Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Timothy Jacob Laird

Indianapolis Police Department, Indiana

End of Watch Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Timothy Jacob Laird

Although it's belated, I still want to wish you a happy 33rd birthday! You are in our thoughts daily!


September 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Jake! I just wanted to tell you how wonderful the golf outing was yesterday. I know you were watching over everyone, but it really was a nice event. You have a lot of wonderful friends that miss you greatly. Please continue to look out for your parents, and your brother as well. They need your continued suppport as their angel.

September 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Jake ... It's hard to believe it's # 33 already. As wise as you were with your advise at times, it seemed as thought you were older. But then again ... with some of the goofy things you did from time to time, it seemd you were so much younger .. HaHa!!
Just know whatever age you are, you'll never be forgotten. Have to run for now .. just wanted you to know your in my thoughts today .. pretty much like everyday. Watch over us Jake .. talk to you soon.


September 17, 2005

Dear Jake,

Happy Birthday brother. I wish you were here to celebrate it with us. I would go have a cold one for you but that really isn't an option. Maybe you can go to Fiddler's and have one. I would love to be able to go out like we did for my 21st your 23rd. That was a good time.
Mom and dad are doing your memorial golf outing today. It is a major event. There are over 50 teams this year. The sponsors have donated some great stuff. Your legacy will never be forgotten.
Keep an eye on Mom and Dad. I miss you. Gaben


September 16, 2005

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you...
There is nothing that could fill any of our heart with the pain that we feel losing is nice to know that we are not alone, this website proves it.
I was listening to a tape I had made when we were in the academy of all 80's music. I remember recording the tape... yep those were the days. I laugh, I cried...You are truly one of the good guys :)
I love you!

August 31, 2005


August 30, 2005

I came to you by a person who left a reflection on Chrisy Dedman's sight. I can only tell that person whom every they may be is that We live and breath together. Christy was close to me and I know Jake was close to you and we can Cry together. God Be with you and your family. I live my life in honor of Christy every day and now I hold Jake in my heart as well. Brothers in Christ and Brothers in Arms.Peace be with us...Russ

PO II Russell Ward
Metro Nashville Police Dept.

August 28, 2005

I just wanted you all to know that I will keep Officer Laird's family and loves ones in my thoughts as this is the one year anniversary. Just know that he is in heaven watching over all of you. To his little daughter, I did not know your daddy, but he seems like a GREAT man! You have so many memories you shared with him that you can cherish for the rest of your life. My friend was also killed in the line of duty and he had a little son. I know that I will be sharing some stories with him when he gets a little older. I'm sure you will also hear many stories from his friends and his parents as you grow up. Just remember that you are never alone, your daddy is your guardian angel for life.

Friend of Officer Nick Sloan

August 18, 2005

Remembering you on the first anniversary of your death. Thought
about you today and many times
throughout this past year. Just so
hard to lose someone who meant
so much to so many. My heart goes
out to all those who are trying to carry
on without you. We don't ever want
to get that cute face off our minds
and you were a nice person besides.
America misses you, Jake!
Lynn Kole
Washington State

August 18, 2005

I read your reflections tonight and cried for you and your family. Although I know you are in a better place, the loss felt by those you touched is unbelievable. Your family should be very proud of the way you touched so many lives. I am sure, though that that is no consolation to them as they miss you very much. You are gone but not forgotten. Rest in peace and watch over your family and brothers in blue. God Bless you and your family.

wife of a leo with many leo family members.

August 18, 2005

I truely struggled with the decision to leave amessage on this site because I have felt some of the messages are for "show". Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you, and I wonder if there ever will be...daily I pray that you felt no pain, that you didn't know what was happening to you, and that your last thought was not "oh my God, I'll never see my babies face again, never see her grow up" God how I pray you didn't think or feel those thoughts. Guilt goes through my body daily, guilt that I get to see her grow up, guilt that I get to kiss her, hold her, and love her every day.....guilt about how we were and where we were. My biggest hope is that you are smiling down on us, that you feel I am doing a wonderful job with Kaylee, and that you don't have anger towards the way we are living our lives. I long to know that you are "ok" with everything....We speak of you often, happy thoughts only, you sure could make me crazy, but also happy. We had many wonderful years together Jake, and we created such a wonderful little girl....actually, she's not so little anymore. She started third grade this week, and turned 8...I's not been the best week by any means. I could not get to the cemetary today, by the time I get off work and get the doodlebug, the cemetary is closed, of course I feel guilty about that, as I do over many things. We are going to visit you tomorrow, Kaylee will tell you all about school and her life, as if you don't know God does she look like you mister...I'm glad though, and she loves it when people tell her that. She is truely a strong and amazing child, you'd be proud of her. I'm trying my best to raise her well, good thing I was always the "heavy", huh? She was very brave this morning, asked if it was 'August 18th, we knew what she was getting at, asked her if she wanted to talk about anything, she said no....I did well this morning, didn't break down in front of her, totally lost it in the car on my way to work...half an hour break down...I didn't do anything special for you today, I feel you should be left at peace, didn't think the news or anything really needed to be in on our grief any longer...they've been in on it for a year now,,its a wonder that our girl is not a huge mess...oh well. I truely loved you and still love you Jake, nothing could've changed that. I hope after today people will continue to remember you in their hearts always, but at the same time let you rest at peace, Lord knows you deserve the rest, I worked your ass off long enough, didn't I, another reason for guilt.....continue to be with all your loved ones and friends, you are truely missed and thought of daily by hundreds....always

August 18, 2005



August 18, 2005

May God continue to watch over your family and close friends and may you continue to watch over your fellow brothers and sisters in blue. Today it's been 1 year since you were taken away from the department and family who loved you, but in spite of the tragic way your life ended, you definitely have not been forgotten--all one has to do is drive down Dietz Street and see the 2 memorials that have been erected for you and the 4 other officers that were injured that night. And today, so many citizens that came out to pay their respects to you and your family--it does one good to see that kind of community outpouring and also gives one hope that we will all love our family just a little bit more each day and learn to appreciate what is really important in our lives.

Lydia Martinez, Civilian
Marion County Sheriff's Dept.

August 18, 2005

Hey buddy, Been a year now-hard to believe. Been in a very bad mood all day, so I came here-always gives me a sense of peace. See you at the Jason Baker run. Watch over us all.

Indianapolis PD

August 18, 2005

Hi Jake,

I visited your memorial on Dietz this afternoon. God bless you and your family. We've never met, but you've impacted my life in ways that you'll never know.

Future Indiana LEO

August 18, 2005

Semper Fi C421! We miss you brother

Indianapolis Police Department

August 18, 2005

Here we are on the anniversary of a horrible tragedy. It was one year ago today that this community lost a true hero. I wish to offer my condolences to Jake's family and friends but take peace in knowing that Jake lives in all of us. He was an inspiration to all. God Bless you Jake. Your memory lives forever in the hearts of a greatful community and the hearts of all who serve.

August 18, 2005

Officer Laird

as the one year anniversary is here, you memory is as strong as it has ever been! keep watching over us and god bless you and your family...

Officer Justin W Yohe
Sweetser Police Department, Sweetser Indiana

August 18, 2005

Thank you Sir for your bravery, courage, dedication and for making a sacrifice very few would do. You are a true Hero.

Detective T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Department. CA.

August 18, 2005

Officer - your family - friends & co-workers are in my thoughts & prayers as they remember you today, on the 1 yr anniversary of that tragic day..please continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!

girlfriend of a leo

August 18, 2005


Well brother it has been one year today since you left us. It has been really hard on the entire family. Mom and Dad are still hurting really bad. I need you to keep watching over them. You have been my positive motivation when things get bad over here. I wish you could be here with me.
Kaylee is really starting to grow up. She looks more like you everyday. I try my best to make sure she is happy. I will be home on R&R in November. I will definately take her out and spoil her. I want to make sure she grows up the way you would want her to.

I really miss you. I can't tell you how proud I am to be your brother.

Love Gaben

PS. Sandberg made the Hall of Fame. Just in case you hadn't heard yet.


August 18, 2005

Well it's been almost a year since I recieved that dreadful phone call at 2:23 AM that changed my life. It was the call that told me that you had been shot. It wasn't until about about an hour later that I found out you were gone forever. At first I was upset with you, cause I questioned why you would even have been there since that was far away from your beat. But then when I came back to reality .. I knew no matter where it had been ... you would have been there. Why .. well that was the kind of officer and friend you were. It was hard for me to believe that I would never hear your voice or see your smile again. We had just spoken on the computer before I left work that night. We had talked about a lot of things. You had told me about your day with Kaylee on Sunday and how you celebrated her birthday. You were so happy ... and I could just hear the "sparkle" in your voice when you spoke of her. I said goodnight to you before I left, just like I had so many other nights. Never in my wildest fears did I think that would be the last time I would be saying goodnight to you. This last year has been pretty rough. There have been many times when something funny has been said on the channel and I have thught about you. Or when someone would do something stupid, I would think ... Jake would be sending them a page right now telling them how stupid they just sounded. Just know that Hofmeister .. Chappell and I mention the "street sweeper" every once in awhile. I'm sure that when the others hear that they wonder what it is about. But we know what is means ... don't we ????
Middle shift and some of the others are going to be on Dietz st. tomorrow at roll call time. I think it is a nice way to pay tribute to your memory, and to mark the 1 year anniversary of your passing. It's unfortunate that some of the new officers that will be there never even got to know you. I'm sure it will be a difficult time for many. But we'll get through this too Jake ... just like we have the last year, it won't be easy. As I sit here and write this .. I'm looking at your picture with that awesome smile of yours ... and wishing this hadn't ever happened ... and that I didn't have to be writing this to you. But at the same time I am very grateful that there is even a website like this so that I can share my feelings with you. Knowing you made a differnce in my life Jake .. just like loosing you made a difference. Not a single day goes by that I don't have some thought or memory of you. And believe me when I say "I'll never foreget you and I'll never stop missing you" I'm going to go for now, but I'll be back.

Your friend always and forever ...


August 18, 2005

Well it's been a year since you gave your life to save others. What a selfless act. I never thought the day would come that you wouldn't be seen driving around south district, or eating food at Joe's Junction. I wish I could pick you from my dreams and hug you one last time, although I speak to you often. I get the little signs you send me to let me know everything is okay. I will never forget you Jake and what you did for the city and your country. We shall meet again one day. Until then, you are always in my heart


August 17, 2005

I truly have no idea how I am going to get through tomorrow. It is suppose to be a special day, but I can't see it like that. I told myself that I would stop coming to this sight bc it just rips me up sometimes, but at the same time it makes me realize how many people you have touched.

I miss you, but I don't have to tell you that bc you already know. My heart aches everyday bc you are not here.
I read your dad's reflection and he said that your mom is scared that people will forget...I can assure her that will NEVER happen. You have touched too many lives.
I have talked to your mom and she is so positive Jake. She is so amazing and I know what she says is true and I truly wish that I could be more like her! The truth is as soon as I believe that I have dealt with things enough to keep going something happens to make me realize that I am still angry. I have been thinking about moving again ... what should I do? I have been making some changes maybe this will help. If not help me come up with "Plan B". You always had a "Plan B". Jake know that you are in my heart, in my thoughts and with me always.
Keep watching over your mom and dad...I think about them often. I will see you tomorrow.
I love you .... Jake Laird ...I love you!

August 17, 2005


Wednesday will be one year since I spoke with you.
Thursday wii be one year since I lost you. It seems like just the other day.
There is not a day that I don't think about you at least 12 times a day.
I miss you Jake. I miss you a lot.
This past year has been a blur. I forget a lot of it because we have been so busy with luncheons, memorials,trips,and police functions in your honor. People have been so nice Jake, for you. They assure us they won't forget, which is your mom's and my biggest concern.
I want to wake up tomorrow and someone tell me I have been in a coma for a while and I just had a bad nightmare about you, but I know its not going to happen.
They say time will heal all pain but it seems like it just goes on forever. I hurt so deep inside. It just never fades away.
As your dad when you were growing up I always tried to "fix" your difficult problems you had to have help with, and generally between the both of us we succeeded. But Jake I can't fix this problem and it just tears me apart.

I never got to say good bye

I try to stay strong for your mom, Gabe and Chris. And of course Kaylee.
You would be so proud of her Jake. She has so many of your traits. Things she does. things she likes, are just like you at that age. Its really nice to see. We were watching Disney on tv last week and she was laying on my lap when she looked up and said "Papaw I miss my Daddy". She loves you Jake, It makes me proud to see what you had instilled in her.

Remember son you are in a lot of peoples thoughts and prayers daily.


P.S. If you have a moment give Ted a hug for me.

Mike Laird

August 17, 2005

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