Hardeeville Police Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, February 27, 2005
Reflections for Corporal Mark David Jones
Dear Daddy
We all love and miss you so much. I only spent 8 years with you and yet I had planned out my hole life already. I was going to go to college and earn my diploma, I was going to grow up and marry a guy just like you. You were suposed to walk me down the aisle. You and mommy were suposed to grow old together but now I have to replan my life. Even though you wont be there to watch me grow up you'll always be my #1 daddy. Daddy you are the best.
I love you daddy,
Taylor Jones 8yrs. old
Daughter of Cpl Mark Jones
July 9, 2005
Please take care of Uncle Duane. I know you were there waiting to greet him and will watch over Aunt Sadie and the family.
I miss you so much. Its times like these that make it so much harder. I need your strength and guidance more than ever. I still feel so lost without you. I would give anything to have you back with us, but I know nothing can change the past. I can't imagine the future without you, but I know somehow with your help we will make it through this.
I love you and miss you so much. I think about you constantly.
Wife of Cpl. Mark Jones
EOW 2/27/05
July 3, 2005
To our horonable and beloved son, husband, friend, and co-worker.
Wherever the ocean meets the sky
There will be memories of you.
When we look up at the sky of blue
There we will see visions of you.
While there's a heart in us,
You'll be forever a part of us.
a family friend and co-worker
June 27, 2005
Not a day goes by that I don't ask why.. I'm happy to have had you in my life and especially happy you gave me Jordan. Jordan reminds me everyday what a great heart and happy spirited man you were. I only wish I could have shared him with you. My regrets will haunt me forever. I am sorry! You, look down and take care of Jordan, He loves you and always will.
Laugh and Live forever, your remembered and Loved
Old Friend
June 22, 2005
Happy Father's Day, Honey.
God I miss you. It was so hard for the kids and I today. We went to see you and the girls left cards for you. I tried to get one for you too, but I just couldn't do it. It was awful having to do it that way. It is so hard for me to leave when I go see you. It just feels so wrong. This is not the way it was supposed to be.
Wade, Kayla, Taylor and I also wrote messages on balloons for you and released them at the waterfront where we used to go fishing. I didn't know any other way to pay tribute to you and show how much we love you. I like to think you got the cards and balloons and smiled just like you would have if you were here.
I love you so much, I still feel lost without you. I am so glad we were able to tell each other how we felt. I'm not sure what I would do if we hadn't. I want to know how proud I am of you. I will love you and miss you for the rest of my life. Some day we will be together again.
Goodnight Mark.
Wife of Cpl. Mark Jones
EOW 2/27/05
June 19, 2005
I miss you so much. I think about you constantly. I spend each day trying to accept your loss, only to wake up the next morning and face it all over again.
I often ask myself why it had to happen to you. But I know if you were asked to choose, you would have given your life for your fellow officers. You would not have given it a second thought.
I wish there was a way to let everyone know the type of man you are, but I guess everyone who ever met you already knows.
I sit here trying to find a way to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. So many thoughts go through my mind there is no way to express them all. When we said our vows we promised til death do us part, but now I know not even this will separate us completely. I know you will always be with me. I believe that you are watching over us and know everything I am thinking and feeling.
Thank you for sharing your life with me. I will love you and miss you everyday of my life.
Wife of Cpl. Mark Jones
EOW 2/27/05
May 30, 2005
I just wanted to say how much I miss you.I think of you often.Hope you liked the spit cup I put in with you the day you were buried,I figured you would be tickled to know that someone thought of it.
friend of officer Jones and wife Deanna
May 2, 2005
I just read the memorial for Officer Mark Jones. I want his wife, son and two daughters to know that there folks across this country that care very deeply and will lift them up in prayer. Officer Jones will not be forgotten nor will his family. Though Texas is a long, long way from South Carolina, the ODMP has made it easy for old retired cops in Texas like me to reach out and let them know that they are remembered. God's blessings on the family, friends and co-workers.
Patrolman Doug Hutchison
Irving Police Department, Texas, retired.
May 1, 2005
April 24, 2005
I visit your page often. As I read your relections tears come to my eyes and my heart is heavy, but at the same time I feel lightness over me knowing that so many others got to know what a special and wonderful person you are. You have touched so many of our lives in ways that you have no idea.
The saying I once heard was, you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. Mark I am honored for you allowing me to pick you as a brother I never had, and also for being my friend. I am blessed twice one could say, for knowing you.
Mark, you have an unexplainable charismatic way about you that when people are around you, you just make people want to do and be better. You have this special knack for helping people to achieve and strive to be a better person.
Mark, thank you for letting me experience your friendship and your uniqueness. Mark you may be gone on a physical level but never will you be gone from a souls level. That was only a shell of you what made you came from the inside and will remain with me always.
Mark, you are and always will be very valuable to me and a special part of me. Thank you for allowing me to share in your life and in your family unit with Deanna and the kids.
Rest in Peace, Mark
Gods Speed my friend; Most fondest memories and thoughts
You're friend Wanda Martin
Wanda Martin
Family Friend
April 23, 2005
Mark, It seems like just yesterday that I arrived on scene to learn what I did not ever want to face in my career. I hope everyday will be easier, but it does not change. I read these reflections left here for you, and I always bust down and cry when I read them. I just wish we had more time out here together so we could chase somebody, and get some more dope off the street together like we used to. Mark, I want to thank you for getting me a step closer to being out on the street. Miss You Buddy.
Pfc. E. Baxter and K-9 Yenta
Jasper County Sheriffs Office
April 15, 2005
I went to the academy with Mark. In fact, we spent most of our time off together, down the street from the academy in that little bar with a jukebox and pool tables. On karaoke nights Mark would sing old country songs, and he was good. He also took me to have dinner with his parents one night and we had a great time.
Mark was a great guy, funny as hell. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. It was nice to see so many officers from all over SC, NC, & GA at his funeral coming to pay respect. He is missed greatly.
Officer David Clark
North Charleston, SC PD
April 13, 2005
It was another tough day. Today is Kayla's birthday. It just wasn't the same without you. I gave her the present we had discussed and made sure she knew it was your idea. I tried to make it as easy for her as I could, but we just miss you so much.
I'm still trying to figure out what I am supposed to do without you. Most of the time I just feel lost, but I am trying to continue on with the things we had planned. I know you are watching over us and will help me make the right decisions. I need your strength more than ever.
Good night Mark. I love you.
Wife of Cpl. Jones
EOW 2/27/05
April 9, 2005
God Bless Officer Jones,his families and the Hardeeville Police Department!You will be missed by ALL and forgotten by NONE!My Thoughts and Prayers are with Officer Jones,His families,and this Department!Thank you Brother for Service well done,Rest In Peace now as the rest of your Law Enforcement Brothers and Sisters will continue the fight on the Streets for You as You Patrol the streets of Heaven until we see you again !
Deputy Sheriff
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office , Louisville Kentucky
April 1, 2005
I was sitting here reading your latest reflections and it brought me to tears once again.Not because I am sad but because I know the kind of man you were and how you touched the lives of every single person you came into contact with.
You will never know exactly how you touched my life Mark but reat assured you definitly left me a better person for knowing you.I always looked foward to seeing you because I knew you would leave me with a smile on my face and yours.You always made me smile no matter what.
I miss you Mark.
friend of officer Jones and wife Deanna
March 29, 2005
It's been one month now, and I still can't believe you're gone. The first holiday without you has been difficult. We always had so much fun at Easter with the kids. Since it was raining all day, we had one of your indoor easter egg hunts.
I keep thinking of things I want to tell you, only to realize I'll never have the chance to hear your voice again in person. Whenever I was upset or stressed you would always sing to me. It never failed to make me feel better. Now, I find myself asking you to sing my favorite song and I can still hear you. I still keep asking for your advice and what you think I should do. It may sound silly, but you are still helping me decide what is best for myself and the girls. When I'm not sure what to do, I can hear your voice guiding me. I know you are watching over us still.
Many years ago you promised to take care of me and the kids. I want everyone to know that you have kept every promise you ever made to me. This is not the way we imagined it would be, but somehow you took care of everything, just like you said you would.
I think back to August of 1995 when I almost lost you. I remember the doctors taking me in to tell you goodbye. When it looked like you were leaving us, the doctors made me leave. It had taken me thirty years to find you and I sat outside begging and pleading with God not to take you. Now, I realize that God granted me my wish. In giving me His gift, He gave you another assignment. One that you completed far to soon. I am so thankful for the extra time we were given, and for our daughter, Taylor.
Thank you for allowing me to share your life. I will always treasure the time we had together. You taught me so much. I never knew what it meant to be truly loved until you showed me. I never knew what true happiness was until you brought it into my life. I had existed but had not really lived until you came into my life. I can't thank you enough for the gifts you have given me. You taught me to believe in myself.
Three years ago, the loss of two Beaufort County Deputies only increased your determination to become an officer. When we talked about the risks involved I gave you my blessing. I knew exactly what you were asking of me. I told you if anything happened I would be ok. Now, sometimes I wonder if I was really honest with you. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to face. At times it seems that I just can't handle the pain. Then, I think of you and all you have done for me and so many others. You truly are "All that is Man". I promise you I won't let you down and I will do everything I can to make you proud of me.
I love you and miss you so much.
Wife of Cpl. Mark Jones, EOW 2/27/05
March 27, 2005
March 27, 2005
March 27, 2005
You truly are a hero; I remember when I first came to Hardeeville you were the very first officer that I meet. I remember seeing you at the carwash and the conversation that we had about the department and different situations we were both involved in. I remember all the good advise that you gave me in which I utilize to this day. I remember coming to your house with Shiflett just so I could watch your pursuits you kept on video. I remember going to Lt. Martins house with you and the rest of the gang, we sure had fun that night. There was never a dull moment when we all worked together. I remember every shift you would always say. I am going to get me a “chaw” and then we are going to keep this town in order. Maybe take some drugs off the street or something good. It never failed you and Webber was always ready to get busy. I will always remember the since of humor that you have. I remember one time borrowing Shifletts pickup truck and on the way back from Savannah you seen me in it. You then radioed to Webber to pull me over, Webber didn’t have a clue that it was me. I can go on and on about the good times that we had. In the short period of time that we have known each other I feel like I have known you forever. You have touched my life in a very positive way in which words can never describe. Rest in peace Mark and know that I will meet you again.
Officer Clay R Ingram
Wellsville P.D. / Hardeeville P.D.
March 26, 2005
What is dedication? Its giving your life for what you know is right. I never knew you, but you will always be a brother blue. My thoughts and prayers go out for your family. God Bless.
PFC P Muckelvaney
Isle of Palms Police Dept.
March 25, 2005
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
March 23, 2005
Like most who post reflections here, I never expected to do this for you.
You truly inspired me to be a better cop, through your dedication to the profession. You inspired me to be a better man, through your devotion to your family, your brothers in law enforcement, the people of Hardeeville and your genuine sense of humor.
Since moving on to my present department, I came to realize that if I expected to hear your usual 'Whatcha get this time Bill???' as I open my trunk and show you some dope, or a weapon I just got off a traffic stop, I'd have to take the trip to see you or call you and tell you about it... now, I know that until we meet again, I'll have to wait to hear you say those words again.
Everytime I watch Super Troopers I reflect on your sense of humor and how you seemed to turn even the most mundane situations humorous.
Love ya MAN!
Cpl Bill Hunnell
Port Royal Police Department
March 22, 2005
God has a plan for Officer Mark Jones.
My heart and prayers go out to his family. He died doing what he loved.
You will meet again. God Bless and keep
your family.
Reserve Deputy Rick Webb
Colleton County South Carolina
March 21, 2005
You were more than a fellow officer to me, you were a true friend. I could not be home with my brothers at HPD to bid farewell and celebrate the tremendous life you lived. You kept my spirits up while I have been here in Afghanistan and helped me stay focused. You were to me the older brother I never had. I have shed many tears over our loss and cracked many smiles over the fond memories I have of you. Mark you will always hold a special place in my life. You touched so many. Brandy and I love and miss you!
PTL Resv Officer / Gunnery Sergeant
Hardeeville P.D. / USMC
March 19, 2005
Dear Mark,
My deepest thoughts are with your family as they go through the loss of what in the little time I got to know you that you were a dedicated police officer who in our 10 hour trip together from ohio to south carolina in addition to the 3 hour wait on I77 for a snow storm/wreck we waited through. I just wanted to let you know that you through your service make me want to be a better man/father. I hope that your family will be ok and I will pray for them all. You were a straight up guy and a pleasure to get to know on that long trip back to south carolina and although we will never meet again until the afterlife I know the lord has taken in a good man. God bless
Mark Walters
Mark Walters
Columbus Ohio
March 17, 2005