Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Thursday, November 11, 2004
Reflections for Reserve Sergeant James Milton Johnson
Brother James,
I’m thankful for the holes God put in the floor of Heaven. I’m thankful for our Savior who walks and talks with us daily, showering down immeasurable love, grace, and mercy upon us all.
I’m thankful for every second of every shift you took to watch over me as a rookie Deputy in Forsyth County. Those are times I will always cherish and never forget.
Please tell the boys we said hello and we love them. Please tell Kevin Conner I love him and yes, all of his stories are true.
You all are greatly missed and we long to be reunited with you when it’s time. It must be nice to be that close to the Father everyday, where the streets have no name.
We will remain vigilant and strong in the Lord down here as we run our race and fight the good fight.
Psalm 91:1-2
Master Trooper B.P. Daniels
NC State Highway Patrol
November 10, 2022
Dad, I miss you. I always will. In a couple of days, we'll mark 18 years without you here. I can't even pretend to understand why, but now all 3 of my sons are with you in heaven. Jordan has been gone 15 months. He never saw or held his son, who was born 8 weeks after he died. Jordan had picked the baby's middle name as Matthew, after his big brother. This little guy is so very precious and loved beyond measure. Several months after Jordan passed away, so did mother. Your resting place was such a place of reflection, but so many of our immediate family members are there now, it's almost too painful to visit. I do hope you have the opportunity to get glimpses of us here. My daughters are amazing, and the grandbabies are perfect! Just as you thought yours were...
Sending hugs to heaven, and all my love, since most of my heart is already there. I love you, Daddy.
Forever your baby girl
His Daughter Lori Rowley
November 9, 2022
Rest in peace hero.
Lt. Jim Russo
November 11, 2019
Rest in peace Reserve Sergeant Johnson.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2019
Happy Father's Day, daddy. I wish I could just give you a card and a hug instead of leaving a reflection. I'm sure you know, but I did it! I finished grad school and I have a Master's in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner! I wish I could see your face when I stand in my cap and gown adorned with honors cords and stole. I pray the Lord will allow you and my boys to watch me walk across the stage. Thank you for always believing in me, daddy.
Your oldest granddaughter is going to be a K-9 SA soon, walking in the footsteps of you, Jeremy and Matt! I'm so proud of her! And baby Katie is at college orientation today. I don't know how that's possible! I look forward to heaven where there's no linear time and nobody grows old. How amazing that must be! Jordan is great, working so hard to provide for his family so his wife and baby can stay home together. I'm so proud of my children! I know you are too~ I love you daddy. May the circle be unbroken by and by, Lord by and by
Lori Johnson Rowley, Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, wife of Lt. Jeremy Rowley, Forsyth Co. Sheriff's Office, NC
June 17, 2019
Hey Daddy, just wanted to leave you a message and ask that the Lord continue to guide me in the plans He has for me. I know you would be proud of what I'm doing, but sometimes it gets hard to keep going. I can't wait until my work here is done and I can join you and my sweet sons, and see Jesus face to face! How amazing that must be! In the meantime, I am trying to keep focused on the goal.
I am sure you know that the man who took your life has lost his. I'm sure his final judgment was fair. At least now, he can't hurt anyone else.
We've lost several LEOs recently, and last week a Trooper from NC went home. I was comforted to know that he knew and loved the Lord and was welcomed in heaven. I just wish the violence would end.
I can just imagine how proud you are of your oldest granddaughter and her accomplishments in Law Enforcement! Her daddy and I couldn't be happier for her although she is nearly 2 hours away from home now. And Jordan is such a good daddy himself! Your first great-granddaughter, Piper, is now 6 months old and looks just like her dad! She is a chunky, happy baby and it still doesn't seem possible that I'm a grandmother! I'm still your baby girl <3 Katie is a senior in high school and making decisions about college. I'm not ready for the empty nest... but life goes on.
Sending love to heaven~ always and forever~
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
October 24, 2018
Rest in peace Sergeant Johnson. You're killer recently died in prison. I just read you're daughter's reflection and I feel the same way she does. God bless you both.
David Weeks
October 2, 2018
Hey Daddy~ just wanted to say I love you and miss you, like always. I don't know where this country is headed, and the terrorism, violence and denouncement of Christianity indicates it probably isn't good. I wish Jesus Christ would return to take us home! Then our family would be whole again. Until then, I'll keep reminding myself that God is still in control. Looking forward to our reunion!
His Daughter Lori Rowley
April 14, 2016
Brother James,
Missing you bad this week even though a part of you rides with me everyday. One thing I've never grown accustomed to in this career or my ministry is dealing with the loss. Working through the grief and talking things out for the first time just two years ago helped, but there's always going to be a void that time can't completely heal.
Your grandkids are living life and pursuing their dreams and that is so awesome to see! I know Matt and Josh are hanging with you in Heaven and having a great time too.
Please know I will forever be grateful for you. How you ALWAYS had my back on countless weekend nights and all the good talks we shared. How you would just show up when I needed you the most. You will always be our hero that lives in our hearts.
Take it easy up there where the streets have no name.
Master Trooper B.P. Daniels I-143
NC State Highway Patrol
May 12, 2015
Hey Daddy~ I can't believe it's been 10 years ago tonight since I lost you. The fear, the pain and the chaos of that night still lives in my memory, so very clearly. Not just mine, but so many others too. I'd never heard of Facebook at that time, and you wouldn't know what a "status update" is, but tonight, friends and co-workers have been posting their memories of you. A lot has been said about where they were when they got the news, how fast they drove their patrol cars to get to you, and how they wish they'd gotten there sooner, to have changed the outcome. But there are also lots of reflections of what a good friend you were, how you were quick to help and quicker with a smile. You gave of yourself without a second thought if you could help someone else. You set the bar high, and left a legacy of service. You were, and still are, an example to many of a life well-lived, in love, service and sacrifice. So much has changed in the past decade. Your grandchildren are grown, almost grown, or in heaven with you. You'd be so proud of MaryAnne, how beautiful, smart and talented she is, but mostly because she now wears the uniform you loved. She took after you and her daddy and became a Forsyth County Deputy Sheriff and her radio number is only one digit off from yours! Jordan is doing great in the Marine Corp. I know you would be proud of the man he has become, from that little eleven year old boy who spent your last day on this earth with you. Katie is a thirteen year old tomboy who can shoot the center out of any target with any weapon! Jeremy is a Lieutenant now, and well-respected in the agency, leading with fairness and teaching by example. I'm so blessed to still have him after that night, when I came so close to losing you both. As for me, I'll always be your baby girl, and I'll always be thankful that you were my daddy, and I'll always miss you, until we're together again. May the circle be unbroken, by and by Lord, by and by...there's a better home awaiting, in the sky, Lord, in the sky. I love you~ always and forever~
Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Fallen Hero, Sgt. James M. Johnson, EOW 11/11/04
November 11, 2014
Know that you have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
November 14, 2013
Brother James,
Just dropping in to say we still miss you greatly and our fond memories are what we hold onto. We will faithfully continue on with courage knowing that's just what you would want us to do.
We Love You
Trooper B.P. Daniels I-143
NC State Highway Patrol
November 13, 2013
We all remember very vividly the Thursday evening nine years ago when you lost your life, while in the process, saving Jordan's life. We miss you and love you, no matter the time that has passed. I am so blessed to have called you "Daddy" and to have been your baby girl. In the last nine years, several of our loved ones have joined you, including your brother, Uncle Bill, your brothers-in-law, Uncle Wade and Uncle Bud, and of course your grandsons, Josh and Matt. Jeremy is now a Lieutenant, MaryAnne is about to graduate from college and will start BLET in January, Jordan is in bootcamp to become a Marine, and Katie is in the seventh grade. You would be so proud of your family, just the way you always were. Jordan wrote me a letter from Parris Island to say that he wasn't worried about qualifying with his weapon since you'd taught him how to shoot when he was only seven years old. You taught him the same techniques he has used with his M-16 and he still remembers! You were such a good grandfather, Daddo. And you were a wonderful daddy, friend and deputy. Thank you for all you did here, and for keeping watch from above. I love you~
Until we're together again, I'll miss you everyday...
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
November 13, 2013
Thinking of you and all your loved ones left behind and those precious young grandsons that have now joined you. You went beyond the call of duty.
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
May 16, 2013
I wanted to re-post a message Joshy left for you before he went to be with you. Instead of him missing you now, I miss you both, and Matthew. I am reminded how blessed I am to have had such precious, wonderful fellows in my life. I love you all~
Dear Daddo,
It has been a long time since I saw you, and I wanted to tell you how much I miss you. Katie sometimes starts crying and says "I miss Daddo." I can't wait until I get up in heaven to see what it is like. I hope you saw me get baptized last year. I remember your big hugs, and playing with Army men at the beach! We are going to the beach in a few days and I wish you could come along. I know you miss being here with our family. We miss you, too. Goodnight, Daddo, it's time for me to go to bed. I love you,
7 years old
Joshua Rowley, son of NC LEO
Grandson of Sgt James Johnson
August 5, 2006
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
January 23, 2013
Dad, I was just reading our old reflections and can see how much has changed since you went home to Heaven. Mostly that my sweet boys have joined you there as of 18 months ago. I've heard "time heals all wounds" but that's just not true. I think it's more accurate to think of death as an amputation. You learn to live without that part but you're never the same. The part that I'm missing is a big part of my heart. My faith continues to hold me up, but the pain is still so deep.
I found a poem that Matthew wrote about your last night. So grown up for such a young man. I wish he could still be here so I could watch him blossom into the wonderful man he was becoming prior to his death at only 19. I wonder how tall Josh would be as he would now be 14. Katie will be 12 in April and she told me that she's afraid of turning 12 since that's how old Josh was when he died. I assured her she'd be okay and that if anything happened to her, she'd still be okay with you and her brothers. She said she knew she'd be okay but hugged me and said "Momma, you wouldn't be okay." How perceptive. She is right. Jordan is 19 now and had a wreck in Nebraska 2 weeks ago. We'd just gotten back from court where the man who hit the boys' was sentenced. Jordan went through an intersection while driving the Excursion and a full size truck turned in front of him. He was going about 45 mph at the time of impact and the Excursion was totaled. But Jordan wasn't injured. I know his guardian angels were watching over him... if for no other reason than we simply can't endure anything else! And Jordan still has work to do here. I know you and his brothers are so proud of him, MaryAnne and Katie. MaryAnne will make a terrific LEO since that's all she's ever known and it's in her blood. I just pray for her safety as well.
I love you and miss you as always. That may sound redundant, but that's how I feel and it won't change until I'm there too.
To Daddo, we love and miss you everyday. Here is something I wrote- just thought you'd like to see it The Night of Horror by: matt McAlexander(13)
This is a true tale,
One that is scary and sad as well.
As I begin you will be in shock,
The ringing sound of gunfire as I watch the clock.
Ringing, Ringing, the gunfire sounded.
It all started with a neighbor’s fight,
That all lead to death on this night.
Reba, an innocent old women shot down.
Her son-in-law was also shot before her,
Shot like an evil avenger.
Dwight was shot several times,
Killed immediately before knowing he was there.
Just waiting for Dwight to relax in a chair.
Waiting to shoot the poor mid aged man,
Dwight Allen Brutally murdered in his own back yard.
My grandfather was also shot,
We all still miss him quite a lot.
He died about two hours later,
Leaving us behind to be with the his Savior.
I can only imagine what that was like.
I stayed home clueless with the kids that night,
My dad told me “I’ll be back, its alright.”
The children were not scared at all,
For they had not a clue what would happen that fall.
Their “Daddo” would die later that night.
Jeremy Rowley was a HERO that eve,
He left to do something you wouldn’t believe.
Nearly dying himself, saved us as well.
He called for back up ASAP, but when they got there
It was over.
He was shot three times that I know.
Denny didn’t die, thank God,
Now there is no getting out the easy way.
Now what ever the judge decides,
Wont add up to his “judgment” day.
And that was that, that’s all I will say.
SGT.James Johnson
EOW 11/11/04
Matthew, Grandson of Sgt James Johnson
June 28, 2005
Lori Rowley
His Baby Girl
January 23, 2013
As Christmas gets closer, I'm reminded of all our Christmas's together. Every year, I got a baby doll, until 1991 when I had my own real doll. Now that baby boy lives in heaven with you, so make sure he has a wonderful Christmas. His little brother had learned that Santa got help from mom and dad, but he let his little sister continue to believe. So please make sure Matthew and Joshua have a good time and that they remember to wish Jesus a happy birthday. I miss you and my babies so very much, and look forward to the day we can all be together forever. Sending hugs and kisses to heaven~ I love you!
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
December 18, 2012
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
November 12, 2012
I love and miss you, Daddy.
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
July 18, 2012
Lori, I think of you everday and pray for you.
~~~When Tomorrow Starts Without Me~~~
When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today, while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready in Heaven far above, and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye, for all my life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for and so much yet to do, it seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, I thought, just for a while, I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized that this could never be, for emptiness and memories would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things I'd miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity and all I've promised you. Today for life on earth is past but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each day's the same day, there's no longing for the past. But you have been so faithful, so trusting and so true. Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn't do. But you have been forgiven and now at last you're free, so won't you take my hand and share my life with me?" So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I'm right there in your heart.
Author unknown
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
May 21, 2012
Thank you for your service Sir...Rest easy Brother.
Reserve Sergeant M. Williams
May 17, 2012
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this very blessed holiday. Continue to stay close to them and protect them. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 24, 2011
Brother James,
I still miss working with you and I think about you often, especially when I am working. Thank You for being the man and hero that you are because your legacy is still very much alive today.
We Love You Brother!
Trooper B.P. Daniels
NC State Highway Patrol
December 9, 2011
Daddy, it's been seven years since I've heard your voice or felt your hugs, but you are never leave my mind or my heart. I've had so many people tell me stories of how you touched their lives, how much you meant and what a wonderful man you were. Of course, I already knew that! I'm so glad you were there to be with my precious boys so they weren't afraid as they made their way to heaven, and I long for the day when you help me make my way there, too. If home is where the heart is, I'm already there. I love you and miss you~ forever and always.
Your baby girl
Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter
November 12, 2011
Seven years have passed since your brutal murder, seven years of your loved ones missing and loving you. I am remembering you with honor today. This summer you were joined by two of your grandsons when your family was once again the victims of unspeakable tragedy. Lori, I know today is a painful day, I am thinking of all of you and praying for solace in your heart.
In friendship always,
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
November 11, 2011