Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Kevin Michael Sherwood

Clare County Sheriff's Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, October 9, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Kevin Michael Sherwood

Kevin -
Two years...Where has the time gone? You are still loved and missed by more people than you could have ever realized - please keep watch over us as we continue to patrol the streets. You will never be forgotten.

Police Officer
Bay City P.D.

October 6, 2005

To the Sherwood Family, my heart goes out to you. I sit here reading all of the wonderful reflections left for Kevin and tears just roll down my cheeks. I too know the pain and loss that you feel. I lost a friend that was more like a brother to me, Cass County Deputy Shane Britton, EOW 07-19-00 and still miss him dearly. On the day of his accident, when the Lord called him home, I had been at his and his wife's home babysitting their youngest daughter so he could go to work and wait for Lynn to come home from work. I still remember the call from Sheriff's Office only 10 minutes after I got home that night. Some things never leave you. I still visit him regularly only this time it is at the cemetary, but I still feel like he is here.

Although, I have never met any of you I feel like I know you. I drive Kevin's Highway quite frequently going Up North to visit my parents and think of Kevin and his story each time that I do. Mrs. Fisher, I just received the letter from Mi-Cops in regards to the Annaul Meeting/Election for this month and just wanted you to know that you have my vote.

Katy, I have read the many many reflections that you have left for Kevin and in some you seem to say that you shouldn't grieve so much. Well no one should ever tell you not to, even when as you say you are wrapped in his shirt sitting in the closet crying you are strong! By keeping Kevin's memory alive and telling your precious daughters about him your helping his legacy to live on, and for that I give you a lot of credit and admire you for. You have allowed yourself to share Kevin and your life together with all of us that visit this site and for this I can only say thank you and I am sorry that it had to be this way. My thoughts are with you. Just rest in the thought that some day you will see Kevin again in the glory of Heaven where he now proudly patrols the streets and watches over all below!

Melissa, Federal Police Dispatch
Federal Protective Service/DHS

October 5, 2005

Dear Deputy Kevin and Family,
As your second year date approaches please know that so many of us that have joined you are thinking of you. We have just passed the one year mark of living without our son Matthew and started our second one wondering how in the world we are still here. I read about your precious family and just cry for all of us. Matthew so loved being a police officer, it truly was his life, and he lost his life here on earth just doing his job as you did.
It's hard for us to understand, much less people that don't have loved ones in law enforcement. The thin blue line is stronger than anything on this earth. It transcends time and space. Those of us left behind do not measure time the same anymore and we are always thinking just around the next corner we will see that precious, smiling face if we could just will it hard enough to be.
We will be thinking of you this week and praying for an extra measure of strength, peace, and comfort.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse
e.o.w. 9/16/04

October 3, 2005

Kevin is being remembered in our every day thoughts and prayers. Katy, the kids, and mom and dad, too! An extra special prayer will be said for all of you as the 2nd year anniversary approaches. Celebrate Kevin's life for the wonderful father, son and husband that he was, and still is, but in heavenly form. He chose a dangerous career to protect people. He was and still is a hero to so many. We mourn your loss with you, and pray that he will continue to send you signs that he is still by your side! God's peace be with all of you!!

Up North MI

October 3, 2005

Your golf outing was a tremedous success. So many of your friends were there, Steve, Craig, Lt. Midge, Rob, Trish, and so many others I don't kow. Katy does so much with the money sending those kids to cop school.

This year was bigger than the last. Gabby won so much stuff on the drawings!! She chose golf balls as one prize, and a big sport bag for the other. What a character! Meagan was being the "big" girl,hanging out with a friend, and Gwen...oh Gwen. She is a mini Gabby! She loves to have me play "monster" and act like I am "going to get her".

It is so wonderful to have you remembered by so many. I am so proud of proud of all my kids. We miss you as much as we did the first day. No---much much more. I wish I could change what happened. We all do. At least we know we have the best guardian angel in Heaven looking after us!

Please stay close to us, and keep up the good work. We love you so much.


October 1, 2005

Still thinking of you and your girls. God bless you all, my heart aches for you.
With love,
Gina Jones
my bday is also the 8th:-)
Happy birthday little one.

September 13, 2005

To Kevin's wife:
I sit here and read the reflections that you leave...I haven't been able to sit and read reflections for a while, but it troubles me to see a common, what I call "mistake". You refer to him as not being here. You refer to him as not being able to see what is going on with you and the kids. Katie, if I may call you that, Kevin, no matter what anyone says, is, and always will be, here and watching over everything. He's not here physically, I know, but he is still here. I speak from experience, having lost my mom earlier this year. It sucks, to put it blankly, but you should not say that he isn't here. It may not seem like it, but for us and the Deputies up at the CCSD, Kevin is watching over us, at the same time, as they [I mean the deputies(I don't really consider myself, as an Explorer, to be a part of the Deputies or what not)] patrol the streets. Anyway, Kevin is around, just not physically...Stay strong, and I hope that I will meet you on the 8th of October.

Explorer Aaron McLearen

September 13, 2005

Our medium one turned six today. She talked to me privately today and asked if she was really, really good and wished really, really hard could she have one special wish come true. I told her it all depended on what she wanted - I was thinking she was going to wish for the battery four wheeler she has her eye on. She shocked me a little when she said she her wish was for you to come home for just a little bit, because she knows she can't have forever, to teach her to ride a two wheel bike. They are growing so fast without you - I do the best I can but it will never be enough. They deserve their daddy. We love you and miss you so very much.

September 8, 2005

Another family gathering without you. We kept you there, though, talking about you and remembering you. The huge void will always be there. You are always with us, son.

Love you and miss you,


September 6, 2005

Our baby turned three years old today - she is getting so big!!! It is so hard to believe that she has been here longer without you than she had been with you! I watch daily as she loses her baby features and becomes this little person. The girls birthdays are so hard. They are a huge reminder of what you are missing as they grow and what they are missing growing up without you. I often sit with Gwendolyn as she is trying to fall asleep. I look and I cry. I remember watching you sit with her like that. You were the one who calmed her when she cried - you would even asked me to hand her over when she started (it took me three kids to get you to finally do that - lol). I miss you!! We talk about you all of the time - I will, at the very least, give the girls your memories. I love you!

August 31, 2005

I have heard so much about Officer Sherwood through one of my friends and fellow officers, Chris Van Horn, who was a very good friend of Kevins. He has told me how great of a person he was, and I can see this through the reflections on this page. Kevin, I wish I could have known you. Through what I have heard, you are a very special person. Willing to do anything for anybody. I am sure the citzens of heaven are proud to have an officer like you there. Watch over them like you will watch over us Kevin.

Reserve Corporal Dayle Greening
Shepherd PD

August 29, 2005

The girls started school last week and I started today. Our babies are growing up so fast. They are beautiful and so full of life. They are what gives me the strength to get up each morning. I miss you so much. Funny sometimes late at night I still think you can walk through the door. I love you - ALWAYS!

August 29, 2005

Hey Dad

I miss u so much. Gweney always asks about you and i cant answer. ITs to hard. I get angry at Gabby and Gwen when they dont even do anything. I think im just mad. I dont know what at tho. I wish you were here. 6th grade starts in 4 days. I am nervous and excited.

Ur daughter meagan

Heroes are never forgotten Luv you lots and lots

Your daughter

August 21, 2005

I love you and I miss you. I come here way to often to express my pain and sorrow - our time was cut short. But this time I want to thank you for cherishing me and our love as you did. For that I will always be grateful. You helped to make me the person I am today. In my dreams and in my heart forever.

August 17, 2005

This song was sung in our church recently. Try to obtain a copy and listen. It is beautiful and comforting...

"I Heard the Voice of Jesus"

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down,
Thy head upon My breast."
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting-place,
And He has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one,
Stoop down and drink and live."
I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that life-giving stream.
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
And now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"I am this dark world's Light.
Look unto Me; thy morn shall rise
And all thy day be bright."
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that Light of Life I'll walk
Till traveling days are done.


August 7, 2005

Hi son,
Haven't written for a while and just wanted to say hi. So many officers are joining breaks my heart.

We are all well, kids are growing, Zach is taller than me. Been up to your house....Katy has made it so beautiful. I see her getting stronger everyday. Your spirit keeps her alive. Me too. Camie is at drill in Grayling. Gramma is in the UP. We are all buzzing around to have a wonderful golf outing and a Pig Run thanks to the Blue Knights.

Not much real news.....but I know you are with us everyday. Be sure you save a place for all of us, okay.

Love you and miss you so much.


August 6, 2005

Stopped by to pay my respects and to let the family know you are all in our thoughts, as you have been, every day since Kevin's patrol in heaven began. Your family will remain on the prayer chain at our church.

Up North Michigan

August 2, 2005

On never forgets the loss of a Police Officer, especially not one from his\her own Department. I have heard more great things since I left my last reflection, a few from MSP Troopers, more deputies at the CCSD, and even a few from the emails between your mother and I. Deputy Sherwood, I wish I would have gotten to know you, you seem like the kind of Officer that I would have enjoyed knowing.
I have given up using the phrase EOW when I refer to you, or any other fallen officer because I believe that your watch hasn't ended. I believe that you are now watching over the heavens, and my relatives that are up there. Deputy Sherwood, I lost my mother on May 25, 2005, please keep her safe.

Explorer Aaron McLearen
Clare County Sheriff Department

July 20, 2005

To Kevin's family,
My daughters and I just returned from a week long camping trip at Higgins Lake. While traveling to and then home I noticed Kevin's Highway. I don't know why but I felt compelled to look him up and read his story. I am so sorry that there is a young family that has lost their Dad. It breaks my heart and I will hold you in my prayers. I guess I am writing to let you know that he will be remembered and noticed by strangers on their journeys. I am glad that I looked into who Kevin Sherwood is and I pray that God continues to give you strength and courage to get through each day. Thank you for your sacrifice to have kept so many people protected with the job that Kevin held.
God bless all of you.
Gina"a traveling stranger"

Gina Jones

July 18, 2005

Found this in another officer's is so fitting.

We may never understand it,
the risks these brave ones take,
but occasionally we see a bit
of the difference their lives make.
Some do it for the action,
others find it a callin'.
All find the satisfaction,
and few become the fallen.
Being an officer is what he loved,
To him as good as it gets.
Law was what he dreamed of,
He would have no regrets.
And though it saddens all of us
to lose him in this way
He knew how an officer must
Live life to the fullest everyday.


July 12, 2005

Had Meagan's birthday party yesterday - those days are so hard to get through. I miss you so much when we do things that you would never have missed. My heart continues to break everyday that I wake up without you by my side. Still don't understand how the universe works or why bad things happen. Trying to keep the faith that things are as they should be. I will hold you in my heart forever - I love you.

July 10, 2005

Vacations are a funny thing. Had a wonderful time with the girls but it was like we were in a beautiful fantasy world. It was wonderful!! Then driving home from the airport I could feel the anxiety - the fear of the reality I live everyday. The longing for my "old" life back but knowing the reality of it's demise. Coming home should give you a feeling of comfort and security but ours is missing you. Things are slowly getting better. I know this because I can think of our past and remember it with a smile instead those memories being tainted by the pain of living out my future without. Sometimes grief takes over for awhile and it feels like I won't make it through but I do. I have no idea how - hoping in my heart that it is because you help me. As always I carry you in my heart and I love you.

July 6, 2005

We were up at Riva and Bill's yesterday and they had fireworks last night. Curtis and Sara came. I told them about Steve, Danielle, and the brand new Kevin. How proud you must be to have 2 namesakes now!

Just wanted you to know you were on my mind all day, and we all miss you so much!

We love you so much.


July 4, 2005

Hi sweetheart. The girls and I are in France right now and will be going to Italy tonight. What a wonderful trip this has been. We feel a loneliness for you always but I have a refreshed appreation for our daughters right now. I spend so much time running around keeping busy and trying to avoid my pain - I forget to just hang out with the girls. That is all we have done here and it's been wonderful. We have been sharing lots of stories about you and discussing whether or not you would like certain things. Everyone keeps telling me how wonderful and well behaved the girls are. One lady even told me I should write a book on how to teach kids to behave. I had to laugh at that. I needed this trip desperately to get out of the horrible sadness I was experiencing. It has helped. I sometimes forget that others read here and I get carried away with my grief but I will not apoligize because at this site I feel as though I am talking to you. I love you and miss you.

June 27, 2005

Hi Cub;
You missed a great day yesterday. Camie, Rob and Quiet Mike were over and they cut down that huge pine tree behind the garage! It was a fun day....and I went to Jack's to get some food for them. I ran into a lady, started talking to her because of a tatoo on her know me. I was wearing the pendant of your badge with the black band (which I never take off). She asked me if I was a cop (go figure). I said no, it was my son's badge, etc. Never said your name...she immediately said "Kevin?". When I told her yes, she told me how much they miss you and what a cool guy you were. I guess their cottage kept getting broken in to, and you were the one who went up, everytime. She told me that since you left us, the cottage has never been broken into again. We both agreed that you are still doing your job.

You are in the thoughts of so many people, and have left quite an impression....when total strangers feel your loss so much.

The dam of tears has slowed a little, or should I say are controlled a little better (except for this moment). At least we all know we will somehow make it through each day, and you are filling our hearts with warm thoughts.

We miss you so much. That still feels overwhelming, but we will never let go of that.

So many officers have joined you, but I know you all must be sharing cop stories and family stories and feeling total joy and peace. You are in our conversation just as if you can't be with us because you're working or something. That is a good thing.

We love you so much and miss you more than that.


June 26, 2005

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