Virginia Beach Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Monday, June 23, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Rodney Fredderick Pocceschi
You are still missed.
You are still loved.
June 23, 2004
If I knew it would be the last time
that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute or two
to stop and say I love you,
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything right.
There will always be another day
to say our I love you's,
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do's?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget,
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get
to hold your loved one tight..
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear,
Take time to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me,"
"thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.
Rodney its only 3 days till the day you were taken from everyone.I can't believe its been a year already. please watch over our family. Love you, miss you and I think about you everyday.
Ashley Cardamone
June 20, 2004
Rodney, I am going to share some thoughts and sentiments with your sister Gina . . . and your wife, son and all your family and friends. Gina, first, I want to express to you my saddness and anger over the murder of your brother, Rodney. I never had the pleasure of knowing him personally, however, as you will understand in this reflection, I do know a part of him, as we all know of each other in our police profession. I appreciate your feelings regarding friends, family and other officers who feel self conscious and reluctant to speak to you about him. I understand their apprehensiveness, as I am a member of our law enforcement community, and have had many friends murdered and killed in the line of duty. Our guarded silence is a way in which we try to assure ourselves that we won't say the "wrong" thing . . . something that may cause you more saddness (if that's even possible), but I know you know what I mean. Consequently, we often say nothing, to guard against any chance of saying that which would enhance your grief. Please believe me when I tell you that all 650,000 of us want to hug you and all of Rodney's survivors and we want to tell you, "We love you all, we hurt for him and you . . . he was our fraternal brother, and we feel brotherly love for him, whether we knew him or not."
Gina, I'm glad that in your reflection, you asked for our sentiments, because I want to tell you (and all Rodney's survivors) something that I feel is very important that you know. It is something that is not often spoken about among police, yet we all know and feel strongly about it. It is this . . . none of us want to "go", to leave this earth . . . to leave our families, loved ones and friends, but as police officers, if we have to go, if our "number's up," if it's our time and our Heavenly Father is calling us home, then please . . . please let us go on duty, proudly displaying or carrying our badge, doing that which is an inherent need within us as police . . . protecting the people of our community!
Gina, being a policeman is not so much what Rodney "did" . . . but rather, it was "who he was." He was truely a warrior, and as with all warriors, historically or contempoary, he felt the overwhelming need to protect the members of his community, and was willing to do so accepting the risk of serious bodily harm or death. He loved what he did eneough to readily accept the tough working conditions, the long and irregular working hours, being exposed to the inclement elements, walking down streets the protected would never set foot upon, seeing that which the protected could not bear to cast their eyes upon, and arresting and taking into custody criminals that the protected would flee from.
As is inscribed upon the National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial . . . "It is not how they died that made them heroes, but rather, how they lived." Gina, your little brother was a warrior . . . he fought his final battle bravely, with honor and dignity. . . he did what he was born to do . . he protected all of us . . . if he had to be called home by our Father, at that time and date, he did so as he would have wanted to . . . on duty, in uniform, protecting the lives of all of us from violence and evil. I promice you that . . . I'm confident that all my brother and sister officers would support that sentiment one hundred percent!
Finally, I want to share this last thought with you. I have been to the funerals of countless officers, most of whom I knew and were my friends . . . and many who I did not know personally, but who were in fact my police brothers and sisters. I've heard many preachers speak many words of intended comfort, however, most of those words did not bring me much comfort . . . except the words spoken by one preacher at the funeral of an officer that I had never met. I will never forget them. The officer was 25 years old when he was murdered. During the funeral sermon, the preacher said of the young officer, "It is far, far better to have lived twenty-five years than to have never lived at all."
Gina, it is far, far better that Rodney lived thirty-three years, than to have never lived at all. He had the wonderful opportunity to receive and give love for thirty-three years, to touch the lives of so many, and to enjoy having his life touched by so many. I hope my thoughts and sentiments have brought you and all his family some comfort. Thank you for asking for our sentiments, and affording me this opportunity.
To Rodney . . . We all give "some", but you have given "all." Go rest high on that mountain my brother. . . you are a Blue Angel now. We will proudly cover your post on The Thin Blue Line. I honor you, your name, your memory, and mostly, for the ultimate sacrifice you made protecting the citizens of Virginia Beach, Commonwealth of Virginia, and our nation. You will never be forgotten.
With utmost respect and brotherly love, Jim Crotty (Former Richmond, VA Police Officer & current Instructor at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, GA.)
Special Agent (Retired)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
May 29, 2004
Rod, you are not forgotten. I keep your picture in my car to this day.
Love you man...Jester
May 22, 2004
I still think of Rod often, he was a great neighbor and fellow officer. He always had a way of making 3rd shift so much fun. He will always be missed.
Cpl. Barbara Kreischer
Bloomsburg University Police Dept
May 21, 2004
Officer Rod Pocceschi VA Beach/VA Police Unity Tour
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Posted by A Very Proud Friend on May 12, 2004 at 13:32:06:
I never knew Officer Pocceschi but I have heard many wonderful words and memories spoken on his behalf. Officer Pocceschi died on June 23, 2003 on a routine patrol on Dam Neck Road in Virginia Beach.
I had the honor of riding in a memorial bike ride this past Sunday for Rod. More than 100 + police officers were in attendance during this amazing memorial to him. I fought back tears as I watched his heart broken wife Maria looking over the large crowd of police officers and family members. I myself could have not been prouder at that very moment or more honored to have been allowed to be part of such a heart moving tribute.
Officer Pocceschi, I have had the pleasure of getting to know some of your fellow officers and please know how much your brothers and sisters care. Know your wife and son are being cared for and they are thought of each and every day.
The Virginia Police Unity Tour members are making their way as we speak to the National Memorial. I have thought of them often in the past few hours and days and what a wonderful way of honoring you Officer Pocceschi. I cannot be prouder to say one of my good friends is one of those officers and a rider.
You are truly a hero Officer Pocceschi and with honor, your name will be added to that wall Thursday evening by your fellow Virginia Beach Police Officers. These officers are also heros and they truly represent the meaning of "In Valor There is Hope." From A Very Proud Friend
A Very Proud Friend and VA Beach Citizen
May 12, 2004
I was so saddened when i read about Police Office Rodney F. Pocceschi, he was so young! I feel for his wife and child.
It disgusts me to think that this kind aof thing goes on every day in our world!
I would like to thank all of the police officers for helping to mak ethe world a sfae place and for all the hard work that they do. Keep up the excellent work guys!
Kind regards
Josephine McGowan. Columbia, Missouri. (Previously of Va Beach)
April 22, 2004
To the men and women of Virginia Beach Police Department - please know that your anguish is felt by many. The support you have shown to Maria, Carson and his family through this tragedy is truly special!
To Maria - your strength has amazed me still to this day! Please know that you and Carson are in my thoughts and prayers daily! I'm sorry, I never explained why I presented you with my that time I didn't have the strength. I wanted to give back what Rod gave to career in law enforcement. Know that the badge I gave you was the one that was given to me the day I was sworn in as a police officer.
To Carson - your father IS the bravest man I have ever had the privilege of knowing!!!
Rod - There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you!!! Everyday, when I pin my badge on my uniform, I am reminded of you and our long talks about pursuing a career in law enforcement. I would not be where I am today, had it not been for you! I am truly honored to have been able to call you my friend!!! Thank you!
I read in the previous reflections, where Rod's sister had requested that his friends leave some funny memories where Rod has touched their lives, so here are a few:
* "Rob do you know what my middle initial stands for? "Fun", Rod "FUN" Pocceschi! Because people have a good time around me!!!"
* "Big Jokes!"
* Having to do push ups when losing to Rod in pool or darts (which was all the time)
Ptlm. Robert A. Neiderhiser II
Berwick Police Department (Pennsylvania)
February 29, 2004
Your memory lives within me as I think of you every day. I will proudly ride for you this May as a member of the Police Unit Tour. You are a true hero in my eyes and will never be forgotten. Thank you brother.
Officer - 3rd Pct
February 22, 2004
I found this online and it reminded me of Rondey and the whole family.......
Incase you're wondering,
God's taken him home.
Given him a halo and wings,
Even his own personal throne.
He loved his family,
And loves us still.
We loved him too,
And always will.
To everyone he knew,
He was kind and good.
He held on as long
As he possibly could.
He's carrying us through,
Wherever we go.
Even holding our hands,
For all we know.
He's an angel now,
Smiling from above.
And even when it rains,
He's showering us with love.
His trip was safe,
To Heaven from Earth.
He was held by angels, Wrapped in their wings,
It's sure what he deserved.
Whatever God's reason
For coming to get him.
It was surely as sweet,
As a heavenly hymn.
Even though he's gone,
We're never far apart.
For everytime we miss him,
He's right here in our hearts.
As all the seasons
Continue to change,
His love for us
Will remain the same.
Stars will continue to shine,
Days will continue to pass.
But his infinite love for us,
Will always and forever last.
He loves us very much,
As we all see.
He's our heavenly angel,
Rodney F. Pocceschi
Ashley Cardamone
February 11, 2004
This morning I found out that I will have the incredible honor of riding the 2004 Police Unity Tour in honor and memory of Rod Pocceschi. Each officer on the Tour will have an officer killed in the line of duty in 2003 to ride for, and mine was Rod. In my quest to find out what kind of officer and man Rod was, I read the many, many reflections left here by friends, family, co-workers and citizens. Ironically Rod was the kind of police officer that I strive to be, hard-working and dedicated, who loved his job and took pride in his work. But more than that, I was brought to tears with the descriptions of him as a friend, father, husband and relative. I don't know if I could ever do enough to honor his memory, but know that he will be with me every mile of the 250 mile journey we will make in May. I will not complain if the sun is too hot, and if the hills just don't stop; I do not know the meaning of sacrifice the way that Rod's family does.
To Maria, Carson, Gina, and the rest of Rod's family, You are now a member of the family in blue. We will not forget Rod's life, but we will also not forget your lives as well. You can call on any one of us if you are ever in need of anything. My thoughts and prayers and love are with you always
Police Ofiicer Jennifer Hardwich
Syracuse Police Dept. (NY)
January 13, 2004
Special thanks to the Officer who protected our streets and our lives as he roamed our streets of virginia beach. pain and tears goes out to his wife and child. he was a hero in all he did.
Vabeach native
R Mirto
Special Memorial Located on Damneck Road. Saluted and visted Each time pasted !
January 2, 2004
It saddens me to see the list of fallen officers. I recently became aware of this page thru tragedy of my own. My boyfriend also died in the line of duty. There is nothing that can take away our pain. We can only stand around and hold each other up in time of pain. I feel for your loss. My children and I lost a special part of our lives on November 21st 2003. We will not be the last.
For all those that put their lives on the line each day, I want to say thank you. For those who have lost their lives we know you are watching over us all. Thanks
Sandi Weiss
John Samras Girlfriend eow 11-21-03
December 30, 2003
I can't believe it's almost been 6 months since Rod was taken from the world. Yet, no matter how much time passes, I can never forget the pain and sorrow I felt on that June day.
Rod still remains in my every-day thoughts and prayers. His pictures rest in my home in rememberance. I never understood when people talked about "feeling" deceased around them until now. There are times when I'll talk to him or acknowledge that he's laughing at me from heaven when I do something that he would bust me about. There are so many times when I can feel his presence and it comforts me to know he can hear.
Since Rod's passing, I have made so many changes. His death has taught me to stop taking things for granted and to be sure to value the little time I have here. We all learned the hard way that it can be taken away so quickly.
When I think of Rod's death, I ease the pain by remembering how much he truly lived life to the fullest and died doing the job he loved and lived for. He enstilled so many values into my life, but that was one that I never realized until recently. So now, even after his passing, he is influencing me and silently continues to guide me in the right direction. An angel's work is never complete I guess.
I miss him every day. I can't stop beating myself up for not keeping in closer touch when he went to VA. He was my hero, the man that I wanted to be. Still is. I dont' know why it's so hard for us to express our true feelings to one another. I wish I had gotten over that, so that I could truly know that he understood how much I respect him.
I was lucky to have the greatest group of people around me when we lost him. His funeral was the worst day in my 27 yrs of life. I have never felt so proud, yet so sad ever before. I was never a person for goodbyes, so saying the ultimate goodbye was something I wasn't prepared for. All of us helped each other by offering a shoulder to cry on, a funny story or a simple hug. We shared his life and the pain of losing him.
On his birthday, I searched the cemetary for his grave, to feel a bit of closeness, to let him know I hadn't forgotten him. It was a beautiful sunny day, as I got out of the car to search for his name, it suddenly began to pour rain. I just looked up and knew it was a sign from him telling me that he knew I was out looking for him. I never knew that I could find comfort in rain. I did that day.
I'm sure i'm not the only one who still gets teary eyed now and then. I pray God never takes my memories away from me. Now that the holidays are around, I pray for Maria and Carson and his entire family, knowing they have to face this "joyous" season without him. I pray for everyone who felt a loss when Rod was killed.
He will always be alive in my memories. His pictures will always remain in their frames and I love telling the stories of our friendship when people ask who he is. He will always be alive to me, not that far away, and still cracking jokes. I can still hear him telling me "I got your back". I just have to listen a little harder to hear it all.
"Who can say for certain, maybe you're still here...
I feel you all around me, your memory is so clear
Deep in the stillness, I can hear you speak....
You're still an inspiration"
I wish for peace and comfort to all of you who share this pain.
Jeff Kovalchik
Blakely, PA
December 8, 2003
It is almost 4 months and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my little brother. It has become hard to understand and deal with the loss that should have never happened. I've gained lots of friends but most of them won't mention Rod's name. So many people are afraid to talk about him. People have to know that it is worse to ignore a friend for fear of saying something to get them upset than to talk with them and lend them your ear. I haven't found that. Don't be afraid to speak up. My ears are open to anyone that wants to talk about my brother. I miss him so very much.
October 18, 2003
Brother Rod-
Here it is...Two years to the day that I experienced my first local Officer's LODD when our Brother Officer Gilbert was killed in Norfolk. I couldn't help but think about both of you, and all the sacrifices you made making our cities a safer place. I had the pleasure of meeting Tiffany Gilbert, James' widow, last night while at dinner. I want you to know that Maria and Carson are and always will be in my thoughts and prayers. Rod, you will never be forgotten.
Watch over us James and Rodney, as we carry on the watch. Tiffany, Logan, Maria, and Carson- You and your families are in our hearts....
See you on the softball diamond of Heaven!
PO J Menago
VBPD 4th Pct.
September 28, 2003
Friend, this is what I truly miss. Rod was a man that gave so much of himself to others. Always there to listen and give his insight to problems. I shall never forget him, I still feel like he is not gone, or this is a bad dream that I can't wake up from. Maybe one day I will realize he is not coming back, but I shall never forget Rod.
September 27, 2003
Although I have never met Officer Pocceschi, my thoughts and prayers are with his wife, son, family, co-workers, and friends. I know how hard it is because my daughter lost her husband earlier this year.
Cynthia McKusick
Mother-in-law of Officer Ryan Cappelletty
Chesterfield P.D.
EOW 5-28-2003
September 7, 2003
Officer, you will be missed greatly!
Deputy P.R. McCrea
August 24, 2003
Reading back on all of these reflections, I just want to say that the grief tied to the loss of Rod Pocceschi are great, indeed. As great as the memories are strong, fond and full of love. I have seen Internet... "Quilts of Love" made for termianlly ill children, and though I dont know how to make a "Quilt of Love" I would with all my heart like to see a "Quilt of Love" made for Carson. To keep the memories of his father strong, so that he may know what a hero his father is. Please someone, Can we do this for Carson? A place where memories can be stored, Pictures, and all the love everyone has can be compiled, so that Carson can go and see how much his daddy was loved, and what a hero he is....Can we pool our thoughts and journal our love and provide our pictures for Carson?? Think of how much this would mean to him as he learns more and goes from an infant to a young boy and then a man...
Maria, hugs, to you....I have more....
Mom and family hugs to you all too....
May God bless and keep each one of you in his light and love!
"Forever youre a part of me, forever in the heart of me!"
"Every soul if filled with light, it doenst end here if I am right!...Our love can even reach across eternity!"
Diamond Rio!
Love and Light,
You Will Forever Be In My Thoughts Rod. I'll Never Forget All The Good Times We Had When You Where In Bloomsburg. Though I Only Got To Be Around You For A Small Portion Of Your Short Life, You've Left An Ever Lasting Impression That Will Never Be Forgotten. "God Bless You Rod Pocceschi" ,You Will Live On In All The Lives That You Have Touched. God Bless You Maria And Carson, I Know Rod Is Watching Over You.
Friend From Bloomsburg Pa.
We never forget those who have fallen to preserve this great nation, God bless...
Officer M. A Cooper
Newport News Police Dept.
When I was awakened that early morning June 23, 2003 by a phone call from a friend of mine saying that Rod had been shot and killed I felt such deep despair. I had worked with Rod at the 4th precinct for a yeer and I can not say enough times how wonderful, friendly, and a competent Police Officer he was. I used to tease him whenever anyone called the Precinct asking for him and would really really mess up on how to pronounce his last name. I feel very fortunate to have known him and also for meeting his wife and son when they visited at the precinct. Rod, Maria, and Carson, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers!
Elizabeth Rehpelz; Precinct Desk Officer
Virginia Beach Police Department
I heard of the tradegy in Va. Beach the day it happened. We lost a brother in our agency earlier this year and we all understand the pain that your family and fellow officers are feeling. May God be with them during this time of grief and attempt to give some type of understanding of why this happened.
I was on vacation in Va. Beach the week after 4th of July and was driving down Dam Neck Rd. I saw a roadside memorial that was tremendous and amazing. My kids (age 4 and 6) asked me what it was and I told them. They couldn't understand why I had tears in my eyes while I was talking. It hits so close to home when we hear of a fellow officer being taken in such a senseless way. They asked me to stop and we prayed for you, your family, and for your fellow officers. My kids have been able to put two and two together and realize daddy is in a dangerous type of work, but that policeman are putting bad guys away. They both always tell me to be careful and that they love me, just like your son loves you. My family supports me every day in the career that I have selected.
I can only pray that you and the rest of our fallen comrads and God are watching over us everyday to keep us safe and I know you will. I was impressed with the way your city came together to support your wife and son. Citizens, busineses and the best of all Smithfield Foods all came together as a team to make sure your wife and son are taken care for their future. They will be taken care of, so don't worry. Rest in peace my brother and I will see you one day when you are waiting at the gates to meet all of us.
A.J. Gordon, Police Officer
Henrico Police Dept. - Virginia
I truly feel for you and your family in this time of grief.
My son was six weeks old when his father was gunned down and from that moment on life changed for us. It is now a year and a half later and when the news broke of your husband my pain was brought right back and memories of our time resurfaced. I pray for you and your son and your families. It's like a movie it is so unreal when this happens and it takes time to get threw all of the emotions that you go threw. God will guide you and help you threw.
Although his reason's aren't clear our husband's died heros doing what they loved to do. God will bless them in heaven.
Carol Furlong and son Craig Ryan Furlon-
Survivors of a fallen officer