Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, September 5, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Franklin James, II
I want to thank you for being with me through the past couple of days. You helped me get through alot with my grandma being sick. Before I left on Monday, an hour before she passed, I whispered in her ear that she would not have to walk the beautiful white gates alone because you would be standing there with open arms and a big smile. I hope you show her the ropes and take care of her. However, I don't want neither one of you to exchange stories about me, since their is plenty to talk about.
I know it has been 2 1/2 years since you have been gone and still not a day goes by that I don't think about you. The main thing I miss about you is our talks. However, we still talk.
I love you
March 15, 2005
This is the first time that I have visited this site. I attended the funeral of Deputy Frank James, along with several officers from my department. I just wanted to let his family and co-workers know that we are still thinking of him. Though I did not know him, he was in the police family. By reading the funny stories listed here, it seems as if it was a loss to anyone who did not know "Shrek." Thank you for giving all.
Detective L.N. Collie
February 10, 2005
Just thinking or you Frank...keep us safe...I miss you!
Police Officer
North Carolina
January 15, 2005
Merry Christmas! You know, I can't beleive it's already Christmas again. I still can't help but to remember the C-squad party 2 years ago. We had so much fun, especially when you were showing April the "Mamers Mullet". That night will always stay in my mind. I will always have the good and funny memories to look back on and laugh.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for what you have done for my life. I prayed for 5 months for happiness and you found it for me. You chose a "STAR" for me; one of your own, a Deputy. Perfect match, huh? Some of the crazy things he says and does reminds me alot of you. Thats probably why we get along so well. I hope I have your approval, because you know your opinion still matters to me. I will have to tell him about the "Mamers Mullet", he'll get a kick out of it. Keep watching over me and remember to save me a spot right next to you.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy 35th Birthday. I miss you
Love Always
Ofc. Susan Byrd
Apex PD
December 25, 2004
This comes as a major shock to me. I had a dream of Frank last night, I haven't thought of him in years and all of a sudden there he was, in my face with that silly grin on his face. When I came to work I had a brief moment so I went on Yahoo and typed in Frank's name and this web page came up. I had no idea that he was gone. I sit here now shocked, confused and most of all broken-hearted because I can't believe that such a special person is gone.
I knew Frank since the 5th grade, we went to school together and when we got into high school, we worked together at the Roller Barn, what a blast we used to have. There are a lot of memories and as another of our classmates has mentioned in his reflection, when Frank told me at our 10 year CHS Reunion that he was a Law Enforcement Officer, I about fell off of my chair in laughter because I just couldn't picture it.
I will always cherish the memories and my heart goes out to Frank's family. He was an incredible person that I will never forget and his smile will always be with me.
Love you forever!!!
Laura Black
High School Friend
December 14, 2004
To the World you may be one person, But to one person you may be the world. You were on your way to be the "world" for one person to keep her safe. Yet you risked and gave your all, and you didnt even know her name. With people like you protecting my family and freinds I sleep very soundly at night. With Deputies like you on the streets every night in Wake County I am glad to live here.
Deputy Ashley Pierce
Wake County Sheriff's Department
December 13, 2004
As the holidays get closer, it seems like I can't get you and April off of my mind. This will be the 2nd Thanksgiving and Christmas that April will have to spend without you. After everything April has been through the past year and 2 months, she is still strong and surviving. You can rest assured, she is being well taken care of. I just hate it took this, to make me and April close. However, the last time April and I went to Gibsonville, we talked about mine and your friendship. She now understands the friendship we shared.
As I drive past "ALL" the places on the West Side that we use to 25, I still look back at the fun times we use to have. I still laugh out loud about the crazy stuff you use to say and do. The last time I really spent "A LOT" of time speaking with you was that crazy day in Fiddle Stix, after you got in that foot chase on South Side. After spending 30-40 minutes of making jokes on you, y'all turned the tables on me, for some reason :), and you started talking about my Mamers Mullet. Of course a few minutes into that, I left. I do regret leaving so soon. But just in case you are wondering, I do forgive you and I am not mad at you.
Frank, please continue to watch over me everyday. I love and miss you. Until we meet again, brother!!!!!
Ofc. Susan Byrd
Apex PD
November 19, 2004
I hope you are doing alright up there buddy. I know you are watching my back over here in Iraq. I have been away from my family for 14 months serving in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I cannnot wait to get home. It's crazy over here. I held a small memorial for you over here. It was'nt much but it was nice. I think about you all the time. As soon as I get back home I am going to go see April and then promptly afterwards to see you. I will never forget your dedication to your work and family. You're a heck of a guy. You made the ultimate sacrifice. You risked yours to protect theirs.
Deputy Michael Patterson
Wake County Sheriff's Office
October 6, 2004
April, Ayear has come and gone and still you face each new day as if you have never felt a loss. I know your pain, iknow the love you have felt for you husband, I know the plans you both had for your lives, I know the desperation you feel in not haveing Frankl at your beck and call. I know how lost you feel, and you wish the nightmare would end. Now Know that I will always be there for you, that you are soooooo very special to me. that I love you as a sister through cicumstance if not of blood. We have bled and we have cried, but we have come out on top! We are stronger, more able, more willing, more opposed, more able to continue on because we have survived the past year. I will always be there for you, whenever and if ever you need me. ILU Miss Pat!!!!!!
Patricia Tucker survivor friend to April
September 13, 2004
I can hardly believe its been a year. Time has gone by so fast. Seems like yesterday that we were chatting away on the nextel after a long day/night. You would tell me about your calls and it always made me smile. I could count on you for a good laugh. I miss that laugh of yours and your positive outlook on life.
I had a chance a few months ago to see April and Travis while I was doing a ride along with Smitty. They look great. Travis is getting tall! He is growing up so fast. It was really good to see them.
Frank, you always be in my thoughts and in my heart. You were my co worker, my friend and someone who helped to keep my head high when I was down. You never stopped believing that we would reach our goals and dreams. There was one dream imparticular that I shared with you and when the day comes that I reach it, I will tell you. I have your memory to encourage me. I know that you are watching over us. You are gone dear friend but never forgotten. Take care.
Telecommunicator I
Wake County SO
September 5, 2004
I can not beleive it has already been one year since you have left my life, in which you were a big part of. It still seems like yesterday that we were cutting up and having a good ol' time. The past year has been very hard for me. I didn't just lose a "co-worker" from another agency; but more importantly, I lost a best friend. I hope you know that your friendship meant the world to me.
Up until a couple of months ago, I would call your Nextel and listen to your voice on your voice mail. It would make everything seem okay. If I could not see you, physically, I could at least hear your voice and picture your face. The reason why I don't call your phone now and leave you voice mails is because your number has been reassigned to someone else. I enjoyed calling your Nextel and leaving you those messages because although you're gone, I was still able to have contact with you. Plus, it helped me remember all the crazy and funny times we had together. Do you remember the saying that goes with this???? (CALL MY NEXTEL:)
As you know, me and April were just in Gibsonville visting you. I hope you enjoyed smelling the Lilies and your favorite, the pink roses. (I enjoyed smelling them on the ride up there) It felt really weird standing there, looking down on you. I do know that you're in a better place now. Although, right now, it seems like the best place for you to be is here with your family and friends who need you the most.
I hope you have met my other friend Dewayne. With the way you like to talk, I am pretty sure he is your new best freind. I just hope the both of you are not telling stories about me. I promise to take care of April, if you will take care of me. I love you and I miss you like crazy. Till we met again brother!!!!!!!!! Save me a spot next to you.
Love Always
Ofc. S. Byrd
September 5, 2004
April, As we approach the year anniversary of Frank's last day we can now reflect on how far we have come and how much we have lost. I love you as the daughter I have never had (but hope to have in the future) and know your pain as a personal experience. You were loved so deeply by a man who was willing to give up sooooo much for you!!!! And yet, he did not feel he had given up anything to have you in his life. YOU KNOW I AM ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU......NO MATTER WHAT!!!! I will always be only a phone call away....ILU
Miss Pat!!!!
Patricia Tucker-Survivor
August 26, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 5, 2004
Dear Frank I will never forget the stories I have been told of you. Nor the solemn look on Aprils face as I see her in passing It is obvious from her and all the boys and miss mammers that you werent just a an average person but to these people a friend and good husband. Your picture is standing tall on Jacks file cabinet in the Apex muster room for all to see. Jack often tells stories of jokes yall played. You never realize what good friends you have untill its to late. I know you would agree and I would like to tell all your Apex PD friends thanks for being such great friends. Frank you are missed by all and will never be forgotten!
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power,love and a sound mind. Well done Frank !
March 23, 2004
I never got a chance to say goodbye, I don't really like goodbye's so I'm just gonna have to say I'll see ya later. I enjoyed my short time working the west side with you on D-platoon. D-platoon was a great squad and wouldn't of been the same without you. Thanks for the laughs, the check-ins, and for being a friend. You are missed my friend, by all. I hope we gave you a good last ride to Gibsonville. It was the highest of honors to escort a great Deputy and a good friend.
Until we meet again! Save some room for all your Wake County brothers and sisters.
Deputy W.R. Harding
Wake County Sheriff's Office
February 12, 2004
Hello dear friend. A new year is here and with it comes thoughts of you and your family. Although my heart aches from time to time, I smile when I hear your name, smile when I see your picture that I carry with me everyday.. . and smile when I think of all the joy you brought to those who knew you. Thank you Frank, for everything...Your in my thoughts ...I'll check in with you again soon!
Joy VanDruff Telecommunicator I
Wake County SO Raleigh NC
February 11, 2004
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday buddy!!!!!!!
I love you and miss you
Ofc. S. Byrd
Apex PD
January 7, 2004
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
I can't believe it has almost been 4 months since you have been gone. It seems like yesterday we were standing around laughing and joking with each other. The other day, I was thinking about our Christmas party we had last year. When you, April and Travis walked in, you had the biggest smile on your face. You and April seemed to be enjoying yourselves, especially making fun of "THE MAMERS MULLET". We sure have missed you on our squad outtings. At least we have talked April in to going out with us. I know you're not physically there, but I know you're there in spirit.
As you know, I visited you in Gibsonville recently. I couldn't help but remember the day of your funeral. I remember the long line of patrol cars and the blue lights. It was very beautiful. You would have been so proud of all the police departments, coming together as one. I hope you liked the Lilys I put on your grave. They smelled so good and they were so pretty.
After the gravesite, April took me to your mothers house. It amazes me how much alike you and your mother are. We all three sat around the kitchen table talking, laughing and, of course, crying. We all had to tell funny stories about you. We have had a lot of good, rememoriable time with you. Now, you know I had to re-tell the story of you getting in to that foot chase on south side and the story of the old lady flipping you off. Those were the days:)
I pray to God everyday that you watch over us and be with us. I know you're with me because I feel your presence. Don't worry about April. She is being taken care of. The past couple months, her family has grown and I am proud to be part of that family. I love and miss you dearly.
Til we meet again brother
Love always
Ofc. Susan Byrd
Apex PD
December 25, 2003
Merry Christmas Frank
D Platoon
December 23, 2003
Best wishes to your family---we will miss you Frank
Det Marc Baysek
Rockingham Police Dept
November 3, 2003
Jesus said "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." By his actions Deputy James demonstrated this love. I cannot say anything to compare to the words of Our Savior, nor will I try. I only pray that Deputy James' family and fellow officers are held in His love and comfort.
PO1 E M Pendleton
Charlottesville, Va Police
October 11, 2003
Deepest sympathies to the Wake County Sheriff's Office along with the families of the two officers lost this past month.
Rest In Peace My Brothers and Have Fun Together In Heaven.
October 4, 2003
Heart be still! Listen for the Footsteps of God, he is with us.
Frank, as you now know, Jesus Loves You. Tell your brothers!
We love you too, Frank.
Ret Officer RB Wade
Richmond, VA Police
October 3, 2003
My prayers go out to the family and the entire department. Having lost two fine officers in such a short period of time certainly will have a lasting effect. May God in His grace sustain the family and the department during this very trying time.
J.E Willis, Investigator
Anderson Co, Tx D.A.'s office
October 3, 2003
I will never forget you and the great impact you had on my life. I have so many good memories of us: setting up for bible school, you dancing and singing (?) the kingdom capers song, your smile, the softball games, the back to school bash and you wearing your had turned sideways, the hilarious stories of your teenage years you told us that night standing on the playground getting bitten by bugs, the softball games, the time I accidently smashed your finger in the table at Perkins, and MANY more!
I will remember how you never complained about your job and how much you loved what you did and how much you loved your family and your church family. You were such and influential person and you inspired me to do better things. I will miss you greatly! but Ill see you again someday. Until them please watch over me. You are one of my many guardian angels! See ya later!
Love always and forever,
(try not to spit on me! I know how tempting it might be!)
Church Family
September 28, 2003