Buncombe County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Sunday, April 4, 2004
Reflections for Sergeant Jeffrey Todd Hewitt
Jeff, we worked in two deffent areas of the department, we are all family. we over the years we would speak one onther when you arressted someone. when we lost you it was hard. You where a Bother. I'm glad i could tell you this things. I know you are with us every day.
Officer, kim poe
June 13, 2005
I was verey shooked when i heard about what had happen. Jeff was a good officer and friend. Most every one knows that all of the officers that work for ower department are family. I miss him, it feels like i have lost a brother. we do know he is now patroling in Heaven's streets.
June 13, 2005
Hey Baby,
I tried to leave a reflection earlier, but for some reason I got knocked off...so, I'm trying again! I'm sorry it has been so long since I have written. I've been really busy at work since we got back from DC. I've been trying to get caught back up. The house has really gotten away from me too. I'm trying to get things back in order, but my heart just hasn't been in it! The memorial service in DC was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I wish so bad that we had gone to see it together. I think every law enforcement officer should go to the memorial at least once. Those who went with us from the Sheriff's Dept were wonderful. They all took such good care of us. The honor guard, Mark Durner, Rick Cummings and communications worked their tails off to make sure everything came together. Not to mention all of the donations from the community! I can't believe how everyone pulled together to make that trip a success. It was so emotional, but we had a good time too! I just wish you had been there with me. Jeff, I miss you so much! Just when I feel like I'm strong again and making it ok, Those feelings of weakness and devastation consume me all over again! I don't know if there will ever truly come a time when I stop looking for you to walk through the door. There was a terrible car accident in front of our office last week. The lady involved died at the scene. It was crazy! One minute she was talking to the EMS guys...then the next she was gone! Just like that! And she was gone! It's seems so hard to imagine! I could be driving down the road one minute and then find myself in your arms the next. That's what I'm expecting, that's the way I think it will be! That's what I look forward to! I realize that I am still here for a reason...not sure what that reason is right now, but I know that I won't be away from you forever...just a short time. Jeff, I will alway love you with all of my heart and soul! I miss you everyday! And I still wait for you every night in my dreams!
I love you!
See you in a minute 1-4-3
Tracie M. Hewitt
June 11, 2005
Jeff, it's been over a year since you left us to be with the Lord, but not a day goes by that you're not thought about. You'll always be in the hearts and thoughts of your brothers and sisters at the Sheriff's Dept. You are still a part of this family and not even death can change that. As I type this without signing my name I know you know who I am and you're saying to yourself, "yes, I'll tell the special people you love that are here in Heaven with me that you love and miss them". You know who they are and just what to say. Could you whisper to the the wonderful Lord to hear my prayers and help me as I'm struggeling on a few things right now. I know you've got a direct line to Him.. Thanks!!!!
June 2, 2005
Happy Veterans Day to a very deserving Vet. Keep watch over your family and Brothers and Sisters in Blue down in NC. I'm sure you and Mike are exchanging war stories right now on this Veteran Holiday. Neither of you will ever be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Bob Gordon
May 30, 2005
As every other day.. You are remembered this Memorial Day.
May 28, 2005
A friend, a soldier, a hero... you will never be forgotten.
God bless you on this memorial day for all you were and all you did.
May 28, 2005
M is for the medal, our parents proudly
E is for our "Edward", our heart, our
love, our soul.
M is for the merit, you brought to
O is for the Officer, the Man, the
fine Marine.
R will be Remembrance, for all
those lost before,
I is for Integrity; each
brought to peace and war.
A stands for All soldiers, that
keep us safe tonight,
L is Love and Honor- for which
you gave your lives.
DAY is for each moment, we
praise you and your brothers,
who've gone now into heaven,
saving lives of others.
Thinking of you, I miss you Jeff,
Love Susan
Susan Hewitt
May 28, 2005
As you were watching down on all of us in DC, I know how proud you were. It was such a beautiful tribute to you and all of the other officers that were added to the wall. And just wanted to thank you for the rains that came on Saturday as we marched in the parade. We all said as we were getting soaked, that it had to be you pulling a good one on us. But even in the rain, we were proud to be marching in your honor. We love and miss you.
May 27, 2005
Thoughts of you continue to be an everyday occurance around here. The boys still bring up their thoughts of you. It's hard to believe it's been over a year now. It seems like yesterday that I got that phone call.
You are forever in my thoughts and prayers as well as your Mom, Dad, Sisters and Tracie. We all still love you so very much. Please continue to watch over us.
May 26, 2005
Good morning J.T.,
My computer has been in the shop so I haven't been able to write in a while,but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about you and quietly talking to you. Of all of the things I've thanked you for, there is still another that is so important. That is my gratitude to you for loving me for me. No expectations, no I told you so's,(unless we were joking around}, no angry words between us for there was no need. We never parted without telling each other we loved each other and a hug. You know this because the hug you brought me in my dream, my vision, was so real. You were so happy when you gave me that hug and talked to me. It is the most vivid, emotional dream I have ever had. You knew my pain and how deep it continues to run, you were still there, my little, big brother to bring me comfort and protection. Oh how I miss you. Things just will never be the same. How hard it is to know nothing can ever be the same. As I write to you I continue to be in shock and disbelief that you are gone. I worry so much about how everyone that has lost you hurts and how they will deal with their grief, now It is time for me to deal with mine. Jeff I love you always and forever. Please don't forget me down here. I think of you 24-7. Watch over us. This world needs all of you angels to guide us to the path that will one day lead us to your world of peace. I'll visit you Monday. Love, Susan
May 25, 2005
JEff, just thinking about you today and wanted you to know you'll always be remembered.
May 22, 2005
Good morning son,
We just wanted to let you know how awsome and how very special the memorial services in D.C. were. Your dad, Susan, Tammy and I arrived at the airport and were met by three uniformed officers who escorted us to get our luggage and took us to the buses for the trip to the Host hotel. Dozens of uniformed motorcycle officers were lined up to escort the buses. They were lined up both in front and behind the buses. Your dad and I were placed in a patrol car with an escort in front of us and behind us. Susan and Tammy rode the bus. We were so overwhelmed. Upon arrival at the hotel we were met by Honor Guard members made up of different depts. Our every need was met, we only had to ask and it was taken care of. We met so many wonderful families, all of whom had lost loved ones just as we had lost you. We shared our stories , our grief and our memories. We attended conferences to help us understand our loses and it made us realize that we are not alone, that there are so many that understand that for us, things will never be normal again. Our grief and our loss will be with us always and we have the right to grieve for you without reservations. You are our child and you will always be a very real and loving part of our lives.
As our buses traveled from the hotel to the evening Candlelight Service we were once again escorted by the Motorcycle officers. Traffic was stopped as we passed by and when we arrived at the Memorial site we were filled with such pride and love as we looked out upon a sea of Blue as officers lined both sides of the path and saluted us as we made our way to the seats reserved for first year survivors. Spouses and Mothers were given a long stemmed Red Rose. Tears were flowing freely by this time. Afer securing our seats we visited the wall and spent time with you there.
The Shadowbox that had been lovingly hand crafted by a very special young man and assembled with love and care by Susan and Tammy with cherished items gathered from our family and the Sheriff's dept., had been placed in the grassy section above your name by the Honor Guard on behalf of our family and the Dept. as a tribute and a declaration of our love and pride in you. It is now back "home" and in safe keeping until the Museum opens. Our hopes are to have it displayed there for all time in your honor.
I know heaven lite up as the candles were lite as dark fell over the park. As we stood and lifted our candles high we turned and there before us was a sea of light, lifted up to heaven in honor of all fallen oficers. Oh my, what a wonderful sight to seeand how overwhelmed we were. As we were seated and the speakers began to speak and the singers sang their songs, a thin BLUE LINE appeared above the crowd and slowly, ever so slowly became wider as the names were read.There are no words to describe our feelings as we watched in awe. Never again will we see anything so special again. That night will remain in our memories forever. What a wonderful tribute.
The next day we returned to the wall, spending the day with you, watching the services taking place in the center of the memorial and hearing the reading of the names once more. That afternoon there was a parade honoring the fallen officers and you would have been so very proud of the Buncombe County Honor Guard and dispatchers as they marched in the pouring down rain, Carrying a wonderful , very large banner with your picture proudly displayed. Their heads were held high as the crowds along the way cheered as the parade passed. Tears were flowing down their faces as well as ours. The rain didn't matter because we were there to honor you. Once again we were awe struck. Nothing could have prepared us for the rush of emotions and love we were feeling. Rose, Chrissy, Jesse and J.P. were all there. No one left until it was over and even then we moved to the memorial site as awards were given to the bagpipe contestants who also marched in the parade.
The next day was the Memorial Service at The U.S.Capitol. Once again we were taken by bus with the escorts and once again we were met by a sea of Blue as the families were saluted as we were taken to our seats. There the President spoke, the names were read, songs were sung, a Rose was placed on the wreath in your honor and Your dad and I received the Medal of Honor. We will cherish it always, just as we will cherish our memories of our trip.The one regret we have is that our bus failed to take us back to the Memorial to witness the placing of the wreath as Richard Bard led the prayer. We wanted so desperately to be there for that final service but it was just not to be.
Never again will we experience anything even close to this experience again. We were made to feel so very special by so many people because we were your family and you were being honored. Carol, Cheryl, Helen, RoseMary, Amy, Walt, Rick W.,Richard B. all took such good care of us. At every turn they were among those standing at attention as we passed thru the lines at each event, they were there when we just needed someone to talk to and they were there to hold us when we cried.Your are loved so very much honey.
Thank you putting the SRT members right in front of your dad and me when we became confused on the Metro. They got us straightened out and offered to ride with us to the hotel before going to theirs. We were so grateful for their help. It just seems like someone who cared for you was always there just when we needed them. There were those who couldn't come but wanted to. You know their names and you know their hearts. We brought memories for them.
We'll be with you on the 30th of this month as we attend the Memorial services at the cemetary. Until then,
know that you are missed and loved so very much.
Mom, Dad, Susan & Tammy
May 20, 2005
I am sorry i couldnt be in Washington, i saw the news coverage, read the articles and looked at the pictures in the Asheville paper, it looked like everyone and especially Tracie did such a wonderful job honoring you. As i have said before i didnt know you personaly even though our counties work side by side but after your service and meeting Tracie its still like i lost my best friend, but i guess that was the kind of man you were, as i have said before thank you for your service and Buncombe County and a greatful nation will be forever in your debt.
Cpl Gary Mintz, Director Traffic Enf.
Henderson County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
May 17, 2005
May God continue to bless you and allow you to watch over us and protect us. You are a truly honorable man and your devotion and sacrifice will never be forgotten.
May God continue to give you strength and allow you to feel Jeff's arms around you. He will never be forgotten. Alway's remember how strong he was and what an impact he had on our community. He was special to us all. Be proud of him, as I know you are.
To both of you,
Congradulations on the fantastic honor given to Jeff in D.C. If anyone really deserved it, it was Jeff and his family.
God Bless,
Lauren Edwards
Avery's Creek
May 17, 2005
I got to meet your parents and Tracie in Washington, DC. What wonderful people. I was able to go to the Police Monument late on Sunday night when it was quiet and no crowd like the day before so I could sit and think about you and Mike. The way the names went on the walls, you are across the couryard from Mike so you can watch over one another forever. I found one of the volunteers who is at the wall almost every day and she said that as she walks around the monument that she will say hi to both you and Mike every day as a way of someone being there with you both. It was hard on all of us that were there but it was our way of honoring you both and being close to you and we know you were both there with us. You both take care and watch over and protect us all.
Bob Gordon
Bob Gordon
May 17, 2005
Dear Jeff,
As we leave in a few hours to drive to DC to honor you, please be with us and keep us safe as we travel tonite. Our first stop in the morning will be at the wall to find your name. I know you will be watching and will be so proud of your department, especially the honor guard. Please keep Tracie, your Mom,Dad,
Susan and Tammmy safe as they fly
tomorrow, as well as the SRT and Edward Squad that will also be heading to DC. We will always love and miss you.
May 11, 2005
Tracie, It was nice to meet you today at the NC Police Memorial. I know events like this take a tremendous amount of energy out of us, but it gives us a sense of peace in our LEO family. I hope to see you more in DC! I plan to attend many of the sessions on Friday, but will miss many on Saturday as I watch the Law Ride come to the Memorial on Saturday at 1100 as one of the riders is carrying a bracelet with Mark's name which he wants to present to me. We will be side by side in the procession for the families on Sunday and can get better aquainted hopefully. See you in DC!
Trisha Tucker wife of Mark Tucker
May 10, 2005
Dearest Jeff,
Today is mothers day and it was so painful to gather with the family without you. As always your picture sat among us and you were not forgotten. The tears fell early this morning as I watched the sun come up over a beautiful day. I prayed for strength because I know you would want me to be strong but sometimes it is so hard. I miss you so much every minute of every day. We'll honor you in High Point on the 10th and then we'll travel to D.C. on the 11th to honor you in so many ways over several days as your name is read at a candle light service as one of those placed on the wall for 2004. We'll honor you thru Memorial services, conferences and fellowship with others who have lost loved ones. Be with us honey and know that we will be holding you close in our hearts.
We see your smile in every sunrise and we hear your laughter in every breeze as it moves gently thru the tree tops. We feel your gentle touch with each ray of sunshine and we know you are always here, in our hearts. You are our son and we will love you always.
Mom and Dad
May 8, 2005
As you know Tracie and your family are going to be making the trip to Washington, to honor your memory and your life. Tracie, has been so very strong through all of this and I think she's going to need you now more than ever... I know that her trip to Washington will be hard on her. She has said Good-bye in so many ways and still continues to be strong... She's a great person and a loves you more today than ever.. I had the chance to meet her the other night at City County Plaza for a memorial service for fallen Officers.. We got to chat a minute, and she talked so much of her love for you... Please ask the Lord to hold her close and keep her as she continues on and to be with her... I know your heart runs over with pride as you watch as she continues to honor your love. May God bless you and may He continue to bless your family.
Tracie, after talking with you the other night I felt as if I'd known you for a long time.. As I told you my daughter and I think of you often and pray for you... I shared our story of the moon and how it always helped to have a place we could go for all of out thoughts and feelings. I knew what my daughter was feeling when she'd say, "mom, meet at the moon". I knew she was at a rough spot in her life and needed some help... So, you call and meet us at the moon any time day or night you needs us... We'll be there with you... I know it sounds silly, but just knowing someone is thinking of you while you are needing to be held up really helps.... So, I'll meet you at the moon each each night that you're in Washington and will say a prayer for you.... Let us know how your trip was once you get home... You have our number...
Many blessings to you....
May 7, 2005
There is so much going on right now... I wish you were here. You are still so missed and we all still love you and think of you all the time. Keep watch over us.
You are still in our thoughts and prayers. Washington is coming up fast. Stay strong.
May 5, 2005
Wanted you to know we're still thinking of you and praying for you.
May God bless you as you get ready to travel to Washington to honor your husband. We love you and will be praying for you. Remember you're not alone.
Wife of BCSD officer
May 1, 2005
I know you’re doing fine up there without me
But I’m not doing so good without you
The things I thought you’d never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood
So how could I have been so blind for those years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you…
And everything I ever had in this world
All that I thought I would ever be
It has all fallen down around me.
Never thought you’d be gone so far from me,
Gone from me.
I can’t take another day without you
‘Cause baby, I just can't make it on my own
I’ve been waiting so long, just to hold you
And be back in your arms where I belong
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
But everything I’ve ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love…
And everything I ever had in this world
All that I thought that I would ever be
It has all fallen down around me.
Never thought that you’d be gone so far from me,
Gone from me.
As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you’re not here
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
Everything I’ve ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love
And everything I ever had in this world
All that I thought that I would ever be
It has all fallen down around me.
Never thought that you’d be gone so far far from me,
Gone from me.
Jeff, just wanted you to know how much I love and miss you! I really do feel like time has stopped around me. I keep waiting and hoping that you will come home to me. I know that you can't come back here, so I guess I will just have to wait until the day when I can come to you. I know that in heaven we will all be brothers and sisters and it wont be the same as it was here. I just pray that God will just give me a few minutes when I get there. Just a litte time for you to hold me in your arms so I can have that feeling one more time. I wish I could feel "safe" again. Just for one minute. It is still so strange for me. When I am at the store or the mall and people are walking by with their "lives". It doesn't seem fair that life goes on. One day my life seemed perfect. Then it was like someone just came along with an eraser and decided to take part of it out. Like a drawing...and when you mess up or want to change something you simply erase it. But our life together wasn't a drawing and you can't be erased! Part of me wishes someone could erase these feelings I have. I don't want to be sad anymore...I don't want to miss you anymore. I want you here with me! I WANT YOU HERE! Then on the other hand...I don't want the feelings erased...the memories, your touch, your smile, your laughter! I will always remember and although you are gone...I will never forget!
I love you so much!
See you in a minute 1-4-3
Tracie Hewitt
April 24, 2005
Good morning son,
As always you're on our minds and in our hearts. It's 4:30 a.m. and dad just left for work. This is my quiet time with you, a time without interruptions or distractions. I visit this site each day and gain such comfort from the reflections left by those who still miss you so much. I am also saddened by the new names I find listed. So many fallen officers, so many broken families left behind. I can only hope they have the good fortune to have the support and love we have been blessed with as they try to deal with their grief. Heaven is filling up with the finest this old world has to offer. We miss you and love you so much son. My knee surgery went better than expected. I know you had a talk with God and took care of me. I felt your presence so strongly that day. So many things are going on now that we're getting closer to the trip to D.C. We want to honor you in so many ways. The services in D.C. will help as your name is placed upon the wall. Watch over us all as we travel, some by plane and some by car. You'll have to pull extra duty on those days. Tell Mike hi for us.
We love you son,
mom and dad
April 19, 2005
Dear Tracie,
Hi, I was thinking of you this morning and wanted you to know that you're thought of often.. It's almost time for Washington and I'm keeping you in my prayers.. I'm sure that although it's an honor to stand for Jeff, I konw it has to be hard on you.. You've been through so much.. You always stand so proud and always have that cheerful smile even though you're heart is breaking.. You keep the faith and keep looking to the Lord..
You'll find peace.. As always, much love to you and your family..
Much Love in Christ..
Shevell H. Martin
wife of C9 BCSD
April 16, 2005