Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lieutenant Gregory Floyd Medlin

DeSoto County Sheriff's Office, Mississippi

End of Watch Sunday, November 2, 2003

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Reflections for Lieutenant Gregory Floyd Medlin

i miss you and love you daddy ! im going to prom with aaron on april 30th , i can't wait! i know you'll be watching over me and making sure im safe. i love you!


April 5, 2011

I know you are watching over us right now.. I LOVE you so very much!!!!!!

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile

They said had run the light

That caused the six-car pileup

On 109 that night.

When broken bodies lay about

And blood was everywhere,

The sirens screamed out eulogies,

For death was in the air.

A mother, trapped inside her car,

Was heard above the noise;

Her plaintive plea near split the air:

Oh, God, please spare my boys!

She fought to loose her pinned hands;

She struggled to get free,

But mangled metal held her fast

In grim captivity.

Her frightened eyes then focused

On where the back seat once had been,

But all she saw was broken glass and

Two children's seats crushed in.

Her twins were nowhere to be seen;

She did not hear them cry,

And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,

Oh, God, don't let them die!

Then firemen came and cut her loose,

But when they searched the back,

They found therein no little boys,

But the seat belts were intact.

They thought the woman had gone mad

And was traveling alone,

But when they turned to question her,

They discovered she was gone.

Policemen saw her running wild

And screaming above the noise

In beseeching supplication,

Please help me find my boys!

They're four years old and wear blue shirts;

Their jeans are blue to match.

One cop spoke up, They're in my car,

And they don't have a scratch.

They said their daddy put them there

And gave them each a cone,

Then told them both to wait for Mom

To come and take them home.

I've searched the area high and low,

But I can't find their dad.

He must have fled the scene,

I guess, and that is very bad.

The mother hugged the twins and said,

While wiping at a tear,

He could not flee the scene, you see,

For he's been dead a year.

The cop just looked confused and asked,

Now, how can that be true?

The boys said, Mommy, Daddy came

And left a kiss for you.

He told us not to worry

And that you would be all right,

And then he put us in this car with

The pretty, flashing light.

We wanted him to stay with us,

Because we miss him so,

But Mommy, he just hugged us tight

And said he had to go.

He said someday we'd understand

And told us not to fuss,

And he said to tell you, Mommy,

He's watching over us.

The mother knew without a doubt

That what they spoke was true,

For she recalled their dad's last words,

I will watch over you.

The firemen's notes could not explain

The twisted, mangled car,

And how the three of them escaped

Without a single scar.

But on the cop's report was scribed,

In print so very fine,

An angel walked the beat tonight on Highway 109.

Liz Medlin / Mom

March 15, 2011

heyy daddy. just wanted to let you know i love you and miss you alot. stay with me and keep me safe,, i know you will :) love you so much. <3


March 3, 2011

Hey daddy. I've been thinkin about you alot lately. i miss you so much it's crazy. i can't help but think what it'd be like with you still here. i can't wait to see you again. i miss you so much and i love you.


February 27, 2011

Hey Greg,,, How's it going up there??? It's cold down here it's snowing again. Mama likes snow. I think she just likes the snow cream she makes!!! Well I do too. Speaking of things we like she made the cream taco's you like so well. We all ate enough to feed an army. I do like the snow as long as everybody gets in safe and sound. Tell daddy I said, "Hello and that I love him." Yall keep watch over us all until we meet again. I love and miss yall. love ya, tracey girl


February 9, 2011

Hi Sweety,

We all got together Friday night for the girls birthdays. Andi is now 19 and Danielle is 15, going on 21.

We had creamed tacos and everyone talked about how you used to love them. I would make you creamed tacos instead of a cake and you would eat so much your stomach would hurt.

I know you would be so proud of the girls. They both make straight A's in school. Andi has been accepted into Ole Miss. I know you would be happy about that.

Tell Dad I said Hi. I love you both so very very much and still miss you just like it was yesterday when you left. Please keep watch over us and remember how much I love you.


Liz Medlin / Mom

February 7, 2011

Good Morning and a Happy New Year Sweet Heart,

I woke up this morning thinking about you and Dad. I know you are in Heaven watching over us and my prayer is that you will keeo doing that. I know I'll see you again one day.
I pray this will be a better year. I try not to think about you not being here but it is always on my mind. I Love you and Dad so very very much.



Mom / Liz Medlin

January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas Sweety,

I missed your and Dad's stocking hanging by the fireplace this morning. I remember you couldn't wait for everyone else to get here to go thru it. When I shop I think, I bet Greg would like this.

This is a very sad time for all of us. Danielle called me last night crying because she misses you so much and I know Andi does too.

Tell Dad I miss him and Love him. There is a very big empty place in my life without you and Dad. You will never know how many times a day I think about you and what you would do or say. I also think of Dad not being here to get my tags and inspection sticker, I have let both of them expire because I forget to renew them.

I know that you and Dad are having a good Christmas up there with the angels. I wonder sometimes if you ever get sad when you look down and see us all together without you.

I love you more than life and will always miss you.

Love You,


Mom / Liz Medlin

December 25, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! It's been 7 yrs. without you and 4 yrs. without daddy. It's just not the same without y'all here at Christmas. We'll see you again though. I miss y'all SO SO bad. Love you too. Keep watching over us all.
Merry Chirstmas, Tracey girl


December 24, 2010

Hey Honey, I have been praying two prayers several times a day. One is for PEACE and is very long,I miss parts of it.

This prayer I know by heart. I do not remember where I heard it from or when...but it stuck with me. I do not know if it has a name. It just is very special to me.




December 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Baby,

I woke up this morning thinking about the things I am thankful for.
The first thing that came to mind, and I never thought I would get to the point of saying, I am just thankful for the 31 years God allowed me to have you. I am thankful for my memories of you, playing jokes on everyone and having that little silly grin on your face and acting so innocent, even with the pepper spray.
I am thankful for the 44 years God gave me with your Dad, although sometimes I wondered if it was God who gave him to me or someone else....... I miss his telling me what time to get home and everytime my gas tank gets below half full I know he is up there having a fit, worried that I will run out of gas.
I am thankful that God allowed me to still have Denise, Al, Tracey and Tracey Boy with me, and how much I love them and feel the love they have for me.
I am thankful for Will, he looks and acts so much like you sometimes that I want to cry.
I am thankful for Andi and Danielle because they are all I have left of you. I am thankful you gave them to me.
I just want you and Dad to know how very much you are missed and loved. When the family gets together this afternoon, there will be two empty places at the table and in my heart because you are not here.

Love you with all my heart,


Liz Medlin / Mom

November 25, 2010

Hey Greg! I cannot believe it's been 7 years since we said goodbye to you yet sometimes it seems like only yesterday. I miss you as much today as I did then. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Al & I were laughing yesterday about your sheriff department stories & boy do I miss hearing you tell them. I look forward to the day I will see you and dad again. Keep watching over us & protecting us. I love you and dad so very much. Give him a big hug for me.


November 3, 2010

7 years ago today we lost you but not a day has gone by that i havent thought about you. Tell Pepaw i said hello. yall watch over us. we love and miss you both very much.

Will Woods

November 2, 2010

Hey Greg! I cannot believe it's been 7 years since that dreadful day when we said goodbye to you. It still seems like yesterday. I miss you as much now as I did then. I love you dearly & look forward to the day I will see you and daddy again. Keep watching over us & protecting us. Give dad a big hug for me. Love you both so much.


November 2, 2010

Hey Greg,

I really really can't believe its been 7 years. It feels like forever since I've seen you and heard your voice, but then again I feel like it was just yesterday you were aggravating the piss out of me. I wish you could meet Ashley, Trey's wife, and my boyfriend Carl..he is a keeper for sure. He is from Iowa so you would have a lot of fun making fun of him. I still think about you daily. My step-cousin passed away from a car accident in June and although I wanted to go see him in the ER I couldn't. All I could think about was you, so I never went. I love you. Thanks for watching over all of us for 7 years. Tell Peepaw Jamal says hey!!

Garyn (Karen as you called me)

November 2, 2010

Hey Baby...After seven years, one would hope it would get easier to deal with you not being here anymore. It's not for me!! I try to be happy, but I have a huge hole in my heart that refuses to heal. Gosh you are so missed. I Love You! Shannon


November 2, 2010

Greg Its been Almost 7 years. I laid down tonight to say my prayers. I couldn't help but think of you. Man I miss you LT. One day Id love to meet you kids and tell them the loving Father I knew for so long and learned to love. I had a meeting at work today with all my guys and gave them your speech about "we dont live in Mayberry anymore" I hope I made it stick with them as you did with me. I Love you man and miss you.....

Brad Carson
C-Shift November 2,2003

October 20, 2010

Hi Baby,

I got through another September 25th, now I have to get through a November 2nd.

Tell Dad Hi for me. I love you both and miss you so much..........

Love, Mom

Mom/Liz Medlin

September 28, 2010

Hey Greg, I guess daddy joined you in heaven 4 yrs. ago today. I miss him, I miss you tooooo. You just don't know how much one person can be missed and loved well its 2 people now. We will see each other again and I can hardly wait. Yall both be sweet now and I'll see you later ok. I love and miss yall. tracey


September 13, 2010

Hey Honey,
I love this picture of you. I snapped it in that little-bitty rent-a-car after we landed in CT.! This is sooo you with " the look " and DREAMY eyes. Your Mom made everyone t-shirts after you went to heaven. They were and still look stunning, your eyes were so bright! You actually
shoved OUR luggage into any place it would go. It was a bit chilly in January in CT.,and you just couldn't understand why I HAD to have so much luggage. I know you wanted to be mad but I just couldn't stop gigglig. It is those little memories of you that makes me smile, laugh, or cry.. I will see you one day, save me a place! p.s.. I still pack like that when I can drive. The whole plane and luggage thing doesn't go over so well for me anymore.

I miss and love you so much, Shannon


August 17, 2010

Hi Sweety,

Tracey and I just got gack from Gatlinburg. We rode over the mountain to Cheyenne, NC. At our highest point I thought about you and Dad and that I was closer to you than I had been since you left us. It made me sad because I miss you both so very much. I was remembering how Dad was afraid to drive on the mountain roads because they were so close to the drop offs. Everything I see makes me think about you two.



Liz Medlin / Mom

July 29, 2010

Hi Sweety,
Hope you and Dad are having a great celebration of his birthday. It's days like this wnen I miss you two most. Tell Dad happy birthday for me. I love you both so very very much.......... LOVE YOU, Mom

Liz Medlin / Mom

July 20, 2010

Hey Greg! Tell daddy Happy Birthday! Ya'll behave up there. Keep watching over us. I Love You both so much & miss you everyday.


July 20, 2010

Hey Greg, It's daddy birthday today, I guess y'all are up there having a party??!!! I miss you both so much. It's just not right down here without y'all. Greg & daddy keep watch over us all and we'll see you soon. Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY daddy. I love you both so, so, so much.


July 19, 2010



June 20, 2010

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