DeSoto County Sheriff's Office, Mississippi
End of Watch Sunday, November 2, 2003
Reflections for Lieutenant Gregory Floyd Medlin
It's that day again that I could have done without...6 yrs. ago, that telephone call that I could have done without too. But I know your up in HEAVEN and Daddy's there with you, that makes me feel a little better. But I still love you so much. You and your jokes gosh I miss 'em so much. Greg your girls are doing fine smart as their aunt Tracey!!! I love & miss you and Daddy!!! Keep watch over us all!!! love ya dear, Tracey girl
September 24, 2009
Hey Greg, How's it gonna up there?!! It's gonna down here, not as well as if you and daddy were here but it's alright. Todays Daddy's birthday so would you tell him to have a HAPPY ONE from me and tracy boy!! Mama and YOUR girls have gone on vacation today, left me here with the dog, cats, and the rabbits, I hope they have a good time!!! You and Dad watch over us and remember I LOVE and MISS y'all. tracey girl
Tracey girl
July 20, 2009
Hey daddy(: i have been missin you so much and have been tryin to get up the courage to get on here and right ya.... i am a soccer player and cheerleader now... you would have never knew lol i was a tom boy no doubt about it i love you so so much and i am still upset that i didnt get to see you before you were buried but everything happens for a reason . Everybody says i wouldnt have wanted to see you but still today in the back of my mind i know it would have taken away alot of pain...i miss you alot i kinda wonder what it would be like to have those daddy daughter talks and one day we will(: i wanted to let you know that no one will EVER replace you you were the best daddy anyone could have and im proud to say that your mine!!! nano is taking good care of us we are going to biloxi in three days!!! good times behind all that.ok dad well im gonna go and i will always remember you. I'm doing my best for you and mommy!!! You and peepaw please watch down on us and keep us safe thankyou daddy i love you so much xoxo
July 16, 2009
Hey Greg & Daddy, Happy 4th of July!! Are there fireworks in Heaven?? Just wondering! I guess I'll see one day, want I??!! I remember the last time I shot fireworks was with You, Andi, Danielle & Tracy Boy. I'm not too crazy about fireworks. They SCARE me!!!! I miss you and Daddy so much. I LOVE y'all so very much. Keep watch over all of us down here. Love you honey, Tracey
July 3, 2009
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! (a little late I guess)
We miss you and dad so very much. Things have not been the same and never will since you both left us. Love you both so much. Take care of each other & continue watching over us.
June 26, 2009
Good Morning Baby.......
I just wanted to wish you and Pepaw a very happy Father's day. Wish you both were here to celebrate.
I love you both so very very much and miss you more than I could have ever imagined.
Mom/Liz Medlin
June 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Greg,
I didn't forget your Bithday either. I left you a birthday message on mama's computer and if hers didn't go through neither will mine. I hope you had a happy one. It wasn't too happy down here without you and daddy, never is. Tell daddy I said, "HELLO & I LOVE HIM". I Miss you and Love you. Keep watching over us!!
May 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby!!!
I left this message on your birthday, but there was a problem with submitting reflections, so I guess mine didn't go through. I did not forget your birthday. I remembered how much fun you were, playing pranks with your pepper spray and trying to pull everyone's pants down.
Thirty seven years ago on the 22nd of May was one of the happiest days of my life and five and a half years ago on November 2nd was the very saddest day of my life.
I took flowers and a baloon to the cemetary and wished you a happy birthday. I thought about making your favorite meal, creamed tacos, but it just didn't seem right to make them without you here. You always wanted me to make them instead of a cake.
I now have custody of the girls. They seem happy. Danielle is into sports and cheering and Andi is into pagents. They both passed and made straight "A" on their report cards. I am so proud of them and I know you and Pepaw are too.
Will has grown up to be a handsom young man. He reminds me so much of you, the way he is always joking and picking on someone. I'm so proud of him too.
I love and miss you and Dad more than you can imagine. I hope the next five years are not as sad as the past five. I would just like to remember the happy times we had forget all of the sad times. Maybe that will happen someday.
I LOVE and MISS you and Dad so very much...........
May 25, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I cannot believe another birthday has come and you're not here. I Love You and miss you and dad so much. Keep smiling down on us.
May 22, 2009
Hi Baby,
Yesterday was another very sad day for me. You, along with seven other officers were honored in a beautiful memorial srvice in Hernando. Sheriff Bill Rasco (I know you are happy we now have a good sheriff) spoke and praised your service to the department and talked about what an honor it was for him to have worked with you.
When Tapps was played, the 21 gun salute, the releasing of the doves and the helicopter flew over. it was just like the it was all happening again. Even though I am so proud to call you my son. you will never know the sorrow I feel everytime I think of you and Dad. I am looking forward to the day I can think of you and not feel that pain, if that time ever comes.
Please remember, I miss you and love you and Dad dearly.
Liz Medlin / Mom
May 9, 2009
Hi Baby,
Just wanted to wish you and Dad a very Happy Easter and let you know how very much I love you both...........
Happy Easter,
Liz Medlin / Mother
April 12, 2009
Hey Honey,
I can't stay asleep tonight, you keep waking me up with dreams...I don't mind at all, they are very peaceful. Keep them up please. Trey got married and it rained. It was to be an outside wedding that was moved to a beautiful tent with more people that were even invited! You would have loved the reception and the band.
I know you were with me in spirit, because I didn't cry until after they left. The minister said that even though it was raining, it probablly meant to some of us that our special Angels were sending us tears of joy ( ok, i did tear up and kept taking very deep breaths )
Thank you for " holding my hand " and for sending me such sweet dreams lately.
Shannon p.s..Give PePaw a big hug from me.! PLEASE!
April 4, 2009
Hi Baby,
You would have been so proud of Andi last night. She was a contestant in the MS Olive Branch Pageant. She was just beautiful. I almost cried when she said that she wanted to go to college and major in a career in forensics in memory of you. I am so proud of her and Danielle, they are doing so well in school after all they have been through.
Danielle is playing soccer and she loves it. I haven't missed a game yet. She is very competative.
I am so glad that I finally have custody of them. Maybe now they will have some stability in their life and know how much they are loved.
Will has a girlfriend at Mississippi State. We went to his ballgame last week and just watching him on the field reminded me so much of you. He has your build and some of the ways he moves looks just like you. He is doing so well in college and I am so very proud of him.
I love you so very much and miss you and Dad. Life has not been the same without you both.
I love you....
Liz Medlin / Mother
March 29, 2009
Hey Baby,
Happy Valentines Day! It is 8:40pm and I am doing the same thing I have for the past five years, trying to find something on t.v.( that won't make me cry ) to watch or better yet...just go to sleep and try to have sweet dreams.
I Love You so much and need you! Trey is getting married next month(can you believe it?)but, I would love for you to be standing and celebrating with me. It is just a reminder that everything changes. Some for the bad and some for the good. I hope you will be there with me in spirit and no pranks PLEASE..
p.s... I put a valentine under your pillow and made some "Greg tea" to make me feel better. I'll leave some for you. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO..........Bunches and bunches!!
February 14, 2009
Hey Uncle Greg,
I am just sitting here in my dorm room (yea i know seems like just yesterday you were playing pranks on me and Andi and Danielle and we were so young). But i was sitting here and I heard a song that reminds me of you and Pepaw and it brought tears to my eyes and it made me stop and realize how much we all miss yall. I cant believe it has been this long since you both left us but i know yall are up there wathcing over us and keeping us safe. just continue to watch over us and especially me, andi, and danielle as we grow into mature adults. i cant beleive i will be 20 this year. doesnt even seem like i should be that old. but i miss both of yall so much and everyday something makes me think about how much fun we had together and i love both of yall so much. keep nano safe as she works and protects others because she loves what she does. and once again we love and miss both of yall so much.
Will Woods
January 15, 2009
Happy New Year Baby!!
I'm praying with all my heart that this year will be better than the past five. I pray we will all be Happy. I think back on the years when you were still here with us and I did not know how very happy I really was.......
I Love you and Dad so very very much!!!
Liz Medlin / Mom
Mother of Lt. Greg Medlin E.O.W. 11/02/03
January 1, 2009
Hi Baby,
I just want to say Merry Christmas to you and Dad. It no longer seems like a happy time at Christmas. I miss you and Dad so very much. We cooked breakfast this morning and everyone opened their presents just like we always did. I could just imagine you opening your gifts. I thought about Dad always leaving you all $50 in your stockings. I guess it is not as exciting to look in the stockings like it used to be.
The girls are doing good. Andi has a new car. That's real scary isn't it? She has had to grow up way too fast. Danielle is still full of herself. She is on the OB Dance team and doing very well in school. Will is growing up so fast. This is his first year of college and he is doing good too.
I don't think I will ever be happy again. Nothing is the same without you and Dad. I love you both so very very much!!
Liz Medlin / Mom
Mother of Lt. Greg Medlin E.O.W. 11/02/03
December 25, 2008
merry christmas dad we love and miss you!!!!
December 25, 2008
November 3, 2008
I cannot believe it's been 5 long years since that horrible night in September when you had your accident & that horrible day in November when we had to say goodbye. I know that one day we will all be reunited in heaven but until then you and daddy take care of us & watch over us. I pray that ya'll will be Will's angela while he is away at school. You both would be so proud of him and Andi & Danielle. I love you both so much and didn't know how hard it would be without you here with us. Until we meet again, take care of each other & protect us.
November 3, 2008
Hey Honey,
I hope you know how much I miss and love you. Your always in my heart and on my mind every single day!!
Five years is such a very long time without you here.
Give Ol' Pepaw a big hug from me...and ya'll try not to play too many pranks on the angels!
November 2, 2008
Hi Baby,
Five years ago today the most horrible and heart breaking thing that could ever or will ever happened. I know you are still with me, I can feel you and see you in so many things and ways. You will never be gone or forgotten as long as I am alive. I know Daddy is with you now and I miss you both so very much.
The girls are doing really good. They are making really good grades in school. Andi can't wait to be eighteen and Danielle is running me ragged with all of the things she is involved in. Will was home from MSU the other day and a certain way he turned looked so much like you that I almost cried in front of him. He looks more like you every day.
I thought it would get easier to bear but I have so many times I feel just like I did the night the SO called me about your wreck. Its been five years and I am still waiting for it to get better.
Just remember You, Denise, Tracey, Will, Andi, Danielle and your Dad are my life. I love you all more than I ever thought possible.
Please, keep watch over our family and know that I love you so very very much.........
Liz Medlin / Mom
November 2, 2008
hey uncle greg, and pepaw,
i miss yall both so very much. im sittin here in my dorm(i know it is crazy that im already here in college off on my own) i miss yall so much and wish that yall were here so that i could talk to yall about how college is going but i know that yall are watching over me and watching everything that goes on here. gosh i cant believe yall are gone. we miss yall so much and there isnt a day that goes by that i dont stop and think about both of yall and i love both of yall so much. i know you and pepaw are up there playin pranks and jokes on others and one day well all be reunited again and i miss yall so much. i love both of yall and continue to wathc over us like u do
Will Woods
October 8, 2008
Hey Honey,
I am missing you sooo very much! Several times a day is not at all out of the norm for your " big o grin " or laugh or crazy pranks to wisk by me in a dream. Even more so, your soft caring loving side. I miss EVERYTHING...even our arguments.
It's Fall (our favorite time of the year) and it is so darn hard!! I found us the perfect halloween costumes and was actually holding them up in the store, like I was guessing what size I should get. ( I know...Im crazy, that is not a secret ) I just left my basket and went to my car. I lost total control, and just wanted to call you so you could tell me everything was going to be O.K..............Or make a joke, or even call me crazy!
I Love you my marshmallow, prisoner, mailman, and hatchet man...Gosh, We had fun!
October 8, 2008
Well,it is a after midnite and Im awake again...Just about this time of nite you were usually making plans on what to eat at the FlyingJ or who was going to have the honor of eating with you.(I can hear that laugh like it was yesterday, just so full of life!) Today, not long from this late hour, five long years ago, Denise called and told me you had been in an accident and it was bad. I remember telling her no, that I had just talked to you. Little did I know that my life, AND SOOO MANY OTHERS, would NEVER EVER be the same after that phone call. We never gave up hope and I have never prayed so hard...
So, since you know ALL too well how late I always am, please save me a place in heaven, I'll get there eventually. I Love You Honey
September 25, 2008