, their mother gave us a very large picture of the double rainbow that appeared after your funeral and the picture is entitled, "LARRY'S RAINBOW". It was displayed at the celebration. Oh, we don't want to forget the car show. Several of our friends drove their street rods and antique cars and displayed them in front of the church. You know we always like to do the unusual things. Well, it was a day we never thought we would see but God blessed us with a long life and why He took you so young only He knows the reason.
This year, 2010, will be a big one as we will be celebrating your 50th birthday along with Evan's 21st birthday. It will also be the 5th anniversary of your leaving us.
We are still hearing the good things you did for others.
2010 has not been the best for the McGee family. Don passed away last week with pneumonia. It was unexpected as he was in Traditions for rehab. We went to the viewing and saw Jeff and his family and Jeremiah. Jeremiah wants to meet with us for dinner. Nancy was telling stories about Jr. High and started crying but we got her laughing at some of the humorous things that we all did. The Lions had a very nice service for Don.
We are all busy getting pictures, letters, CD, news media reports to put in the file of the person who gunned you down so he will never ever have a chance of getting out of prison.
Rest assured you are gone but will never be forgotten.
Love you always.
Larry Roger and Joy (McNeal) Cox
Dad and Mom
January 12, 2010
Officer Larry Cox, I never had the priviledge to meet you in person but the things that i have heard about you have truly touched my heart. I heard these nice things from your best friend and fellow officer Mike A. I just wanted to let you know that to this day, he misses you deeply. He really cared about you and your untimely death really left an empty spot in his heart. I know that you had to be a good man, for the one im talking about is a good man also. I know that the world was a better place because of you. I just wish i had gotten to know you, but since i didnt i salute you Officer Cox,you are not forgotten. AC
Friend of Officer Mike Ater
December 28, 2009
Just thinking of you and your family as the holidays approach. Your family remains in our prayers.
Investigator A. L. Lewis
December 22, 2009
Sir, you are a true hero. I am proud to call you a brother officer and God bless you and your family.
Deputy Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
November 26, 2009
Well, the holiday season is almost here, again. The turkey trot is coming up too. I really wish I could do that, even a walk. But my asthma is much worse than it was, and I probably wouldnt make it around the pond much less up and around the flood wall.
I got kind of depressed last night. I went into the LEC, there are several new guys down there. I thought about it and realized that those guys never knew you. They never had that honor. I just thought how sad for them. They will never know the magnitude of your personality or the strength that you brought with it. They are really getting ropped off.
Thank you for being you. Thanks for letting me be a small part of that, your friendship meant more to me than you will ever know. More than I ever knew.
October 29, 2009
Hey Babe tomarrow will be our 8 yr. anniversary. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Cold and rainy but it was special in it's own way. I loved ya then and I love ya now. I miss you so much. Happy Anniversary with all my love.
Your Tredis
October 25, 2009
Hey Bro
You know, big crash, big ouches, down to about 15 months. Hope to make it back before then. Miss ya.
Chillicothe PD
October 2, 2009
Well, I just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I check this cite most every day and Im very sad that the reflections have almost stopped. I know that people move on and grieve in other ways, but it breaks my heart......well, it breaks my heart.
I was on vacation last week and the weather was terrible! It was in the 60's in the day time. I know, in August. Go figure. I went to a flea market that was outstanding. It took 2 full days to go thru it and I still missed a small part. I got some good deals. Imagine me, lookin for a deal. I know, I know.
I went by the school the other day and thought of ya. I love the bench that Cathy had made. I think of her and you everytime I pass there. Oh and I think about Tim know, Tim Horton. He lives right down the street. LOLOL.. Just kidding.
Well, I must get off here and get to bed. I just got home from work, boy it was a long day today. Not as long as yesterday, but it was still long. I miss you terribly.
September 1, 2009
18 months to go brother. It's going by really fast.
Miss Ya!
August 29, 2009
Things went well for the poker run other than rain at the end.Why is it that anytime we do something for you it rains,your sense of humor still prevails. Just thinking of you as always.NEVER FORGOTTEN BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 15, 2009
Sometimes I come here to remind myself of what we (my brothers and sisters in blue) have lost at the Chillicothe Police Dept. I'm sure other depts have lost the same thing. We now know not to take our safety for granted and that we don't know what tomorrow may bring. We know that tomorrow may not come. We know that we miss you very much. We regret that you aren't here to see those who are retiring leave and the new guys that replace them. We regret that you won't be retiring with them some day. We regret our friend is not here. We regret that as time goes by some here only know your name and that is all they will ever know. We regret that Evan doesn't have a father when he needs one most. We don't regret having known you. We don't regret looking past your faults and seeing your strengths. We don't regret our memories, be they good or bad. Because that is what families are about. We take the good with the bad, happy with the sad and roll with the punches. We wish you were here. We love you brother.
June 25, 2009
I know that I am behind but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday(May 31st). I think of you daily. I dont think a day has gone by that I dont think about you or talk about you.
June 10, 2009
Dear Joy:
I am thinking of you on this Mothers Day as we miss our precious sons and hold you in thought and prayer.
Your friend Phyllis
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
May 10, 2009