Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Bruce Allen Williams

Green Lake County Sheriff's Office, Wisconsin

End of Watch Sunday, October 19, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Bruce Allen Williams

Dear Bruce,
Please know that you are still thought of with fondness. It is such a shame that your life was taken so tragically one year ago.

We came across some pictures a few weeks ago and busted out laughing at the toga pictures. Remember going to Sentry in that red toga. It's that confidence and spontenaity that is missed around here.

Please pass along some peace to Val and your little girls. We so very much want to help but don't always know how or when is the right time for them.

We wore our Bruce t-shirts today as a family to show support for your family.

Dave, Traci, Kaytlyn & Mitch

October 19, 2004

Sadly I didn't get to know Bruce personally. It has been one year and I feel like I've known him forever. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time and I still suffer from that. I wish I could have been able to stop this from happening. I never would have thought something so bad could happend so close to home. I have nightmares all the time and he is always in my thoughts and my boyfriends. We think of his family and hope things are getting easier in life. I just wanted to thank you for giving me inspiration to live my life how I want it and to make my dreams come true. Val and the girls, he is your angel and protector. We think of Bruce and everyone everyday! Rest in peace Bruce, you are so loved!


October 19, 2004


It was the 19th of October that he went away, only ten weeks past his 38th birthday. His family and friends all asked, why a young man, a deputy so full of life with so many things yet to experience was taken away that day?

Then this tiny voice whispered deep inside our hearts:

"God needed a young Deputy Angel in heaven and Bruce was his chosen one. Bruce is now a Deputy Angel with wings of silver and his golden deputy's star still upon his chest, around his head was placed a golden halo band."

Yes, our loss is great,
but heaven needed a special Deputy Angel to serve at he Lords' right hand;
Bruce was specially selected by Our Lord
as one of His Very Special Angels
that serve at His right hand.

So every night Bruce looks down from the white puffy cloud that makes his bed, he smiles and whispers this message to his family and friends hearts:

"I was taken away from you only temporarily, the Lord needed me to help here in heaven...Someday we will be reunited and never again have to part until we are reunited...
Take care and I send you all of the love in my heart."

We Miss You Dearly Bruce! God Bless You!!

October 19, 2004

A tribute to a wonderful Dad to three little girls...

What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, he called it . . . Dad.

We miss you Bruce!


October 19, 2004

On angels ...
"The wings ain't anything but a uniform, that's all. When they are in the field so to speak, they always wear them." - Taken from Tom Sawyer

You and your family are not forgotten.

October 19, 2004

October 19, 2004

It has been a long year since you were killed Bruce. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday and in others it feels like it happened so long ago. It is still hard to understand why this happened. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I think of you and your family every day. It is definately different for us, but we still grieve and are angered by your death.

A very large part of many peoples lives were altered on October 19, 2003 and I know that there will never be another "Goose." Just saying your nickname reminds me of so many pranks you pulled over the years - thinking of them brings smiles and tears, knowing that we have to cherish the ones we have and that there will be no new ones to add to the list.

My deepest sympathies to your family.


October 19, 2004

We can’t believe that you’ve been gone a year. We sure miss the fun and laughter that you brought to our lives. What we wouldn’t give to jump in a castle, have you play a joke on us or just sit on the deck and talk. It is hard to watch the hole you have left in the lives of those that love you most. We know that now we all have an Angel in the Outfield that will look after us. Rest in Peace.

Butch, Wendy, Mindy and Amber

October 18, 2004


Tomorrow will be one year since you were taken from us . I know that you are in a better place and watching over us but I miss you so dearly. I miss your phone calls to us to tell us of the latest Packer news and just to chat. Michael just got a new phone and I know that you and I wouldn't be far behind to get one just like his! You were such a great brother and I wish you were still here on earth with us.

Love you and miss you,


October 18, 2004

Dear Bruce,
You are a great man. You gave the ultimate sacrifice a lot of people don't understand. Every day the question is asked, "Why him God"? And although it will never be answered and it never gets easier, we know you are in a better place, watching over your family and friends. I want to THANK YOU again for all of your help and for your duty as a Green Lake County Officer.

Jessica Wagner

I want to take this moment to thank Bruce and everyone on the Green Lake County Sheriff's Department and Princeton Police Department. I too was a victim of domestic abuse in Green Lake County, and Bruce and many other officers helped me in my times of need. Many times you feel alone in a situation like that, but whenever I needed an officer's help they were right there. They offer more than just protection, they offer the kind of help that made me realize there is a better life out there, and that I didn't deserve what was happening to me. Thank you again everyone, your job is an important one and takes so much courage that not many people have. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

EMT Jessica Dawn Wagner
Marquette County EMS

October 17, 2004

Thank you for your bravery and for your ultimate sacrifice. God Bless you and your family.

Officer Jodie R. Pasternak #492
Lisle (Illinois) PD

August 21, 2004

Happy Birthday Bruce---we miss you!!


August 8, 2004

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Williams family. I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless You All!

Wife of a Juneau County Deputy

August 7, 2004

While I personally did not know Deputy Sheriff Bruce Williams I have had the honor and priviledge in my career in EMS and as a 911 dispatcher to work side by side on a daily basis with many law enforcement officers from numerous area law enforcement agencies including Bruce's brother who is a deputy for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. The law enforcement officers I work with are like family. They all put there life on the line every day to serve and protect us. The loss of an outstanding deputy like Bruce is such a tragedy. To Mrs Williams and family of Deputy Bruce Williams, thank you for the support you gave him to fulfill his dreams as a law enforcement officer and to go out and protect us and serve his community. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You. Deputy Williams - you are not forgotten. Rest in peace. United We Stand

Mark Fisher, Director
Jefferson EMS

June 20, 2004

June 11th - Happy 10th Anniversary today honey.

Love You...Miss You


June 12, 2004

I watched as the names were engraved at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Yours is beside Joe's. They did a great job. Very repectful. It rain right after.


April 27, 2004

I have come to this sight many times and just sit and think about how much you mean to so many people. I have been around you so many times, and remember laughing, and just hearing the stories.
All the times hanging out at my uncle Teds house, and seeing you, and Chad, and ted just have so much fun, and wait until I had that same bond, and support which you 3 had.
I remember when I found out my initial thoughts were, " I hope it was not Bruce."

When I went with you on ride a longs, and really got the oppurtunity to talk with you about the career. Something you cherished and loved. I think of you a lot, and everytime I see a Green Lake county squad car... I remember.
Um, I am looking forward to my career as a police officer, and I pray to god that I become half the man you are.
I am standing up in my best friends wedding, I am his best man, and I am nervous. Just could you look over me, and help me do the right things. You are am amazing soul, and person to look up to. I will always remember you.
I visit you everytime I go to Berlin. I have never missed.
I just thank you,

Joel Kuklinski
friend, and student police officer

April 23, 2004

For some reason, I am sitting at work tonight overwhelmed with memories of you and the "good ol days" The office seems so bleak. It is nearing 6 months now, it seems like yesterday. The memories still so vivid, your laugh, your smile, the way you would joke and tease and then turn and run before you got something thrown at you! God, we all miss you so much, nothing is the same with out you here. My heart still sinks everytime I see Val or the girls, if WE all feel such emptiness, what must they be feeling? It is so hard to imagine. Know that your entire family is constantly in my thoughts and prayers, even if it is hard to express to them. The one thing that soothes me is knowing that you are truely happy now, looking down on all of us, watching the girls grow, kepping them out of trouble and keeping us all safe... Keep up the good work Goose... you have alot of us to keep under your wings!


April 9, 2004

The letter and poem below was written by Deputy DeAnna Krueger prior to her tragic accidental death on January 25, 2004. Her husband Stacey gave this to me and asked me to enter it onto the memorial page as he knew DeAnna would have wanted to leave this reflection for Bruce if she was still with us.

My very first memory of you was as you introducing yourself to me as Lt. Williams on my first day of work. I don't believe I was told otherwise for about two weeks. That would be my first impression; Bruce the prankster....just one of many examples. I would quickly see your other side. As I panicked through my struggles in dispatch, you were always there to assist or bail me out. You never let me forget my downfalls either, but usually in a fun loving way. I'm pretty sure you were the first to point out that I had squad checked all squads "queer" instead of clear. How many times did I tell you that I was amazed with your ability to be such a smartass and yet get away with it?

Another first impression was my first transport with you to Manitowoc; such a long drive from Green Lake especially so late at night. I remember getting into your squad and checking everything out. One of the first things I noticed, was a picture of your girls(just Brianna and Kiersten then) pinned on the ceiling. To hear you beam about them as the proud father you were was always a delight. The picture would change at the birth of Sydney, but your overwhelming love for your family was ever present.

I fast forward to the near present, as I started my ride alongs with you. I'm glad I got to tell you that I looked forward to you as my FTO. I wished I would have explained how I had the utmost respect for you as an officer. *sigh* Oh, how our last few nights haunt me. I wish I could take back my complaints of being bored. Goose the Go-getter, who was convinced that there had to be a drunk or a car in the ditch somewhere, couldn't even find a speeder. I can still hear your voice in my head, "We need some action. We gotta get you some exposure." This was not what I had in mind, and I'm sure you didn't either. I wish I could take back the eerie foreshadowing comments. Never again will I complain about being uncomfortable with all the equipment, and I've already put my plate back in my vest.
I recall you dropping me off Saturday night. "See ya tomorrow" you said. I never would have imagined how true that comment would be? (Why didn't you say I'll talk to you tomorrow?) That is all I would do, is see you Sunday. See you pull up, jump out of your squad...eager to work & ready to roll...Goose the Go-getter as always...dedicated to the job & loving what you did. *tear* I couldn't believe it. That couldn't have happened! Not here! Not to us! Not to you! Not to your family; they'd been through so much already. Why? What if? I try to trust the Lord. I believed things happen for a reason. Then I get bitter! Why? What purpose? What possible reason? My heart breaks to think of Val & the girls and what they have been robbed of.

As I start my new venture with GLSO, it saddens me to know you will no longer be there; as an FTO or as a fellow Deputy. You had so much knowledge, so much to share & so much to offer. I have the greatest respect for you; as a person, as well as an officer. I know you'll be watching over us & I find comfort knowing that we now all have you as a constant back-up. I can still hear you laughter (you know that loud Goose laugh) ring inside my head. It's amazing how I can still hear your voice with all your catch phrases & your words of encouragement along with that laugh. I hope I never lose that.

It's only been a few months and things seem so surreal. Things are trying to get back to normal. I know you'd be the one pushing people forward. When I walk in the front door of the SO, I look at the plaque of Trooper Pederson so differently now. I think of how previously I barely noticed it. I can't help but think of how eventually your plaque will be there also. It breaks my heart to think that some new employee who never had the chance to meet you will enter those same doors and look at your plaque the same way I use to look at Trooper Pederson's. I want to make sure that doesn't happen. You are a legacy Goose. We will never forget you & we will do everything we can to make sure others don't either. You are greatly missed; more than you'll ever know & more than any of us could have imagined:(

God bless you & your family

Placed alone in the midst of the earth
My anger has not turned away
It shall come to pass, but remnants will remain
My whole head is sick & my heart is faint

My security, a stranger devoured in my presence
I was broken to peices & driven to darkness
Hell had enlarged without measure
Why the multitude of sacrifices unto us?

Many waters cannot quench love
Nor can many floods drown it
Love is as strong as life
Ignorance is cruel as the grave

As a lily among thorns
So was our Goose among others
He will persevere through us
The Lord will guide the way

DeAnna Rae Krueger

Deputy DeAnna Krueger
Green Lake County Sheriff's Office

January 27, 2004

I was at home on the computer when I was called by the department and asked if I could come out. I really didn't want to as I had gotten some time to myself. I asked the dispatcher what I was needed for and was told that Green Lake had a shooting with an officer down. Needless to say so began some of the longest hours of my life. Working so close to Green Lake I know some of the deputies by face and most by radio traffic. I remember thinking, do I know him, is he ok, again? I read of officers being killed around the country and have always felt relatively safe in central wisconsin. That feeling was shaken when Mike was killed in Adams county. When you were killed it really caused me to rethink what I do. I have been able to come to grips with the danger that comes with this job. Most mornings when I leave for work my kids and wife are still sleeping...I don't wake them...I find myself staring at them...watching over them. I know that you are watching over your wife and children when they sleep, when they are at school, as they walk through life. Please watch over my family and me. I am sorry if this is too long or does help to write this.
God bless you and your family


January 19, 2004

It has been creeping up on three months now since your death. I still sometimes find myself waiting for you to come through the door or saying to myself, "I can't wait to tell Bruce this one!" Then reality hits again and I understand that it will not happen. Although we can't see you though, I believe you are by our sides. Thank you for the signs you have given me to let me know you are here. I know that you and our Lord will take care of us, as you have already. I know that the Lord has been working through all of the amazing people who have helped us in one way or another. Nothing could even begin to compare to having you back by our sides - in body. The girls and I miss you so much. Not a day, or second it seems, goes by that I am not thinking of you, wondering what you are doing, hoping you are ok, wishing you could come back. I've been very "strong", if that even describes it. I think it's more like God has been carrying me on his shoulders during the hardest moments of my life. There are so many things I want to say to you. I hope you can hear me when I talk out loud to you. I hope you can read the many other things I have written to you. You are and always will be a part of me and the girls. We would give anything to have you back.
To all of you who have been so kind to our family through gifts, thoughts, prayers, meals, keeping us company, memorials, helping with things around the house, etc. ---- THANK YOU! You have been a God send. Knowing that Bruce was loved by so many is so comforting. YOU have been helping us get through this. Please don't forget us.
Bruce - I love you with all my heart, or at least with what's left of it. Please continue to be by our sides. As you and your messenger's gift said, "I wait the time when we can soar together again - both aware of each other"
I love you my angel,


January 7, 2004

You and I spent many a shift together now that time has passed, you are still a part of my daily thoughts. I miss you I need my right hand man back. Rest in peace.


January 3, 2004

You and I spent many a shift together now that time has passed, you are still a part of my daily thoughts. I miss you I need my right hand man back. Rest in peace.


January 3, 2004

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and fellow officers of Deputy Williams.

While I did not have the privilege to have known him, I am certain that he has earned his seat in heaven. Rest in Peace my friend, those of us who remain will cover your post on the thin, blue line.

November 27, 2003


Well, here we are, one month later and not a day has gone by where my eyes haven't welled up with tears thinking of you, Val and the girls.

I still don't want to believe it and maybe that's what makes it so hard. When I drive home I think about your smile, laugh, jokes, pranks and I prepare myself to give it back to you, but then I realize those are all memories now.

Memories of card games, of you calling me after Marquette losses to "make sure I was ok,"......... Brewer games, of fishing and you laughing at me as I fell into the stream, of you complaining it would be easier and less frustrating to just go buy fish at the grocery store, of paintball and the fact that, despite us being on the same team, you got me more than anyone else.

Memories. They make things hard now, but as time passes they will be cherished, just as you are. It's these memories you gave that will make you live in our hearts forever. Brianna, Kiersten and Sydney, who seem to share your zest for life and fun, will always remind us of you.

When I was going through a hard time in my life, you told me I needed to jump back on the horse. I'm sure what would make you the most proud now would be for all of us to jump back on the horse for you and enjoy life, because, as we have learned and as you always knew, it is precious.

As time passes on the tears won't come so easily and we will learn to live life as you did. It won't be because we have forgotten you or because we are over the fact you can't be here with us anymore. You will always be remembered and your loss will always leave a hole in our hearts. Thank you for giving us memories to fill it.

With love,


November 19, 2003

It took me until today to bring myself to read what was on this page. It's a month after Bruce's death, I can say that but I am sure I don't understand it fully yet.

I look around my house and realize he won't be there with the rest of the family for a picnic this summer, or to coax Val in the door past our 4 legged greeters. I see Zane with a ball and think, he won't play catch with Bruce again. Or the scooter we all rode and smile. (What a night!) I think of those girls, and the bond they had with their Daddy. God, please help us help them through this. And Val, oh Val! I am so proud of your strength and faith! I love you and "sisters" we will always be.

Bruce, he could take the most mundane situtation and make it fun! And any uncomfortable setting HE could break the ice and make it all okay! He was an ideal Daddy, a wonderful husband and the best friend anyone could ask for. He was the right hand man to my husband, and now his angel.

Williams girls, you are like an extended family to us, with ours not close by. We love you all. Please know that Bruce, your Daddy and husband was loved by many, and admired by all who knew him. He loved you all dearly, that you could see each time he looked at or spoke of you.

To Bruces family, all of you, thank you for sharing him. You all are part of what made him great. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.


November 19, 2003

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