Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt
Good morning son,
Just checking in to say I love you and to ask you to be with me today as I have knee surgery. The Dr says it's minor but you know me, if needles are involved my mind says it's major! As I awakened this morning I felt your presence and saw you so clearly as the warmth of your smile brought such peace to my heart. You are always with us honey. We see the signs in so many ways.
We love you son,
Mom and Dad
April 13, 2005
Miss you and love you so much.
April 12, 2005
To a fellow Marine and brother, I knew
the moment I saw your picture,that you
were a marine. There is a unique way a marine composes himself even when taking a simple picture. You showed that
in your actions on your last day on this earth. A marine to the end and a fellow brother in blue:
"when I get to heaven, to St. Peter I will tell, another marine reporting sir, I served my time in hell".
Trooper JE Blanco retired.
disabled in the line of duty, May 2,1992.
trooper J.E. Blanco
Florida Highway Patrol
April 11, 2005
Jeff, I know your were touch by the memorial service for you the other night. Your family and friends were all there to remember you and to be with Tracie and your family. We were at home when dispatch came across the radio with the most touching memorial. At one point Mike became unable to continue without having to try to hold back his emotions,he did a fine job and continued on. I watched as my husband and another one of your brothers had tears runnig down thier faces.It's still hard to believe that you have been gone for a year now. Believe me, the pain isn't any better for the people who love you. I'm sure that you will always be in the minds and hearts of alot of people. Please know that we will always be here for Tracie and your family. You will always be in our hearts and we will continue to pray for your family.
May God bless you always.
April 9, 2005
Hey Baby,
Sorry I didn't write on your anniversary day. There were so many things going on...but there wasn't one moment that you were not in my heart and thoughts. The memorial service was wonderful. I am so grateful to EVERYONE who has worked so hard to organize all of the fund raisers and the memorial service. The candle light vigil was so beautiful. Tears were falling everywhere...Yes, even grown men were crying. It means so much to see how much everyone loved you. Like your Mom and Susan said in their reflections, the Department has been so good to us. I know that the memorial in DC is right around the corner. Reality is that after that service, things will probably start getting back to "normal" for most people. I imagine it will be very difficult when that happens. I've enjoyed all of the fund raisers and "stuff", it helps me so much to be around the other officers. I don't know why...I just feel close to you when I am around them. I love hearing all of their stories. I was interviewed on the news Monday morning. They asked me if you were a fan of gospel music. For a moment I almost burst out laughing. I wanted to say, "He was a fan of any music when he was in the shower". I can remember when you would be getting ready for work and you would sing in the shower. The funny thing is you were singing to yourself, but all of a sudden, you would sing a word or two at the top of your lungs. You were so funny! I would give anything for little moments like that again. Jeff, the hardest thing of all was knowing that a year ago Monday night at 8:15, you were calling me to say, "Hey Beautiful" and "see you in a minute". Baby, it sure has been a long minute this time. I wish I knew how much longer I have to wait. I am so lonely without you! I thought so many times about how difficult it will be when I lose Mamaw or Papaw. I remember talking to you about it...you told me "we" would get through it. You said you would take care of me. Now I know that I am going to have to face that all by myself someday. I don't think I can handle that kind of hurt again. People say I'm so strong, but I feel like shattered glass. Nothing feels "stable" anymore. I feel like I'm walking on ice that hasn't quite frozen all the way. I never know when the next step will be the one where I cave in. I know you didn't choose to leave me and your family. I know you would not want to see us upset, but I also know you must be so happy in Heaven. I'm sorry I'm whining, I just miss you so much. I promise I will try to be strong. Baby, I'm so proud that I could be your wife. You were such an honorable man...and I feel privileged that you chose me to be your wife. I am grateful that for the time we were together, you made me feel "special".
I love you forever,
See you in a minute 1-4-3
Tracie M. Hewitt
Jeff's Wife
April 6, 2005
I know I never knew you personally but I have had the honor of meeting your family. If your family is any indication of what kind of person you were then I know you must have been an awesome person. I have had the great honor of becoming friends with your wife. Through the tragedy of losing Joey and Tracie losing you we have become great friends and I'm so greatful. Tracie like myself is still trying to make sense of everything that is happening in her life. Losing a police officer in the line of duty is one of the hardest things that one can go through. My heart aches for Tracie, Taylor, your Parent, Siblings, and Co-Workers. I know they have just started the battle that comes along with losing someone you love. Jeff, I just hope that you know how much you were loved and how blessed I feel to have met your loved ones. Even though a tragedy has brought us together I am so thankful to know your family. I attended a memorial for you this week and I know that your family and department will never forget you. You must have been an awesome officer and friend. Jeff, On another note please tell Joey that I said hello and I miss him. The both of you were taken from Tracie and I on the same week. I know that Tracie and I will always get together to remember the both of you. Take care and Rest in Peace.
Thank you for your Service,
Dana Moody
Fiance' of Deputy Joey Rodgers 4/9/97
Dana Moody
Fiance' of Deputy Joey Rodgers eow 4-9-97
April 6, 2005
I am saddened that i was in training and was not able to attend that special service to honor you. They say time heals all wounds but sometimes the time takes to long and it seems nothing gets healed thats when i guess faith and the belief in a better place makes a differnce. I know i dont know the pain your family and friends still feel but do know you will never be forgotten. Thank you again for looking out for all of us. Until one day when i get to meet you again.
Cpl Gary Mintz, Director Traffic Enf.
Henderson County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
April 6, 2005
Sarge, Monday was truly a hard day. Everyone had their own way of dealing with the memories...for me (and you will love this one) your mom loaned me some pictures of you to put on a slide show and being the sharing person I am, I shared them with everyone....SRT members included! You were such a cute baby we all decided we would like to have picked you up and squeezed you....Al made some comments, I'm sure you heard them, you know how funny he is. We miss ya sarge, I'm sure you know that. We've adopted your family, you took several traits from each of them and it is so easy to see you in them - your dad is really quiet - he carries the world on his shoulders, reminds me of you in the early charlie squad briefings (you know the ones - before you, Cathcart, and Bottego got wound up). Your mom reminds me of you and the times you led briefing for E Squad. She is a leader, making sure that everything gets taken care of. Susan is like your mom and dad, I look at her and see you. Tammy is sooooo funny...she too is like all of you, you can tell that you all are a close family. It breaks my heart to see them hurt. Sarge, I'm sure you hugged them all the other night...and Tracie and Taylor too. When Taylor fell to his knees at the memorial it broke my heart. I wanted so bad to hug him but Tracie took really good care of him. Sarge, you know you touched a lot of lives here and you made a difference. You gave people hope when they couldn't find any. I'm proud to be in the same department and I thank the Lord I knew you. We will stand for you in DC in May and in Buncombe County forever!
Sgt. Helen Hall
Sgt. Helen Hall
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
April 6, 2005
Dear Jeff, What a beautiful celebration of your life we shared last night. Your brothers and sisters of BCSD put their whole heart and soul into honoring you in such a loving and respectful way. My thanks go out to each and every one of them. My thanks also go to all of those who sang for you. Wow I know you heard each note so perfectly executed. My thanks to all those who think of you and of us, your family. I get overwhelmed when I see and hear so many people continuing to keep your memory fresh, to keep sending us comfort in so many ways. I know that so many of these people suffer losses of dear loved ones themselves. My heart goes out to all of them. In spite of their personal pain, in spite of their busy lives, in the midst of their personal and professional lives they take the time to honor you and to support us. I have seen real, true, compassion and dedication in action,..it has shown me that just a moment, just a kind word, just a smile in the midst of our tears, can truely make a difference in a life. If only your kind heart would have made a difference in the one who took you from us. How I struggle with what if's , why's, and what for's. I read a reflection that said when we see you again we will have all of those answers. I believe that. I only wish that my heart could rest until then. I know it won't until I see you again. I believe that hell on earth is loosing someone you love and not being able to reach out to them as past moments have allowed. Others say that you would not want to see us grieve, this too is true. My tears fall without control or I would hide them from you; I know you know me tho and I know you understand how much I miss you. Be with us all little brother, we still need you in our lives just as we always have. I love you bubba, sissy.
P,S, during the candelight service at BCSD, I know you were there, my candle went out four times. Still picking on me and I cherish it. Love susan
Susan Hewitt
April 5, 2005
Hi honey,
The services last night were so very special. Your presence could be felt thru out the church. One Special song, "The Picture on the wall" will stay forever in our hearts. Your picture sat in the front of the church and so many tears fell as you were honored & remembered. After the services at the church we gathered at the Sheriff's Dept. for a candle light Vigil & the sounding of the tones. Capt.Wright did a wonderful job honoring you and directing the 1 minute of Radio silence at 22:11, the time you were taken from us. The night was clear and warm, blue candle light glowed from the windows of the dept. Son, you were there along with everyone who came to show their respect and to honor you. We will be forever grateful for the kindness the dept. has shown our family. They are so special and will forever have a special place in our hearts. You know of their kindness and I know you are so proud of them. Watch over us honey as we prepare to travel to D.C. Someday, so they say, the pain will go away. Perhaps, but for now we feel that time will never come. By the way honey, the grass needs mowing at the cemetary. Can you take care of it? Pulling it by hand is getting to be a full time job.
Love forever and always,
Mom and Dad
April 5, 2005
Dear Tracie,
We are thinking of you and want you to know that you are loved and thought of always. May God continue to grant you the strength and love that you need to help you on your journey. You are a very stong person and your love for Jeff shows with every word you say about him. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a safe trip to Washington. Much love and many blessings to you and your family.
Shevell H. Martin
Wife of A. Scott Martin BCSD (Charlie 9)
April 4, 2005
So many times over the past year I have tried to post a reflection here. I haven't been able to since a year ago today. I have cried so much today. Although I didn't know you as well as many others, I am so hurt by your loss. Time has not yet healed my heart or the hearts of many .. Everyone keeps saying that time will heal all wounds, but that certainly has not been proven true by all that loved you. Just now, watching News13.. covering the "1 year anniversary". Seeing Tracie and Rocky; their strength and will. How do you explain how your heart hurts? How do explain the pain in your chest and the difficulty breathing?
I prayed so hard today that it would be a good day. I pray that we will not have a "bad call" today and especially tonight.
Jeff, I would ask for you to be with each of us tonight as we once again mourn your loss, but you've been with us for a year. No need to ask.
The weeping cherry tree I planted, as you pull into the back parking lot, last year bloomed TODAY! It is so beautiful! It is very reminiscent of our feelings for you.
Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt our prayers are with you today and always. You did such a wonderful job of bringing him up and it is so obvious to us all.
Susan, we have talked so many times about your memories with Jeff. As I've said before, I could never do as well as you have. Keep it up! Jeff will be forever with you.
And to Tracie and Taylor, words cannot explain the grief we all feel you! Tracie you honor Jeff in every way each time you represent him! Your strength will forever be remembered and respected.
Jennifer Mackey
April 4, 2005
BUNCOMBE TO EDWARD 2, how much we all miss saying that you will never know, and hearing you respond back to us EDWARD 2, as only you could say it. As today marks one year and we are all thinking back on that dreadful night, we try so hard to carry on. We will all be there with your family at the memorial and then at the Sheriff's Department when we hit the tones and have a moment of silence for you at 2211 hrs, a time forever etched in all communicators.
Jeff,you are still missed and loved by all of us at the department.
April 4, 2005
April 4, 2005
We lost you one year ago. It is hard to believe still today that you are gone. You have such a strong family! Tracie has stood tall and made sure the community remembers the sacrafice she has had to make since that night. Your Mother, Father, and two Sisters...What can be said to them but THANK YOU! Thank you for giving us Jeff and allowing him to follow his dreams of being a Law Enforcement Officer. We miss you Jeff!!
April 4, 2005
jeff just to let you know how many times i look for you out south when i go on a call that i am just a little leary about . i never had to call for anyone because you just showed up. sometimes I catch myself looking for you but I know you are there anyway. We all miss you on this day as well as every day.You will never be forgotten. WE ALL LOVE AND MISS YOU .
officer linda hart
buncombe county sheriff office
April 4, 2005
Although I did not know you personally, Jeff, those you left behind have a heavy heart today. It has been one year since you were taken from your family, friends and all those you knew. However, you live on in the memories of those you touched. Your family will triumph over tragedy, and know you are in a better place. You will never be forgotten for your sacrifice. Thank you for serving your community and your country.
melissa smock
friend of Jake Laird EOW 8/18/04
April 4, 2005
well Sergeant, its hard to believe it has already been one year since you left us to serve the Lord. there hasn't been a day that i have not thought about the things you did and how great a guy you are. we sure do miss you down here Sarge. hope you are doing well. God Bless you E2, Semper Fi
April 4, 2005
Dear Jeff,
So many times today I have visited this site and tried to leave a reflection but somehow I couldn't complete any of them. As I sat on the porch in the early morning hours just before sunrise, I knew you were with us. One of your favorite times of the day (especially during hunting season),when the world and all its creatures seemed to be sleeping, when the only sound is a gentle breeze blowing thru the trees and a sense of peace and calm so profound that you could sit there forever. That's when I felt your presence so strongly and I knew you would be with us as we try to get thru this very difficult time. As the sun began to rise and the woods came alive with the sounds of Gods creatures ,my thoughts turned once again to the past. On 04/04/04 our lives changed forever honey. You were taken from us in the worst way possible. One year later we are still trying to cope with your death. Only God knows why he chose you but we know someday we'll be with you and his reasons will become clear. Be with us tonight and know that our tears are for us because we miss you so very much. Be with your dad as he comes home from work tonight. His heart is so full of pain and I know his tears will fall as he travels home to prepare for the services tonight. We'll be at the Sheriff's Dept.to honor you after the services at the church. You have a very busy night ahead, getting everyone home safe and sound after the services. Never forget that you are loved so very much honey. Tell Mike hello for us. His family is hurting just as we are.
We love you,
Mom and Dad
April 4, 2005
"The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us." - Jean Paul Richter
You're not forgotten ...
April 4, 2005
April 4, 2005
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Today, April 4, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Sergeant Jeffrey T. Hewitt who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Sgt. Hewitt's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
April 4, 2005
I feel like I owe you a special thanks. As you are well aware, Pete was involved in a shooting on 3-28-05. When we discussed what had taken place, I asked him at what point in time did he think about you and he said, "when it was all over with." We talked about Heaven and I asked him if he thought you saw what had happened, if his dad saw, and if his former Chief, Chief Rice saw. His answer was, "I don't really know how much they see, but I do think that they influence the outcome."
I know that ultimately, that the Lord was with him and Randy as everything went down. I'm not sure what your role was in the outcome, but my gut tells me that you were there and you made sure that all the rounds counted. Thank you for letting "Daddy" come home to his girls.
Stacey, Cassidy and Lauren Allen
Baker 3's family
April 3, 2005
Dear Jeff,
A really tough day is in store for your entire family and friends. There is nothing I can say that will give them comfort as there are no words to heal their broken hearts. Try and visit them in a dream or give them a sign that you are okay and with them always watching over them.
Bob Gordon,
Father of Michael EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
April 3, 2005
Dear Jeff,
Today is 04-03-05, and tomorrow will be a very hard day for Tracie,your parents,sisters and your LEO family. I ask that you'll be closer to us as ever. Please know that your brothers ans sisters at the Sheriffs Office will there for Tracie and your family and each other. If your life as thought us anything, it's the true meaning of friendship,love and honor to each other. Your life was and is a blessing to many people. Although, we can't call you up and chat we can talk to you in our hearts and come to this web site and leave you a little note or reflection of what you've brought to us and our journey in this life. We pray to the Lord above that He will hold tight to Tracie and she tries to carry on on such a day that was so very hard for her one year ago. Please be closer than ever to her and let her know you're only a thought, or a prayer away.
Tracie, we all love you and are thinking of you. You are not alone on this journey. Continue doing all the things you've always done to honor Jeff and your love for him. You know that being a wife of a LEO is very hard but very rewarding. Rewarding in many ways, seeing the look on his face as he tells you the stories of his shift, as he wears the uniform so proud and how safe he makes you feel just knowing he's your life and soul mate. You will always have these things that no one else but you can understand and know about Jeff. We love you and we will be with you in prayer as we all remember the person Jeff is and all that he gave to us. Love to you and yours.
LEO Wife
April 3, 2005
Jeff, as we get close to the one year mark since you were taken away, we are doing many things to honor and remember you. We will always remember you and the service you provided to the community and to the country. Although I didn't know you as well as many others, I do remember the times that our paths crossed and we talked briefly about the Marine Corps and what each one of us did while we were in or where we were stationed, or just simply exchanged hello's in the typical Marine Corps fashion. I have thought many times about leaving a reflection while visting your memorial page, but found it hard, as it is now, to put my thoughts into words. As we prepare to attend the services in May at the National Memorial, the one and only thing that I can focus on is making sure everything that is done honors you and your memory to the best of my ability. You were very proud of your military service and your duties as a Sheriff's Deputy, you reflected great pride and professionalism in yourself and in the services you provided and I feel it is my responsibility as a Fellow Marine and as the Honor Guard Commander to ensure that you would be proud of what we are doing in your honor. I say to myself, "Jeff's watching so make sure it's right". Plus my father is there in heaven with you and I hope you two have met. There is a statement on the T-shirts we had made for the Memorial 5k run we are having tomorrow for you, it says:
Guardian on Earth, Guardian Angel in Heaven. In my heart and mind that is definetly you.
Rest in Peace my Brother and Semper Fi!
Rick Wood
Rick Wood, Commander
Buncombe County Honor Guard
April 1, 2005