Clare County Sheriff's Department, Michigan
End of Watch Thursday, October 9, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Kevin Michael Sherwood
Hi dad its me meagan
January 27, 2005
Stopped by to pay my respects and let you know you are always thought of. My prayers continue for all your family who miss you. I hope that they are comforted knowing that you are never forgotten, and that those around them still miss and think of you often with loving thoughts. God's blessings on all our law enforcement who so bravely put their lives on the line every day. You are all a special breed. Bless you all, and carry on in safety!
From Michigan
January 24, 2005
Hi Kev.
Today is a very hard day, the sobs are here. Each day is a brand new set of emotions. Some days I'm strong, others, like today, I fall apart. So much is going on, I could sure use your wisdom and logic.
So many are joining you, Kev. It's hard to believe. Before you were killed, I never even paid attention. Now I check everyday.
Well Cubby, gotta go. I work with the kids at the elementary school part time. It's fun, at Chipp, where you guys went. Please watch over all of us, especially your fellow officers. You were the best, my son. They need you.
Love and miss you so, mom
January 24, 2005
Never forgotten; always in our hearts and prayers. No question you are so truly loved and missed by your wife, kids and mom. I visit your memorial page every single day - have never missed one - just to say hello and 'thank you' for being so brave. God's peace be with you.
Up North Mich
January 13, 2005
I hope you were together with my Kevin on Christmas. You both sound a lot a like as I believe that Katy and I are. I am so grateful to have met her and know that we are life long friends because of you and my Kevin. I cant wait to see Katy and the girls. We will continue on this journey with each other close even if we don't see each other as often as we like. Please give my Kev a hug for me and the kids.
wife of Tpr Kevin Marshall
MI State Police
eow 7/7/03
December 26, 2004
Hi Dad,
How are things going for you? For me things are going ok not great. If you were here things would be almost perfect. School is going great. I am having a great Christmas. How was Christmas for you? Do you have friends in Heaven? Do you miss me because i miss you alot. Can you see us from Heaven? I have pictures of you but the memories are starting to fade. I wish they werent I wish i could remember you like you left yesterday. I'm to young to kepp the memories as fresh as mom can. I wish Gabby and Gwen got to know you like I did. even though the memoriess are starting to fade I could necver forget you. You were aalways there when I needed you. I bet you still want to be but you cant because you are guarding the golden gates that lead into Heaven.
December 25, 2004
Gabrielle is typing this with Meagan. She is getting so smart.
Hi Daddy,
I love you Daddy. Merry Christmas.
I miss you. Can you see us from Heaven?
Love Gabby
December 25, 2004
It's 4:30am. I just got done putting the presents under the tree and loading the stockings. That's alot of work due to the fact that we have three very spoiled little girls. This is the second year I've had to do it alone - I would give anything to hear you complain that your sooo tired and you want to get some sleep. I hear comments that Christmas must be beautiful in Heaven but nothing could be more beautiful or perfect then watching your daughters on Christmas morning. I hope you are looking down on them. I love you and miss you more than any words could ever convey. Merry Christmas.
December 25, 2004
Thank you for sharing that most beautiful poem; but I have to say, I shed much more than a tear. I hope Kevin's family is comforted and finds inner peace through it. God bless.
December 17, 2004
Merry Christmas From Heaven
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on a cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I"ll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
to stay in His grace
I came here before you
to help set your place
You don"t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
in a new special way
I love you all dearly
now don"t shed a tear
cause I"m spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year
Poem by John Wm. Mooney Jr.
Sylvia Daniels
Allegan, Michigan
December 16, 2004
To Kevin's Mom, Kevin would want you to put up a tree. And every ornament you hang, Kevin's hand will be holding yours to help, and to give you the strength to carry on! He knows how very much you and his family love and miss him. Work on that tree, and cry if you need to - I lost two brothers many years ago when I was quite young. It has been more than 20 years and I still cry when I think of them. Hanging special ornaments that remind me of them brings them alive again - when I look at the tree, I am reminded that although we cannot see them, they are here with us. I think of you and Katy and their kids every day. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you.
December 15, 2004
Hi Kev. Christmas is very hard this year. Last year we were in some kind of fog....this year, we really feel it. Can't put up a tree..have the wreath from the blue light ceremony in Bay City on the wall, tho. I can't imagine what Katy and the girls are feeling inside, or Rob and Camie. We will grow stronger, though, with God's help and yours. I bet Christmas is wonderful in heaven...
I love you so much and miss you more than I could ever have imagined.
Merry Christmas, Cub.
December 14, 2004
Our prayers and thoughts are with your wife and kids as they prepare for the holidays. While every day is a difficult day without you, the ones around the holidays are those when the hurdles are hardest to jump. May God, and all of His blue angels, lift not only your wife and kids, but the families all survivors, over those hurdles and bring them some comfort and peace. We are here for them. We can't bring you back, but we can be supportive and offer our heartfelt prayes to help them through the hardest times. Gone, Kevin, but never, ever forgotten.
Northern Michigan
December 13, 2004
For Katy and Family,
My Christmas Prayer
I pray for peace
blessings and honor
Heaven right earth's despair
This is my Christmas prayer
For those that grieve
God will bring comfort
Laughter will rapture there
This is my Christmas prayer
See I pray that love will rule and reign
And I pray that time will rid the pain
Of this world as we learn to trust and care
This is my Christmas prayer
I pray for you
That you triumph and conquer
And posses the strength you need to bare
This is my Christmas prayer
For those in need
There will be plenty
And each other's burdens share
This is my Christmas prayer
So let hope fill our hearts
Shine the light through the dark
All around the world and everywhere
I will pray
This Christmas prayer
song by Bebe Winnans
December 6, 2004
Kevin, your wife and kids and family are in my every day thoughts. This time of year has got to be so hard on them, and all the others that have tragically lost family. My promise to you is a prayer that they will feel you alive in their hearts and minds forever, because although you are gone to eternal rest in heaven, you are never to be forgotten. May they experience the comfort of knowing that some day, you all will be reunited again. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with your wife and children. God bless.
Up North Michigan
December 3, 2004
We love you and miss you. The house is so lonely without you. I'll see you in my dreams.
November 17, 2004
My deepest sympathy to your family. May God bless and watch over them. I lost my son Michael in the line of duty on 8/8/04, I know what your family is going through and I'm just beginning my journey. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten by your family and the Blue Family. I hope you meet up with my son so you two can exchange police war stories. May God Bless You.
Robert Gordon, Father of Chicago Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Robert Gordon, Asst. Chief (Retired)
Riverside PD, Illinois
November 12, 2004
Remembering what you gave and wishing you and your family peace. The first year is only the beginning of the pain may your spirit and the lord help your wife and children. You are gone but will never be forgotten.
November 8, 2004
We all miss you so much. You gave so much so that we would be safe. You left behind a beautiful wife and three lovely daughters. I know I don't need to ask you to watch over them. True love never dies and the love you and Katy have made the two of you shine. You choose to become a part of each other the day you wed just like so many of us do. But the two of you were luckier than most. Very few people ever find their "soul mate" or their other half. You found that in each other - what a gift. We will never know why your dreams were cut short, it's a grander plan than we are able to understand. As one of our angles I know you understand. I know the pain your wife feels is so very horrible but she will find comfort in the love you shared.
Keep watch!!!
A true friend
October 28, 2004
I rember the day we received the LEIN message about your death. We all said a prayer for your family. You certainly serve as an insiration for us to continue to do our best and serve our communites well. May god be with your family and help them cope with your loss. Rest in peace, your memory will never be forgoten.
Officer John Inch
Marquette City Police Dept.
October 25, 2004
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrafice so that your community would be a safer place to be!
Mrs. Sherwood, I read your refelction and felt propelled to tell you that Kevin DOES hear you, he DOES feel your pain, and he DOES miss you. I am so sorry that you have to go through this horrible and senseless tragedy. Focus on each day, one at a time and know that Kevin never leaves your side. I wish I could take the pain away from you! I am so sorry for your loss. Lean on your friends, they will carry you!
October 23, 2004
Hi, Cub. It is just over a year, and we are still standing. I don't know how. Maybe because we watch Katy carry on every day for your babies, and work so hard at making their lives a little brighter with your memory.
I miss you so much. Thanks to the retreat in MO, I met other parents of heros just like you, grieving just like me. I was so proud to brag about Katy-how wonderful a mom she is, and how devoted she is to you.
WHen I see the girls, though, I see your eyes, and my heart aches and feels joy at the same time--joy that you left such a wonderful legacy in them.
Kev, you came to me in a dream, and all you said was, don't ever forget me. Katy, your brother and sister, and all of your loyal friends (and you know better than we who they are) will never let that happen. I am your mom, you are a part of me, and without you, I will never be a "whole" again. As long as I can take a breath, you will be part of our lives daily. And too bad for Camie and Rob, I don't leave them alone! But you taught me one important thing....I never end a conversation without saying "I love you". I didn't say that the last time I saw you, and it's killing me. But I know you know.
I feel your presence all the time, and I know when I do something dumb, I see that look that you always gave me. You can start raggin' on your brother now, because he is taking one of our Labradoodle puppies. I remember your "comments" on that!!!!
Kevin, I know you are in heaven and are happy and at peace, but I need to know you did not suffer. That haunts me everyday. I wish you could let me know.
Please continue to watch over us and your brothers/sisters in law enforcement, and your brother, sister and their families. They all say you are the best, but I already knew that.
I love you so much, and miss you so. Give Grandpa a hug for me.
October 21, 2004
I want to thank you for looking over us and for leaving a legacy of professionalism and respect that has truly effected my wife and I. She knows that everynight I go to work I am in good hands because she knows god has his best officer looking over me and that helps keep me calm and steady when things get crazy on the job. I think of you every day and thank you for being a friend and a role model to me. I will always keep your memory alive, and watch over your girls.
Until next time.
Officer R.Ward
Clare City Police
October 20, 2004
Katy, I just read your reflection to Kevin and wanted to write to offer you some reassurance. Of course Kevin can hear you! And he IS in heaven - you can be assured of that. He is watching over you and your kids and always will. You are so very lucky to have shared such a deep love with Kevin while he was here. He lives on through you and your kids. He lives on through his co-workers, family and friends. He is here with you in spirit. And he hears you talk to him, he sees you cry. Try to keep the faith. Don't keep your tears inside - it is OK to cry. It is OK to let your kids know how much you love and miss him. One day at a time, friend. You have made it a little over a year already. When you hug your children, remember you are hugging a part of Kevin! Katy, one last thing. We all hurt with you. Although it may feel like it at times, you are never alone. You and the girls will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. God bless, and hold on to your faith.
A Friend
October 19, 2004
I am back at this site reading over the reflections left for you. I wonder if you realize that I talk to you every day. I have lost so much faith over this last year. I never realized that missing someone could be so painful. I go to sleep every night wondering how the hell I am going to make it through another day and I wake up every morning realizing that I have three reasons that keep me going. Our large one is so mature. She continues to get all A's in school and gives her all to everything that she does. She misses you so much. We cry together often but she tries hard to hide her pain because she doesn't like to see me cry. Our medium one continues to be quite a handful. She started kindergarten this year and enjoys it. She is as crazy as ever. She makes you "projects" all the time and tells everyone about you. Our little one has changed so much. I know you bearly saw her walk - now she walks, climbs, runs, and tries to be just as crazy as her big sister. You never heard her talk but we can't even get her to shut up. She knows who you are only through pictures (which she kisses often). I want to have the kind of faith that lets me know you have watched your babies grow over this horrible last year but I don't. All I really know is the pain. I walk blindly through each day with an air of strength that is not my own. Maybe you are what gives me strength - I wish I knew. Your true friends are still here for the girls and I. They do not smother me but I have faith that they are there whenever I need them. There have been some wonderful things done in honor of you over this past year. The ones that mean the most are the ones that have been done ONLY because people truly care. I am hoping that writing a few of my thoughts will help me feel like you can really hear me. I will continue to talk to you everyday and hope that hear. I will continue to cry every night and hope that you know how horrible life is without you. I will continue to love you and focus that love on our beautiful daughters. I will continue to miss you and the part of my soul that followed you to heaven. I love you forever and carry your memory in my heart. I miss you - I hope that wherever you are you miss me too.
October 18, 2004