Missouri State Highway Patrol, Missouri
End of Watch Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Reflections for Trooper Ralph Charles Tatoian
Just wanted to leave a message to let you know that your family and friends are in my thoughts today. Help them throughout the day because it is going to be hard for them. I know you will be with them like you always are. Thank you for your dedication to your job. You will never be fogotten.
April 20, 2006
On this first anniversary of your tragic death please know that your dedication and sacrifice have not been forgotten. You will forever be remembered as a hero.
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
April 20, 2006
Please be with your family today, they will need it. Give them a lot of signs, that always helps. They miss you very much. I told Nick, that you guys should have a beer together today. You are a true HERO.
P.O. Nick Sloan's Sister
E.O.W. January 30, 2004
P.O. Nick Sloan's Sister
April 20, 2006
On the first anniversary of your tragic death, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your dedication and service to the community will not be forgotten. Heroes live forever.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
April 20, 2006
Dear Trooper Tatoian: It saddens me to think you have been gone e year. I salute you and your sacrifice. But you died a hero and I know you are in Heaven keeping all of us safe down here. You know your family needs you so much, so make sure they can feel your presence.
I hope your brother and sister officers will stop to remember you...maybe have a briefing in your memory today. Love to all of them.
Your new Aunt from California
Aunt LoVae
LoVae Pray Martines
MADD-San Bernardino County Chapter CA
April 20, 2006
I just don't have the words to express my sorrow for your family. Your parents and sister are such wonderful people. I did not know your wife or kids, but I'm sure they are too since you picked them out! :)
I'll never forget the time we hung out together in our high school years. Going to the zoo, jamming out on the minivan tape player listening to the Dead Milkmen. We used to laugh ourselves silly over the lyrics.
I am sorry I missed your funeral for I was having a son of my own the very next day. I feel much guilt for not paying my respects and am very saddened.
You truly were a good friend. I will forever be reminded of the awful day you departured this world and I watched from my hospital room.
I will continue my thoughts and prayers for your family.
All My Love to Your Family, Mindy
April 20, 2006
May you Rest in Peace and may Our Lord wrap His arms tightly around your family, friends and fellow officers today and in the future.May you all know His comfort.
April 20, 2006
I remember your EOW a year ago. Time has not
diminished your sacrifice. I don't know what your
family has been thru, but am certain this first year
has been like being in a fog and going thru the
motions. I hope it gets easier for everyone as time
passes, but sometimes, it takes an eternity. My
heart goes out to all of you who continue to miss
Ralph. He did his families proud!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
April 20, 2006
"That man is good who does good to others;
if he suffers on account of the good he does, he is very good. If he suffers at the hands of those to whom he has done good, then his goodness is so great that it could be enhanced only by greater sufferings.
And if he should die at their hands, his virtue can go no further; it is heroic, it is perfect"
We miss you Ralph.
April 19, 2006
Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers on this sad anniversary. Give them your guidance and strength.
Jayne McEntee, sister of Bill McEntee EOW 7/05/05
April 19, 2006
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and friends as they reflect with sorrow on the past year without you. I know you are watching over your family and friends, please continue to keep them in your prayers and guide them through this sad journey.
Kathy McEntee, sister of Bill McEntee, EOW 7/5/05
April 19, 2006
As you can probably see Mark got his tatoo this weekend. I though I'd be upset that he got one, but then I saw it was your badge, initials, and EOW date. I could hardly contain myself, here it is one year later and I still tear up. Thank you for being Mark's big brother, and please keep watch over him (we both know he needs it :)). I know you are probably smiling with that big grin at me and telling me it's ok. Sandy's wedding is quickly approaching and hopefully your mom and I will drink too much and not make fools of ourselves. You are missed more than you can imagine. I guess it was foolish of me to keep telling you not to be a hero. Deep down I knew you wouldn't listen. Keep watch over our family, I know you are our angel.
April 19, 2006
To all members of Ralphie's family and the countless number of friends and individuals who were lucky enough to know him: He is now a soldier on the heavenly team and I know he is watching over all of us. There is not a day that goes by that I don't say a prayer for those left behind who miss Ralph and his intoxicating smile. One year has passed since you left us so quickly and for some it really is still hard to accept you will not be coming back. All I personally can do is pray that God will lead you "safely" through your enternal reward and keep an eye on all of us for the rest of our earthly journey. I still question your early departure, but I have to keep faith that it is all in some greater, bigger plan. Take care buddy.
April 17, 2006
It will be one year that your tour of duty ended and I know that year has been a long and tough road for your family and close friends. There are no words I can offer to help them with their grief except that they are not alone. I know that your parents would trade places with you in a heart beat so that you could be here to continue on with your life, but it was not meant to be. All I can suggest is that they take one day at a time and do every thing they can to keep your memory alive. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family forget you. Thank you for your dedicated service to lawn enforcement. Keep watch over your family and protect them, wrap your wings around them to comfort them. Protect those still out on patrol. You are a true hero.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
April 15, 2006
Dear Ralph, I am finlly on the internet and I have Mark and Deb to thank, and noone can tell me different. I guess you can tell Im still learning. I had to have people print this out for me from time to time. We are all getting ready for your sisters wedding and it will be very difficult for all of us not to have you there. There isn`t a minute goes by that you are not on my mind. I think about you every day and although your anniversary is fast approaching, it seems like only yesterday that I got that horrible call. A memorial Mass is being planned in your memory for the 20th by the Baden Boys and Joe Beffa. They have all been so wonderful. I hope we can make it through but I know it will be tough. Your Dad took Little Ralph with him to Rays bachelor party last night. Don`t worry, it was only the B.B.Q. before the actual "party", your dad was home by 9:30. I, however had to drive your sister, Kara, Abby, and Janel to Amys bachelorette party at Soulard last night and then pick them up at 1:ooA.M.. I can`t believe I`m still driving them around at 30 years old. Some things never change. I know you are looking down on us, I have to believe it, or else I would go crazy. I never thought this would happen to our family, I worry about your dad, he just doesn`t seem to concentrate on anything at times. I know he worrys alot. I hope you realize that you have touched more lives in your 32 years than most people will ever touch in a lifetime. What a great tribute to you as a person and the family who loves you. I`m crying now, but I can almost believe that you will read this, and somehow it makes it real. I love you and miss you terribly but you already know that, If you can , tell Nick Sloan, his parents have been a great help.Funny how life ends up. Until next time, watch over us Ralph. P.S. Do you remember when you told me, "Don`t worry Mom, I won`t get hurt"?Well, what about that?, love mom
April 9, 2006
A bunch of us did some work around the house this weekend, and I can't help but feel you were there laughing the whole time. It became very clear to everyone that all I am really good for is knocking over stuff, blocking the light, spilling paint, getting lunch, and buying beer. Samamtha's room turned out awesome. Steve nearly lost it trying to get the closet doors to work right. We must have put them up and taken them down fifty times. The best was when we finally got them up and they wouldn't close. I knew in my heart that you were laughing your ass off at the look on mine and Steve's face when they just wouldn't work. Wish I could have been there when she saw her room for the first time, but I had to bowl. You mom has been on me for a month to come fix her computer at the shop, I'm gonna go Thursday. Its funny, people keep saying that time heals. So far I would have to say they are full of crap, I am as sad and miserable now and I was they day it happened. Maybe in a couple years or so it will be better.
February 22, 2006
Thank you for all your strength. It is different without you here physically, but we sure feel your spirit. I'm sure we have given you a lot of laughs. We still talked about super bowl. (You know what we are talking about). We love ya.
February 18, 2006
i love you...and i miss all your funny stories an jokes you use to tell
it is still hard for me to believe you are gone. I am in school right now and wanted to let you know i always think about you. P.S. ROCKY
Love ya your lil
your lil sis
February 15, 2006
Ralph, your death affected me greatly. I didn't know you very well but I sometimes can see you standing there. We all still talk about you. And there are pictures of you up all over our station. You will never be forgotten.
February 14, 2006
Hey Ralph~
I decided that April 19 will be the day, the day I take the first step of my licensing exam. I think of April 19 of last year as the last day when I was just a little bit happier than I am now, even though I didn't know it at the time. I don't want to take it on the 20 or after because there's too much baggage with those days. You've only been gone around 10 months but it's been about a year and a half since I saw you last, at your mom's surprise party. I had no idea that was the last time I'd see you. I try to remember you as much as I can but I only have a few solid memories of time that we spent together. The rest is just random moments. I'm sad that it's all I have but I just didn't have enough time to make more memories with you. But what I do remember is very dear to me.
I find myself with a big problem in that I haven't seen your side of our family a lot so when I do see them I'm a wreck (but I don't let them see it). I heard Debbbie's voice in the background when Mark and I were on the phone a few weeks ago and I started to cry just from hearing her voice. It's not easy for me to face the people that you were closest to. I've only seen your kids once since your funeral and it tore me up. I barely spoke to Debbie because I just didn't know what to say. I'm not used to seeing her without you. I'm engaged now and I try to picture being with Dan for over 10 years and having kids with him and then losing him and I can't even picture what that would be like. It's too much. I have been able to see Sandy and your parents a little more which is also hard but in a different way. Sandy and your dad are just so strong and your mom is so lost.
I've said it before but I think this entire situation is just crap and I've written some stuff about you to try to get it all out but it doesn't really work. I just miss you and I'm so sad that I didn't get the chance to know you better. But I love you just the same.
February 13, 2006
God bless you and may you rest in peace. My prayer is that God will bless your family.
State Constable J.L. Green
S.C. State Constables
February 10, 2006
Hey Ralph,
It's Mikey, Just wanted to say Hi and I miss you very much and I can't stop thinking about all the fun and times we had together. I hope somehow you get to read this and know that I love you. Well I'm not to much for words except I'm trying to do the things you taught me big brother but It's rough with you not here helping to guide me as you had before. Sure enough I'll pull through and make you proud.
Your Little Bro,
Michael Durbala
February 7, 2006
I miss you so much, it just isn't the same without you.
January 16, 2006
You will be missed. We have the watch now. Rest in peace my brother.
Your Brother in blue
Illinois State Police
January 12, 2006
Love you and miss you. Stay close we need your strength.
December 22, 2005