New Jersey State Police, New Jersey
End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004
Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III
Hope you, dad, and Uncle Robert had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. We really missed you yesterday. We saved that leg for you knowing how you loved to eat it. I am just glad that you had your last Thanksgiving at my house!
November 24, 2006
iam thinking of u bert and miss u!
November 17, 2006
Bert- miss you..and thinking of ya! My 3 year anniversary is next week and i can't help but think of you and how much fun we had on me and Shawn's wedding day! So much has happened since then. I also wanted to say thank you for watching over my brother over the past 2 months! We needed you and of course you did what u always did-help others. I wish you were here as always we all miss you so much!!!!
Love Ya Bert!
November 12, 2006
Denise: I went and visited Bert today. Michael's grandmom was buried in the same cemetary. I can't believe I could remember where his grave was. I could actually picture where we were all standing on that day. It was really weird. Anyway, I talked to him and told him how much he is missed.
Love Nikki
Friend of Denise and Bert
November 3, 2006
Gone, but never forgotten.
Det. Brian Grant
New Castle County
November 1, 2006
My Wish- Rascal Flatts
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
October 30, 2006
Hi honey, I just wanted to tell you I love you and I miss you. I know you are always with me and you always will be. Love your wife, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman
October 29, 2006
Miss you Bert!!!! Thinking of you as always......
Michele Morley
October 26, 2006
I had the pleasure of meeting Bert in 2003 at a Wawa,in Cape May County. I was getting ready to deploy overseas to fight the war on terrorism, and was on my way to Fort Dix, I don't remember how the conversation even got started, but there we were talking about a hummer that had pulled up. We talked for a good 30 minutes or so,about the Army,and the State Police. Bert had a great sense of humor,and loved his job, and was proud to wear the Blue and Gold. I was sad to hear about his passing. Denise I just want you to know I pray for you and everyone involved in Law Enforcement everyday. May GOD bring you comfort and strength with each passing day. To Bert's brothers and sisters in Blue and Gold, Thank you for the sacrifice you make everyday, putting others before yourself, and risking your lives for the citizens who work and live in New Jersey. GODBLESS
Joseph F. Palmer
New Jersey Resident
October 24, 2006
I am always thinking of you. Things seem to get better as days go on, but then I think of you and realize how short life can be. You were a well liked individual and will always be remembered by all who knew you. Please continue to watch over us.
October 22, 2006
October 19, 2006
To the family and loved ones of Trooper Bertram Zimmerman III, his fellow troopers with the New Jersey State Police, and most especially to Bert:
I had the privilege and honor of meeting and sharing time, tears and memories with your mother Verna at the 2006 COPS Parents' Retreat. When I left Missouri yesterday, I left knowing that I had forged some bonds that will never be broken.
After returning home to California, I knew that one of the first things I wanted to do was visit your memorial page. From all the loving reflections left about you, I can see that you were an amazing man and what a grievous loss your loved ones have endured because of your tragic death.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire. You are so loved and so missed by so many.
Rest in Peace, Bert. A body is but for a lifetime, but spirits and souls are for eternity and yours is forever part of those who call you beloved.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Bert gave to his community and the citizens of New Jersey, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 5, 2004.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05
October 10, 2006
bert, they are saying osma bin laden may be dead. if he is, then you already know, so give him a big state trooper kick in the butt for us up there!
missing you everyday!
September 23, 2006
thanks for the sign bert.
i put the flowers there for you like i said i would.
shawn is awake and appears to know everyone around him. michele and the family are so happy!
we miss you!
September 19, 2006
dear bert...........well today was a busy day as you know.
i want to thank you for what you did today, and helping me out. i know you know all about it, but i still feel thank you for it.
being with everyone, esp. denise and talking about everything really made us all feel better. please if you can, give me some kinda sign you know what was going on, and that you were listening to us talk. you know what i mean. and that you understand what we were trying to say.
thanks for taking care of shawn like i asked you yesterday, he did wake up today and i thank you for it.
how about elise's news. i am sure you were there when it happened on friday. we feel you around us all the time.
we miss you and love you bert. life for us and denise just wont be the same.
but thanks again for the favor today.
i will visit you tomorrow, i have some flowers for you that nicholas wants you to have. so i will go put them there for him.
love you bert, miss you and thanks again for giving us denise as part of our family just as you were and still are in our hearts.
September 17, 2006
happy b-day bert. going to see you at the cememtary just doesnt seem fair. i wish you were still here. so much has happened since the day you left. we miss you. watch over shawn for us.
September 16, 2006
Today is 9/11. A day for remembering those who lost their lives on the tragic morning of September 11, 2001. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years. It seems like it just happened yesterday. I can still remember how scared I was that day. How all I wanted to do was leave work and go pick up Jenna. Our country lost a lot of great people that day. Innocent people that didn’t deserve what happened to them. Families who didn’t deserve to lose their loved ones. I realized that day just how sick & cruel people really are. I unfortunately know what it feels like to lose a loved one due to the acts of another person. My thoughts & prayers are with all those families today. I know their loved ones will send them the strength they need to get through this day. They are all Hero’s and will never be forgotten.
I love you Bert. Please continue to look over all that love you. You are my hero and I will never forget you or the sacrifice you made on February 5, 2004. You will forever be in my heart & I will MISS you forever.
September 11, 2006
Bert, I can not believe the similarities of what happened with you and Micheles brother. PLEASE WATCH OVER HIM AS HE NEEDS A SPECIAL GUARDIAN ANGEL RIGHT NOW. He needs all the prayers he can get to pull through this. Thanks honey. Love Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman
September 4, 2006
Bert – Today was Michelle’s Birthday. Can you believe she’s 13 & a Teenager? I can’t it seems like yesterday that both our lives were blessed with a niece. A few months later we became her “Godparents”. Boy has the years flown by. So much has happen in the last 13 years. But I know you & dad are looking down on Michelle today sending her lots of birthday Hugs & Kisses. I know she is thinking about you today. She loved you very much and I know she will never forget you. It’s days like today that are the hardest for me. Days that both you & dad should not have to miss. But the both of you will always be in our hearts. I just got home from her party. She celebrated her birthday with the ones she loves. One of the toughest things that happen today was when I had to run home to get Jenna’s clothes so she could sleep over and when I got back parked out front of Ann’s house was your truck. Jim, Val, & the girls had come while I was gone. My first reaction was oh Bert’s here but then reality sunk in and I lost it. As many times as I have gone somewhere and Jim had your truck that was the first time that ever happen. Don’t get me wrong I am so glad that Jim has your truck. I know you wouldn’t have wanted anyone else besides him to have it. I just put Bobby to bed a little bit ago and of course like every night he sang to his Uncle Bert, blew you kisses, told you to watch over him, & told you how much he misses & loves you. That is something I started a few months after you died and something that I will do forever. He’ll be in his 20’s and I’ll call him and say ok we have to sing to Uncle Bert. It’s just a tradition that I started with him and I hope that maybe someday when he has kids he’ll tell them about you that he will continue the tradition with them.
Please continue to look over me. Say hi to Dad & Uncle Robert for me. I LOVE & MISS the 3 of you VERY much. You will forever be in my heart. Oh yeah Ann & I read something the other day and boy did we get a kick out of it. I know when you read it you laughed your butt off too. I also know you were up their thinking exactly what we did.
September 2, 2006
Bert, we hope you enjoyed the Birthday toast we made to you tonight.
We love you and miss you and you will always be our hero.
Please say hello to Tom and Matt as we made a toast to them as well.
Vicki and Carmen
Vicki Petrelli
August 29, 2006
Uncle Bert – HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the BEST UNCLE EVER!!! We LOVE & MISS you VERY MUCH!!! We will NEVER forget YOU!!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Uncle Bert
Happy Birthday to you
We wish we could be with you today but we know that we can’t. You will forever be in our hearts. Mommy couldn’t have picked a better “Godfather” for us then you. We Love you Uncle Bert!!
Jenna & Bobby
P.S. I thought you should know Bobby’s favorite color is yellow. You were the only other person I know who liked the color yellow. Also Bobby asked me how he could get to heaven to tell you Happy Birthday & also told me to tell you "YO UNCLE BERT". When I told Jenna it was your birthday she told me she was going to wear her State Police shirt for you.
August 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Bert!!! Today would have been your 35th Birthday. It was so sad that I had to go to the cemetery to tell you Happy Birthday. But I think today was the hardest on mom. I couldn’t help but think about her all day today. Knowing today was the day she gave birth to you. As a mother I can say that is one of the most precious days. There is no day like the day you give birth to your son or daughter. I can’t even begin to say I know how she feels because I don’t and I don’t ever want to know what that feels like. A parent should never have to bury a child. But not only did she bury a child but she buried a husband as well. I don’t know how she does it sometimes. But she is one of the strongest women I know. Inspite of all the pain and heartache she feels she is always the first to help anyone. I love her with all my heart & I know how much mom meant to you. I know you were with her today and I am grateful for that. But I also know you were up there celebrating you birthday. I’m sure you had a piece of Acme cake, which was your favorite. I know you were not alone. You had Dad & Uncle Robert to celebrate it with. Today was a very hard day for me. I guess because Birthdays were always so big with our family. We had the traditional going out to eat, cake, and presents. It was always fun to buy cards for you because when our birthdays came around we could always guarantee a funny card from you. For some reason we always ended up at the Chinese Buffet over by Ann’s old house. I can still see you with your plate of shrimp. How I miss those days. It must have showed on my face how upset I was today but I will admit there was one time today when I smiled. And only you know when that was. I guess with still being upset over losing Uncle Robert and with today being your birthday it was just extra hard for me to get through the day. My heart was so sad today. Happy Birthday to my BROTHER who I will LOVE & MISS FOREVER!!!!
Please continue to look over me and give me the strength I need. Also I wanted to say Thank you. I got my sign today on what I asked your help with last Thursday. It’s just so weird that I got it today on your birthday. Must have been your way when you saw how upset I was today to make me smile at least once. So thank you again and I know you’re up their telling me it’s ok.
Love your little sister,
August 29, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!!! I can not believe that you would have been 35 today! I can still remember all the torture I put you through when you turned 30 haha. I can definitely see you standing up there with all the Coors Lights in the world and all the vanilla cake with vanilla icing you can eat! I can not believe how much time has passed since I last saw you. Its so hard to believe when I stand at the cemetary that you are right there and there isnt anything I can do to see you. I am so sad for all of the things that you havent gotten to do in your short life and all of the things that you won't get to do in the future. When people say "Life is short", we know all to well the truth in that. You have given me so many wonderful things since you have left and I want to thank you for them. I know that you still watch over me and you want me protected and I am thankful for all that you have sent me. You will never leave my heart or my memories and I know you are always with me. I will always love you and miss you honey.
Love, Denise
Denise Zimmerman
Wife Of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman End of Watch 2-5-04
August 29, 2006
Hey Bert-
Thinking of you as your birthday is tomarrow. ALways thinking of you and wishing we were all together to celebrate.
Love YA!
August 28, 2006
Just wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow. I am thinking about, tomorrow, and always.....Happy Birthday friend.
August 28, 2006