Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Undersheriff Matthew John Lane

Ferry County Sheriff's Department, Washington

End of Watch Friday, May 30, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Undersheriff Matthew John Lane

Hello Matt, I cried some tears for you this weekend. I thought alot about you. We miss you. I keep expecting to hear you are back home wiht your family, yet i know its not going to happen. Its just so hard to know you are gone and i still at times think its all a dream. We wont forget you.......You are a hero to more than you know.

Emory - brother
Ephrata, WA

February 28, 2005

Rest in peace; you are in our thoughts and prayers, as is your surviving family.


February 21, 2005

Hello Matt, Just been thinking of you a lot and missing you, You won't be forgotton. We love and miss you.

Emory - brother
Ephrata, WA

January 31, 2005

God bless you and keep you always.

St. Louis City Police

January 10, 2005

MERRY CHRISTMAS Matt!!!! I thought alot about you and your family today. We had dinner with dad and we opened presents together. Its was hard to see dad and then see your picture and your family. I called them but they were out. Anyway really missed calling and talking to you today. we love and miss you greatly.

A hero to more than he knows.™

Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

December 25, 2004

good day Matt, thinking alot about you today and have let a few tears. Also thinking of your family, Ill give them a call soon. Happy thanksgiving, its a great one for you where you are giving the ultimate thanks. I will miss calling you today and letting you and dad talk. Dad is doing good, we will go have dinner with him later.
Love and miss you.

A hero to more than he knows.™

Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

November 25, 2004

HI MATT!!! I MISS YOU. Its been a while since ive posted. it just seems the more time goes on the more i realize your gone. I have thought so much about you, and trying to get over the regret I have. As I posted reflections for the individual officers who have given all, i was signing off with "At peace with honor", the WA state LEM slogan. I wanted my own it didnt not take me long to think of "A hero to more than you know" I love that and so many others think its a touching way to sign off. And its so true you have no idea the lives you impacted I dont think anyone knows. I am in the process of copyrighting "A hero to more than (you, he, she, they) know" Should be final in just a couple more weeks. WOW i didnt realize its been 3 months since i last "talked" to you, it does not mean i miss you or think of you any less, in fact i have thought more about you the last few weeks then i have before. I recetnly went to St Louis and attended siblings retreat, that is when your death really got to me. It seems the more people i meet, the more survivor freinds I make, and the more COPS events I atteand makes me realize none of that would of happened if you were still wiht us. You are missed, you are loved, and you will not be forgotton.

A hero to more than he knows. ©2004

Emory, Ephrata, WA

October 29, 2004



October 10, 2004

Hello Matt. been thinking alot about you. You are really missed. We all love you. Dad is doing good. I gave a sketching oif your name to Deputy Renken and to Alan Key. he was very touched by it I think. I spoke wiht former Grant County Sheriff and he expressed his symapathies to me and the family. well I miss you, really. talk wiht oyu again soon.

You are a hero to more than you know.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

July 31, 2004

Hey there Matt today Is July 4th been thinking a lot of you. I've been doing good emotioanlly however today is a down day. In church today we honored all the military who had served to protect our freedom and my thoughts were with you and your sacrifice as you fought for the freedom here at home. Too often people forget about law Enforcemenbt as protection. Anyway see you later man.

You ARE a hero to more than you know.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

July 4, 2004

In loving memory of Matthew Lane:

We are fondly remembering you
today, the 1st anniversary of your
death. Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. It is a
long road to healing that lies ahead, but I know that our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ will extend His mercy and comfort to all who reach out to Him. There is none greater than He. We don't get to Heaven based on what we do, but what He did for us!! AMEN! There is now a huge void that cannot be filled. God be with all those who mourn and may His promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come. I found this poem on another's site and wanted to share it.

We may never understand it,
the risks these brave ones take,
but occasionally we see a bit
of the difference their lives make.
Some do it for the action,
others find it a callin'.
All find the satisfaction,
and few become the fallen.
Being an officer is what he loved,
To him as good as it gets.
Law was what he dreamed of,
He would have no regrets.
And though it saddens all of us
to lose him in this way
He knew how an officer must
Live life to the fullest everyday.

Your are in my thoughts. If only I could erase your pain...

Lynn Kole
Bellingham, Washington

May 30, 2004

Hi Matt, not a moment has gone by the last few days I havent htought of you. I miss you alot. Today marks one year since you went home. Its been real hard the last couple days. As i look back and think how you impacted my life the most I come to see that ever since I knew you from the first time i met you, you were always about making the right choice. I never told you but that really did impact me alot in life. I was so happy for you. I will never forget being in Washington D.C. or the memeories I brought back with me. It was my first flight experiance and I wish it woulda of been more enjoyable. I looked out the window of the plane and saw the ground and then my thoughts went to you and I was tryingto imagine wht must have been going through your mind. Even sitting in the terminal in Spokane waiting for the plane I had emotions going through me. I even thougt about not going, but that wouldve been selfish on my part. In the end i am very glad and happy i went, even with the emotions. anyway just thinking of you and the Cogdill family from NC today. OH i almpst forgot. In church today we started off a bit different than usall was a real moving time. Anyway we usally start off in a time of worship. Our pastor is really involved wiht the city and county agencies here anyway service began at 10am and we started off with a moment of silence for you. Was a real nice honor to you. Anyway the rest of the family is in my prayers today as I am sure they are having a hard time as well. I need to call them again. Well see you soon man, I love you and will NEVER forget you.

Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

May 30, 2004

Hello again Matt, this is a hard weekend I think of you all the time latley, in a way im glad casue it help me remember you. The city of Chelan invited us up to represent you in their parade. They honored all LEO who were killedi nthe line of Duty there were a few other families there as well. It was very touching. The community was very respectful to us in applauding you and the others represented. It was all i could do not to cry. I cried on the way up as the day gets closer minute by minute now. I didnt take dad to that event. he wouldnt have been very comfortable i dont think. It was rainy and cold. Anyway as always see you later.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

May 29, 2004

Hello Matt, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I think its today. I remember dad would always get your birthday and mine mixed up it was funny. I have been back from Washington D.C. for a couple days now and its been real hard. It just seems like you left us again. I felt like I was reliving your funeral service. I learned a lot while in Washington D.C. It was real hard to see your name on the Memorial Wall I wanted to somehow remove it, but I knew that would not bring you back. It felt like a dream seeing your name engraved on the Wall. I went through so many emotions while I was there. I learned the reason I am having a hard time with your death is because you are the first death I have experienced that I understand. I felt somewhat bad for being in Washington D.C. while dad was back home, dad should’ve been there Matt. But I knew he would not handle it well. A part of me was there because dad couldn’t be but I was also trying to remember me as well. I made a promise to you just months before you left us that I would take care of dad and I honestly feel taking him would not have been taking care of him. The thought that something may happen to him while I was gone kept going through my mind. I would have felt awful if something would’ve happened to him and I was all the way across the country. I did etch your name for dad and I gave it to him I am not sure if he really knew what it was. I told him it was an etching of your name from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Wall. I want to make you proud Matt, I want to fulfill my promise to you. I shared with one of my groups that I don’t talk about your death to family, I can talk to anyone else but not to the family. I don’t say anything to dad unless he brings it up. And usually he asks how you are. I don’t know maybe I’m being to hard on myself I know nothing can be changed now. I miss you. I always prayed for your safety and protection that nothing would happen to you. There were several classes offered at the conference and I made the most of them. I went to one and expressed the anger I had felt when you were taken from us. I shared with them that my anger wasn’t because you were gone but more of why God didn’t you push me more to go see you and talk with you. In the few months before your death I felt God tugging at my heart to go talk to you and I didn’t. I regret that our relationship wasn’t closer. I do not feel you didn’t like me. I don’t feel we were separated on bad terms. There was so much I could’ve learned from you Matt. I am so glad that last time I saw you I told you I would take care of dad, I am feeling that those 6 words said a thousand. I really believe that those words said more than just “Ill take care of dad”. I refuse to say goodbye, Matt, for goodbye is so final so with that I say see you later. I will join you in heaven someday.


May 21, 2004

HI Matt, this is a tought week. Its almost May 30 you will have been gone a year in 2 more weeks. I try not to think about that but its there, the thought will not leave me. I miss you, alot, no less than May 30 2003. I am at National Police week in Washington D.C. I am mainly here casue dad cant be, but i am also trying to remember myself as well. your wife and girls are here and so is your mom and Jim. I am so glad they were able to make it. It is so neat, we are certainy taken care of. I knew LEO were a close family but what I have seen i would not have imagined. I saw your name on the wall last night and of course had a hard time with that, I rubbed my finger over your name for several minutes. when the names were read for the new names added this year. I tried to honor all WA Officers. I wasnt sure what to do, i finally had a plan, I would stand when they reached WA but when they read your name i would kneel, that way honoring both was possible and a special honor was givin to you. I love you, miss you, and certaily cant wait to see you again. Tahnks for being a hero.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

May 15, 2004

Hello again Matt!! We just got back from Spoakne after attending the Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony. It was so hard to see your picture up on the stage, even harder to see your name engraved on the Memorial. I was able to take dad and he did really good. It was my first contact with other survivors and it really seemed to help to know that we are not alone. It was so nice to see the 4 2003 LEO honored as you were. I will talk to you again soon. I will never forget you, you are missed greatly and I love you.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

May 10, 2004

HI Matt!! I have thought alot about you today cried a few tears and reflected on times we had together. Today starts the beginning of National Police Week, and well this year means so much more. I have only known about National Police Week for 5 years, infact the first year I knew about was the year you were shot. I talked with Grant County Sheriff Deputy Melvin yesterday at an minor accident scene near Wenatchee, we were both headed back home to Ephrata and he was in his GCS car and I was 4 cars behind him when this accident occured, anyway he expressed his sympathies to me over you. Cops do not get the appreciation they deserve, I try to let everyone know that Cops are our freinds. I leave for Washington D.C. in just a few hours, I wish I wasnt going, I mean Id rather you still be here with us But God had other plans. Well I will see you soon. I miss you alot.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

May 10, 2004

Hey there Matt I am really hurting today, well actually the last couple days. A 16 year old just out of the blue shot and killed a CHP officer 4/21. Of all the officers who have been killed since you, that one is painfull. I wonder if Jesus has all the LEO in heaven line up and welcome the ones arriving? what a sight I canimagine. I am getting ready to go to Washington DC for National Poice Week where you and 145 other LEO will be honored for your sacrifice while protecting those you served. It hurts me that I cant take dad, it would be to much on him physically and I am sure you understand. Well talk with you later. Love you man.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

April 24, 2004

Hello Matt, today is Easter and I am thinking of you. What an easter for you, definatly has to be your best easter ever being in the presence of Jesus. I just called your wife and girls but they were out, I left them a Easter wish. I am going to get up there to see them soon. Dad wants to go see them as well. I miss you and I am sure I always will. not a day goes by I dont think of you. Each time i see a patrol car I say a prayer for the defender in that car as he protects those he serves. National Police Week is coming up and it will certainly mean something more this year. well time to go for now. I will be home soon as well when its my time. I love you and miss you.


Emory, brother
Ephrata, WA

April 11, 2004

My dear friend Emory,

I am so sorry for your loss. Your brother seems to have been a very special friend to you. Your family's hearts are broken. But because you love the Lord He will sustain all of you as you walk this long, hard road.

Just know that prayers are lifted for your peace and comfort. Realize that you are not alone - that He is carrying you through this. Your reunion with him in heaven will be glorious!

My love and prayers,
Lana Royer
Carthage, MO

Lana Royer
Friend of Emory

April 6, 2004

I read the posting that your family left for a dear friend of mine (Anthony Cogdill, NCSHP) who was killed on the same day as Officer Lane. Thank you for supporting others in your own time of grief as well. My prayers go out to your family and friends. God Bless You all.

Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 3, 2004

Hey Matt, I miss you. I just woke up having a dream that dad and I had come to see your wife and the girls and we were having a good time when you walked out. I got up and gave you a hug, you went over and gave dad a hug and told him you loved him. A few minutes later I realized you were not suppose to be there and I got so excited. You said you had actually survived the plane crash by jumping from the plane. then I realized it was a dream and woke up crying. I really do miss you. I keep remebering the moment when I was on my way to work in Moses Lake but i had stopped at WAL*MART there and I ran into you and without even thinkning I gave you a hug. Dad is doing well, as I am sure you know. I believe God lets you look down and see dad. I know its hard seeing dad as he is, It is hard for me at times too. I love dad even though he isnt my "real" dad hes the only dad I have really known. He raised me and provided for me the things I needed. Anyway Ill be in heaven soon and we can see each other again. Thank you so much for your service, dedication and sacrifices, they will not be forgotton.


step brother, Emory
Ephrata, WA

April 3, 2004

March 27, 2004
Another sad and tragic day for law enforcement. Your death diminshes
us all. Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. It is a
long road to healing that lies ahead, but I know that our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ will extend His mercy and comfort to all who reach out to
Him. There is none greater than He. We don't get to Heaven based on
what we do, but what He did for us!! AMEN! There is now a huge void
that cannot be filled. God be with all those who mourn and may His
promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come.
Lynn Kole

March 28, 2004

Matt You are in my thoughts often. I miss you I know I didnt spend a lot of time with you. I dod regret not getting to know you more. I love you, and you were always in my prayers. I am so excited that some day I will see you in heaven!!! I will never forget you. I will take care of dad for you.


March 27, 2004

Matt was my husband's best friend, former coworker and a great friend
to me and "uncle" to our children. His girls and my kids spent many
hours playing together. Matt truly was one of the best people I have
ever met. The number of civilians, and their range of political views, at
his funeral was absolutely astounding. He will be missed by so many.

Debbie Ramsey

October 24, 2003

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