Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004

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Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt

Hey Sweetie,
Way to soon another Christmas is here, and you aren't. Didn't put a tree up this year..Just two blue candles..One for you, the other for Mike. Jeff, there will never be a time that your not in my heart, thoughts and memories. And never will a year go by that I won't remember 04-04-04. The years have gone by so fast, yet it seems like only yesterday you left us..I know that each of us will always greive in our way over your death. I only know that I am and always will be thankful for the time you were in our lives..You will forever be alive in our heart's and memories..Our Forever Hero. I know that Heaven is a little brighter because of you. And others like Mike Gordon, The Soldiers who have sacrificed their lives in the war for the past 10 years.. Each of you cared enough to serve your fellow man. Way to many Officer's, have followed you Jeff. I can only thank each of them for their ultimate sacrifice..And my heart hurts for every family who has lost a loved one protecting our street's and Country..I know that Heaven must be full of all those who made it possible for us to still have freedom in America.
Thank you Jeff, and I know you know that I will carry you in my heart forever. You were such a good stepdad to Taylor..I am so grateful to you for so many things. So know that I am wishing you a Merry Christmas in Heaven. And always keep watch over your family and friends you left behind, They all love and miss you so very much..We will meet again someday..Love you always.

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-Law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

December 24, 2011

Happy Veterans Day. Thank you for the dedicated service you gave not only to law enforcement but also to your country.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

November 11, 2011

hey jeff,
i miss you alot i still remember when you would go to the store my mom worked at and would say hey and mess up my hair. whats funny is i do that to my cousins so i its like your still here with me even though ive gotten older. youd be proud im startin EMT trainin next month. i miss you jeff i hope i can be as great of a man as you were.

love your friend,Dylan

Dylan Hughes

November 10, 2011

Hey Sweetie,
Your on my mind every day, you already know that..I look at your picture and still wonder "WHY". I still wonder what you had on your mind that horrible night, Jeff..I know you were tired..It was getting late...But you were so good at what you were so sharp Jeff..The best of the best...The Top Cop..I will never forget the call that night, that Tracie needed me..But as I drove past the place you were killed, all the Police Car's, Deputy Car's, Ambulances's, Highway Patrol. I was stopped by an Officer and told to turn around and go another way..But I told the Officer, that my Daughter, Tracie needed me..The car's parted, as they let me go through..They told me that someone would be waiting for me, at the end of Mill's Gap Rd..When I got there, one of the female Officer's was there...I told her who I was and on my way to Tracie's..I will always remember telling the Officer to let the other Officer's know, not to stop me..because I was exceeding the speed limit that night, to get to Tracie..It never occured to me Jeff, that it had something to do with your being shot...that idea never crossed my mind...You were the best..And even when I walked into the house, my daughter, with her back turned to me, Chaplain Carter, Chaplain Sexton, And maybe some officer's...some things are still blurred..I only thought you had been hurt. I remember falling to my knees and starting to pray..It was at that time, That Chaplain Sexton started praying over me, at that time, did it hit me you were gone. But even then Jeff, I was in so much shock..I just couldn't comphrend that you would never be back...And still the shock remains at times...It is still hard to beleive that seven years have passed. You were loved by everyone Jeff...You will forever be in my heart and memory, A HERO never dies..They will forever be kept alive by those they left behind. Jeff, I know you were there to welcome Marine Scott Harper to his new home in Heaven..Another young man, fighting for His Country..In Alfganistan..We have just lost to many young men and women to a war of no end, it seem's like..But Jeff, you wouldn't beleive how this old world has changed...So I have to accept, that God had a reason for calling you home. People just aren't like they use to seem's as if there is no respect or love for each other anymore. I hope I never forget other's Jeff...I hope that when my time comes to meet you again, that God will welcome me into Heaven's Gates..I know you will be waiting, for all of your loved ones who you left behind...Jeff, I know that you were glad to see your Grandparent's..Such Beautiful people...And Jeff the Holiday's are upon us, another Chrismas without you...But in my heart, you will forever be watching over us, smiling down...Take care of Taylor and keep watch over him...He took a picture of you and Him together, with him to Eastern Carolina University as he started his first year in College this year...I hope he never forget's that it is because of you, that he is able to be there...Well, I know that you and Tra would have worked hard for him to get his education...but you gave your life. I love you Jeff..I hold you in my heart...Forever...I miss you Jeff. One of the happiest days of my life, was when you and Tra, were married...I only wish it had been me instead of you that night..You were so young to have to leave. And I never worried at all about Tra. then..I knew that she and Taylor were in the best of care. Thank you Jeff, for all you did, but most of all for the sacrifices you gave here, for us. Sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile, just been under the weather a lot..But I will try and stop by more often...I love and miss you so very much...And Jeff, everytime I hear a sirene, I start praying for whoever is driving the Patrol Car, Ambulance, or Highway Patrol Car..And also the one their going after...I guess there are a lot who say I'm crazy, but I have been called worse..But I will continue to say those prayer's, in hope another Officer's life is spared...Continue to keep watch over all you left behind. Always My Forever HERO.

Carolyn Moore

October 16, 2011

This is my first official day of retirement and the one thing in my 31 1/2 years I would change if possible would be the events on April 4th 2004. Miss you brother.

Lt. Chuck Long
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

September 1, 2011

Hey Jeff

Had you on my mind a lot lately as I'm sure most of us have... Summertime- lawns needing mowed, fishing & days at the lake... you get my drift...

Hard to believe it's been 7 years already. There are days when it feels like it was just yesterday. Miss you and think about you often. I still say a prayer for Tracy and the rest of your family every night.

Thanks for keeping watch over us down here.. You always were an angel!


June 29, 2011

May 15th, Law Enforcement Memorial Day

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this special day. Continue to keep watch over those that hold you close to their hearts and must live without you each day. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 14, 2011

Jeff as another DC trip begins for your BCSO Honor Guard, please look after keep them and see that they have safe travels as they are on their way to Honor you.

Carol L. Covert
former BCSO 911 Communicator

May 12, 2011

My Dearest Jeff,
Another National Policeman's Week, will soon be coming up in D.C. to honor more Fallen Officer's. My heart goes out to the families of those who sacrificed their lives as you and so many other's did. Jeff, I will always wonder what was on your mind that night. You were the best of the best. You were on the SWAT team, You had served in Desert Storm. You saved lives that dredful night Jeff. And You left place in our heart's that can never be mended. There is simply no explanation that I can accept, except that God wanted you home with Him. He got back a jewel, that He had created. Jeff, you will forever be in my heart and memories. No one or nothing can ever replace you. May you rest in the arms of God, until I see you again my Dear Jeff. Keep watch over the ones you left behind. We all still need you. Forever My Hero. But my heart will break with those in Washington the week of the 13th. My prayer's are with each family.Love you, Jeff

Carolyn Moore

May 2, 2011

He is never gone from your heart and memory,,,He will always be with you ans watch over you!

Officer,,,MPO VBPD,,Kevin Wescott
Norfolk PD,,,Va Beach PD 1984-1994

April 4, 2011

Jeff even after all this time not a day passes that you are not in our in peace....we will never forget.

Lt. Chuck Long
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

April 4, 2011

My thoughts and prayers go out to your entire family. I did not know your loved one, but I work Police Officers and its one big family, all Police Departments are one big family and we come together in good times and in sad times. God bless you all and know that Jeffrey is still watching over you.

Sandra O'Brien
911-Communications Officer

April 4, 2011

Thinking of you, and all family and friends of Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt on this somber anniversary.

Lt. W. Scott Humphrey
Virginia Beach Police Department

April 4, 2011

My Dear Jeff, Well it's been seven year's now, and it sure doesn't seem like it. No,at times it seems you are still with us. Then reality set's in, and I realize that you are not here. But Jeff, I know you wouldn't come back from where you are. You are in Heaven now and how awsome that must be. I know that our mortal souls can't even comprehend what your eye's behold. And I know you are happy now. You touched so many people's life Jeff. And especially mine. How very happy I was the day you and Tracie got married. My heart was so full of Pride. Jeff, as I have said so many times. You can never be replaced. There will never be another Jeff Hewitt. God only made one. And until I get to where you are I'll never understand why God called you home. Jeff, I did make it to the cemetary for your Birthday, and it had been a while since I had been there. And tomorrow night, I'll be burning a candle in your memory. Keep watch over all those you left behind Jeff, Your family,friends, and those you worked with. Love you always and forever. And there is a void in my heart that will alway's be. Just know that I love and miss you every single day. And thank you for the sacrifice you made for all of us. I salute you Jeff.

Carolyn Moore

April 4, 2011

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this 7th anniversary of you being called away. For some it will seem like just yesterday that they were able to hear your laugh, feel your warm touch and see your smile. For others it has felt like a lifetimne. Continue to visit all of your loved ones in their dreams and let them hear you laugh and talk to them so that they know you are near and watching over them. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Jeff

Carol Covert
former BCSO dispatcher

March 20, 2011

Wanted to stop by and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jeff. I know that everyone in Heaven will be celebrating your day. I will burn a candle in loving memory of you. I miss you so much. Almost seven years now, since you had to leave us. But your smile,voice and sweetness never will. So often, I recall your laughter. And how much I appreciated you and Tracie mowing the grass. Or our family get together's. There were times you only had time to grab something to eat and run,because you were working. Jeff, I wish I could have taken your place that dredful night. I would have. I have often wondered why God wanted you in Heaven. Why He took you at such a young age. The only thing that I can thank God about on that day, was that you didn't suffer. His Grace was with you. I have said before, that you wouldn't have wanted to be crippled. You were to full of life and enjoyed life to the fullest. You are loved and missed Jeff, but never forgotten. You will remain alive in our heart's and memories forever. No one can ever take your place. There was only one JEFF HEWITT. You are loved and missed by every life you touched on this earth. So Happy Birthday,Jeff and please keep watch over all your loved ones you left behind. Those you worked with, your family and your friends. You are loved by all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Carolyn Moore

March 19, 2011

Jeffrey, I don't write on here often, don't feel the need to. I carry you in m thoughts everyday. Sitting around during a lull in the action and my mind kind of drifted back to you, as it does often. When I think of you I can't help but hear the music in the background of Who You'd Be Today by Kenny Chesney. We weathered some pretty arduous times over the years but I can't help but know that you'd be pleased and proud to still be with the S.O. I sure know a bunch of guys in green that think of you often. We make sure the young ones know your name and the sacrifice you made and that if it can happen to you it can happen to anyone. Man it sure would be fun to have you around here still. You left so many great memories that hurtful memories don't hang around long before they're replaced by ones of joy and bittersweet laughter. I only regret I never told you how proud I was to know you and be associated with you. Man I miss you.....


March 19, 2011

Hey Sweetie,
Gee, it has been so long since I have been here to talk a little while. To tell you how much I miss you. To let you know I still have your picture where I can see it every day. Today was Michael Gordon's Birthday. I know that you were all celebrating him today. I burned a blue candle all day for him. And next month will be your Birthday. Jeff you will never know how much I miss you. How much I love you. The years slip by, and yet it seem's like only yesterday that you were here with us. I guess in some way, time just stood still. How I remember staying with Tra, after your passing. I went down stairs to wash some clothe's while she was resting. The first thing I saw, was the heavy "Tommy Hilfiger" hoodie I had got you for Christmas. Tra didn't want me to cry so I picked up the shirt and went on the back porch. I had the shirt cramed in my mouth until I got outside, then let the cries out. I held that shirt and rocked back and forth. Asking God WHY..And I know that no one ever beleived me, but God knows. There was a great big cloud in the sky, and I sat there praying and asking God to please let me know that He had you in his arm's. A few minutes later, I looked back up at the cloud, and it had spread out to look like five finger's. How I praised Him that night. I wish I had gotten that shirt back. But Jeff, I still cry over you. I always will. You were such a wonderful person. How my mind was at ease, in knowing that you were taking care of Tra and Taylor. Jeff, you were a man among men. An answer of prayer for me. How I could go to bed at night and sleep so soundly. I knew that I didn't have to worry. That my Daughter and Grandson were okay.
Can you beleive that Taylor is 18 now, 6'2",and will be going off to school at East Carolina next fall? Time has flown by. Marcie got married two years ago, and Andrew turned 13 in Oct. So hard for me to beleive. What hurt's me most, is that my illness has kept me from my family so much. And Jeff they have alway's been my whole life.
Jeff, this whole world is in such a terrible state. I know it's the sign's of the times. The Bible speaks of these day's. I know that God called you home for a reason, that only He know's. I know that you will have no more heartache or pain. I know that you live in Heaven now. And I know to see you again and other family and friend's, I have to live the best that I can. I can't miss out on Heaven, got to make it there. Jeff, no one here is perfect,but the Bible say's we have to strive to be. And sometime's it's hard to do. But with all of my heart I am trying.
Mom and Dad are still trying to make it living alone. But they are failing so fast. They celebrated their 70th anniversary on Dec.23rd. And they both turned 89. God has blessed them
Well Jeff, I'll go for now, please watch over all of us down here, Thank you Jeff, for every thing you did. Most of all, the sacrifice you made for all of us. I love you and miss you Jeff. Only God knows how much. You were a light that shown so bright. I loved you as another Son, Jeff. And I alway's will. I will never forget you,as long as I am alive. You are my HERO. You were what people call a "rare Breed", a man among men. Not to many in this world today. Jeff, please watch over those you left behind. Forever in my heart and memories. Forever Alive...I know that you are only a breath away and I will see you soon.

Carolyn Moore

February 21, 2011

Hi honey,
I'm dropping in to spend some time with you and let you know you're missed and loved so very much. So much has been happening lately. Susan, your dad and I attended the services at the Veterans hospital and it was so sad to see so many ill, crippled and injured heroes gathered outside to witness the services taking place in their honor. A Marine Officer was one of the key speakers and was on tour during Desert Storm at the same time you were there. I met and spoke with him and we talked about you. He made me feel so proud.
We visited you just before Thanksgiving ( everyone was snow bound on Thanksgiving) Susan at home in NC and dad and I in SC)
We attended the Bridge dedication and it was wonderful. We rode with the Sheriff and his wife. The ceremony was held in the middle of the bridge. It was a beautiful day, sun shining, chilly and windy. We know you were with us because the wind kept knocking over one of the plants on one side of the podium. We knew it was your handiwork. A vehicle passed during the service with a big Tenn. T on the side and we knew you were on the move. We were presented a beautiful framed replica of the signs erected at each end of the bridge and it hangs over the TV .
Christmas was another snowy period but we made it to visit with you just before Christmas day and decorated your grave with a beautiful arrangement of pine cones, greenery and deer.
Just this weekend we made a trip to NN,VA to attend Chrissy and Stevens' wedding. Jesse prepared a video of the past and he included a picture of you and Chrissy together. It made you a part of the wedding and honored your memory.
All the way home we talked of the past and all the things you used to do to make us proud and to make us laugh. You will always be a very real part of our lives and will always be loved. You are our sunshine, the breeze that gently rings our wind chimes and our rain that often turns into tears of dispare because we can't bring you back.
Watch over us honey and feel our love surround you 24/7

Pat and Bill Hewitt
mom and dad

January 31, 2011

I have been thinking about the New Years Eve we shared. Laughing and just being with you too bring in the new. I miss you..we miss you..your friends and your family think of you ever day. When I talk to them they always tell me how they were just speaking of you earlier or the other day. The impact you made on all of us is everlasting..just as is our love, gratitude and admiration for you. I wish that you were still here with us..we had so much more to do and you were a unique breath of fresh air to this world. God blessed us for the time we had you and you blessed us for the Brother, Son, Friend, Officer, Marine and Person you will always be. It is rare that one exceeds the bar in all areas..but you did just that. We forever love and miss tears will never cease..and every day..I wish you..could still be here with me.

Susan Hewitt

January 17, 2011

Happy New Year Jeff. Miss you


January 1, 2011

Thinking of you today...Merry Christmas! We will never forget Brother


December 25, 2010

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this Christmas holiday. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 24, 2010

It's that time again that blue lights are on our Christmas trees and in our windows to honor not only law enforcement officers that are still with us, but to honor you. We know too that you were there with open arms for Donnie Cole that joined you at 0545 hrs this date. The law enforcement family sure is growing quickly there with you, so many that we all worked with. Merry Christmas Jeff and know that we all still miss you, love you, and think about you all of the time.

Carol Covert
former BCSO dispatcher

December 17, 2010

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