Missouri State Highway Patrol, Missouri
End of Watch Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Reflections for Trooper Ralph Charles Tatoian
Happy Fathers Day. Miss you always.
June 17, 2007
love you bro..remember the " chop suey" song god we were gay or slap happy lol ....maybe just bored MISS you
June 6, 2007
Thinking of you every day. Thank you for what strength I have. Love Mom
June 2, 2007
I think of you often and miss you. When I see your children, I think of you and how much they will miss out on by not getting to know you as adults.
Kathie Sproull
May 30, 2007
To the Tatoian family, My name is Kevin Jones and I went to grade school with Ralph. I was three grades above Ralph and never hung out with him, but I was able to see him in January of 2006 at the moto mart in Earth City. I stopped in to get a couple of items and to find out where a street was located. The lady did not know and as I was looking at a street guide, Ralph walked in. I recognized him and then when I saw his name tag, I joked with him and said "Hey, you went to Holy Cross?" and he asked who I was and I told him and he remembered me and my twin brother since we grew up in Baden also. I've been an over the road professional truck driver for the last 18 years. I usually run dedicated from St. Louis to the west coast and back. The one stretch of highway that I truely get a little emotional on is the memorial on 44. It was truely a tragic loss for his wife and his children, his parents and sister as well. I hope they never have to endure anything as painful or as heart struck as this tragedy has been ever again. I truely enjoyed talking to Ralph for about 20 or 25 minutes about the teachers at Holy Cross. And unfortunately it was the first time since I have seen him since Baden and the last. My family and myself would like to extend out deepest sympathies, thoughts and prayers to the whole family.
Kevin A. Jones
Kevin A Jones
May 26, 2007
HEY! So I'm sending out invitations next week. Sucks that you won't be here for the big day to be an usher for me. I think that you, Mark and Ray would have more than your share of fun on the bus but I think they'll do just fine on their own! I asked Debbie last week why she didn't bring Max to the shower, she told me that he would open all my presents before I had the chance. He's so darn cute, I look at him and I see you.
We'll miss you at the wedding. Like we don't miss you every other day of the year.
May 25, 2007
Thinking of you always. We could really use your strength right now. Thanks.
May 10, 2007
I wonder if I'll ever be able to be around your kids and not want to cry. It's enough that we lost you but now we get to see your kids grow up without you. I still haven't figured out how Debbie is doing it.
We love you and miss you. It's amazing how I can look back and think of how normal everything seemed to be when in reality it was such a blessing to have you here. I'd give anything to go back to that.
April 25, 2007
2 years and a day doesn't go by without a "Ralph" story. Thanks for those. We need them..
April 20, 2007
hey ralph
im pretty down right now. the only thing that could cheer me up was seeing your face or at least hearing a story or 2 from your day at work. I remember you always coming home after work and getting super excited to tell about what happened. You always made us laugh till our stomaches hurt and we couldnt breathe. haha my teacher kicked me out of class today because i wasnt doing my work, instead i was looking at pictures of you and the family that Sam had sent me. lol i remember how you would trick me and sam into cleaning all the time. you punk i love you always and you still never took me to the cabin but ill wait for ya just wouldnt be the same with anyone else
April 20, 2007
On this, the second anniversary of your passing, we pause to remember.
May your family and friends find peace knowing you died serving. I know of no higher calling.
While your tour is over, ours continues, in your memory.
Master Trooper
Virginia State Police
April 20, 2007
Love you brother.
April 20, 2007
To Ralph and Mary Ann, You are in my thoughts and prayers this day, and everyday. There are so many people that were touched by Ralph and I pray he is looking down on all of us with mercy. May God bless you and keep your family safe.
Ralphie, take good care of Sister Mary Grace.
April 20, 2007
Ok so me and Nick went to Bass Pro yesterday in preperation for the Turkey Hunting and fishing Extraviganza and spent $138,547,869.00. As we were piliaging and plundering the turkey calls and ENTIRE FISHING DEPARTMENT I couldn't stop wishing you could be there with us. We discussed our strategy for when Nick calls in more than one bird and that we are going to shoot on "GO" not "THREE", and that if I don't get a bird Nick could be banashed and that I better not miss. I remember when me you and Samantha went three or four years back and that she looked like a guerilla freedom fighter when she was all decked out in camo. We didn't get a turkey that year, I believe I blamed you. I can't really think of anything else more I want in this entire world other than for you to be here and going with us this weekend, do us a favor and send a couple of birds by me and Nick.
April 20, 2007
Two years. It's not right. We will never stop missing you. Watch over the kids today and send them something to smile about. I know you will watch over all who wear the badge and help them safely home to their families. You always were a hero.
April 20, 2007
May you have sweet sleep and may Our Lord shower your loved ones with many blessings.
April 20, 2007
I recognize your picture from reading about you previously. I know this is still really devastating for those who love and miss you. May Jesus hold them
extra close!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
April 20, 2007
Dad I look up in the sky every day and wonder if that story you said at thanksgiving was true. You would always take me down stairs and talk to me, play on the computer, and shoot beebee guns with me. I remember one time I was really hungry and you said wait but I was to hungry and I started to eat some cholcate. Up stairs on my tv we would always watch the three stooges but we never finished all the videos. Say hi to great grandpa Ralph for me. I miss you. Tomorrow my class is going to the zoo and my friends and me are going to make a movie, I know if you were here you would go too and we would probly behave alot more. I love you.
Your son
April 19, 2007
I know how sad April 20th will always be for your family and friends. Watch over everyone and guide them through these tough times. The McEntee's will be praying for all of you. Kathy McEntee, Bill's sister EOW 7/5/05
April 19, 2007
Please watch over your family on this sad anniversary. You have a wonderful family who misses you very, very much. Please know they have been given us such great support when we really needed it. That says alot about them and your spirit. Rest in peace. Jayne McEntee, sister of Sgt. Bill McEntee EOW 7/05/05
April 19, 2007
Two years. Not a day goes by without thoughts of you. Watch over everyone here.
April 18, 2007
It's hard to believe it has been almost 2 years. It still feels like you are here, just on midnights or something. We miss you.
April 18, 2007
Ralph you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as this anniversary nears. As a survivor I know how hard it is going through life without our loved ones. Watch over your family......
Denise Schilli
Sister of Jeremy Chambers EOW4/24/06
April 18, 2007
Hi Ralph,
I never met you but I have met your mother and father on different occasions as my family is a survivor family also since 04/24/06. I know by talking with your mother and father you were a very fine young man who was taken away too soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family as April 20 draws near. Words cannot begin to describe the sorrow we will feel for your family.
Earl Chambers
Earl Chambers, retired
Cahokia, IL. P.D.
April 17, 2007
miss you.
April 16, 2007