Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California
End of Watch Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Michael Richard Arruda
Just thinking about you Mikey.
Love, Auntie Carol
Retired Police Officer Carol O'Shea
New Bedford Police Dept
January 12, 2010
Rest in Peace, Deputy Arruda. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
October 23, 2009
Hey Mikey,
I'm sure you've heard she needs your help; be there for her, give her strength and keep her alive for 'lil Mike. Her journey will be long, complicated and terrifying. I hear she's having a rough time of it with the chemo and Mikey may be shutting down. Bless them and keep them safe. Give her the will to survive. She and 'lil Mike need each other in your absence; don't abandon them now.
Always thinking of you; love you lots!
October 7, 2009
Hey Mikey.....Just dropping a line to say hello. I miss you as much as ever and you are never far from my mind. Rest easy, I will talk to you soon.
October 4, 2009
Hi Mikey,
Well I did it! I finally retired after 30 years. It feels good to just chill and not have a thing I have to do. The next step is Auntie Joan, myself and my coustin Sandra are going to move to Florida. Hopefully when the economy gets better, I'll get a job at DisneyWorld. We're going down there in October to look for a condo. The prices are so cheap. Nothing like up here.
We all miss you so much Michael and think about you all the time. It's too bad God wanted you because there are so many people down here who still need you, especially Michael.
I hope there is another side and you're at peace there.
Auntie Carol
Retired Police Officer Carol O'Shea
New Bedford Police Dept
September 17, 2009
Hey dad, Happy Fathers Day!!!
I love You and not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I ship out for Devil Pup's in a few weeks and I'll be thinking of you even while I'm getting yelled at by marines. I Love You.
Lil Mikey
Michael Arruda
June 21, 2009
Hi Mikey,
I admit that I haven't come here in a long time. It's been difficult for me to read the reflections. All who love you and miss you. I barely got through your son Michael's post. My eyes are swollen. He appears to have grown into quite the nice young man. You should be proud!
Wow, five years! It's hard to comprehend. To take it in. I know you were living in California and I here. We hadn't seen each other for years because our lives were in different places. Nevertheless, you are my cousin and I miss you deeply. I am truly grateful for being able to be at your bedside 5 years ago. To be able to let you know that I was there. To hold your hand. Just to be in your presence...I was grateful.
I will never forget feet pajamas, cards and the Boston Bruins. I love you and I miss you everyday!
June 15, 2009
Our hearts are still so broken Michael. I can't believe it's been five years. We all miss you so much.
Auntie Carol
Officer Carol O'Shea
June 15, 2009
Long time Bro. Just sitting at home it's around midnight and I'm thinking that it's that time of the year. I still can't believe it's been 5 years. Joey and I still hang out and we are usually mentioning you in our conversations. We played golf last week and Joey still sucks, but he does have new clubs, HaHa.. I still have your picture in my room. Lidia gave me a picture of Savanha when she turned two and it's on the same frame with yours. Man she is beautiful Bro. I'm sure her big brother will take care of her for you. There is no doubt Mikey Jr. Lidia and Savanha can feel your love for them. Everything you did was superior in some way. So your strong love when you were here and now from heaven is no doubt with your Family. I would love to some day go to Boston and see your family. Then head to Fenway to see your Sox play. I would ask you every year since we worked CJ if this was your year and of course you would say "yes", you were sure the Sox would go to the series. The year they went and won you were already gone. Joey and I cheered them on in your honor. It was great to know you were cheering them on from above.
Mikey you are greatly missed by many. I have no doubt that Savanha will grow up as if she was with you all along. Lidia truly loves you and she won't fail anyone when it comes to the two of you. I still remember how I saw it in your eyes one day playing golf with you. I saw you were in love bro, and even to this day I still feel happy for you.
Anyone who knew Mike knows that he was a fantastic person in every way. Being a Cop was easy for Mike. Mikey excelled in everything he did. But more important he loved his son and his unborn baby Savanha (he would get silly talking about her) and of course his love Lidia. Mikey I was thinking of going to your burial site today but I now you aren't there. Plus there maybe those who , well you know I don't even have to say. So all I have to do is look up to find you. Even though you are in heaven Bro it would still be nice to hear you say "Bathroom" or "Sneakers" and all, what can I say we miss you Bro.. Keep those gates guarded Mikey they are lucky to have you up there.. 141K7
To Mikey Jr. hang in there all you have to do is listen and your dad will guide you. Believe me you have your dad in you that is a big advantage. You will be a successful person no matter what you do. Take care son your dad is with you..
June 15, 2009
I was up late surfing the web like I usually do. For some reason you came to mind. From time to time I visit this site and read some of the reflections left behind by some of your friends and loved ones.
I don't know though why tonight of all nights I decided to come back to this page. It had been months. Everytime I get on this site though I read everything about you. It's a custom for me now I suppose. I couldn't tell you why.
Then I noticed the date on which you left us my brother. I had to double check on the bottom right hand corner of my laptop, it was 12:01 a.m. June 15th 2009. What were the chances?
It's been 5 long years. I think about you from time to time and I miss eating Dominos Pizza and shooting pool.
I tell everyone about the night I met you for the first time and how I had all my closest friends over that night when you came home from your first date with my sister.
"Hey Lulu, guess what?" she asked. We all looked up at the both of you and answered in unison, "You're getting married!!!"
Of course Marisol was a little upset about that. It was a bit of an inside joke at the time. But here it is 20 years later. I guess it's safe to tell you... My sister had been proposed too the night before your first date. Hmmm, go figure, she said "yes" to that guy also! Sorry brother! It is a funny story to tell though.
What are the chances that of all the days to glance at your page, it had to be today? Were you here with me just a moment ago?
Did you tap me on the shoulder and tell me to read your sons reflection just to let me know "Hey Lou, look, he's all grown up."
Well, that he is my brother. From what I understand... A fine young man. Ya did good papi.
Thanks for reminding me to stop by tonight to say "hello".
Take care... I'll see you again. We'll have Domino's and shoot some pool... Alright?
Your brother,
Luis (Lulu) Vazquez Jr.
Former Brother-In-Law
June 15, 2009
Dear Mikey! Today is when the nightmare began, I still can't believe that phone call, it just didn't seem real to me... I immdiately decided I wanted to go to California to see you and me, Deanna, Auntie Joanie, and Aunt Carol booked the next flight out.. I will never forget you lying on that hosptal bed, not the same Mikey I remember, I held your hand and told you that I was by your side but I felt no response, at least not in a physical sense... I looked for your eyes to open or for you to wiggle you fingers, but nothing... I knew that I had to let you go and be with God.. That is wasn't just a bad dream, it was a reality now a reality, that you would no longer be with us in person. That this strong body of yours could no longer fight the trauma the it had endured and that the doctor's had done all they could to try and repair the damage but with no effect. I was however relieved to see that everyone who had loved you had been there by your side or in the waiting area... So many people loved you Mikey and I'm sorry that this had to happen to you and your family, friends, co-workers, and little Mikey...
I set up an album for you on my Facebook so that we can all remember you for who you were... A fighter, a warrior, and a true hero...
Love you cuz!
Dionne Arruda
June 9, 2009
It's coming on five years and i still think about you everyday...it seems like a dream.
June 4, 2009
I remember when you were fairly new at MCJ in the early '90's. I remember you walking down 4400 "Able" row to talk to some inmates. About 3 minutes later, I remember you saying to me, "...hey, we need some 'assistance' down here" ever so calmly. lol. That was some good times.... Anyone else wouldn't get this story. They'd had to have been there. Miss you Mike.
Annonymous L.A. Deputy Sheriff
April 16, 2009
Hey Mike, I'm just thinking of you as always. I also ordered a decal with your name on it and I will be so proud to display it on my car.
The year you passed I began to faithfully watch your beloved Red Sox and have been hooked ever since. You must be proud watching them and what they have accomplished from up in Heaven... I rarely miss a game and watch nearly all 100 something games each season. Who would have ever thought that I would be a die hard sports fan?!?!
I'm also going to order a T-shrt for both me and Taitha, also with your name on it and proudly wear it this summer..
I miss you very much!
Dionne Arruda
March 25, 2009
Hey Mikey....
Just thinking of you like always. Days just keep going by, but still no answers. I still miss you as much as ever....
March 24, 2009
Dear Mike,
Well its been a long time, not a day goes by we don't think of you. Your son sounds all grown up. After everything happened I did not know when it would be a good time to reach out to your family, so I never did, but My thoughts and prayers were always with them. From reading your son's post I can tell you never changed your crazy ways, you stayed the same. You always knew how to have a good time, and you never let anyone tell you different. Your son is going to do great things. Maybe one day your son and I will exchange stories.
As you know Jon and Amanda had a baby boy(yes little Jon is a dad now)his name is Felix Michael. Jon came up with the name all on his own, his way of keeping you close. Jon and Ana are all grown up now. Time goes by so very fast.
We think of you everyday, rest easy and watch over us like you always do.
Felix, Bette, Ana, Jon, Amanada, and Baby Felix Michael
Felix Serrano
March 14, 2009
Hey Mike, thinking of you alot lately and wondering why this had to happen to you... I don't know but you're always on my mind and in my heart..
Mike Jr... Your post pulls at my heart strings... You're a smart young man and I'm so glad I had the pleasure of meeting you, I believe it was in 2005... I still have the picture of you and Tabby at the Rainforest Cafe and proudly display it in my home... I love how you think and as long as you do your best I think you'll be fine!
Would love to hear from you and see how everything else is going for you...
Dionne Arruda
March 11, 2009
not a day goes by where i dont think of you and your family. i always pray that all the officers remian safe thru these hard times<3
March 3, 2009
i wear the eow bracelet everyday.
i am the daughter of dan brownell and i am very proud of all the officers that risk their lives everyday to keep us safe
Kaitlyn Brownell
father is a deputy and friend of
February 25, 2009
I proudly display Your photograph upon several of my Facebook sites...
Michael B. Parlor
February 2, 2009
Hey dad, well the holidays have come and gone, but they just don't feel the same without you. It's going on five years since you've gone and not a day goes by that I don't think of all the crazy things we had done or of all the crazy things we would have done given the oppurtunity. We had some really good times thats for sure. I remember going hiking up in the mountains behind your house and the time we got stuck in the ravine. I was so scared, but you made me feel better and thought of a way for us to get out. And that one time we were just walking down the wash and you found the bee hive in the ground and smart you being allergic to bees, thought it would be a good idea to throw a rock at the hive to see what happened. Yep, I never forgot the look on your face as I watched you run up and down the wash trying to get away from them...classic.
Ever since you passed away it's, to me, become pointless to try real hard at something that could benefit me so greatly. I don't know why. I hear everybody say "your dad would have wanted you to do good." I know that, moreso than alot of people who decide to tell me that. It just feels like they're pushing me to move on, to act as if nothing happened. I know it's been almost five years, but it's still so fresh in my mind as if it were yesterday that they came and knocked on my door. Now, I'm really going to try. Not for them, for me because only I know what it'll take, what i'll need.
You were always my favorite.(don't tell mom) You knew just how to balance fun and work. Things used to be that way here, but everything went south once you were gone. The stress just overflowed and it hasn't been the same since. I really miss the way things used to be between all of us. Apparently, you were what kept us from going to the looney bin. Everything is just so serious now, there's no margin for having a good time anymore. It's work and no play. But you know what, I don't care what they want. I'm your son, the son of the craziest, funnest and goofiest[real word?] guys I have ever had the pleasure to hang out with. And I plan to fill those shoes. I'll get my crap done and once it is I'm not going to take all that "Oh well we'll see when the report comes in." or "Well I guess we can wipe that career off your future" B.S. One it's degrading and two who cares what that person thinks? Really where does that person get off putting me down? You would have never done that. You would have been proud that I was feeling so good about myself.
Anyways...[sigh] that felt good to let out. It's been awhile since I've talked to you and even longer since I've been able to vent to you. That's another thing I miss...talking. I'm sixteen now and there's alot of stuff that I would love to talk to you about. One particular topic that just about anyone could guess. I know for sure you'd be a huge help on that one. It's not the same talking to Alex about. I mean I love him, but he's not the kind of guy I'd talk about that to. so I guess I'm stuck talking to grandpa about it. Yep, overall I miss you so much and I cant wait to talk to you again. I love you soooooo much dad.
Michael Arruda
January 3, 2009
Hi Mike,
Missing you still on this Thanksgiving Day and every other day.
All my love,
Auntie Carol
Officer Carol O'Shea
November 27, 2008
hey there mike, just thinking of you as always. you might be gone but never will be forgotten. i miss you so much.
September 2, 2008
Well, another year has come and gone and you are still missed as much as ever. There are so many times when I just look up to the sky or stare off into space and wonder why everything aligned the way it did and left us all where we are at. Sometimes, it almost seems like you are right there and I wish I could talk to you one time....just to figure it all out. However, I know it's impossible, so I just talk to the wind and hope you hear. You'll never be forgotten Mikey and from the sounds of it, your legacy is in great hands. Rest easy my friend, I'll talk to you soon.
June 18, 2008
Dear Mr. Arruda,
Your son Michael and I have been dating for a little more than 6 months now. He means so much to me that I can't describe it using only words. He's strong, caring, sensitive to my feelings, intelligent, and determined. I see him everyday at school, and he never fails to make me smile or laugh. He has his eyes set on some pretty big goals for his future, but there's not a single doubt in my mind that says he can't achieve them. I've never been so passionate about anything else. My desire to stay together with him is one of the few things I can truely be certain about. I make sure to let him know he's the center of my world, and he does the same for me. Michael and I share everything with each other, and most often, its his great memories of you. He tells me how you used to go fishing or hiking. He tells me funny stories of you and him eating oreos or running scared of snakes at the river. Unfortunatly, I never got the chance to meet you in person; However, based on the fantastic stories I've heard, you sounded like a terrific guy, and a loving father to Michael. Michael is doing a great job to carry on your 'Arruda' bloodline, and I am deeply honored to be a part of his life and share his memories of you.
Rest in Peace; we'll share a ding-dong for you,
Alexis Alexander
June 10, 2008