Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
Let me start by saying Happy Birthday and she got the HEMI!!!
Markito Happy Birthday my friend, today everyone got together at your folks house to celebrate your life. We had such a good time remembering all of the good times everyone had with you. Yvonne and Michelle came up with a game where we had to come up with the answer to quesitons that were related to you. Rich and I tagged teamed and guessed all of the cars you had. The prize was we got to pick and keep one of your ties.
I continued with our tradition of driving each others new car. It had a nice feel, it has a tight suspension and good pick up. She did good,like I said she got the HEMI. It's the same color as the minivan, very nice with the running boards, it was almost like you picked it out.
As always I am keeping my promise to you and all is well or at least as well as it can be.
We love and miss you.
November 29, 2005
Mark, Happy birthday, may god bless your family and department on this day and through the up coming holidays.... may god be with
Girlfriend of WCAP
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday, Mark. Toasting you, high in the heavens, and special thoughts of Yvonne, Lily, your parents, all who love and miss you so much - I hope their celebration tonight of your life brought them nothing but beautiful memories of you, and some peace as well. I don't know what else to say - never do when I visit your memorial page.... except that you and the family are always, always in our thoughts and prayers. Peace, blue angel!
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Mark! It is a shame you are not here to celebrate it with your friends and family but it sounds like they will be celebrating your life tonight for you.
You have a beautiful and very strong wife and daughter. I come on a read what she has to tell you everyday and put myself in her shoes and frankly I don't know how she does it. I don't know if I could be that strong.
May god bless your entire family on your birthday and during the holiday season to come I know it will be tough.
Sweet dreams Blue Angel.....
Wife of a MI Police Officer
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Mark, not a day goes by I don't think about you. There's alot going on and I wish everything and everybody could just go back to their old ways. It's so hard for me to deal with this. Remember the driving to Florida days all the singing, I was out on a date in my daddy's car we haven't driven very far there on the road straight ahead..... that was fun. So many years. Life was so much easier when we were kids. Our families seem like they will never be the same and it hurts. I just wish there was something I could do? I keep thinking everything will work out but it's been a long time for this. Today at my job this little boy came in with blonde curly hair it reminds me of that picture of you when you were little with the red suit on that we used to laugh at cause your hair was long but cute. Well anyway Happy Birthday 32 I'm right behind you in about 9 mnths. Remember the Hypnotic I bought you on your 30th I will drink some tonight and toast with you again.
November 29, 2005
One more thing Lily said when mommy got a new car, "I have to put a badge on it." She knew that your memory badge belonged on the new car, just like her other car had.
Again, Love & Miss You,
Mom 2
Mom 2
November 29, 2005
Your birthday today. A time to celebrate you, though we still mourn for you, and always will. Our love for you will never die, no one can take that away from us. Not a day goes by when I am not thinking of you, and what we have all lost when you were stolen from us.
Birthdays are about gifts, which we cannot give, but we cherish forever the gift and legacy you have given to us in Lily. For without you, she would not be. Our love for you shines through her. She is our life, our focus, our lasting memory of you.
Lily really notices how everyone has their own way of keeping you near. She drew on her leg in pen the other day. The drawing resembled a circle of sorts. I asked her why she drew on herself, and she said it was her badge. I think she sees your badge tattooed on her Papa's arm, and wanted one of her own. She loves her daddy so much.
Love & Miss You so much too,
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Mark! We haven't written in a while, but we just wanted you to know that we are looking forward to celebrating your birthday tonight with your family and friends. It will be nice to see everyone, since its been a while. We'll all be thinking of you.
Den, Jen & Peyton Brozowski
November 29, 2005
Dear Mark
Happy Birthday and I love you.
Love Mom
November 29, 2005
Dear Mark,
We made it through Thanksgiving and Yvonne's birthday but we are still so hurt that you are not with us. People say you are in a better place and biblically that is true but I want you here with us. Your birthday is Tuesday and we will celebrate your life and remember what a great person you are. Sometimes I don't want to face another day but I know you would want me to go on for everyone else's sake but it hurts so bad. You were such a good kid and we both know that you usually got your way with me but you were a good kid so I always gave in. You were so persuasive and Lily is just like you. I need another sign to get me through you birthday. I love you and miss you so much.
Love Mom
November 26, 2005
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Officer Sawyers..hope you had a nice dinner with the Lord - Officers Bowens & Fettig (dpd) & the other fallen "heros"..YOU ARE GONE..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a dpd
November 25, 2005
My prayers, tonight, will be for your family. Your mother especially. I can't even imagine her pain but can feel it in her writings. Yvonne sounds so strong and I know that you watch over them all.
A friend
November 24, 2005
Thinking of you on THanksgiving Day, and hoping that Yvonne and Lily know that they are in the thoughts and prayers of sooo many people. What a wonderful wife and daughter you have! God bless.
Up North Michigan
November 24, 2005
Thinking of you this morning...Happy Thanksgiving Mark
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Mark!!
I saw Yvonne and Lily in the station today it almost made me cry. Yvonne is so strong. I really admire her. Lily is so big. What a cutie! The three of you are a truely blessed. I hope that I can get to know Yvonne better and be there if she needs something. Thank you for watching over us. I am very thankful that I got to know you even though it was a very short time.
November 23, 2005
I asked for a sign, and you gave me several. I went to Sterling Heights Dodge to get the new car. I was sitting in the office, and I saw a man pacing back and forth. It was obvious he wanted to say hi. I said hello, and he said I want you to know I have your husband's prayer up on my office window. On the glass partition, he had the poem "A part of America died today" from the back of the funeral program. I felt like you were with me buying the new car.
Yesterday while getting ready to go out with Kathy, I smelled your dip. It was so strong, and so obvious. It had to of been you. I was happy and sad at the same time.
When I went to drop Lily off at my mom and dad's, the wind chimes started playing as I walked up to their door. I know that's your sign to your mom. Again, it made me smile, thinking it was you.
Thank you so much for your presence. You must have known how much I need you this month especially. I love you so much, baby. I miss you.
mark daddy i love you
That was Lily. I asked her what she wanted to type for you, and that was exactly what she said. I helped her type it out, obviously!
See you in my dreams. xoxoxo
November 23, 2005
Lily and I were just looking at some pictures. She loves the ones of you and Caesar, were he is laying next to you on the floor. We came across a picture of you and the guys. She knew who everyone was. I know she has not seen a picture of Mike since he died, yet she knew exactly who he was. She makes me believe that she sees you both. I hear her talking to you in her room still. Did you hear her tell me to call you on my cell phone the other day? She was so insistent. It is so hard to describe the emotions that I have when she does something like that. She always knows when I need a big hug and kiss or when I'm sad. She is so sweet to me.
She now tells me I can't say "mm hmm". She said, "don't say mm hmm mama, say yes miss lily." She is a hoot. She told me I have to buy her a TV for her bedroom. She wants a pink gameboy for Christmas. She is really into Bambi and Cinderella right now. She loves to dress up in her Cinderella Halloween costume. Oh, and everything is pink!
We went to the mall today for her to sit on Santa's lap. I didn't think she was going to do it. My mom and I kept talking it up this week, and she kept saying "i no sit on his lap, mama sit on his lap." She looked beautiful in her Christmas dress. She wanted pink, of course, but I managed to get the traditional colors. She sat on Santa's lap and did pretty well. She was trying to comfort Emma, who was crying.
This time of year is the most difficult for all of us. I saw Harold and Lisa yesterday. I told Harold that I can't believe you would be 32 this year. I get so angry thinking about what was taken away from you. I hate having my birthday come up. I used to tease you that if you didn't get me a good present, I would take yours back. I told you it was an advantage having my birthday four days before yours. My favorite memory of my birthday was our first year of marriage. We were living in the apartment, you and I both worked that day. When you got home you gave me a single red rose. We didn't have much then, but we were so happy.
I always struggled to find you the right present. You always bought what you wanted before anyone else could surprise you with it. You guessed every present before you opened it. You even started guessing everyone else's on Christmas. The only surprise I ever pulled off was that party for your graduation from the academy. You didn't know what to think when you saw everyone there. You told my mom that first you thought we won the lotto or that I was pregnant, and then that it was a surprise for me, not you, and you accidentally ruined it. The look on your face. I will never forget that moment.
Harold drove me by the apartment you two shared. It was like yesterday that I pulled into that parking lot to see you while you were at Eastern. I remember going to the Wooden Nickel. I was the only one underage, and they put black x's in marker on both of my hands. That night was the first time that I slow danced with you. I had left my mom and dad's upset, and you let me come out with you and your friends. You lent me one of your shirts and were so sweet to me. I know that is the night I fell in love with you. That was ten years ago. How did ten years pass by so fast?
I dreamt about you last night. I remember being at the scene of something big going on, and alot of police officers where trying to get there. I kept watching them all pass by, and I was searching frantically for you. I thought I had spotted you from the back, but he turned and it wasn't you. I guess I never stop searching, even in my dreams.
Well, it is time to give Lily her bath and put her to bed. We will go to bed with the same prayer.. to see you in our dreams and have you watch over us. As Lily would say, we love you so so much. xoxoxo
November 20, 2005
Dear Mark,
You life was such a joy to be a part of. I am so glad that God gave you to me. I miss you and think about you all the time. Oakland County is unveiling the wall with officers slain in the line of duty in the last couple of years on Monday. Michelle and I will be there. Oh and by the way, Dick Purtan is the MC. Isn't that a hoot. You know I have always liked him. The last time I wrote you I told you I needed a sign, well thanks for ringing the windchimes. It sure helped. Yvonne and Lily are coming over for dinner on Thanskgiving and then I am taking Lily to see the Rockettes on Friday. She wants to dance like Alexis so this will make it want to dance even more. She is quite a special little girl. She is getting so big. Well I will go for now. I love you.
November 19, 2005
Officer Sawyers..just wanted to let you know that you & your family are always in my thougths & prayers..please continue to watch over & protect them..YOU ARE GONE..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
i heard this song the other day & thought of you..hope you like it..ENJOY BLUE ANGEL..
Who You'd Be Today
By Kenny Chesney
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
Would you see the world, would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you'd name your babies
Somedays the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know
I'll see you again someday
Someday, someday.
girlfriend of a dpd
November 18, 2005
Mark & Yvonne,
I feel so horrible for the pain you must be going through. I was around Mark here and there like shooting darts with my brother Mike or at the softball games and he was a great guy. Mike always told me how much Mark loved his wife and his baby girl. I would like to thank you all for being there for my nephew Nathan through all of this. He really looked up to Mark alot. He was a great role model. Lily looked so beautiful at Nathan's benefit and she just loved to dance. I was shocked she wasn't shy at all she just kept bouncing away. Yvonne you are a very kind and beautiful soul , I wish you all the peace in the world. Mark , thank you for always being a good friend to my brother. God Bless you all.
Andrea Mitchell
Andrea Mitchell (mike mosher's sis)
November 15, 2005
Dear Mark,
I want to talk to you and see you so badly. I miss you so much. Lily is so much like you. She talks about you all the time. I think she must see you. Sylvia Brown says children and pets see the beyond. I want you to send me another sign that you are okay. I have not had one in a while and I need one. I love you so much and this is so unfair. Tell Mike hi for me. I will always love you.
November 5, 2005
What's up Markito? I have been thinking a lot about you lately, more than usual. Rich came over today with a "friend" (very nice friend, you would approve) we watched the Lions lose AGAIN (not too much has changed there) we had a nice BBQ and just talked about all the stupid things we did as kids.
We were laughing quite a bit and having a good time remembering our friendship together. We told her how you had invited us out to the Lodge when you proposed to Yvonne and how the 3 of us went "bear hunting" and you gave me a stick to defend myself.
My friend, brother you are missed dearly.
October 30, 2005
Did you hear Lily today? She asked 'can daddy come over and play'. I had to explain again that you were in heaven. She said 'with the butti fish?' and I said yes. She said 'and with Mike?' Such a smart girl. She remembers everything. I know in my heart she remembers you and the love you gave her. I hope that stays with her forever. I will never let a moment go by without telling her. We love you and miss you. xoxo
October 26, 2005
Lily and I went to the pet store yesterday. I had to buy a new filter for the fish tank. It was adoption day, so Lily got to pet all the kittens and puppies. But guess what she said she wanted me to buy her? A butti coferi fish! A pink one! I told her they don't come in pink. I did look for them, but they didn't sell them there.
I think I will take her to that fish hatchery we went to and find her one. I can put a little tank in her room with her very own butti coferi. I remember going out to the hatchery with you a few times. It was so hot in there. You left your coat and we had to go back. Remember that Valentine's day when I went there by myself and picked out a few more African cichlids that I knew you wanted. The guy told me they would be fine in the tank with the other fish. They were too small. You told me I bought a very expensive meal for the other fish. They were eaten within a day! Oops. You thought it was sweet that I tried, though.
Lily just saw your picture on here as I'm typing and said 'hi daddy, i want to kiss him.' Hope you got it, along with her saying 'i love you daddy.'
Your family and I went to a Halloween party in Monroe through a member of MI-Cops. She has a farm with an indoor pool and lots of horses. The kids got to swim, go on a hayride, pick out a pumpkin, and ride the horses. Lily loved the horses! She kept saying 'giddy up horsie' and 'go,go,go' She didn't want to get off. She kept saying 'my turn.' She went on three times. She likes the horse named DJ. I started asking how much horses cost, and Michelle said are you REALLY thinking about a horse? I said I just didn't know how much they were. I will look into riding classes for her, though. There are a few stables out here by the new house. I don't know how young they can start with riding. Maybe in a few years.
Lily also wants to start dance class. She has to be potty trained first. I am going to work on this at Christmas time when I am home every day for a few weeks.
We went to TJ's second birthday party. She had lots of fun. She really likes Nicole. She wanted her to take her upstairs and hold her everytime she held TJ. She gave TJ a big hug before we left. He really didn't want it, but she got behind him and gave him a big squeeze. They both fell over! She also got 'ticklish'. (aka licorice) Todd gave her one and she wanted more. I told her that was enough, but she insisted. Todd gave in. Easy to do with her. :-)
Friday night we went to Hazel Park High to watch the football game and see the plaque we had installed at the stadium in your honor. It came out very nice. I could almost see you out there playing. Lily said she wanted to play!
We love you and miss you. xoxo
October 23, 2005
"Sons are a heritage from the Lord...A reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Officer Matt Rittenhouse
October 20, 2005