Indianapolis Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Reflections for Officer Timothy Jacob Laird
I'm sitting here trying to get my girlfriend's son's new MP3 player we got him for Xmas. He wanted me to put the Tim Mcgraw song onto it and I finally got it to work only to realize that when I played it. That it was the tribute song that was made for you after you answered your passing. I haven't listened to this song in quite a while but it's amazing the impact just hearing it still has on me. We didn't really know each other all that well other than talking on the radio and the occasional visit @ dispatch. But I will never forget you and what you did for this city. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and hope you are keeping your ever watchful eye on the ones that need you the most and miss you the most during this time. God Speed and I hope to meet you again one day down the road.
MSE Control Oper (former IPD South)
December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas Jake ... missing you as always .... LuAnn
December 25, 2007
Jake I wanted to wish you and your dad a Merry Christmas.
December 24, 2007
I only met you the one time on an assistance call, but last Thursday a metro officer called up Z99.5 and asked them to play "live like you were dying" the version with all the people giving tributes at your funeral. It was 7am and this grown man was driving down 465 with tears streaming down my face. Everyone in the brotherhood still remembers your sacrifice and we know put in the same situation we would all only hope to act with the bravery you did on that night. Until we meet again brother....
Fellow Officer
Brother in Arms
December 10, 2007
Hi Jake. I read your reflections often. Im not sure if it means anything to you or not, but I am a dispatcher in Ohio and I ran a license plate today and I thought of you instantly. The man's name was Glenn. He was from Indiana and I wondered if he was related to you. I think the town he was from is very close to Indianapolis, but Im not sure. Regardless, I thought of you most of the night after the trooper cleared the stop.
Anyway, I just want you to know that people all over the place, even Ohio, know who you are and know the sacrifice that you made. I was so sorry to hear about your dad. May God watch over your family and friends this holiday season.
God Speed Hero. You did make the world a better place. I know this from the reflections that you have.
November 30, 2007
Missing you and thinking of you, like each day. wishing i could hold your hand one more time. wanting to see you that one last time.... we miss you so much jake.
November 26, 2007
Your dad is finally with you, Jake. He's never been the same without you. Like all of us, he thought of you every single day.....still 3 years later. I really don''t know what that family is going to do. You need to send some major guidance to your troubled sister baby and those beautiful babies of hers. And Barb, she needs strength like you wouldn't believe. I'm happy that Tim is where he wants to be, with his arms around his boy, an d I'm happy you have your dad back, but this is a long tough road for the Althouse family........missing and loving you always......
November 25, 2007
November 22, 2007
next month it will be six years that i met you. you flashed your gorgeous smile, and i instantly fell in love. for those that don't believe in love at first sight, they obviously have never seen you. i think about all the memories, the jokes, the laughs, the crys, the good and the bad. i think of how lucky i am to know you and to be able to keep you close to my heart. i love you jake and will always remember.
friend for life
November 3, 2007
I am now working with two retired officers that had the privelage of working with you and i know that they miss you and i didnt even know you but my hat goes off to you and your family. you were a brave man who gave his life to save so many others. you will always be in our hearts and prayers
steve hamilton
Muscatatuck urban training center
November 2, 2007
sorry i have written lately but you've been in my thoughts. we had our baby girl last week, and she is just beautiful. i couldn't help but think of you and how much i miss you.
November 1, 2007
Happy Birthday!
September 17, 2007
Happy Birthday bud, still seems strange me saying that to you and you not being here to hear it in person. But yes another year has gone by and I still think of you everyday. I miss you and I wish I could hear you say something funny on the radio just one more time :-) Keep watching over us Jake.
Thinking of you always
September 17, 2007
Your birthday is coming up around the corner... I wonder what you'd ask for this year?? The world seems to keep moving, but my life is at a standstill. I haven't talked to your mom in awhile, everytime I think about calling her I just start to cry.. I know that she would say "Jake wouldn't want this for you" I leaned on her alot after you left us... she is amazing and I only wish I could be that strong. Some days I really feel like I can keep putting one foot in front of the other and other days, I just feel like life is just going on without me. The people that say it gets easier... I am not sure if they know what they are talking about... or maybe they have never met YOU! Well, I just wanted to drop by and say Hello... as you would say "anywho".. I guess I will get back to life... I love you!
September 9, 2007
Hey buddy, I sure miss hearing that "hey old man" on the Nextel at 5am like I use to. Everyone says time will heal but it has been 3 years and as your birthday approaches I still hurt as much today as I did 8/18/04. Kaylee will be camping with us this weekend, man is she a trooper, just like her Daddy. I miss you son.
Love Dad
August 27, 2007
Three years gone by, and not a moment is any easier. I still replay times spent with you...I still smile when I pass certain places we used to hang out at. More than anything, I miss you just as much now as I did then. And I know I will miss you just as much next year, or five years from now. I will never forget you Jake, or the sacrifice you made that night. I won't look back in grief any more, but with a smile, and say,you are missed but will live on in my heart forever.
August 19, 2007
Officer Laird,
Today is the third anniversary of your EOW. As the years go by, and as it does not get easier, please know that regular citizens like myself will continue to honor you and the sacrifice you were called to make. I am sure the legacy of love you left behind in your daughter is a continuous beacon of hope for your loved ones. My prayers are with the people who knew you best and miss you today.
Pennsylvania citizen
August 18, 2007
Man has it really been 3 years since you left us? Sometimes it seems like it was yesterday. For some more than others. I'll be going by Dietz after work tonight and I'll light a candle and say a prayer for you. You were a good officer, father, and person and you are greatly missed. Watch over us during this time and comfort the ones that need you the most. God speed.
Control Operator
August 18, 2007
You are still remembered and we are still grateful for your bravery and service. I wish more officers would be as swift in arriving at a scene as you were to honor your pledge to protect our community. You are still missed and your family is still in our prayers. We will be eternally grateful for your protection and grieve with your family. Thank you.
neighborhood resident
August 18, 2007
My thoughts are with all of your loved ones on this 3rd anniversary of your EOW. People say that with time it gets easier, well I have to tell those people that there isn't enough time left for many of us to ever reach that point. So many dreams that ended when you were taken away and so many broken hearts were left behind. Watch over all of your loved ones, stand at their side and protect them from harm. You are a true hero and heroes never die. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
August 18, 2007
I remember your face, your smile. Reading this 3 years
later doesn't make it any less sad than when I first read
your story. It's obvious you were 1st class in all that you
did and were so valued by your families and friends. At
least your little girl looks like you and there is a part of
you still here. Time has not diminished your sacrifice
or what you still mean to those lucky enough to have
had you in their lives. You are missed.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
August 18, 2007
Hey Jake, it's been 3 years since your were taken from us and sometimes it stills feels like yesterday. Someone told me 3 years ago that in time it wouldn't hurt as much. They were wrong sweetie, cause it hurts as much right now as it did then. I listened to the Tim McGraw's song " Live like your Dying " on the way home tonight. And it still brings tears to my eyes ... cause everyime I hear that it makes me think of you even more. I went down to Dietz st. tonight after work, I keep telling myself I need to visit the cemetary, but I just feel closer to you on Dietz st. Just know that a day doesn't goes by that I don't think of you. I still miss that awesome smile of yours ... I miss our talks, and the way you could make even the biggest problems seem not so big after-all. Continue to watch over us Jake, and keep us safe.
Your friend always ... LuAnn
August 18, 2007
Three years have past ... I miss your big heart, I miss your ear to ear smile and your sense of humor. I miss you! I was driving in my car today and heard the song American Soldier everytime I changed the station. I miss you. I can hear your telling me to pick up the pieces because the world will not stop turning because I have a broken heart. I know that you would want me to go on and live my life, but its difficult when I lost so much the day you were ...murdered! Three years later and I still have a broken heart... I am trying Jake... I am trying.
August 17, 2007
Hi Jake - You've been on my mind a lot this week.....can't believe tomorrow will be 3 yrs. since you were taken. I have to believe that you're in a better happier place. You would be so proud of Kaylee - she's just the sweetest thing and still the love of my life. She is beautiful in her looks and in her heart. Jennifer spoils her but Kaylee doesn't act like a spoiled brat. I remember how you would get so mad at Jen & me when we went out shopping and brought Kaylee home clothes she didn't need -- well she's still got a closet full of clothes with tags on them. ha Kaylee and all of us will be thinking of you tomorrow and probably visiting the cemetary.
Love, Linda
August 17, 2007
Well Jake, you have another neighbor today. We lost Sgt. Ron Harrison early this morning to gunfire. He was a lot like you from what I remember of you. He smiled alot, whistled alot, and even after 20 years on the job he loved what he did. I think you will like him and your beat will be a better place with him by your side.
It made me realize that it is almost three years now since your incident. Seems like it happened yesterday. This is the first coworker I have lost like this since I left IPD and hopefully the last.
Take care buddy.
Det. Shawn Helmer
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Florida
August 15, 2007