San Francisco Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza
Even though i did not get to know you as well as i got to know your wife and daughter. In my heart their is a deep sadness and i cry everytime i remember you are gone. I think about your daughter and wife, day and night praying that the lord brings peace to their hearts, and gives Renata the strength she needs to raise Bella. Even though you are gone from this world i know you still live, In the eternity life where we are all headed to be one day, you just happened to leave earlier than the rest. Isaac you live in our hearts and mind for always and for ever GOD Bless you and your family
June 14, 2004
We are truly saddened at Isaac's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.
God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.
June 11, 2004
You were the only boy growing up with all girls. Although we all loved you, we all loved you even more because you were the only boy. I was lucky because I was your godmother. I felt a special bond because deep in my heart I knew you were my boy too. I will miss trying to find the perfect gift each Christmas. That special gift to give my boy and my brother, the cop. Your gone and I can't believe it still. I can only remember you growing up with all the girls. The only boy, at least we had one to watch. A special bond between you and I. I thought, my boy. My boy, my boy, and now your gone. I look at my kitchen and I see the beauty that you added by talking me into the granite you suggested. Those precious moment, the last time I saw you, we stood together looking at granite. You later showing me how to put tile on my kitchen floor. I can see you now in my house with Bella there by your side looking at my kitchen. I miss you Isaac. It will be many years before my heart will be at peace. The lose I feel is deep. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
June 11, 2004
My prayers and throughts are with your family always. You are always thought of by those whom know you.
June 10, 2004
Two months today. We miss you, it helps to read how you made an impact on so many lives. Your memory will not fade from our hearts, if God permits we will tell your story of honor, strength, love and compasion to our children, that they will pass it on.
Rest in Peace
Friend East Bay
June 10, 2004
You are in my heart everday, and you will be in my heart for the rest of my life. A
June 9, 2004
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; Here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me and he said, “I welcome you”.
It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.
God gave me a list of things that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human they are bound to bring tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you would not understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you, and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one step at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you to;
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
then you can say to God at night...."My day was not in vain".
And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low:
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free.
Remember you're not're coming here to me.
I will always be with you!
June 8, 2004
I still remember how great you two looked together, the kind of Love you two have and will FOREVER have is the kind of love only soul-mates ever experience, and lets face it now-a-days out of every 100 couples, 5 are soul mates, you two are blessed to have been destined for each other. Isaac I can still see how handsome you looked on your wedding day and how beautiful Renata looked, how you two were joined together in the sight of God, before all your family and friends. How the reception afterwards was fantastic, how in love and how perfect you two were together. That kind of love is something that reaches beyond this lifetime, the kind of love that is Eternal, never ending. The only love that can ever surpass that is the love of God. Loving a Soul Mate, the other half of your heart, the person who often finished your sentences, the one who called you up just as you were about to call them, your BEST Friend, companion, the one who's voice seemed to soothe you when you were upset. It is Never Ending LOVE! It is a Treasure, it is a Blessing.
****Stay Strong Renata! Rest assure Isaac knows you love him, and he is loving you back even more from heaven
June 7, 2004
I still just cant believe that it was you that was taken so tragically. We all miss you so much and wish that you could be here with us enjoying all things you loved. You were a good heart who loved Renata Deeply more than words Im sure could ever say. If you were here right now you would be taking your daughter to the park enjoying the sun and slide with your beautiful little daughter. It is heavy on all of our hearts to know that you are not here with us to share in making all the memories we once all shared. You never leave our mind and our thoughts Isaac. YOU WERE ONE OF A KIND ISAAC AND WE WERE ENRICHED BY YOU AND WHAT YOU BROUGHT TO SO MANY LIVES.
June 7, 2004
Isaac just wanted to let you know that our family misses you a lot and we wish you were here!
Veronica/friend and neighbor
June 6, 2004
Gosh Isaac so many people really loved you. You really touched so many lives. You had such a heart of gold. It is nice to hear all the wonderful things that people here have to say about you! We all miss you so much.
June 6, 2004
Isaac you have inspired many to be better in everything they do. Thank you very much for defending all of us against evil and now I never take for granted the safety I feel when out in public. EVERY citizen owes you a debt of gratitude. I salute you each and every day. THANK YOU!!!! For giving everything you had.
June 4, 2004
Officer Espinoza,
You were one of the nicest officers on the air. Never a mean or harsh word. Fooled us with your diff accents. You are truly missed. We at headquarters miss you
SFPD dispatch
June 4, 2004
Hey...I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to Guatemala this coming weekend. i know you always said I traveled a lot. Well I'm sure you are traveling too. I think about you often. I remember dancing with you, and cracking jokes. it's still unreal!
I miss you Isaac, but God wanted you back with him. Please watch over us. Thank you for being a good friend.
June 3, 2004
June 2, 2004
Isaac, it has almost been 2 months, and I still cannot believe it. Lets just say you are in a much better place than we are left in, you beat us to heaven, but rest assure we are all on our way to meet up with you, some sooner than others, after all this world is only a pit-stop, we do what we were meant to do, leave our imprint and then God misses us so much that he calls us back up to be with him. I know we will all be reunited in the end, in that beautiful paradise, where there is no more pain or tears. Where the street are paved with Gold and the sea is crystal clear. With our creator the one that designed you to be who you were here on earth. The Almight God, who gives and takes, and who will question his reasons, he know better than we do. Rest in Peace, have fun, and keep an eye on us.
June 2, 2004
Isaac, its so hard to not see you here. We miss you so much. I feel as if it hant hit me yet. I dont know its really weird. I dont know if its because I see your car everyday or what. I still dont believe it. There is not one day that goes by that I dont think of you. Especially the days that are hot cause I know you would have been outside getting a tan. You should see me, you would be so jealous. I talk about you all the time and eveytime my boyfriend talks about cars I always think of you and your impalla. I remember you always used to tell me that all my friends would jock your car when it would be done and I would just look at you and say" I dont think so Isaac" I remember you wanted to color it pearl white and all the details you were going to do to it. I wish you were here to fix it up like you said. We miss you Isacc and we all wish you would come back. WE MISS YOU!!!
May 31, 2004
Isaac, Just figured I'd update you on the San Francisco Giants. This season started off very slowly. They were eight games under .500 for a while but they have come back and won nine in a row at this point. I know how much you enjoyed following them. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for being a hero and inspiration to all! Talk to you soon. Everybody misses you. BYE!
May 31, 2004
oh, Lord...where do I start?.... we love you isaac. we love you so much. everyone misses you so much you cant even imagine...I know you are in the presence of God right now so Im not worried about that. You inspired me Isaac. I wanted to be a cop before this happened. And now, I want to be one even more. I never thought this would happen. I never even imagined! Nobody did..nobody. But than you Isaac. Thanks for everything you gave to us while you was still here...and thanks for the good memories you left behind for us. You made me laugh. And I needed that at times. Well, you made everyone was very silly. wow would have been so should've SEEN all the people at your funeral.cops from everywhere!! So many people! Many people loved you.And all of us still do. I pray that the guy who did this to you, God will judge him. His judgement is coming soon. I'll put it this way, you've won a race. Your the winner. your the hero. you won life's just went ahead of all of us to're there already, and we can't wait to get there. we love you Isaac..
May 27, 2004
Nina,we miss you in church i know its hard. But u gotta get strong for Bella. And not commin to church will not help you. Bella also needs you and her friends. Take all the time you need to get over it. But when you come back we will be really happy to see you and Bella.
May 27, 2004
The Lord is near, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Chris Jesus.
Phil 4:7
May 27, 2004
nina,(renata) its us Sari and Becky. nina, we love you so much and we love isaac very much too. we are so sorry nina. but, see, that's the good thing, we all know that he is in heaven now. with God. we will always miss him, but have him in our hearts forever. please know that we are always praying for you and bella. praying for you to keep the faith. you've known us all our lives....except for bella cuz you know she just a little kid and she was born not very long ago :) ...but even though we are just kids, know that we are here, and that we care about you and we are always thinking on you. Seriously. we have told all our friends about you guys and we have them praying too...even the teachers have you in their prayers...Isaac is famous at our school!! we were remembering all the times Isaac made us laugh..and he taught Becky a game, and how he always cheated..hehe..and how sweet he was..very kind. He was very silly too. A his bro. edgar. we will always miss him, but keep him in our hearts forever, knowing that he is in a better place. God loves you guys. This had to happen for a reason. SOME reason. Something has to come out of this. or maybe to test our faith. but at least we know HE dont suffer no more. Praise God for giving us another day of life, and we will praise him (at least try our best) as long as we live. we love you all..
your lil sisters,
sari n becky
p.s. stay strong .. we love you
May 25, 2004
Hi,Ieze I don't know where to begin. this is the first time that I write to you since you left. I have not been able to even read any of the reflection your family and friends have left. I would see everyone reading them and I would just walk away. Its to hard Ieze. I can't believe that your gone. I know this happens to everyone but I just never though it would happen to us. I have not been able to get that day out of my head, when I walked into the waiting room and saw one of your Aunts crying and saying "He died" at that moment It felt like if someone had taken all my emotions and thoughts away I did not know what to do or what to say I felt numb and confused. I have had a hard time accepting the fact that you are gone. Ieze I love you and miss you. Don't worry about Nina & Bella being alone,because I will be there until Its time for me to go. I will never forget you.
Your Sister Rach
May 25, 2004
Isaac, i miss u.i did not belive when they told me the news.i told my friends and they were like oh my God.And i could not belive what i just heard.i was crying.At the funeral all i could see was heads.i will write more later. Love,Becky Moreira
May 24, 2004
I will remember you as an officer who truly enjoyed working in the Bayview...No matter what challenges we faced on a daily basis, you always came to work with a bright smile, upbeat demeanor, and positive outlook on matters when they were the exact opposite...Your sense of humor is definitely missed by all of us at the station...Everything about you is missed...I know you having been watching out for us at the station and especially in softball..The team has been pulling in wins for you and there's not a game that goes by where you are not thought about..Thanks for pushing some of those pop-fly foul balls back in to make them fair..I know that was you out there helping us out :-)..One thing I will never forget about you Isaac is how proud you were to be Renata's husband and Isabella's dad...Your eyes always lit up when you were spoke about them and it was quite obvious that they were your everything...For that alone, I greatly admired you...I send them prayers daily...Isaac you were a wonderful man, loving husband and father, and outstanding officer...We love you and your memory will live in our hearts forever.
Ofcr. Annie Valenzuela
San Francisco PD/Bayview Station
May 24, 2004