Phoenix Police Department, Arizona
End of Watch Saturday, August 28, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Jason Alan Wolfe
It is because of you, and who you left behind that I have the courage to help others.....
April 18, 2006
I wanted to share with you the speech I gave recently to represent our family and other fallen officers families. I thought it would be fairly easy to get through this speech and share with everyone some personal thoughts and guidance...Boy, was I wrong. I normally start to cry when they start the bagpipes..I was fine. A group was there to sing the National Anthem and looking at our Nation's flag, I lost it. It brought me back to all the times and all the events I have attended to honor you and it was very difficult. It was even more difficult to share this speech but I did make it through, crying like a baby! But, if it helped one person, I know it was worth it! I wish that I was not an option for a speech like this because that would mean that you were still here and we could continue thinking that something like this, "Could never happen to us"...I miss you sweetheart. You will always have a special piece of my heart and of my love.
Good evening everyone! My name is Tara Wolfe and I am truly honored to be here speaking with all of you tonight.
We have gathered together this evening and this weekend to honor fallen heroes. My husband, Jason Wolfe, was a Phoenix Police Officer who lost his life in the line of duty on August 28, 2004. That was the worst day my son and I have ever experienced. It has been almost two years since we lost Jason and we still have "Our good days and our bad days".
Atttending a ceremony like tonight is overwhelming for me. I look around and feel so thankful. There are so many familiar faces and so many new faces....but we all share somthing in common. We are all here to honor someone. It could be a co-worker, friend, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, or wife...maybe even someone we have never met before...but we are all here to make sure that no hero is forgotten. For me, and so many other survivors, we start and end our days thinking about the loss we have experienced. It becomes commonplace for so many of us because we know that we will never forget. Looking around tonight, I know that all of you here will never forget either. This helps us to begin and continue our healing.
A friend of mine once told me, "Healing does not reflect forgetting". I would like all of you to remember this phrase. Many survivors start their healing during National Police Week and for others, it takes continued counseling and support from family and friends. There are no guidelines and no rules to how and when the healing begins and when someone can start to say, "I am healing." As a surviving spouse, I attend as many functions that I can to honor my husband and other fallen heroes. Events, such as this weekend, help me to heal. I want to thank everyone here for helping survivors in their healing process. Remember, "Healing does not reflect forgetting".
I want to leave you tonight with some words of encouragement written by Catherine DeVrye.
Hope is what happens when you first see a light. Just a distant small star in the darkest of night.
Hope is what happens with the first buds of spring. When dawn touches the sky or a bird spreads it's wings.
Hope is what happens when a wound starts to heal. Whether skin deep or soul deep you begin to feel real.
Hope is what happens when the pain eases a bit. And deep down inside you find your true grit.
Hope is what happens as long as we breathe. For although it takes time the sorrow will leave.
Hope is what happens long after the pain. Hope is what happens again and again.
Thank you for showing all survivors that our heroes are never forgotten and that their sacrifices are never forgotten.
God bless you all and thank you!
Jason, you were my inspiration in life and you continue to be my inspiration even after you had to leave. Please continue to offer your guidance and understanding to those who still need it daily. You had an inner strength that I know continues on in those that were priviledged enough to know you.
All of our love and thank you for watching over us and keeping us safe!
Your wife and son
P.S. Thank you to Taser International for continuing to care about fallen officers' families. Without your support, our heroes might be forgotten!
T Wolfe
April 4, 2006
miss you !!
March 31, 2006
its been a while since youve left. thank you for your service. you will never ben forgotten. As a fellow viking and phx pd member. you will never be forgotten.
Faust 7955
March 20, 2006
Wow! Wasn't today just awesome! I cannot believe how grown-up our little man is now! He was absolutely amazing today and had so much fun with his friends!
It's funny because I still have the picture you took of him going down a slide at the playground by Pop's and he was absolutely, the higher and faster the slide the better! I hope he continues to grow in this healthy manner but maybe not do all the tricks you tried on your bike and with your friends! Hee Hee
We missed you today but don't forget, I would have totally beat you on the obstacle course! I even beat Mikey! Amazing, I know!
We have come a long way since you had to leave us and go to Heaven but our paths never have you anywhere but with us in our hearts and thoughts. Life is hardly ever what you expect it will be and for all the ups and downs we experienced, there are a few things that never changed...our love for each other and our love for our son. Some things you can count on forever, huh handsome!
Please continue to watch over us and our families. I am giving a speech soon, in your honor, and in the honor of so many other heroes, I hope you are with me that night and give me the extra strength and guidance I might need!
Thank you always for being in my life when you were. We will always share our love and our child. For this, I am eternally grateful!
Watch over us and keep us safe...all of our love!
Your wife and son
T Wolfe
March 5, 2006
A year and a half later you are still missed just as much as you were the minute you were taken from us. You are so loved and so missed.
March 1, 2006
We will never forget you Jason...we remember you always.
February 24, 2006
Thinking of you today.
Thinking of you always.
February 15, 2006
Just want you to know you are thought of daily- and your family is in my prays. Keep watch over us all!
February 7, 2006
It's funny that my latest entry is right under BJ's. He sent me a picture message the day his truck hit your serial number on the odometer. It was so nice to know that people still think about you and pass on their thoughts to us so we know you are never forgotten.
Life has been pretty hectic for us lately. Of course, I am sure you already know that. School, sports, family, friends, and life. We have been able to move into the new year with speed and enthusiasm.
It seems strange how different 2005 began to how 2006 has now started. We still spend so much time talking about you, looking at pictures, enjoying our memories...that sometimes it just does not seem like you have been gone for so long already. For us, it seems like an eternity sometimes...other times, it feels like yesterday. The memories have not changed. I can think back to August 2004 with such clarity but still forget so much that happened a week ago. I know it is always remember life altering events...I just wish we did not have this one in our lives. Everyone is trying to get better and so many people are accomplishing this. I know that it does not mean that they have forgotten just means they are healing. That is a good thing.
Can you believe I went snowboarding? You would have been in the lodge asking them to "...leave the bottle." I want to take the munchkin this next season and see how he does. He totally runs like you so I can only hope he might be lighter on his feet if they are on a snowboard on the snow! I have looked at some of your older pictures from your sporting events and have tried to get our munchkin into some of those sports. I do remember some of your horror stories so I don't plan on sharing those until he decides what sports he wants to continue doing. I still don't know about football...I will have to wait and see. Of course, your brother gave me some sound advice as to why football is so was really sweet of him! He sure does miss you sweetheart...
The "Love" month is approaching...I remember how I used to harrass you for months about February. Last year came and went without anything exciting really happening...I will keep my fingers crossed this year. Mom always helps the munchkin do something sweet and I think this year he is going to surprise me with something very clever and very unique to him. You have seen the things he comes up with...he truly is the light in my eyes. Thank you for helping me bring this beautiful little boy to our world. You had to leave us but what a great gift to give me before that happened! I would not be where I am today had he not entered our lives so few years ago. He was blended just right and we were blessed! We always knew that but it came to an even greater light when you left.
We miss you everyday and all the time. We love you honey and are grateful what time we were granted together. Please continue to watch over us and keep us safe.
All our love,
Your wife and son
P.S. See you in our dreams!
T Wolfe
January 26, 2006
Officer wolfe,
The odometer on my truck just went to 7215 miles this morning. Thought of your serial number but remembered your heroism. Never forget.
Glendale, AZ
January 23, 2006
We all still think about you every day and miss you so much.
January 20, 2006
My son:
The eve of yet another year is upon us. I read the messages left here for you, and wonder. As this year ends and we begin a new year, I hope and pray with all of my heart that the chaos can stop, and that we are allowed to honor you in the way that we feel to be the most appropriate. You are a legend, a hero, and most of all the best son any mother on earth could have ever asked for. Happy New Year's my dear. My love for you remains as unconditional as the day you were born. Hold the light for me, as on that day we shall share eternity.
L. Stein
December 31, 2005
Merry Christmas Sweetheart. Today was not the same without you. We love and miss you so much. Your cute little dimple has been given to someone and it helped us get through the holidays this year. This is the long time of year for us. Too many of our special days happen in these last few months of the year. We got through it again but sometimes I truly do not believe that it gets easier. Most days get easier but the special days somehow seem to get harder...I wish I understood it better. I love you and miss you!
All of our love - Your wife and son
T Wolfe
December 25, 2005
The holidays are upon us, I want you to know I think about you all the time- I know your watching over Tara and the little guy, I miss them very much also. Boy how I wish I could be giving you your Christmas bonus- I have to admit- I laughed when I read one of Tara's messages she left (about the bike)anyways- I miss you Jason- continue to watch over and guide your family.
Love ya
December 22, 2005
I just wanted to tell you thank you for your dedication to your job. I was watching the news yesterday about the information they gathered from this tragic day, you were doing the right thing and doing your job. I can't believe that they would say you and your partner should not have gone in that apartment since that guy had a gun. were doing your job. I just wanted to take this time to say thank you and to let your wife and son know that someone is thinking of them. Take care of them throughout the holidays.
December 17, 2005
We wanted to tell you: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Our little angel and I sent you a very special birthday present this year! We miss you so much and wish you would have been able to be here to enjoy some birthday cake and special memories. We love you very much and miss you all the time.
Happy Birthday to a sweet husband and daddy!
T Wolfe
December 13, 2005
We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 29, 2005
Hey Baby!
I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I was reflecting on our Thanksgivings past and how we used to "fight" over who's mom made the best Thanksgiving dinners...well, this year, I have decided to cook my FIRST very own turkey meal! I could use any help you are willing to send my way. You know first hand how my cooking is sometimes. Ha ha. We sure do miss you honey! I have been in touch with some of our old friends and they are still telling Jason stories and keeping your memory alive. Of course, I would not expect anything less.
I still cannot believe this is the second Thanksgiving we are spending without you. I still think about the choices presented to you that August day and wish you would have been given a different option...I truly never believed it would happen to us, to our little family of three.
I attended the Blue Mass again this year. A new friend of mine lost her husband in December of 2004 and he was honored at the mass. It felt so strange to sit in a pew with her and see what she was experiencing...especially knowing that at this time last year, I sat in a pew feeling and looking like her while I was honoring you. She is a strong soul and has continued to fight everyday. I am so very proud of her. If you see her husband, let him know that!
We lost a dear friend of ours a few weeks ago. I am sure you already know but it surprised me just how quickly it happened. I hope you have found each other and can enjoy a good beer together. Maybe he can even teach you how much fun softball really is!
Well, I say it often, and I will continue to do are so very missed and so very loved. Our little angel and I talk and think about you daily. Watch over us honey and never forget the love that our little family will always share.
Your wife and son
T Wolfe
November 23, 2005
Hi Sweetie:
Well, here we are Thanksgiving Eve... I keep reminding myself that I need to get dinner ready early as your shift always started too early on Thanksgiving Day. Now everyone knows what time dinner will be ready. There is still a place set for you at the table. The last 15 months have taught me so much about life that it's nearly impossible to explain. My heart aches for you as I approach our favorite holiday together. Hold the light my beloved son, our final reunion will be a glorious one! All my love to you today, every day, always.
November 23, 2005
Hi Honey!
Happy Halloween from Batman and Wonder Woman. We wish you would have been here for the fun!
We love you baby!
T and C Wolfe
T Wolfe
October 31, 2005
I can't believe we're at 14 months. You are missed and loved just as much today as you were the day you were taken from us. Your family is in all our thoughts too, everyday. I miss you tons!
October 30, 2005
My heart hurts today and I know it is from missing you. There is no one else that understood me like you. We had a connection that I will not ever forget. People do not understand the love we had for each other. How can you when you have never experienced it yourself? I am thankful for the times we did share but it makes some of these other times very lonely. Not a day will go by that we won't remember you and talk about you and love you.
Forever sweetheart...just like we always said.
T Wolfe
October 26, 2005
I miss you!
October 8, 2005
Hi Jason,
I have heard this song a lot lately and it makes me think about you. It has a few parts (the preacher's son) that do not apply but the message behind this music reflects us in a lot of ways.
Got a date a week from Friday with a preachers's son
Everyone says he's crazy
I have to wait and see
I finally moved to Jackson when the summer came
I won't have to pay that boy to rake my leaves
I'm probably going on and on
It seems I'm doing more of that these days
I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad
I never pictured every minute without you in it
Oh You left so fast
Sometimes I see you standing there
Sometimes it's like I'm losing touch
Sometimes I feel like I'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much
God gave me a moment's grace
'Cause if I'd never seen your face
I probably wouldn't feel this way
Mama says that I just shouldn't speak to you
Susan says that I should just move on
You oughta see the way these people look at me
When they see me 'round here talking to this stone
Everybody thinks I've lost my mind
But I just take it day by day
I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad
I never pictured every minute without you in it
Oh You left so fast
Sometimes I see you standing there
Sometimes I feel an angel's touch
Sometimes I feel like I'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much
God gave me a moment's grace
'Cause if I'd never seen your face
I probably wouldn't be this way
Probably wouldn't be this way
Got a date a week from Friday with a preacher's son
Everybody says I'm crazy
I'll have to wait and see
You have always and will always be with us. We love you so much and miss you so much.
Love you always,
T and C Wolfe
(Your loving wife and son)
T Wolfe
October 1, 2005