Virginia Beach Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Monday, June 23, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Rodney Fredderick Pocceschi
Hi Uncle Rodney,
I wanted to share this poem with the world. I read this at our poetry premier in school. I felt the one poem I was supposed to read was not good so I thought about this one in one day. I thought of you and the memory of your death and this all came back to me. I love and miss you very much. Your godchld, my sister, Lauren, thinks of often. My mom tells me that there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't think of you. She misses you very much. I worry that when she reads things like this that she will cry but she has moved passed this and is happy knowing that you are in a better place than we are. Aunt Jacci cries all the time.
Please watch over all of us. This world has become a scary place with the war in Iraq and executions. I'm very scared. All the violence has to stop. Can you please talk with God to make this happen? I beg you.
Here is my poem: I LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!
I walked into the church
To see the people standing in a line
Saying there sorry to family members
The family members all mine
I didn’t understand,
Why were all of these people here?
Shaking hands
Some of them in tears
What was everyone looking at?
So I walked up to see
But what I saw was horrifying
Then it hit me
There he was
Right before my eyes
Lying there stone cold
And I knew he would never again rise
Lying there in his police uniform
2 guards by his side
It was such a shock to me
I could have died
Just as finding the entrance on the day of his birth
On June 23, 2003
He found the exit from this earth
I hear all of these whispers
“Killed in the line of duty,” all the people say
Yes, he was my uncle and an officer
As for the person that killed him, I want them to pay
Now let this be a lesson to you
When you’re eating food out
That this is what could happen
When a mere traffic stop turns into a shoot out
Written by Devon Boyle (age 14, niece of VA Beach Fallen Officer, Rodney F Pocceschi)
Devon Jessica Boyle
Niece of Officer
March 14, 2006
I know you did what you loved and am proud to say I got to know you so well. You took me under your wing at school and helped me through many growing pains. You always worked to make a difference and worked hard. I hope only the best for your family. I think of all the nights working with you at Good Old Days and the fun we had. Keep watching over all that love you, you are missed.
Rob Burns
Bloomsburg Univ. friend
Rob Burns
March 10, 2006
I an a Pennsylvaina State Trooper, a soldier of the law. To me is entrusted the honor of the force. I must serve honestly, faithfully, and if need be LAY DOWN MY LIFE rather than swerve from the path of duty. It is my duty to obey the law and enforce it without any consideration of class, color, creed, or condition. And at all times so conduct myself that the honor of the force may be upheld.
Officer Pocceschi did not swerve from the path of duty. He laid down his life and I thank him for doing so. Godspeed Officer Pocceschi Rest In Peace.
Pennsylvania State Police
March 9, 2006
You are still thought of every live on in each of us.
VBPD Officer
February 12, 2006
Dear Little Brother:
Your nieces miss you terribly. The "bug" was only 2 when you left us and she asks for you and misses you even more now. Both of them constantly ask to watch the last video we ever made with you in it; you were playing with them out in the yard and having races. Then you picked them up and kind of hung them upside down....which they got a kick out of. Who knew that it would be the last time we ever saw you alive.
I'm sad for your brothers and sisters bro, they are the "taken for granted, forgotten" heroes" who also fight a war everyday: crime. There seems to be little appreciation and respect. We are trying earnestly to help change this and I know that it will take time.
My nightmares are back about your death....the details play in my dreams like a movie. Wish the 2 scumbags that played a role in your death had to deal with the pain that we deal with. Judges and jurors give leniency for their "tough life" and now we are paying for it. Our life wasn't the easiest, but we made good choices. Judges and jurors and lawmakers are sending the wrong message; no wonder why crime is increasingly more violent.
Sometimes I ask myself what the lawmakers are on; our justice system just does not seem fair!
Most people only know that you died; they don't have to deal with the horrific details of how you were killed.
The girls keep asking when they are going to see you again, and I keep telling them that God must decide. Sometimes they still cry themselves to sleep because they miss you. They will always know who you are and remember you.
We love and miss you more everyday.
Kiss dad for us.
Fallen Officers Remembered
February 11, 2006
I just want to say I am very sorry for your loss of Rodney and my heart goes out to you. My brother-in-law, Officer Courtney Dickerson from Danville VA died Nov. 10 2005 when he was responding to a call, and it has been so hard dealing with our loss. It has been the biggest lost in the family so really noone knew how to deal with and really still don't, just trying to do the best. He was only 24 years old and hadn't been on the force but a year and a half but he loved his job to the fullest extent qne it is so sad they had to pass so young protecting our communities.
crystal smith
sister-in-law of a fallen hero
February 2, 2006
Your death touched me in ways I didn't think possible. I still think of you often and can't pass your memorial, without turning to look for as long as I can. My heart hurts still. I wish you were here with us today.
An Officer's Wife
January 24, 2006
Hey Rod, just wanted to let you know the 28th is still thinking of you everyday!
Det. 28th academy
January 24, 2006
You're still missed very much and thought of often. Watch over us all. God bless.
January 18, 2006
It's been a while now since you made me laugh with your quirky jokes. It's been a while now since you kept us safe and did so with pride. I still remember how much you helped us out in our time of need. Thank you for watching over us now and keeping your family and our community safe in ways that we may not even comprehend. Thank you for letting us get to know you and thank you for leaving an undullable mark on our lives. Rest In Peace.
Chesapeake Citizen
January 16, 2006
Christmas is over and 2006 is here. Boy what a handsome son you have there Rod. He is going to be so tall. I don't know when he will be told about you though. He doesn't even know about you because he was too young to know and your wife doesn't want to confuse him. There will come a day though because we are there to help her and your son.
Days are not hard anymore. I still think about you constantly but it isn't upsetting anymore. It will be upsetting when the two people that went to jail for the robbery will get released. I know that is going to come up soon and I cannot believe that scum like that will be released again to the streets to cause more terror.
Rod I see all the pain these families endure when the killer of their officer survives. The justice system seems to have too many loopholes and "Get out of Jail" cards. I'm glad your killer is gone.
Rod we lost a local soldier to the war right before Christmas and it was the most heartbreaking thing to hear about for someone that was supposed to come home right after Christmas and get married. He didn't make it. He was only 24. I didn't know the people but I cried.
We have been sending our blue light candles to certain people asking them to remember their loved one this way. My lights still stay lit in my windows. I have two on right now and usually have more but with plastic on the windows, it isn't possible.
You have to know that the department has done well to provide for your wife and son. They are so helpful and your son will never have to want for anything with all of them around.
I'd like to thank the people for their genorousity when we visited on your son's birthday. They would never let us pay for a thing. Thank you guys for everything but it isn't necessary. I know how much you care and I care about all of you too.
Rod, help the rest of the family get through their pain. Mom is so empty inside and we hurt because sometimes we feel like she doesn't stop and realize that she has two living children.
Please give Dad a big hug and kiss from me. I miss him too.
Hey, can you send down some good basketball skills for your neice? Or how about some quickness in her step. Bet you get a kick out of her trying to play basketball. She does try but she only moves one speed, slow. Wish you were here to tell her the right way to do it because I know you would tell us that we are not teaching her right.
I miss you brother.
I want to thank everyone that comes to this site to read your reflections and especially those that write. I come here often to read them.
Love you dearly,
Big Sister Gina
Gina Pocceschi Boyle
Sister of Officer
January 9, 2006
To the family of Officer Pocceschi I offer my sincere condolences. I too am of Italian heritage and relate all too well to the sentiments expressed by the sister/s of this fine officer. I lost my NYS Trooper big brother in 1961 when he was 29 and I was 18. He was our family's pride and joy and although it will be 45 years since his passing, there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him and recognize the impact his loss has had on our entire family. There are now not only nieces and nephews, but grandnieces and grandnephews that never had the privilege to know their fine uncle who would have been a most positive role model in their lives. My brother was still single so we had no child of his to reflect his wonderful traits. Be grateful that your loved one had a son that you can watch grow into a man that will, I am sure, be a tribute to your brother. This odmp was not available before 1996 and I only became aware of it a few years ago when my brother was sought out to be honored for his sacrifice to duty. It has now become a forum to not only honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice but a link for families (that unfortunately are connected because of tragic circumstances) to support each other with prayers in their coping with their loss at these sad and difficult times. Your poem in memory of law enforcement officers is a fitting tribute to your brother's memory and I am sure he is very proud of his loving sister/s. May God's perpetual light continue to shine upon Officer Pocceschi and may he rest in His eternal peace. I will keep his family in my prayers as they carry on without his physical presence but know that he is only a thought away and is watching over them from a far better place. God bless you all.
Anita L. Culosi
sister of Tpr. S. J. Embarrato
January 2, 2006
January 1, 2006
Dec 25, 2005 (10:59 pm)
Merry Christmas in heaven little brother. You were missed so much today and yesterday especially. We went to the cemetary to visit and place some flowers at your stone.
I kept wondering what we would have been talking about, what would be new in your life, how you'd look, etc...
For those who are reading this,I can tell you that for most, time does not heal. Not when you loved someone with all your heart and they have been a part of your life for 33 years. There are not enough pictures, videos, cards, or any momentos from you that fill my emptiness. I've lost a father and a little brother and my heart aches. Only my faith in God helps me get thru each day, now more than 2 years ago.
We watched the video of you that was taken right after Memorial Day, the last day I ever saw you and spent time with you while you were alive. You were running around outside with the kids and playing and laughing and so full of life. Who knew that it was the last time that I'd see you alive. I want the girls to know and remember who you are and how very special you are. It still does not seem real; only that kind of stuff happens in the movies or unfortunately to someone else.
I pray for your Law Enforcement brothers and sisters everyday. I pray for peace and safety...theirs and ours.
If I had one wish for Christmas for something that I would want more than anything else, it would be to bring you back or make the whole tragedy just a very, very bad dream.
I am grateful for this sight. It's my way of staying connected.
Love you and miss you terribly.
Your Aunt had to cut back on the special Italian feast on Christmas Eve since you weren't hear to help eat it.
Life is just not the same and often it is very difficult to enjoy....but, we know that you would not have wanted it that way; so, we do our best.
Merry Christmas in Heaven and please know that we will never, ever stop missing you or hurting for you.
Please watch over Carson and Maria.
Help us make a difference like you would have continued to do.
All my love,
Fallen Officers Remembered
December 25, 2005
Dear Little Brother:
This was written by me for you and your brothers and sisters.
Love ya xoxoxo
Imagine how our world would be
If every police officer quit
Turned in their gun, turned in their badge,
Just finally had enough of it.
No respect, no loyalty,
No appreciation of all they do,
They’d give their lives for all of us,
These wonderful officers of “Blue”.
Kicked at, spit on,
Punched, stabbed and shot,
Everyday assaults on officers,
Done…without thinking a second thought!
Our laws are in favor of criminals,
There’s always some loophole in their case,
Out again to commit more crimes and murders
…creates pain, that we, the family and friends
…in time will never erase.
Why should they do it?
Why take the risk?
Why put their life on the line?
Subject their loved ones to endless suffering,
When their precious life is lost while fighting crime.
More murders, more kidnappings, more robberies and rapes,
Just to mention a few,
Please ask yourself how life would be,
If there were NO officers in Blue!
Would you do it? Could you do it?
And for how many…would YOU give it all?
Rewards are a 21 gun salute, a Medal of Honor,
And your name gets added to the Wall.
Think about it. Why are they here?
And why do some hate them so?
Because they enforce the laws that put convicts and murderers
In jail serving time, or on “Death Row”.
All give some and some give all,
It’s a risk they chose to take:
To put their heart and soul in it,
To put their lives at stake.
So, please take a moment,
Please give it deep thought,
Think of what “you can do”…
To help show respect,
To help follow the laws,
So we’d quit losing our Heroes in Blue!
Written by Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
Sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03.
December 14, 2005
Dear Bro (as I used to call you)
Tomorrow will be 10 days before Christmas. This Christmas will be year 3 without you....and I keep telling myself to just focus on the years we had. While we have our traditional Italian Christmas Eve dinner, you will be on the mind of all. It won't be the same; no more fighting with you over the smelts and spahgetti. No more of your stories....we tell our own about you and your life. I miss your silly laugh and snicker and your amazes me that you made it thru the blood clots only to be killed in the line of duty.
I pray all the time for the safety of your law enforcement brothers and sisters. The prayer is permanent on my church bulletin.
We are launching our Second Annual "S.O.L.E." (Support Our Law Enforcement) Cultural Arts Contest, we are planning a band benefit concert, the next golf tournament, the Unity Tour, etc.... We are committed to the cause to increase respect and appreciation of Law Enforcement.
The day of the recent tournament, the sky got dark and it poured a river for approx. 20-30 mins.. We all said that you had something to do with it and that you were laughing at the soaked golfers.
Your nieces asked me what kinds of toys I used to get for Christmas...and I really couldn't remember many of mine, all I could remember was the gifts that you used to get like the "Rockim, Sockim Robots, sockem boppers and the evil knieval, etc... I remember when you rode your big wheel down the concrete steps (approx 10-12 of them) where we used to live. I miss you with all of my heart.
There is not a day, nor hour, nor minute that you are not on my mind.
Love you always and forever
December 14, 2005
Rod, a couple of us from the 28th got together tonight! We had a few beers in your honor and talked about the good ol' times in the academy, (if you call them good times). Just want you and your family to know that you aren't forgotten by the 28th! ROD we love you!
P.S. Gina thank you for the honor of buying your dinner the other night at quads!
Det. 28th
December 10, 2005
It is little under an hour before I turn 40 Rod. I keep wishing that you could send me down your funny birthday cards that you always sent me. You were always bringing up the old part because I was older than you.
Turning 40 hasn't made me happy but I know that your joking manner and smile would have made it all better.
I asked not to have a party because I just didn't want one if you couldn't physically be there. You were at my 30th birthday party and I couldn't enjoy myself turning the decade age without your laughter.
I'm so lucky because I started transferring my old videos to DVDS and I watch them as they transfer. I have so much of you on them and I cherish that.
I'm going to make one big DVD of all the parts you were in and save it for your son to have.
I really believe you sent your wife's boyfriend to her after you died to help her from being lonely. He is truly wonderful to your son.
Captain Smith is wonderful to your son. He is truly a blessing for that boy. And that goes for Mrs. Smith too. They help your wife out alot.
So Rod, I'm sending you a big hug up to heaven. I know you and Dad are hugging me back on my birthday.
Love you and always missing you.
Gina Pocceschi Boyle
Sister of Officer
November 14, 2005
We just got back from the 5th annual football game. Some girls we met at the game saw your picture on our trailer and asked me where the cute guy in the yellow jacket was. We all miss you and love you so much buddy.
November 14, 2005
You are truly missed. I have never meet you or your wife but after reading several of your pages you were a wonderful brother to your sisters. It obvious how much they love you and cherish your memory. It's nice that they visit you often and leave impacting, loving letters to you. I wanted to attend your funeral service, but could not bear to feel the pain all over again. My husband was killed just a year and a-half before you. I know you both are having a great time patroling the crime free streets in heaven where there is no worry and there is no pain.
I think of you often and pray for your families. They say time heals all wounds. Not true. It never gets easier, it just gets easier to hide your pain in front of people. Rest in peace my friend, your sisters are holding the fort down. I know your shining down on your wife and sisters. God Bless you and your family. Although I never knew you, I felt a though I do now.
Tiffany Gilbert
Widow of Norfolk Officer James Gilbert
November 3, 2005
I remember sitting with you in the Hardees parking lot talking to you when you were in the 4th. You were on duty and so was I on the ambluance. You are missed by the whole community and you always will be remembered for what you have done for the city of Va Beach. Thanks Rodney.
Chris Parks EMT-B
Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad
November 3, 2005
Well I can now say that I received some distressing news yesterday as I was sitting at Virginia Beach General after dropping a patient off from a vehicle accident. The officer that was on the scene had just arrived and asked me if I had heard my radio or checked my computer. I had told him no, that I had just come from inside. He told me another officer had been shot and now had died from the injuries he had sustained. This is always the hardest part for any of us in this line of work. I have been a member of the emergency folks for 5 years now and I have put 4 officers into the ground. Now this one will be number 5. This is so unfair to all of us. We shouldn't have to be putting this many people out of our lives. I can say out of the 4 that I have had to mourn for I only truley knew 3. But then......I am working for 2 departments now. VBEMS and now CKPD. If only it got easier, but then again I dont believe god wanted things like this to be easy for us. May god bless all and take the burdon from your souls. We shall all cross paths again. Till then.....goodbye
Shock Trauma S.L. Talbert
Virginia Beach EMS
October 29, 2005
We said goodbye to another hero today. He also made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our families safe from the evils of society. It seems like yesterday we were saying goodbye to you. I think of you often and wish you were still here to share our laughter. Keep watching over us and keep us safe. I’m sure you’re watching over your son and because of that, he’ll be just fine.
MPO C.E. Elliot
Virginia Beach Police
October 13, 2005
Dearest Rod, We celebrated your birthday on Sat 9/17 with a golf tournament in your honor. We had a nice turn out and we had fun. It wasn't the same without you there though. I can remember all the Memorial Days at your family golf tournaments. The minute you got out of the car at the golf course, you were always joking with your cousins about beating their golf scores. I could picture you on the golf course with us on Sat. I felt your presence. Ken brought up that you could really hit your driver on some of the holes. He really misses you so much, as we all do. I am waiting for the day when we will all be together golfing up in heaven and you out driving all of us. It was nice seeing your family again and reminescing. Hopefully we will be able to get together again soon. Well I must sign off for now. I love you and I miss you. Happy Birthday in heaven. Love, Yolanda (Mom) soon.
Yolanda Wielgopolski
September 19, 2005
Tomorrow is our first golf tournament in your name. It is the perfect day to hold this event because tomorrow you will be 36. We will be thinking of you all day as we share your day with friends and family.
You have left my dreams now. I think once I found my peace, you moved on to help those who haven't.
I miss your voice and laughter, your jokes and goofiness. But I really miss your hugs Rod.
Keep watching over us please. Happy Birthday in heaven little brother.
Gina Pocceschi Boyle
Sister of Officer
September 16, 2005