Loudon County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Friday, March 12, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Michael Scott
Missing you so much especially today. Thoughts of you have been with me all day. Wishing you were here with us , but I know everything works out according to God's plan. Carolyn
Carolyn A Scott
Step Mom
August 1, 2018
I'm 4 weeks into the Police Academy. This past week was pretty rough, wish I was able to pick the phone up and call up to you for advice, but when I was discouraged you in your uniform was the 1st thing that pops in my mind and gives me reassurance this is what I want. We all miss you everyday. Thank you for being with me everyday and being my motivation. Love, Clay.
Clay Jenkins
June 16, 2018
Missing your visit on this Mother’s Day. Thank you for your kindness and being so sweet. Love you , Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
Step Mom
May 12, 2018
Missing you❤️
Carolyn Scott
May 6, 2018
There are no words for the feelings this day brings. As always we will remember you today at the Justice Center. You will never be forgotten. Never a day goes by without thoughts of you, about what was and what could have been. We carry you in our heart and the precious memories forever. Love and miss you, Dad and Carolyn
Carolyn A Scott
Step Mom
March 12, 2018
Thinking about you today more than usual. Miss you so much. Never a day without a thought of you. Love you , Carolyn
Carolyn A Scott
Step Mom
March 7, 2018
Christmas is never the same without you. You always added a spark at Christmas with your love for family. How wonderful it must be to celebrate Jesus birthday in heaven. Love and miss you. Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
December 29, 2017
For some reason I found myself thinking of you today. It’s hard to believe it has been 13 years since you’ve been gone. Miss you brother.
Cpl Jonathan Carter
Loudon County Sheriff's Department
December 9, 2017
Hi, I'm a student in New Jersey and am on this website in my criminal justice. I'm very sorry to hear how he died on duty, that is a terrible way to die while responding to a domestic violence.
John patrrol officer
December 8, 2017
Missing you so much. Happy Birthday, We love you. Dad and Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
November 18, 2017
Jason, there is never a day that goes by that I am not reminded of you in some way. At home, I see your face all around the house. At school, every time I glance at the time it's 9:10. It seems that 910 just pops around every where I look and I'm reminded of you. As I'm finishing up my 4 years of college and basketball, I'm getting all my ducks in a row to go to the Police Academy this summer. The only thing I've ever wanted to do since I was a kid was to be like my Dad. I hope one day I can wear the same badge that he does and you did with such bravery, enjoyment, sacrifice, and courage. I wish I could hear your laugh and jokes again more than anything or the way you would look at me with your tongue out and say, "Wazzzzz up." You could make anybody in the room laugh and that's what I'll remember the most about you. Last night after talking to Carolyn and your Dad I can't help but think of what life would be like with you still here. I'm super thankful that I got to know you, but most importantly I'm glad a piece of you is still here as to how much I look up to Uncle Jimmy. His laugh, his smile, and his hugs are what gives us relief around here. I hope one day to be half of the man you and dad are and I hope to do my job the same way you would have. We all miss you and we all love you.
Love, Clay.
Clay Jenkins
November 9, 2017
Missing you so much today. The memories are so sweet and special. Love Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
October 27, 2017
You have a teenager now. How I would love to see the two of you together. She is so much like you and a daughter you would be very proud of. Thirteen years is a long time to go without seeing that big beautiful smile of yours. One look at Jayden and you are seeing it all over again. Loving and remembering you always, Carolyn
Carolyn A Scott
Step Mom
April 5, 2017
We had another "first", a few weeks ago. Your little girl got to go to her very first school dance. She looked so pretty in her new party dress and jewelry. You would have been so proud of her. She is growing up way to fast.We will be celebrating her thirteenth birthday in a few weeks. Jayden is so much like you. Bobby said there was no denying who her daddy is.
Jayden did the memorial in your honor last Sunday. She told them what she wanted to do and that's what we did. She wanted the deputies to tell some funny things you did, she wanted to release balloons and have a cake to eat. Doesn't that sound familiar!! We love you Jason with all our hearts and miss you deeply.
Donna Hamil
March 17, 2017
It's hard to believe that it's been 13 years. Miss you brother!
Sgt. Jerramie Bowen
Loudon County Sheriff's Office
March 11, 2017
LOVING AND MISSING YOU ALWAYS , You will never be forgotten.
Step Mom
December 22, 2016
Jayden and Joni
Daughter and Wife
November 18, 2016
Jason,hearing about another officers death only brings back
Memories of the day I was told of your death and the day my heart was broke only by God's love and your precious sister Jayme and ALL of my God given grandchildren I have been healing....Jason my son , i love you with all my heart.
...your Mother Patti
August 27, 2016
Jason,hearing about another officers death only brings back
Memories of the day I was told of your death and the day my heart was broke only by God's love and your precious sister Jayme and ALL of my God given grandchildren I have been healing....Jason my son , i love you with all my heart.
...your Mother Patti
August 27, 2016
Never a day since 3/12/04 do I not think about you. Whether it be the sign on the interstate or seeing the time on a clock" 910 " thoughts of you are always there. Clay and I were talking about you this morning. He says he still has the actions figures you and Joni took him to get for being in their wedding. Your Dad and Aunt Faye handed out bags to the officers in Loudon County yesterday in appreciation of all they do. Your sacrifice and service will never be forgotten, but most of all you as a person(son) will always be cherished and remembered. Missing and loving you , Dad and Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
Step Mom
August 2, 2016
Driving to Knoxville today, I noticed the sign and flag that was placed on the interstate in your memory. It wasn't the first time I saw it, but for some reason it really got me to thinking about you. I enjoyed getting to work with you at the hardware store before you became an officer. You were so funny and thoughtful. I remember you talking about becoming an officer all the time. You couldn't wait!
I remember watching the news that day and hearing your name. I couldn't believe it! I remember calling down to the store and asking our former boss if it was really you. When she told me it was, I just broke down crying. I couldn't imagine what your family was going through, but I new how bad I felt for them.
I just want you and your family to know that I still think of you and that you will never be forgotten!
April Ellison
July 13, 2016
I am so glad that 12 yrs. ago, we had know ideal what March 12 would hold for us. Terrible things can happen in just a second. I was thinking what to fix you for your lunch. Martha called from the jail and our life would never be the same again.
We are so thankful for the time we had with you and wish with all the love in the world that we still had you here. I promise that you will always be remembered and loved, until we meet again.
Donna Hamil
March 13, 2016
Today is 12 yrs since the day we lost you. I always go back to that last visit and remember what a blessing and precious memory it is.We love you and miss you every day, but today we honor you with pride for the job you loved and laid down your life for. Dad and Carolyn
Carolyn Scott
March 12, 2016
It's been a while since I left a remembrance of my precious brother. I miss him everyday and so thankful for our 24 years we got to make so many great memories. 12 years is in a couple days and as I sit with one of our loved ones as they prepare to say good bye to this world. They are filled with sadness to leave here but at the same time filled with joy getting see Jesus and reunite with my brother. I am trying so hard to fullfill the promise Jason and I made. MOM your love and yours alone taught Jason and I so much. No one should have to lose their child the way you did. It makes me mad! It hurts when there are things Jason and I should be doing together right now. I sure could use one of his hugs right now...... I will always remember my funny fun loving brother.
Jayme Scott Brown
March 10, 2016
I found that you were died before I was born I was so sad when I found out but I'm glad that I have a dad that loves me just like you would have.
Jayden Scott
February 24, 2016