Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Bruce Allen Williams

Green Lake County Sheriff's Office, Wisconsin

End of Watch Sunday, October 19, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Bruce Allen Williams

It is almost October 19th. I can't believe that 2 years have passed since you left us. Sometimes it feels like yesterday. I miss you every day. I think of you every day. I wish you could come back to us every day. I also know though that you can't and that I can't change what has happened. I know that the girls and I need to live, we need to continue, we need to do the best we can with what life gave us.
Bruce - my new favorite song is "Dream Big" by Ryan Schupe and The Rubberband. I'm sure you listen to me sing it on my way to work every single day! "When you cry be sure to dry your eyes cuz better days are sure to come. When you smile be sure to smile wide and don't let them know that they have won. When you walk, walk with pride...don't show the hurt inside cuz the pain will soon be gone. And when you dream, dream big as the ocean blue. When you dream it might come true....when you dream, dream big."
Bruce - I have a lot of hopes and dreams. I'm sure the girls do as well. Some of my hopes and dreams are just that - hopes and dreams that are impossible because you can't come back to us. I have other hopes and dreams as well though. Please be with me as I focus in on some of them and try to make them be reality, not just dreams.
We love you Bruce. We miss you very much. Please somehow continue to let us know that you are always with us.
Sending you all of my love.


October 18, 2005

Here we go again. Tomorrow. I'll drive by. Someone's living there now. I assume someone who doesn't know. I can't go past without looking. And crying. It'll get better one day. Then the cemetary, haven't been there a lot but I don't think that matters to you, you are not there. Nothing has been the same. Nothing ever will be the same, I know. I laugh when I think of the advice and Bruce words of wisdom you passed on. You left your mark in so many lives!! Thank you for allowing us to be part of your time here.
We miss you.

October 18, 2005

Thanks Bruce
Bruce, you are one of the people I look up to most. You taught me so much during our friendship. When you first started, I was warned you were a jokester. I never saw that side of you until I left my guard down. I never enjoyed my job more than the years we worked midnights together. You, Mark, and I cut our teeth together with just enough knowledge to be dangerous. We worked hard and you made sure that we had as much fun as we could while doing the job. All those pranks, some went too far and others did not go far enough.
I learned a lot from you on the job, but what I learned most, was what you did off the job. God and family were first. Your love for Val and the kids was second to none. It is an example for any husband to be like. When Brianna had cancer, you trust in God and faith that it would turn out was an inspiration. I remember the five-year free of cancer party like it was yesterday. We always felt welcome and part of your extended family.
Even though you always made me laugh or had some good gossip, you had a serious side. We shared the similar morels, ethics, and faith. If I needed an opinion or an ear to bend you were there. The last time we talked, you listened to me tell about losing my fishing partner, Mel, to a heart attack. After awhile you said you had to get up to court for your trail and that I wouldn't believe how good the assistant DA looked today. That was you Bruce, always leaving me with a smile.
Five days later you were killed. I'll never forget being at your house the next day. I went to offer my support and I think your family supported me more. I realized it wasn't just you that made me feel welcome, it was your whole family. That was the way it was, if you were a friend of Bruce, you were also a friend of your family.
In amongst the grief that followed in the months ahead I realized something. Not only did your family and the department grieve, the community as a whole grieved. People would and still do come up to me at work and express their sympathy and appreciation for the job we do. On a call, people would say with a tear in their eye, that the last time you guys were here it was Bruce. Even all the inmates that were struck with grief is a testament to the quality of an Officer you were. Grief has slowly turned to smiles and laughter remembering you and all the stories you left with us. Now each year a weekend is set-aside for the "Goose Gala" where family, friends, coworkers, and the community get together and celebrate what you stood for and what you meant to us.

Thanks Bruce; thanks for your leadership, thanks for your example, and most of all thanks for your friendship.



October 6, 2005

Dearest Bruce,
Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven! I pray the Good Lord, the angels, and all the souls you share your new home with are celebrating with you today.Your family continues to miss you terribly, but we know when we look to the sky, you're here with us. May your spirit continue to soar!!!!

Lots of Love, Nancy

P.S. I will never forget the 40 big ones and the dent in the malibu. You are forgiven!


August 8, 2005

Happy Birthday Bruce!

August 8, 2005

Happy Birthday Bruce ! We miss you and think of you everyday. The hurt will never go away but we know that God is taking care of you.

John, Michele,
Emily, Katie & Ben

August 8, 2005

I hope you are having a grand birthday party in heaven.

Miss you.
All my love.


August 8, 2005

Bruce -
Please help the girls and I as we continue in our lives. I know that you will always be with us. I can't tell you how many times I have seen the number 42 pop up - whether it be in conversations, on the clock (I often glance at the clock when it is at _:42), or anywhere else. Sometimes I get so lonely, then I somehow get a sense of peace, like everything will be ok. I ask you to guide me down the right paths. I never dreamed it would be so hard some days.
Bruce - I miss you very much. This year we would have celebrated our 11th anniversary on the 11th of June. I think about how you gave me that anniversary ring on our 5th anniversary. You were going to give it to me on our 10th, but we had gone through so much in our lives with Brianna that you surprised me and gave it to me early. We never would have seen 10 years.
I think about how this year you would be 40 years old on Aug. 8th. I can't believe how time seems to be flying yet I feel sometimes that I am somehow standing still. I have come a long way - I know, but time just slips away somehow.
I know you would be proud of me Bruce in all I have had to do. I thank you and I thank God for giving me strength and courage to continue day to day, to look ahead into the future, to have hopes and dreams.
When I think of you, it brings a smile to my face more often than tears in my eyes. I was looking over our scrapbook from Colorado a few weeks ago and it made me laugh out loud. Did you ever change your clothes? I swear you were wearing the same clothes in every picture! It makes me laugh right now as I think about it. That is what I miss the most - you bringing laughter into my life on a daily basis.
I think about how you ended up calling yourself when you were at Butch and Wendy's house. You had the cell phone and our home phone. You decided to call home to see if I was there you called with the cell and answered the home phone yourself! More laughter for me right this minute! Thank you for that - I have needed to laugh lately!! There are so many silly stories out there about you that can make me laugh. Thank you for all of those great memories. Somehow I feel much better even this minute - just thinking about you, knowing you will be by our sides through our lives. Someday we will all be together again. Until then, please help us to live our lives with passion and with a purpose. Help us to fulfill our dreams, to not sweat the small stuff, to take risks worth taking, to have fun, to laugh, to live.
I love you and miss you always.



July 30, 2005

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Val. Bruce is a hero! I talked with Val for quite a while at a recent wedding we both attended. She told me all about that dreadful day and I still wonder "how does she do it?" She is such a strong women and I think of her so highly. My husband is a police officer and we have a 3 and 1/2 month old baby and I'm not sure I would have the strength if something happened to Joey. Val, please stay strong and I will always be thinking of you and your girls!

Joey and Dawn Rosin

July 19, 2005

I was just thinking about some of the good times we had while I worked in Markesan, Princeton and on the drug unit. Thanks again for all the memories and the positive influence!!! I lost a mentor when you passed on. One day I will see you again brotha!!!!!

Patrolman Nick Garro
Slinger Police Dept.

July 17, 2005

I was just thinking about some of the good times we had while I worked in Markesan, Princeton and on the drug unit. Thanks again for all the memories and the positive influence!!! I lost a mentor when you passed on. One day I will see you again brotha!!!!!

Patrolman Nick Garro
Slinger Police Dept.

July 17, 2005

Please Welcome Rich (#46) and show him around. I'm sure you two have alot of catching up to do, jokes to tell, and stories to reflect upon...but please watch over all of us...we miss you both!! Love to Two of the Best!!
#46 & #42

May 3, 2005

Happy Easter Bruce ! I miss you.


March 27, 2005


It’s good to see you’re still able to make us laugh, once again. I wasn’t able to make it to Tiny’s retirement party, but you did (In spirit and in everybody’s heart at least). It was actually an incident that I was somewhat apart of that stimulated laughter, the notorious “fleeing felon”. It was the day that Tiny forgot to wear his running/ track shoes to work and how unlucky that a juvenile escapes, while in custody, wearing Tiny’s handcuffs and transport belt.

I remember Kiener telling me the story of your intentions with the belt. The “secret” came out after he had cleaned out your locker. When I saw the picture of Val and Tiny in the paper I found it to be very appropriate. Jeff enlightened me to your constant viewing of WI Circuit Court Access to see when the case was resolved and the belt could be taken out of evidence. We all wished you could have been there to present it yourself, however it worked and you still got the last laugh on, “the Bobber”. It was good to see Val and “Little Bear”, carrying out your frustratingly hilarious sense of humor.

I just recently recalled a time when you as, the “Big Bear”, and Jeff a.k.a. “Little Bear”, helped me get an uncooperative guy out of a closet. I’ve told this story numerous times before, but this thought made me realize how much you protected me. When the subject presented the knife, you were there to secure it for me. You definitely had and continue to have a large role in me as an officer and more so as a person. Your legend and memories will live forever. Thanks and we all miss you!


February 18, 2005

Dearest Bruce, i often have dreams about family get togethers where you are there and able to speak with us. it all seems so real untill i wake up and know you are gone. I think of Val and the girls everyday. i have a photo of the munckins in my car that val sent to me when i was ill. i know look at those girls and see the future. they are growing up to be funny,loving girls. Val has been so strong and i love her so much. i know your watching over all of those you love and care about.
thanks for protecting us and being a great officer.
I love you so much BOWLING BALL

Elyse Traxler Cousin of VAl and lover of

February 4, 2005

Another year is about to begin without you here by us. Please continue to watch over the girls and I. We love and miss you very much.

Love always


December 30, 2004

Merry Christmas Bruce!!
We Miss You more than ever. Please continue to watch over us.


December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas Bruce! Keep watching over all of us. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. May God Bless them all!

We miss you!!

December 24, 2004

Somebody killed a policeman today,
and a part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect,
will be buried with him at his side.

The suspect that shot him had shot himself too.
Because somehow he knew
that he had done a terrible thing to the officer in blue

While a young widowed mother must work for her three kids,
She cries for her children, she crys for herself, but proud of what her husband did for everyone else.

While her youngest daughter never ceases to ask, "when is daddy gonna be back" It breaks her heart to hear her mother say, "your daddy won't be comming home today."

The beat that he walked was a battle field too,
just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,
to his name they will add a gold star.

They retired his number, number forty two. The broken hearts swelled with pride, although retiring his number wouldn't bring him back. A part of America died.

Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,
in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
a cop put his life on the line.

Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
and he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call, of himself gave his all,
and a part of America died.

December 22, 2004

I just wanted to say your passing has given my family a look on life and how fast everything can be gone, we now look at life as "Live for today because you don't know what tomorrow will bring." Our marrage is so much stronger, is has opened a new line of communication that i never thought was possable! We have had our ups and downs and through them all have been there for one another as you were for your family. Even thought I have only known you for a few years, and was not really sure how to read you some of the time, I feel blessed to have known such a wonderful person. You are an insperation to so many, and now Val is also to see her so strong through all this I know you were there helping her in one way or another, she is also a very wonderful person!
My fondest memeories were to watch you get the guys going during the baseball games and hearing those famous words "hussle in and hussle out", when the guys needed a pep talk you were always there to give it even if they didnt want to hear it, even though some of those were smart ass comments they will never be forgotten and of course your silly humor is missed greatly! That is missing now and can never be replaced. Im sorry for your loss and I will always keep val and the girls in my heart and prayers. God Bless and Thank You!
Val, I hope to never have to go through the pain you have but if I do i hope to be as strong as you have been. You are my hero!

November 23, 2004

I find myself coming to this website on a daily basis. I was in Washington, D.C. last week and visited the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. It was so peaceful. I said a prayer for Deputy Williams, his family and friends, and especially his brothers and sisters in blue. May God bless and watch over all of you.

Probation/Parole Agent

October 28, 2004

Brother Goose,
It has been just over a year since you have left us and I would like to THANK YOU again for being my mentor while I worked for Princeton PD, Markesan PD and the Green Lake Drug Unit. I have fond memories of you "picking" on me for dating "younger" girls and for being there for me when I needed advice on relationships and job related issues. You were always there to lend a helping hand and give good advice!

Three days after your passing, I got a tattoo on my upper left arm that states, "Never Forget 42 GOOSE 10-19-2003" with a thin blue line under GOOSE. I did this for you in your memory and I pray that I never have to get another one like this again!!!

I remember getting the message that it was you involved in the incident and thinking you would never return home to your four beautiful girls. I was absolutely devastated!!! I will NEVER forget the positive impact you had on my life as an officer and as a person! I will continue to pray to you and for your family!! THANK YOU for the ALL the memories Goose! You will NEVER be forgotten!!!!!!!! Rest In Peace my friend!!!!

Nick Garro
Slinger PD

October 21, 2004

At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.

Tonight, October 19, 2004 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Deputy Bruce A. Williams who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.

When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.

Deputy Williams' sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC

October 19, 2004

I know that there is a God, a God that loves us and cares about us, because in the short time you walked this earth, you left and example for all of us on how to be a public servant as well as a husband, father and friend. I thank God I had the opportunity to know you. Thank you.

Redgranite Correctional Institution

October 19, 2004

On the anniversary of your death, I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

A hero never dies.....

Rest in peace, hero. God bless.

October 19, 2004

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