San Francisco Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza
August 10, 2004
Isaac, Today is four months....seems longer. We miss you! Rest in Peace.
August 10, 2004
isaac. gosh i miss you so much. words cant even explain how much it hurts me to know that you wont be comming back. its been so hard for me the past monthes. not only for me but for many people to. its so hard to know that your gone. it was funny because i went into BLOCKBUSTER yesterday and the lady that worked there asked if i had known you. and i told her yes. and she would tell me that you would come in to get movies and i go " yeah that isaac never went to the movies, he would always say " i bring the movies to me man". just made me laugh and smile. cuz thats something you would say & did say to me once. gosh isaac i miss you so much. the past days ive been reading all of your reflections and i was saying to myself " wow isaac had my friends, i feel bad for saying he didnt have any" . i miss you isaac and love you so much. may god always be with you.
monica mendoza
August 10, 2004
So did Bayview win or what???
Isaac I miss you! Watch over us from Heaven. Are you still dancing??
August 8, 2004
Still cannot beleive you are gone...... I read everyother day the things that people write here and it amazes me how you have touched so many lives! You were a wonderful human being with so much heart..... Its a shame you had to leave us so soon..... I hope that I too can be half the person you were.
August 8, 2004
Isaac this weekend is going to be a hard weekend for me. This weekend is the softball tournament that is going to be played in your memory. I know how much you loved baseball and your team. You were so good at it. I remember when softball season came around you would stay up late making up the roster and calling your team mates to make sure they were going to play and show up that year. I miss those days. I will be there all three days to cheer all the police officers, firefighters and all the men and women who will be playing in the tournament. I will proudly be wearing your #8 Potrero softball jersey. Bella will be with me and it will be an honor to watch all the wonderful teams that will be playing and showing their support. I know you will be watching from heaven and making sure that "Bayview's" softball team takes it this year. Ha Ha I love you and miss you.
August 4, 2004
To the Espinoza's:
I am a 23 year old in Las Vegas, NV. I am moving to California at the end of this month to enroll into the Santa Monica Police Department. I monitor this website almost daily. The amount of sincere gratitude I have towards Ofc. Espinoza is astounding. I have never admired or looked up to anyone that I have not met before as I have to your Ofc. Espinoza. I hope that one day, I can be half the man, husband, father, friend, and finally police officer that Officer Espinoza was to all of you. It is a true tragedy that something like this has to happen to such a great individual in order for people to wish they could have been in his presence. I hope Reynatta and Bella are doing okay now. After reading all the stories and responses on this site, I feel like I know them in some way. I hope your family understands that this has made me re-think the way I live day in and day out and the way I view police work, not as a career where people look up to you for answers, but a career that you dedicate to the protection of everyday life. I will enjoy being a police officer and helping people in need. I will do this knowing that every fallen officer before me has taken this lifestyle with great pride and honor. God Bless Officer Espinoza, Bella, Renatta, and family.
Michael C.
Future Police Officer
none yet...
August 3, 2004
Hi Isaac/Renata,
Last week I was looking through some picture books, and ran across a few pictures, that made me smile. I have one of you, Renata, George & Tezzy, I think it was for someone's wedding at church, Tezzy and Renata were wearing Hot Pink dresses that were identical. It seemed like such a long time ago, but it was fun. I also ran across a picture of when you caught the garter belt at my wedding. I couldn't believe it had been 10 years ago. Those days were great. This weekend Wendy got married, and I cried, just like I cried at your wedding and at everyone else's wedding. I saw a video of when Renata and you went to visit Wendy after Alejandra was born, and you had bought Alejandra this Blue workout outfit and shoes. It was great to see your smile on video. I just want to take time to Thank you for your friendship and for being a Hero. Luis and I think of you often, I pray for your family daily.
August 3, 2004
Hey Issac, it's me again, i just got off lunch break and thought of writting you. So Bellas B-day party was great! Of course not the same without you. You know, I missed the "Protection"(wink wink) that you put in the pinata last year:) Man, Bella is getting so big. I know that everybody at the patry had a good time but missed yuo really really bad. I miss you Issac, I always think bout you though I don't really show any emotions about this ahole thing, only God & you know exactly how most of my nights in my room go. I'm trying Isaac! Well I better get back to work before I get fired....Yea right....well I still keep loving, missing,& thinking of you.
To whoever wrote to me about my dream, im glad that it touched you as much asit did me. I am Isaacs sister inlaw (Renata's yougest sister)
Always Rudy
August 2, 2004
I have tried to write to you on this sight so many times in the last three and a half months, and can never get through it. I am still trying to make sense out of why this happened, and struggle with it daily. Renata and Bella have been amazing through this horrible tragedy! I don't know where Renata gets her strength from, maybe you are sending it to her from heaven, but she is so strong for your beautiful little girl. You should be so proud of her. I miss hearing you say "Hey" from across the street, or coming over to talk to Tim and comparing home improvement ideas. I also miss you and Tim giving the girls a hard time together. Everyday I when I turn on my computer I come to your reflection page and check for any new messages. I love reading all of the peoples memories of you. I have to come to realize that jager was one of your favorite drinks as it is one of mine. May God bless you always Issac. Please know that you are truly missed by both Tim and I. We will always be here to help Renata and Bella when they need it.
August 2, 2004
Happy birthday to a beautiful little girl full of energy and surrounded by strength and happiness! Your father lives on in you...Your family, S.F.P.D., Bayview Station Officers.
Bayview Station-ALL Watches
San Francisco Police Dept.
August 1, 2004
I say many prays for you, for the Lord to give you the strentgh to be that pillar that those who loved Issac need so much.I know you have needs of strentgh yourself,as your pillar has been taken from you.Jesus has his angles and he has appointed Issac as yours and Isabellas. Love like the one he had for you transends all.Because that is all this is ,distance, he is with you. God knows why this had to happen. Now you must search inside yourself and ask how can I learn the lesson Gods wants me learn. How can my family and I give Issac's death honor. I have seen you , you are a beautiful women, more than beautiful you have inner strength and beautiful. Use that to touch others. Let the Lord and your angel guide you.
My prayers are always with you.
August 1, 2004
I made a collage from pictures of you and Bella since she was born until this year. She asked me if you were going to come down from heaven to her birthday party and I said NO. She got sad so I told her that we could pick out all the pictures of you and her and we could put them together and bring them to the park so she would know that you were there watching her at her party. That brought her comfort and that is what we did. All of your friends and family were there and even though it was a cold gloomy day we had a good party for Bella. Oh Isaac how I missed you yesterday. It was hard planning the party and being there without you cracking jokes or without "Surprises" falling out of the pinata (Remember last year? the little surprise that you put in the pinata?) It was a good party but you were still missing. anyways I am trying my best to be strong for our baby. I know you are with me everyday helping me out and all your family and friends have been wonderful to me and bella, they are always here when I need them. Bella and I miss you so much. We take it day by day for you. We love you always.
August 1, 2004
Isaac these last couple of days have been really hard for me. I wish you would come back...this is so hard on all of us. We miss you so much. Everytime I go to your house , I feel that your going to walk through that door.But your not! Bellas b-day party was yesterday and it just wasnt the same without you. Your presence was definately missing. You were all in our hearts just like you are everyday. Renata and Bella are doing good but they are still hurting, just as we all are. Isaac... I dont know what to do anymore. I dont like this feeling. I still dont get it! Isaac you are always in our hearts and we miss you and love you more than you know. Renata and Bella miss you more and more each day and just keep looking after them as you have!
August 1, 2004
August 1, 2004
Wow. I just read through a few reflections on this first page that I was sent to and I am overcome by emotion. It is obvious that you had SO many people that loved you and still love you. I smile at the frequent mentions of jager...must've been your favorite drink. As I read through the reflections everybody seems to recount memories w/ such vividness. You must have been a wonderful man to know and love. It's a shame you were taken from us so soon. Such a young, handsome man w/ so much left to do in life. I guess it's not our job to try to make sense out of things that cannot be made sense OF. God Bless You, Officer Espinoza. From what I've read it seems I missed a lot by not knowing you.
A 911 Dispatcher
August 1, 2004
Hi Isaac, today was a beautiful day, Bellas birthday party, you left a beautiful little angel with all of us, and a whole lot of people that love and miss you. Your wife is amazing she tries so hard to keep her self together and keep going, I really admire her! We love you, and miss you so very much. God Bless You
July 31, 2004
dearest isaac
its been over 2 monthes that you have been taken away from us. today is the 31 of july and today was bellas birthday party at the park. my sister was like practically in charge of everything---- you know how she always wants the attention. so we made bellie her cupcakes and her theme was little mermaid. shes soo cute! she was dressed up in litttle red tights, black mary- janes, and this little pink long /short dress and a little jacket, and pig tails..=].. looked exactly like you. the party was fun but i wish that you were there to seee how much fun she had but i know that from heaven you were watching over us. oh isaac. i cry everytime someone speaks of your name because it brings me deep sorrow to know that you will never be with us again. i was over your house the other day playing with bella and her new dog! " nemo" and i was siotting on the ocuch and someone had opened the door and it reminded me of you comming home one day and saying " monica! what the heck are you doing here AGAIN".. like i bothered you!... hagag memories just hit me. i miss you so much isaac and always will . i think of you everyday. and your always in my prayers. renata misses you and so does little bellie. watch over us. i miss you and i love you alot.
---- monica--- your little neighbor
July 31, 2004
"All My Heart"
I love you with all my heart
I love you with all my soul
you bring me light
you bring me happiness
When you are near me I need a kiss
If I could spend my life with you
I'd love you everyday as the First day
I never thought love could be so true
but I was so wrong
because I found YOU!
Isaac remember this poem? I found it going thru our high school stuff. This is the very first poem you gave to me. I remember I was 16 and you where 17. I can still see your smile when you walked down the hall and gave it to me. Isaac I would do anything to go back in time and hear you say these words to me again. All I can do now is cry and remember our love. You kept your word and loved me everyday as the first day. Thank you. I could of never asked for a better love than yours because it was so pure and true, one of a kind. I love you now as I did then and always will.
July 26, 2004
ZAK- Mars...
Had two Jagers with GMAK and B.L. It was the 1st time I could get them down without hesitation. I now know that I can get through this one step at a time. Renata is trying sooo hard to get through everything, she's amazing! I cry for you every night, if not, every other night, and don't know how everyone is coping...its bs Zak, its wrong the way you went out! We love u, Patty.
Off. Brown, Bayview-MIDS
July 24, 2004
You stand out like the moon on a beautiful night. You were such a beautiful person!
July 23, 2004
During a traffic stop after a 49er game, YOU were the one who taught me the famous Bayview, "We've got a crowd gathering..." rule! I think about you every time I use it...which is often! Haaa. ;D Miss you, Patty.
Off. Brown, Bayview-MIDS
July 23, 2004
Rudy I dont know who you are but you really touched my heart. I read what you left and I couldnt help but to just keep cying uncontrollably about your dream. Because I too have had crazy dreams like yours. It hurts that he is gone and we all miss him more than anything. Thankyou for your reflection it keeps us close and thinking of Isaac!A cousin
July 22, 2004
Rest in peace buddy, your work is done.
You'll be missed by all those who's lives you touched.
SC Brad Taylor
Metropolitan Police (London)
July 22, 2004
I had a dream the other night and you were there. I belive that God speaks through dreams & i know it was real. We were at Your house and my sister and Chris were watching videos of when we were all younger. My dad & some other people where in the new addition just fixig some things in there. I walked out side & saw Rick, My brother & You outside and you guys were smiling and stuff. I think that they were building a fence in the front lawn because they had some wire things around the grass. Any ways the guys went in and you called me over to where your car is still park at today and you began to say " this is what we are going to do, you guys are going to move this car and put a little tree here." Then like you always joked you said, " and you will have the honor to cut it back down." then I stared at you for a moment & then i just huged you. I was hugging you so tight that I could feel all your muscles from you chest and arms. I started to telll you to come back. I kept saying come back Isaac Come back. I was crying and saying this to you becase inmy dream I knew you had already passed away. Then you said to me,you crying aswell, I wanted to come back, I wanted to. then I woke up and when i got up I noticed that I was still crying. Man Isaac, I miss you so much. I love you.
July 22, 2004