Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield
Just wanted drop in and say hello!!! you should be getting rich by now, everytime i go by 423 i throw you 6 cents you are probly are telling me to start throwing the big bills now!!! all well love ya man. manda
May 7, 2007
Sara and family,
Just stopping by to say hi. I don't get on ODMP much anymore, but I have been meaning to stop by and tell you that none of you have been forgotten. I hope all is as well as can be. Things are looking up on this end as best as they can. And Brandy, continue to keep watching over all of your family, friends, and co-workers from above.
With much love,
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
April 25, 2007
didnt know you personaly, but i know your dad and my prayers go out to you entire family. truly a big loss for our police and citizen comunity. I hope the best for your family, and you outta see the tattoo your dad got in memory of you.p.s. keep an eye on us!
April 24, 2007
Just thinking of you tonight and remembering all the fun times we had. Take care buddy, you are truly missed.
April 23, 2007
Still think of you everyday. Thanks for watching over Lindsay.
April 22, 2007
Ron and I think of you often and Sara and the boys are always in our prayers! I cannot believe that you have been gone this long. You were an amazing human being and I will never forget all of the good times in Marion. Keep watch over us all...
Brandi Schneider OSP Wife
Granville Post
April 12, 2007
Hey Bran, just wanted to step in and say hello!!!! Miss you everyday. wanted to let you know your bowling tour. It was a hoot. We had so much fun. And just thinking about all the fun times at the bowling alley as kids came to mind as i threw my ball everytime i would have a smile on my face we had a good time in memory of you. you had a awesome turn out on both sundays that we bowled and one of those sundays was easter and still had a very good turn out.which by the way happy easter. well better go for now very much loved and missed p.s lindsay said to say hello.
love, manda
April 12, 2007
Happy Easter!! Miss you more than anyone will ever know. Wish you were here with us on Easter but will meet again someday Love you!
April 8, 2007
Happy Easter Bran...Always in our hearts and thoughts
April 6, 2007
Hey Brandy..was just thinking about you...
April 4, 2007
Still missing you, buddy. I just read where Gabby joined you about 6 weeks ago. Man, I remember the fun you and I had messing with her with my old laser pointer. You and I would make her run after that thing for hours and laugh like idiots. I remember that one part in Billy Madison where the doorbell rang and she'd start barking her head off thinking someone was at the door. As many times as we rewound that part to get her to bark, it's a wonder we didn't break that tape. As soon as we got done laughing about that, we'd start doing our "Bushwackers" imitation and get her riled up so she'd run all over the house. Man, those were some great times.
I really thank you for bringing Gabby with you when you moved in with me and for you training her and raising her so well. If you hadn't, I may not have gotten my dog after you moved out and I cannot imagine life without Krypto. I remember when I brought Krypto over to your house after you first got it and we had those two running all over the place playing. I wish we would've had more days like that, buddy.
As much as I hate the thought of Gabby having passed away, I have to smile at the thought of the two of you together again. Give her a rub on the belly for me.
Dublin, OH
April 4, 2007
Still think of you every day.
March 27, 2007
Happy St Patricks Day
Easy on the green beer bran. Love You
Kasey Williamson
March 17, 2007
Sara, Really miss your reflections and hope that you and the boys are moving ahead with whatever happiness you can find. Your in our prayers all the time.
March 15, 2007
Still think about, talk about and miss you everyday.
March 8, 2007
Rest in peace Brandy. Let your brothers and sisters in blue take the watch from here.
March 4, 2007
Don't think of him as gone away
His journey's just begun
Life holds so mant facets
This earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days or years.
Think how he must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but sadnes
can really pass away.
And think of him as living
in the hearts of those he touched
for nothing loved is ever lost
and HE was LOVED so much!
February 26, 2007
How about those Bucks!!
Still think of you everyday and always in our hearts>
February 26, 2007
Sara, What a wonderful start to the website !! Thank you
Kasey for sharing the site with us!! I can't wait to be
able to click on the different areas and be able to view it. You and the boys and Brandy's family are always in our
thoughts and prayers!
February 23, 2007
Dear Brandy I never knew you personally but my brother did and I know your brother Corey. I have always felt for your family and remember how senseless your death was everyday when I look at my in memory of you ribbon on my car. You made sure my brother made it home safely alot and for that I am grateful if not for your good natured heart I may not have a brother today like your family no longer has you. God bless all of those who you were dear to and your boys.
friend of a friend
February 22, 2007
Bran - So Gabby finally found you. She has looked for you since the day you left us. I'm sure she will be so happy to see you. I was just loving on her the other day because she was always climbing up on me whenever I came over. We know she is happy and doesn't have to continue her search any longer, now you have your furry little buddy to keep you company. The boys are taking it well. Miss you so much.
February 19, 2007
Today is the Daytona. We know you'll be yelling for DJ. It just makes us miss you more.
Always in our hearts.
February 18, 2007
Make sure to whistle for Gabby cause she came to be with you today. She missed her buddy and wanted to be with you. We will all miss her but know you will take good care of her.
February 17, 2007
Still think about you every single day and miss you all the time. Ty's birthday was a hoot!! As always wanted to go eat at the house of Japan. They are growing so fast and Landon is sweet and loving and thoughtful of everyone's feelings and he loves to make people laugh. Who does that remind you of???? Ty's bullheaded and too smart for his own britches sometimes but he is still stuck in his terrible twos. Cut his hair the other day clear to the scalp just like his mommy did at that age. Love seeing them go through their phases of their lives and see that they have you and Sara's same ideas and emulate both of you guys actions. Will never totally loose you cause you live through your boys in so many ways. Seen a show on T.V. yesterday and a young woman had lost her husband in a car accident and she was so angry that he had left her with two little boys to raise and someone told her to not be angry but to thank her husband for allowing her the opportunity to be a part of his life and to thank him for giving her two beautiful children. It was so moving to me and made me realize all of us need to thank you very much for allowing us to be a part of your life and to thank you for giving us two beautiful children to love, enjoy and watch them grow up. So thank you Brandy!!!!
February 17, 2007
Brandy's Head Stone is the most beautiful piece of art work I have seen, I went on the internet and that is where I got to see it! What a wonderful tribute to him and yourself. I love the bottom part which I am guessing is a picture of Sara and Brandy when they got married in Hawaii with their anniversary date. Again what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful human being!! Sara you are a remarkable women, be proud you have done well with every aspect of this tragedy !!
Proud Wife of an LEO
February 17, 2007