Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Reserve Sergeant James Milton Johnson

Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Thursday, November 11, 2004

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Reflections for Reserve Sergeant James Milton Johnson

Lori, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your two sweet baby boys!!! Take comfort they are in the arms of the Lord and your father now!! God Bless you and keep you strong!

Connie Roemer

July 6, 2011

God Bless you and your family in this terrible time. Losing a brother officer is always a hard thing to deal with. But hearing about the loss of his two grandsons at a family reunion is unbearable. I will be praying for you.

OFC Jason Huff
Denver Police Department
Denver, Colorado

Officer Jason Huff
Denver Police Dept.

July 6, 2011

I am so sorry for your have endured far more than most and I send my Prayers to all of you for continued strength .


July 6, 2011

All of our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Hope you and your family will be protected from any future harm. God Bless.

Officer Mark Gau
Clayton Police Dept. Clayton, Ohio

July 6, 2011

Daddy, my heart is broken, the pain unbearable except through the love of Jesus. I'm so thankful to know that you were on the lake with Joshy to pick him up from the water and take him straight with you. And I know you were there to welcome Matthew home yesterday morning. You have two of my babies now, I'm trusting you will hold them close. They have missed you so much the last 6 years, and now they are with you. I cry for my loss, but rejoice in heaven's gain. I love you, and my precious boys more than anything. I don't know how to do go on without my sons. But I will.

They will be laid to rest near you so I can visit them too, anytime I want.

Your Broken Hearted Daughter

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

July 6, 2011

Lori and family,

My husband is a former Forsyth County deputy. We heard the news and are so sorry to hear about your loss of your little boy. I cannot imagine the pain that you are in. We are praying for you daily as you lean on Jesus the Comfortor.

Psalm 27:14

Praying for you

July 4, 2011

Brother James,

There are still holes in the floor of heaven, right? We all are very grief-stricken down here brother as you know and your family stands in the need of prayer in a great way. We are crying out to God during this time for peace and comfort in a way that only He can provide.

We love you and we miss you greatly.

NC State Highway Patrol

July 4, 2011


You and Jeremy are on my mind heavily this National Law Enforcement Memorial Week. Like you, I grew up an FCSO life was shaped by the incredible role models that were the men and women that served alongside your Daddy and mine. I remember sitting in the reserve meetings in the Hall of Justice with Daddy (after sneaking Bazooka bubble gum from Buddy Russ!) and coloring to pass the time, and your father coloring with me. We were blessed enough to keep Brian after his horrible wreck responding to a call 3 Super Bowl Sundays ago...watching him struggle to breathe in the ER and go in and out of conciousness and watching my incredible sister-in-law stand strong through it all, through the weeks in the ICU and full year of his recovery before he returned to the street were torture-and that had to have been a mere fraction of the pain and devastating loss that you and your family have suffered. Families like yours and Jeremy's, the Hutchens, you are my family; the reason that I am pursuing my graduate degree in professional counseling so that I can pay tribute in a small way by being a police therapist. You are an amazing woman and I know your Daddo is so very proud. Hugs and much, much love to you-from the daughter of 400 to the daughter of 273.

In memory of my great-grandfather, Deputy E.W. Sanders, Cleveland County (NC) Sheriff's Office, EOW 1-1-1933.

Julia Murray Ezell
Kernersville Police Dept., daughter, sister, granddaughter, and great-

May 20, 2011

May 15th Law Enforcement Memorial Day

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day and every day. Contiue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 14, 2011

Hey there Daddy! Just wanted to let you know that we definitely felt your presence on 1/20/11 when your 5th grandson was born @ 11:11! Little William Clark Johnson came into this world healthy and strong. He's named for your big brother, and I'm sure you and Uncle Bill are well-pleased. Ted said that the previous generation of brothers James and William turned out to be pretty remarkable men, and we're hoping history will repeat itself with these two brothers! Baby Will is doing really good, home and getting settled with the family. Seven grandchildren! I can just imagine you beaming with pride! Never knew a man who loved his family any more than you loved yours. And how we loved you! We quote you almost every day, or say, "Dad would've said..." You were so full of life and enjoyed your time here. This world is truly a better place because you were here, and you continue to outlive your life in the stories that are recounted and passed along. Your work ethic was one to be modeled, your family commitment was so strong it was nearly tangible, and you lived the Christian life by example. We are but vapors in the wind, flowers here today and gone tomorrow, yet your scent remains, lingering for future generations. I'm so glad to have you as the strongest branch on my family tree. I'm blessed beyond measure.
Continue to watch over us, and especially Will as he grows each day. Sure wish you could hold him, and smile while I took your picture. He's a cutie!
I love you, Daddy~
Forever, Your Baby Girl

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

January 25, 2011

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this Christmas Holiday. Let all of your loved ones feel your presence tonight as they tell those treasured stories about you from Christmas' past. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 24, 2010

This eternally on watch anniversary reflection is a few days late, but know that you and your loving family are and shall remain in my thoughts and prayers. You live on in those who love and remember you. Your selflessness inspires and your sacrifice will always be honored and revered. I know there will never be true peace in the hearts of your loved ones until you are all again reunited, but until then I know you watch over them and rejoice in the lives they lead.

Lori, you know you are in my heart's embrace, and you are my special friend.

Phyllis Loya
mom of fallen officer Larry Lasater

November 14, 2010

Daddy, it's 11/11/10, 6 years ago today you went home to be with the Lord. It's hard today especially because it's Thursday again. And Jeremy was in training today, like he was that day. I played out the events of that day over and over in my mind as the hours went by today. How I'd stopped by and had breakfast with you at Bojangles, and you handed me your money clip to buy a biscuit only for that same money clip to be handed to me outside of the emergency room hours later, just before you died. Our last kiss goodbye as you and Jordan headed off to work, and I headed home to sleep between night shifts in Labor and Delivery. I thought of your last day, cool and overcast, with rain in the forecast. It started raining soon after we got to the hospital that night. I remember thinking how the rain was washing your life's blood into the soil where you lay down in the field that night. We went out to dinner tonight. We went to your house and picked up Mom. The memories are so fresh, even 6 years later. She was cooking chicken and dumplings that night, my favorite. The fence that Jeremy leaned on while he tried to maintain consciousness stood tonight as a visual reminder, as did the outbuilding with a bullet hole still in it's side. I wonder what you were thinking, what you were feeling. I think I know, I knew you so well, but I'd love to hear you tell the story in your own words. You were so brave, so strong, even in the face of evil and death. As we left the driveway tonight, it was 6:25, the exact time I left for work that night and heard the gunfire in the neighborhood. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of something from that night. I wonder if I will have to live with the daily reminders for the rest of my life. In a way, I want to not think about it, but then again, I couldn't ever forget. I don't want to forget your bravery and sacrifice, or Jeremy's bravery and actions to save countless others. To say you both are my heros doesn't even begin to explain how I feel. To say I love you both doesn't scratch the surface of my emotions. I have grown stronger because of 11/11/04, and have made friends I may never have known, had opportunities I wouldn't have had, and see life with new eyes, but I would have been content to have just kept you. I know God has a plan, and that on 8/13/1945, he knew you'd come home to Him on 11/11/04. I know He knows when I'll be there too, but until then, "I close my eyes and I see your face, if home's where the heart is, then I'm out of place...I've never been more homesick than now." I love you, Daddy. I miss you.

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

November 11, 2010


Your love for your dad is so great that I know he MUST have been such a great daddy. I can only pray that God gives me tha ability to be like your dad. If I can be half the dad he was I will be so happy.

May God bless you and your entire family. Live in His word and your dad will be pleased and waiting for you with open arms, as will God.


October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy! I've been thinking of you and how we would've spent this birthday, being on a Friday night. I'm guessing it would've been at K&W Cafeteria, followed by a pineapple upside down cake at home. Your little MaryAnne just turned 18 Wednesday. She's leaving for college at Appalachian State next week. Hard to believe. Jordan was 11 the night you died, and he just turned 17. Remember all the cakes with "Happy Birthday Daddo, MaryAnne and Jordan" on them? I just got a small one for MaryAnne since Jordan was at the beach, and it looked odd with only one name. But it was a fun evening, anyway. On my way to work tonight, just as I was passing the cemetary where you're buried, I looked at my tripometer an it was at 273. I know it was you letting my know you are alright and that you still love me. That's one thing I've learned doing Bible studies about dying, that love never dies because it comes from the Lord and He's alive in heaven. I don't wish you back, but I do miss you, and love you so much. Teddy is wearing your old wedding ring now since he married Bridget. I can still see it indented in your pudgey ring finger, and it was a size 12! I always loved your hands, just like the Holly Dunn song, I'll always remember the love in daddy's hands. I took MaryAnne to your old shop today @ 105 McCoy Street, and told her stories about you working so many hours there to make your business successful. I remember how you were thrilled when you got a cordless phone so you didn't have to crawl out from under a car on the creeper to answer the phone! Years later you had lifts instead of creepers and a secretary~ you were successful after all! My mind floods with memories, too many to write and too fast to type them all, but a lifetime of a daddy's love and sacrifice. You were the best I could've ever had. Thank you. Thank God for you.

I love you always,
Your Baby Girl

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

August 13, 2010


Happy belated Father's Day. You were one of the best Dad's ever. It showed in your life and now in your family.

You are in my prayers and thoughts. I know your Dad is so proud of you.


June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I love you, and wish I could give you a big hug! I'm so thankful for all the Fathers Days I did get to see you, and give you hugs and kisses. Thanks for being the best daddy. Tell all the other officers/heroes/daddies up there that they aren't forgotten and that the love lives on...

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

June 20, 2010

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today, Police Officer Memorial Day. Continue to watch over all of them.

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." by Albert Pike

You will never be forgotten. Thank you for being the hero that you are.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 15, 2010

Hey Daddy! I'm in DC @ the National Law Enforcement Memorial for the candle light vigil. I will always wish you had come here before your name was engraved on the wall. You would've loved this. I miss you. Loving you always, me.

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

May 13, 2010

Hey Daddy! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you over Easter. We took the kids to the beach, and Ted and James met us down there. It was so fun sharing it with them. We had breakfast at The Spring House and talked about all the times we ate there with you. We miss you, but keep your memory alive with stories and make sure your grandkids know who you were and how much we love you.
Missing you as always, loving you forever...
Your Baby Girl

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

April 6, 2010

I have felt so ashamed now for over 5 years as to why I have not left a reflection until now. It's been hard but, like many others have said " we all miss you ". I remember that just a few weeks before, we were tracking a possible burglar that attempted to break into a home and the homeowner blew the gate off his back porch with a shotgun. We laughed and laughed over the incident because you know that cops have a crazy since of humor. You know, I train deputies to be patrol officers , and have tried to tell them to be ready for anything and to possibly sacrifice thier lives for another human being. Sometimes the reaction is " What ". Self-sacrifice for others is honorable. I remember that night like it happened yesterday. I drove my patrol to the limit , wanting to just get there , knowing I was going to have to deal whatever emotions came . To be honest , I really don't remember how I got to the scene , but I did get there. For some reason I thought you should know this and tonight I felt it necessary to post. Anyway , tonight it's raining cats and dogs and just plain nasty out. I know the light shines upon you every day and we are all family. James , rest assured that your family will be looked after for days to come. Thanks for all you have done for me as a mentor and I'll pass it along to my trainees. Thanks again.

Dep. J S Dowd

January 25, 2010

Daddy, I miss you. I wish you could hold me, listen to me and advise me. I wish you could hold Katie, play with Josh, guide Jordan, and watch as Matt and MaryAnne graduate from high school in the spring. I know you loved them all so much. You would've adored baby James too, if you'd had the chance. Sometimes the "unfairness" just seems to hang over me. Why couldn't I have kept my daddy longer, like so many others who have their dads and grandkids too. Katie and Josh really miss not having a grandfather in their lives. They have both talked about that recently. You had so much to teach them and share with them, and you didn't get the chance. It just isn't fair. I know someday we'll understand, but sometimes the waiting is hard.
We sang "I'll Fly Away" in church on Wednesday night. I could just hear you singing along. It made me smile. You have flown away, to a home on God's celestial shore. Someday, I will too. Until then, I'll always love you.
Always missing you, Daddy...

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Baby Girl

January 17, 2010

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this Christmas Holiday. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten, continue to watch over your loved ones.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven! I can only imaging what that must be like, but then, everyday there is Thanksgiving! Well, I'm sure you and DJ Keith are together, sharing stories and laughs. I went to see Janet today and she is hurting, but a very strong woman, as always. I know DJ loved his family as much as you loved yours and would've wanted to stay here longer, but it was just his time to go, like it was yours. It's hard to remember sometimes that God's time and ours is not always the same. But I'm glad to know you were there to welcome him home. You two were such good friends for so many years, and he was a great guy. Just know that I was thinking of you and missing you today, especially going to Floyd. I know how much you loved spending time with us in the mountain house. It just isn't the same, and never will be. I love you, Daddy. Missing you as always...
Your Baby Girl

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

November 27, 2009

Daddy, it doesn't seem like it's been 5 years since I kissed you goodbye. It's even raining tonight, just like it was after you were shot. I remember thinking how the rain was washing your life's blood into the ground. But you are alive in Christ, living in heaven where it never rains and there are no more tears. Keep watching over all your much loved co-workers at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, and all those who guard the thin blue line. It's my prayer that no other families have to hurt like we have, and that no more names would be added to the memoral wall. I miss you as much now as ever, and I wanted you to know how much I love you, forever and always. God bless you.
Love always~
Your Baby Girl

Lori Johnson Rowley
His Daughter

November 11, 2009

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