California Highway Patrol, California
End of Watch Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Reflections for Officer Thomas Joel Steiner
The day the Officer Steiner died, my heart broke. I got a call saying a Pomona Officer was down and I knew mine was at work. As the details started to come out I could not focus. I felt horrible for the sheer senseless of his death. He was truly an innocent victim. It could have been anyone that day, and all the agency's involved made sure they sent a message that, that was not going to be tolerated. When officers were out in full force i could hear people saying that there would be changes so that this would never happen again, all i could think was that it should have never happened once. I still get chills if i have to drive by the court house. He will never be forgotten in this city or in the hearts of each of the Officers in the department. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Girlfriend of Pomona PD Officer
Pomona Pd
July 26, 2004
My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this terrible tragedy. Know that others have shared your pain, and you are not alone. One day, you shall all be reunited one fine day. Know that he is in a place surrounded by the finest law enforcement has to offer ... all of our beloved fallen heroes. May God bring peace to you and help you see this through.
Buncombe County S.O.
Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt
E.O.W. April 4,2004
Jennifer Mackey
Buncombe County SO NC
July 4, 2004
We are truly saddened at Tom's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.
God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.
June 11, 2004
When I heard of your death I could not believe it. It seems so wrong. I was in tears for my own loss and cried more when I heard of the senseless killing for Officer Steiner. I think of you ofen because you were one of the three who lost their life. When I say my prayers for Isaac I include you and your family too. God Bless you all. I know what you are going through and the pain you feel.
Officer Isaac Espinoza's Auntie
June 11, 2004
To the family, friends and fellow officers of Officer Steiner. What a tragedy to lose a fine officer in such a senseless way.You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and comfort you.
Kimberly Anderson
Aunt of Detroit P.O.Jennifer Fettig (e.o.w.2-16-04)
June 6, 2004
Tom, your murder angers and saddens me as it does all your brother and sister officers. You were "out there" Tom, on duty, in uniform, protecting all of us when that coward ambushed and murdered you. You will never be forgotten my brother. We all give "some" . . . you have given "all" . . . go rest high on that mountain my brother. . . we'll proudly cover your post on the thin blue line. With brotherly love and respect, Jim Crotty (Former Richmond, VA Police Officer.)
Jim Crotty, Special Agent (Ret.)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
June 4, 2004
I am a 21 years old and I have just begun my career as a law enforcement officer. I am 2 years in to my tour of duty, and I promise to you Officer Steiner, I will spend the rest of my tour avenging your death so that it may not have been in vein. You are my hero and I will NEVER forget you.
M. Roberts
El Dorado County Sheriff Dept.
Mike Roberts
El Dorado County Sheriff's Dept.
May 29, 2004
Rest in peace Brother. You will be missed. We will see you when our time is up.
Officer Newbury
California Highway Patrol
May 24, 2004
May God forever bless you and your family.
Agenr Geronimo
US Border Patrol
May 19, 2004
What a waste. I hope justice is seen to be done. The heart felt condolences of me and my family go out to you and yours. God bless.
Constable Steve Bettley
Merseyside Police. England
May 16, 2004
My thoughts and prayers are with Tom's family. His tragic death is only overshadowed by the life that he led, and his destiny which has touched the nation. His life was meant for a greater purpose, and we were fortunate to be along for the ride.
I am honored to have known Tom, and to have had the opportunity to observe the character of this hero up close.
God Bless.
P Smith, High School/College Friend
May 14, 2004
So long ,but never goodbye...
We will not forget.
Phoenix PD
May 12, 2004
Words cannot express our sorrow over this senseless act. Even though we are a country apart in miles we are all brothers. to the family and co-workers of the California Highway Patrol may god grant you comfort as you deal with horrible time. WE WILL NEVER FORGET.
May 11, 2004
Sorrow does not define the emotions felt.
Fairfax County Police, Virginia.
May 9, 2004
As I read the story about Ofcr. Steiner, I cannot help but feel mixed emotions. I feel sad that yet, another officer has lost a life. I feel enraged that his life was taken by someone so young that he hasn't even begun to live his OWN life...and for what...a gang initiation?! Tom- You did not die in vain. We put our lives on the line EVERY DAY, whether it be for a serious violent offender, or, to attend traffic court. THANK YOU for your service. Rest in peace and know that we'll take the watch from here. God speed, brother!!
Vermont State Police
May 8, 2004
I wish to express my deepest condolences and prayers to you, your sons, and Thomas' family members. When I heard of this tragic loss, I just closed my eyes and prayed for all of you. I also pray that the CHP Family will encircle all of you with their love and support. May you have comfort knowing that Thomas is in God's hands and watching over you. God Bless you and keep you safe.
Debra Kapitan
California Highway Patrol
May 7, 2004
Thank you Officer Steiner for keeping us safe from bad. God bless you.
Renny Kassel
California Citizen
May 6, 2004
As the sister of a former Army Ranger (who is now a Washington State Trooper) and the fiance of a police officer, I was deeply saddened to hear about this tragedy. Law enforcement personnel CHOOSE to put their lives on the line by becoming officers - this is not something they are forced to do. It's a choice...a choice to protect us, to keep us safe. How noble! To have the life of an officer ended so soon, so tragically, is one of the saddest moments in life.
Officer Steiner was doing nothing more than his job the day he was so needlessly taken away.
It is my hope that the evil that lives in the person who did this will not settle itself into us, for if it does, we will lose sight of the victim. Let not this tragedy turn our hearts bitter, but fill our hearts with even more appreciation for our men and women in blue.
Penny Clifton
May 6, 2004
To Officer Thomas Stiener Family, Friends and California Highway Patrol, this is to let you know that you are in thoughts and prayers of myself and Mullins Police Department. Officer Stiener laid down his life in the line of duty, this is the ultimate sacrifice a officer can do for his communitty and department. Now rest my Brother, fore the THIN BLUE-LINE will carry on in your name and memory.
Lt. Chuck Jackson
Mullins Police Department
May 6, 2004
To the Steiner family,
I have many fond memories of growing up with Tom, all the way from "Winnie the Pooh" through 6th grade. I will alway remember those times. My condolence's are with you all. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you great peace and comfort.
Mike Price
Childhood friend, Mike Price
May 4, 2004
I was deeply saddened to hear of Tom's murder. The Steiners were next door neighbors of ours in Sterling, VA for a number of years in the 70s and early 80s. I remember Tom as an exceptional athlete who was adored by his parents and well liked by his friends. The Price family would like to extend their deepest sympathies to the Steiners as well as our prayers.
Price Family of Sterling, VA
May 3, 2004
Today another tear is shed for a tragic lost. There is nothing I can say that will ease the pain felt by Officer Steiner's family. I send them my deepest sympathy. I did not know Ofc. Steiner, but he is still family. We do this job because protecting/helping others is what is in us. But we also do this job in the memory of the ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice. We refuse to let them die in vain. So Ofc. Steiner, as you look down on your family from heaven, know that your memory and what you believed in will be kept alive.
Trooper Paul Arigno
CT State Police
May 3, 2004
Somebody killed a policeman today,
and a part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect,will be buried with him at his side.
The suspect that shot him will stand up in court, with counsel demanding his rights. While a young widowed mother must work for her kids,and spend many long, lonely nights.
The beat that he walked was a battle field too,just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,to his name they will add a gold star.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,
in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,a cop put his life on the line.
Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,and he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call, of himself gave his all,and a part of America died.
May 2, 2004
Senseless! RIP!
Darin L. Paul
FBI Agents Association
April 30, 2004
My heart goes out to Officer Steiner's family during this terrible time of loss. It is beyond my capability to understand how someone can kill a police officer in front of a courthouse just for the purposes of joining a gang. This useless piece of life should have been shot resisting arrest.
William L. Farrell, SFC
US Army Military Police, Ret.
April 30, 2004