Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield
Well it has been 2 years today that we last seen you when we all went out to eat for my birthday. Who was to know that would be the last time my whole family would get to spend time together. I know that they all say time heals but I believe that people just put the hurt in their hearts cause they know people don't want to hear about it anymore.We all still hurt and miss you more everyday. I am so thankful that we have the boys to enjoy. They are so much fun to be with and I see you in both of them and that is a comfort. We are still winning all the games and hope you are pulling for them so we can win another national championship. I remember you dressing Ty in the national championship outfit and you put the hat on him to get his picture taken at the hospital. GO BUCKS Landon rode home with us when we went to yes Olive Garden again for my birthday dinner and as always first thing he ask for is play the buckeye songs for me. We always do and sing along and do the O-H-I-O with him. Miss you very much and love you and will never forget you. GO BUCKS!!!!
October 10, 2006
I understand that you loved your husband as a wife should and he loved you as a husband should. Only you and Bran will know what you shared. Just as only you and Bran will know how you feel today. I've seen your inner feelings and what you are still dealing with and my heart aches that others can't or won't see that too. But that's ok Sara. You know and Brandy knows what you feel and what you go through. That's all that matters in the end. I agree with an earlier reflection that I read that said there is no blue print for getting over the loss of a loved one. No one knows what it is like to be you right now. Each person lost something different in a way. You lost your husband, the Winfield family lost their son, brother and friend. I am proud of the love and respect that you have given Brandy, his family, other survivor's in your shoes, but most importantly for being a mother to those beautiful boys. You are doing one heck of a job Sara. Please stay strong and continue on.
October 4, 2006
I know the anniversary is approaching...please know that we are thinking of you and your family.
I hope you also know that when you move on in your life, it will never take away from how much you loved Brandy, and will always love Brandy. I hope others will be understanding of that as well. Your family, his family, your friends, etc. You are a very young woman, and have been through a tremendous loss. Brandy would want you to go on lving her on earth until you meet again. If you find new love in your life, it will be a testiment to how well you were loved by Brandy. And anyone who truly loves you will forever understand that you will never stop loving Brandy, and that if things were as they should be, you would still be with him, and he will always be in your heart, an important part of your life, and who you are. I know there is alot of emotions felt in many ways, by many people who loved Brandy, but they are not allowed to judge you - you are a strong, dedicated woman, a wonderful mother and I have no doubt that Brandy is very proud of you. None of us will ever forget him.
October 3, 2006
We will keep you in our prayers and thoughts as your 2nd EOW approaches!
October 2, 2006
I think of you often. I too, know that you no longer can feel any pain-only the most amazing happiness. There is no time in heaven, so it will only feel like an instant to you that you are reunited with your loved ones. It may feel like eternity here though, but someday...
Please know you will never be forgotten. You are such a big part of so many people's lives.
October 2, 2006
A long 2 years is quickly approaching us......... but it only seems like yesterday. that thursday morning will forever be in my mind. waking up to the sherriff cruisers flying by the house and a weird instant feeling made us think of you. I pray we are never awaken in that way again. you forever live on in our lives and memories, not a day goes by that I don't think of you. We gave Gracelyn the Lyn in her name in your memory and one day she'll know what a great man you were and are. watch over those boys and your parents these next two weeks. forever in our hearts and prayers..
marion, ohio
October 1, 2006
Today is Oct 1 2006. In thirteen days it will be 2 years since you were murdered.
You will forever be in the thoughts and hearts of Marion,Ohio residents.
October 1, 2006
I went to a week long training at OPOTA last week and I came across this peom. It is from a book of poems that the ODRC office of victims services publishes. It instantly reminded me our FAMILY...
It was written in memory of Bonita Haynes, who was killed in the line of duty at Lima Correctional Insitution.
"It has been nearly ten years now since God called you away,
A page in the book of memories silently turns today,
A mother, father and brother find the time long since you went
And think of you daily but tries to be brave and content.
So often tears are shed in silence and we breathe a sigh of regret,
For you were ours and we remember,
Even if the world forgets."
I found this to be so appropriate for my husband and in-laws...the only change would be that we are apporching two years...but I feel that the heaviness in our hearts will remian even ten years down the road. I wanted this to be here so Landon and Ty could read this years from now and know that even though some refelctions have stopped, it does not mean that a DAY goes by when Bran is not thought about, talked about or missed by his FAMILY. We share stories and memories and funny times so often. Sometimes we laugh and sometimes we all just sit and stare off into space remembering that memory in our own minds and with our own tugs at our hearts. It does not seem like this path that we are going down is really going to get any easier...time just is not healing our wounds fast enough, is it?? Someitmes I look up into a perfect blue sky and wonder just how far up is heaven and just how high above us are you, Bran? I know that I'm a dork...but we all have our ways of trying to wrap our minds around the fact that Bran is not on earth with us. I have told plenty of people that the first Cory introduced me to Bran he was building his house here in Marion. So, I have used that to help me and now I often think that since Bran did such a great job building this house on earth, he has probably already started building the houses in heaven that his FAMILY will live in one day with him up above.
I guess that I have put myself out here a bit today, but I don't want Bran to be forgotten or for anyone who reads these reflections to think that his FAMILY has left these relfections behind. Those of us that have read them from the start still read them today...well most of us I think. I have to believe that we are all at different stages of trying to come to terms with this tragedy. Some appear to have come to terms much quicker than others...but wherever we are at, those of us that are lagging behind a bit still need an extra hug or an extra moment to catch our breath when reminded with something that takes us back to a place in time when Bran was right here by our sides. We all need hugs, but some of us need more understanding at some points. There is not a blue print for getting over the loss of a death...but there is compassion and respect for Bran's FAMILY. Those that have gone on with day to day life and don't really understand the impact this tragedy has had, need to remeber that there is a mother and a father and a brother and two outstanding boys who will forever be impacted...and this is when the compassion and repsect will always have to come into play.
I really believe and know in my heart that someday I will see Bran again...I can picture his bright eyes and goofy big smile just waiting anxiously for us to join him in heaven. And because I believe and know that there is no pain or suffering in heaven, it will just be a joyous gathering and it will be all about being with Bran agian and not about his death or how he died. It will just be about being a FAMILY and enjoying the time given to us that will last forever and ever...a peaceful wonderful time with no unanswered questions or no inflicted pain by those who should be the last people hurting us...I know that I can not wait for that gathering and I pray that all of us, the WINFIELD FAMILY, will be there together forever and ever...
October 1, 2006
Brandy, Just wanted to let you know we are still thinking of the hero that you are. We still miss you everyday.
September 25, 2006
Hey Bran - Just want your help this weekend, I have those crazy boys of yours while Sara is at spouse's retreat. When we put all 4 kids together it is usually a little hectic (really a lot hectic). We have a weekend full of activities, Landon's football game, riding lessons, Hayden's football game and family birthday party at Dave and Busters and Logan will have gymnastics on Monday. Tyler is always his own little party by himself (by the way, she is sooo cute doing that and the boys came to watch one night and now Tyler wants to do it, Sara said she didn't think you would be too thrilled about that one, but she might anyway because they have a male instructor for the boys classes, I can just see you now shaking your head at her on that one - hehe) I think I'll also take them to the movies tonight. Landon wants to see How to Eat Fried Worms, I don't know though, Logan and Ty might not make it through that one. There is also Everyone's Hero it's about Babe Ruth's lucky baseball bat getting stolen - I think both the boys would like that one, but Hayden might get a little bored with it - it's hard to find a good one that everyone can handle. Hayden got a dirtbike for his birthday, he's really good on it too, Landon and Ty want one also, I've given them a couple rides on it and they love it, at Aunt Mert's house we had a dirtbike party and the boys hopped on an electric Razor dirtbike and they both were able to ride it and let me tell you, it's not a slow little toy- it was pretty fast and they did well, wiped out a few times in the yard and hopped right back on for another spin. You should have seen Sara trying to fish with them that day, it was a sight for a good laugh, Ty, Landon and Logan all fishing with her on the dock, 2 of them caught fish at the same time, she's hollering for help to get them off the hook, I go help and walk away and bam, same thing again except they both swallowed the hook, in the mean time, one of them is trying to cast their line, keep crossing others lines, she had worm slime all over her, as Brian always said You got a real woman there Bran. I won't even go into detail as to the little ride she tried to take on Hayden's dirtbike, lets just say "America's Funniest Videos" would have loved that one!! I know I did. Well I hadn't written in a long time, and wanted to let you know, I really miss ya. See you on the other side.
Love Mis
September 22, 2006
Still think about you everyday. I have your picture in my office. You will not be forgotten.
A friend..........
September 21, 2006
I was over in DC hanging out until late last night with a co-worker of mine and we got to walk through the national memorial. It was the first time I had been there since May of last year when we were all there for the guys. After stopping at Duke's name, I just randomly sat down across from the wall of names and as dark as it was outside, Brandy's name popped out at me. It was peaceful until I screamed because of this huge rat that ran across the sidewalk, but hey, they need a place to live as well right! :) Although I know I could call or email you, I just thought I would tell you about last night and also let you know that all of you in O-H-I-O are still thought about often here in Maryland. Much love to you, the boys, mom, Missy and everyone.
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
September 20, 2006
September 16, 2006
I miss your reflections. Not because I know you or I am being nosy but when I read this reflections I really wonder how and if it is possible to move on. I have never walked in your shoes and I know you don't want anyone to, but I am married to a police officer and we have a 3 year old daughter and I am so scared that one day I will go through what you have been through. I guess I am trying to assure myself that if anything happened we would be OK because I am thinking that there is no way.
I am not one to live on what if's because I know I could go first. My husband is a very active police officer and one who has had many close encounters. When I look at him I wonder how in the world I could ever go on.
I began reading your relections after someone close was killed. Through the words you could sense the tears, the saddness, and then somedays you seemed to have joy and that was so comforting to know you were making it.
Then when I read you were a dispatcher I was like my lands, because I was one also and that is where I met my husband.Lot's of things in common except you have faced hell on this earth
Sara, God bless you and your little boys. May your life be filled with memories that make you smile and may God's promise give you the reassurance that one day you will see Brandy again. Thank you for your time, your words, and your encouragement to those of us reading these reflections.
Here's hoping that your absence on this sight doesnt' mean you have stopped living but that you are living and making the best out of a terrible tragedy.
September 13, 2006
Bran, just wanted to say hello and love ya!!!!
Your flowers mom and dave made you and put on 423 are very pretty they done a very good job, saw the boys for the parade and went to popcorn festival with then, I'm sure you were laughing during the parade when landon got 2 pencils from this guy and decided to use them as drum sticks and use my bottle as a drum as he kept hitting my thum with those drum sticks. That was cute. He rode thru the parade with your dad on the harley boy he had a ball!!! Tyler rode in the parade with aunt lindsey he had fun to. Well the bucks won that was a good game. Oh I almost forgot Melissa and I became aunts again this morning Olivia had a baby boy she named him keaton james thats a cute name i'm proud of her, since she's the sister that was never going to have any babies. we knew she would did'nt we bran!! Oh I got to tell landon and your dad rode a big ride together and I think they both had fun but your dad had the most fun on there i think because when they got off i asked landon was that fun he said yeah but paw have more fun. I think he had more fun hooting wooooo!!!!!woooooo!!!!! well better get some sleep for work tommrow. love ya man
September 12, 2006
Hey, buddy. Today being what it is and the fact that I haven't posted anything to you in awhile, I wanted to drop you a line and let you know that you're remembered today for the hero that you are. You aren't half bad as a friend, either :)
God bless you, buddy.
Dublin, OH
September 11, 2006
Bran-saw the boys at the popcorn festival...they are getting so big. They were having a ball with your mom and dad. Sure missed seeing you. What about those Bucks!!!
September 11, 2006
Been thinking about you alot this week. Miss you gabbing on the radio, always made me laugh and smile :)Today is the big game Bran, bet you are watching from Heaven and cheering on them Bucks! GO BUCKEYES! Miss you!
September 9, 2006
Everytime I get on this site, I still have a hard time with knowing that your picture is on here, which it should not but some asshole had to take you from us. There are times that I get on here to talk to you but I never know what to say. We always say the same thing, we miss you and we wish that this would never had happened. Well I haven't seen anything from Sara in a long time, she must be really busy with them wild boys of yours. I seen them at the fair and I can't believe how grown they are. You would be so proud. Well I am getting married in July of 07, I know what you are thinking, its about time. I know you never thought that I would settle down. Well I just wish that you were here to celebrate with me. I miss you, we all miss you.
I hope that you still get on here and read the reflections that are left. I wish that we could get together sometime. I miss you and the boys. Please get ahold of me sometime either through Billie or call my dad. I think you still have there numbers.
Lindsey Wiley
September 8, 2006
We still think of you everyday-laugh about the good times and cry about the bad.
September 7, 2006
September 6, 2006
Hi Brandy,
Well another officer lost his life in Ohio. He lived in Cleveland. I can remember going to Marion for your funeral and how sad it was. I hope you will show the officer around heaven. Keep your arms around him for support. He left behind a 10 month old son. Keep him with you always. Miss you and your smile.
September 2, 2006
Thinking of you today cause we are getting ready to go watch our Buckeyes play their first game today and as always I have a tug at my heart knowing that I can't bring you back the posters or other little items that only you would think was cool!! Will always have two little reminders of you with Landon and Ty around cause Landon looks like you and Ty acts like you. They are so cool and would love to see you interacting with them right now cause they are a blast and you would have had so much fun with them. Know you would have gotten frustrated at times cause they both can be stubborn and hard headed but with you as their daddy and Sara as their mommy they get it naturally. HA!! Love and miss ya every day and watch over all your family and friends and last but not least GO BUCKS!!!!!
September 2, 2006
Hope you are having fun in school boys!!! Cant' wait to hear all about it. We hope to see you sometime soon.
August 30, 2006
It's sad to see reflections are not as often, I know that time heals but it doesn't matter how long time has gone by you will always be remembered for what you sacrificed!
August 29, 2006