Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jason Alan Wolfe

Phoenix Police Department, Arizona

End of Watch Saturday, August 28, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Jason Alan Wolfe

Dear Officer Wolfe,
The one year hurtful memory of your passing is upon us shortly. Aug.28.04 seemed to be any other normal day. Now it has become a day that will forever be in our hearts and minds. Thank you for your couage on that day, and for setting the bar a little higher for us all. Even though you can't be here with us, we are all thankful your wife and son are here to tell us about the man you were.

-BJ Glendale,AZ

August 5, 2005


Yet another month has come and gone without you. Somehow the last 11 months have seemed to drag by without you here. You, as well as your mom, wife, sons, and rest of your family, are thought of every day by so many who will always love you. Please keep your loved ones and fellow officers safe. Jason, I miss you so much.

July 28, 2005


I just finished some 10-31 about the day you gave your life. Just finding it and looking at it, made me start crying. I hate knowing it is there and I hate knowing that until I read it over and over, I won't forget I know where it, of course, I read it again. I just want to ignore the next few days. Sometimes it seems to get harder instead of easier. I really don't understand that...We saw some of your family this weekend. Everybody seems to be doing pretty good but the conversation always comes back to you. I know, I is that any different than normal, huh? You always were my funny man.

It seems strange sometimes to think about how our life has progressed in the last almost eleven months. I still find myself making decisions and asking, "Would Jason do it this way" or "Would Jason like this?" I am trying to stop this because I know that I have to make the decisions now and although I still ask for others opinions, I think you would be pretty proud of me.

You know how our little angel is doing. Just like his Daddy everyday...especially some days...ha ha. We miss you very much my darling and although our family chain is broken, I know we will all be together again some day.

Thank you for giving so much of yourself in your lifetime and thank you for sending me the gifts I treasure today. You have guided me in a direction that offers healing to our baby and me. Thank you!

I love you always!
T. Wolfe

Don't forget to keep watching over us and keeping us safe.

T Wolfe

July 26, 2005

My Dearest Jason:
As I sit and stare at the calendar, I realize we are almost to that 11 month mark, actually it is next week. It seems as though I miss you more and more each day. From the song that our old buddy sang, the song entitled "A fire I can't put out seems to sum it up for me. I miss you son, and I love you with all of my heart and soul. Hold the light for me.

July 19, 2005

Oh Jason,
I miss your smile! You always looked like you had a secret! And you laughed like you were never sad or hurt. You sure made me laugh. You know Chris Parese got shot the same night you and Eric were shot. He got shot the other night at the airport in a shoot out, as did two other officers. The suspect also took his own life in this situation, but all our guys went home that night. Chris has you and Eric as his angels now! He sure needs you! We're building a new crime lab and a couple of us formally suggested to the Chief they call it the White Wolfe Crime Lab. It went all the way to Legal and the people who make these decisions, so we're hoping they will follow through. What an honor! White wolves are so brave and strong. I miss you Jason.

Your Favorite PACE Operator
Phoenix PD

July 12, 2005

my heart goes out to your family and your department. you gave the ultimate sacrifice and I will never forget. I do not know you, but I love you as a brother.

Officer Gage T Clark
Phoenix Police, Phoenix Oregon

July 7, 2005

Hi sweetheart,

I do not know why I continue to write on this website but sometimes it just seems like that is the closest thing I can get to you...I have had a few long nights this week and my thoughts have continued to lead back to you. I was reading about other Phoenix officers that lost their lives in the line of duty and I wonder what and how their families are doing now. So many other young men with young wives and children...I wish I did not know what they went through.

Turtle and I miss you so much. We constantly go to our "special place to talk to Daddy" and make sure all is well. Have you been hanging out with Christ Nichols and playing? We always check on you both...

I really do not know what to tell you tonight that you do not already know. We miss you constantly and there is a place in my heart that will never heal. It will never regrow. It will never be given to another. You own it. It was given to you the day we met. The day we fell in love. The day we thought it would be forever...

Watch over us sweetheart and do what you can to "keep us safe". You know what I am talking about. We love you know and always.

T Wolfe

July 6, 2005

Happy 4th of July, Jason. We sure do wish you were here to celebrate it with us. We miss you tons and love you more.

Happy 4th of July to you all, too. You are all in my thoughts.

July 4, 2005


Another long month has passed. It's only been 10 months without you, yet the months seem like years. How are we all going to make it through without you? You are missed and loved more than any words can begin to say. You will always have a special place in my heart.


June 28, 2005

Jason may you rest in peace, and my God continue to be with Tara and your boys, give us all the strength to help us through each day as we keep loving memories of you in our hearts and minds.
You are missed so very very much!


June 24, 2005

Jason, I miss you

June 24, 2005

You are not forgotten Officer Jason Wolfe. I have read,with a heavy heart, the regular postings by your wife and family. You were obviously an outstanding father, husband, and officer. Your memory lives everyday in the eyes of many, especially your family. Your legacy inspires me. I never knew you and we were thousands of miles apart but we were proabably on-duty during the same shifts over the years. Your sacrifice inspires me in many ways. Rest in peace brother, you are not forgotten.

Sgt. Brian Wassmann
Alaska State Troopers

June 22, 2005

Happy Father's Day!!

We wish you were here...

T Wolfe

June 19, 2005


Happy Father's Day. Thank you for your two beautful sons. Just like every other day, I wish you were here to be with them. I know they miss you and love you very much, just like we all do. We will all be together again.

June 19, 2005


I have been sitting here at our computer staring at the blinking cursor. I want to say so much and do not know where to begin. I wish desperately every day that you were still here. I hate the conflict and I hate the drama and I wish so badly that you were here taking care of us and making us feel safe like you always did. You always took your role as the family protector so seriously and always did such an amazing job. I never told you enough how safe you made me feel but I am sure you know now.

Your mom and dad accepted your Medal of Honor with me last night. It was the last time the city will do anything for you and I wanted your parents to be involved and feel the pride that I always feel when people acknowledge your bravery and dedication. I know you would not have changed that day because that would have meant leaving your fellow officers and that is just something you would never have done. I have always loved your committment to helping fellow officers and citizens. I just wish that August 28th, 2004, had been a day that never happened. That would mean that we would still have you here.

I felt so close with your mom yesterday. I felt like you were with us sharing your love and protecting us from the world. She misses you terribly. We all miss you terribly.

You are my first true love and I will continue to share our good times and happy memories with those that loved you the most. I had some of our wedding pictures blown you kept telling me to do. The little monkey walks by, stops each time, and says, "Hey Mom, that's you and my Dad". He really likes the ones of us kissing. What can I say, he is just like his Daddy!

You know the areas where I could use some guidance. Please offer me your suggestions and help me whenever you can. Tomorrow is Father's Day and we are ready to celebrate the wonderful Daddy you were every day to our little angel. I remember last Father's Day. How could I forget...we spent a lot of time laughing and teasing and just enjoying each other. We are going to watch some of our family videos and enjoy your voice and smile...especially tomorrow. We love you sweetheart. Not a single day goes by without you in our hearts and minds. Twinkle twinkle Daddy!

I love you.

Mrs. T. Wolfe

June 18, 2005

Jason -
It took me many months to realize that I can't step backwards into a life I used to be a part of. I said goodbye to that world a long time ago and the only way to move forward is to say goodbye again. Your entire family will always be in my prayers and I know you are watching over them - I have no doubt in that. Help to guide them through the tough times and smile with them in the happy times. It's ironic that you ended up being the angel... you will never be forgotten.

Goodbye my friend...

June 13, 2005

My Dearest Jason:
It recently hit me... my life has changed forever!! It will never return to "normal" ever again. I miss you more and more, each and every day. Some days I just don't know what to do. I always want to do things to honor the son and brother that you were, but often I do not know exactly what to do. Things are a struggle for me right now, which makes it that much more difficult to know what to do. I don't understand why things are the way they are, but perhaps that is all part of our Lord's plan, and perhaps it will some day make sense to me. I ask you for guidance in the area you know I need some insight on. Please send me a sign, tell me what to do next. Don't ever forget how much you are loved by your family here my son. Your Granny's birthday is today, so since she is up there with you, please give her all our love. Everyone here says hi and that they all love and miss you very much. I am proud of you my son, my soul mate, and my hero. I miss those times that just you and I shared so often before it was your time to go. Please know that I do understand the things you were telling me right before it was your "time". You will never be forgotten, I will see to that, you are this family's GREATEST HERO, and We know that Heroes live forever. You were an incredible SON, and awesome BROTHER, and you were always there for me no matter how small or silly the issue might have been. I miss that, but for you I shall try to remain strong. Hold the light for me my son.
I love you with my entire being, others don't understand the tears.

L. McMinn (Stein)

June 10, 2005


You have an amazing mom and she loves you so much. I know you are watching over her (along with the rest of your family). Please continue to help her get through each and every day until you see each other again.

I know things were not perfect when you were here and I know you are aware they still aren't but as you know, everything has a way of working itself out and your WHOLE family will know one another and be together.

I miss you, Jason.

June 9, 2005

Jason you are greatly missed and loved daily- I'm sure you are keeping things "TIDY" your good at that! Miss You

June 8, 2005

Hi my handsome man,

I do not really know what to write but I have felt compelled to write to you lately. A few days ago we experienced another yucky day...the 28th. This month was no exception to the other ones. It was really difficult a few days before, a few days after, and on the day that marks the day we lost you. I would give back the 28th of each month if I could...especially August. Wishful thinking, I guess. But, if not for wishes, what else do we have?

Your pride and joy, our little son, has been doing so much for you lately. All the goals we had for him at this young age..he is excelling and trying to do so much more. He is always asking, "Is this how my Daddy did it?" Honey, I am so thankful for our years together. I can look our beautiful son in the eyes and tell him, "Yes, that is exactly how Daddy did it." I am so grateful to be able to share with him all our wonderful memories and tell him all about his father, his DADDY! He is such a great mix of us but he definitely has your character. You know exactly what I am talking about!

There is not a single day that passes that we are not talking about you and smiling..sometimes through a lot of tears and sometimes through a lot of smiles. You brought so much into my life and I know God brought us together for so many wonderful things. I will never forgot all those wonderful things honey.

There have been some beautiful things done for your son and I from so many great people. I know you are thankful to those special ones that continue to look after us. There are definitely days that we could not do this alone. Thank you for sending us some extra angels when we need it.

As August begins its approach, I truly cannot grasp the fact that you have been gone for almost a year. Life seems to have been put on hold since we lost you. I am so thankful everyday that I have the ability to look at our boy and see so much of his Daddy in him. That keeps me going. That brings me joy. You helped give me this. Thank you honey. Always remember, it only took us eight days to get pregnant with the most wonderful boy we could have ever imagined. It makes me smile too!

I love you. I miss you. I love you!


P.S. Please continue watching over the rest of the family and friends we have here and around the USA. We all grieve for you differently but we all grieve for you. Please give them the guidance they need to put one foot in front of the other each every day. Life is so different for all of us now but you have the ability to help ease some of the heartache. Please help those that need it the most. Those who are unsure of the gift you can still offer us each and every day.

Your smile, your laughter, your joy, and your love baby!!! They will never fade!!!

T Wolfe

June 2, 2005


Another month has passed without you. The months seem to get longer and longer but with you as our angel watching down on us we are all making it through. We will all be together again, where no one can take you from us. We love you.


You are still in my thoughts, as is Jason's entire family, every day, and I hope you are doing okay.

May 28, 2005

Tara (mama) and "little man", I came across this poam today and thought it's what J would be saying to you. I miss the three of you so very much, and I know Jason is watching over you as he loved you both very much!

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me...

When tomorrow starts without me, and I am not there to see, if the sun should rise and find your eyes are filled with tears for me, I wish you wouldnt cry the way you did today, while thinking of the many things, we didnt get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you,and each time you think of me, know I miss you too.
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready,in heaven far above, and that I had to leave behind all those I dearly loved.
But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye, for all my life, I'd always thought I didnt want to die. I had so much to live for,so much left yet to do, It seemed almost impossible, that I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had. If I could re-live yesterday, just even for awhile, I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile.
But then I finally realized, that this could never be, for emptiness and memories, would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through heavens gates, I felt so much at home, when God looked down and smiled at me, from his great golden throne.
He said, This is eternity, and all I promise you- Today your life on earth is past, but here life starts anew, I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each days the same- Theres no longing for the past.
God be with you Tara and with your sweet sweet "little man" I miss you and love you.


May 23, 2005


Where do I begin? I cannot explain what Washington DC meant to us. Our sweet little man looked so darn cute in his uniform. He got to wear some of Daddy's gear on his duty belt and he thought he was something else. He looked so much like you in uniform it was quite difficult at times to allow him to keep wearing it. I think back to the days when you would spend over an hour preparing your uniform and boots for patrol. Boy, am I glad I broke you of that habit. You looked cute even if your uniform boots did not sparkle. We miss watching you get ready for work.

I sometimes put on your sportbike helmet and think about the crazy things we did on those bikes. There is no one else in the world that I would trust to take me 100mph, around corners, and pop wheelies. I always got scared when I got our sign for wheelies but I trusted you and I knew you would keep us safe. I miss the sound of your sportbike. Whenever I see one on the road, I roll down my window, and listen to the sound of the bike. I never liked the smell of bike exhaust in our garage...what I would give for some of it now.

There is an empty spot in our hearts and lives now without your physical presence. I wish I could explain it better but those who also lost you, know exactly what I am talking about. I wish you were here to calm the crowds but we are doing what we can to get by. We miss you everyday and we love you everyday. We have not gone a single day without talking about Daddy or saying something that Daddy would do or say. You are so involved with our lives...I just wish it was more. I wish we could have just a few more minutes with you. I wish we could feel your strong arms one more time. It is not as easy to wrestle with our little one as you made it seem. Could you send me some tips?

I look for you sweetheart in everything we do. I know you are watching over us and keeping us safe. Please take care of your mom and brother. I know they miss you very much.

You are in my thoughts the way the air I breathe takes place...always.

I love you Mr. Wolfe. Now, always, and forever.

XOXO - Your wife, Mrs. Wolfe

May 22, 2005

God Bless you and your family Officer Wolfe. Makes me ill to see the children go through this,however those same children will forever be in Gods hands and watched by him. Your entire department will be in our prayers during these hard times both last year and now.

Officer Bardwell
Grand Prairie PD/Tx

May 19, 2005

Hi Jason, I am thinking of you. I wanted you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers always.

We all miss you.

Former Phoenix PD Employee

May 18, 2005

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