Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Robert Wayne Ambrose

New York State Police, New York

End of Watch Thursday, December 19, 2002

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Reflections for Trooper Robert Wayne Ambrose

Every joke I hear, I see you laughing, every tear I cry, you're smile forgives them, every step I take, you are beside me, every breath I take, I breath your strength, everytime I fall, you lift me up, everytime I pray, you arms embrase me.......miss you still...God Bless you Rob.........

Love you always and forever(never forget you)



January 22, 2004

Bob, I was a part in sending you to St. Michael. I'm a sledder from Suffolk Police. I watched as your family and friends grieved. I wanted desperately to comfort them, but I could not. For I am a mere mortal. My heart hurt for you, and they. You are not a mere mortal. Watch over those who grieve, give them strength. You are an Angel

PO De Coteau

January 16, 2004

I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
in this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! but Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.

And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus' arm to lean on,
Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I Love You dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
pray to trust our Father's Will.

There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in Jesus' land.

When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!

January 14, 2004

Your passing extends to all of us in the emergency response field. No matter what color our uniform.
May God watch over you and be by your side forever.

Rest in eternal peace, dear brother.

Firefighter Anthony P. Gonzalez
Vista Fire Department, Vista Fire District #1 Vista, NY

December 30, 2003

Can't help but constantly think of you especially at this time of year. Miss you buddy.


December 27, 2003

I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud on the horizon,
Just where the sea and sky come to mingle with one another.
Then someone at my side says, "There, she is gone."
“Gone where?”
Gone from my sight. That is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side,
And she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at that moment when someone at my side says,
"There she is gone," there are other eyes watching her coming,
And other voices ready to take up the glad shout:
"Here she comes!"

And that is dying.

You're always be a part of my life Bob, no matter where you are.


December 22, 2003

It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire lifetime to forget them.....
De corde totaliter et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter absens in remota! 12/19
~your bell


December 13, 2003

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness;
Here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through. God picked me up and hugged me and
He said, "I welcome you.

It's good to have you back again,
you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human,
they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers,
unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you
and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low;
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and
you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go....from that body to be free.
Remember you're not're coming here to me.

December 12, 2003

It has almost been a year and I can tell that my family and yours have not gotten over the fact that you are gone. The last thing I remember that we did together was when we saw eachother at your sisters last day of the Drama Production. You did not remember me so Paulie told you and once you remembered me you huged me and picked me up. That was the best time I had with you for a really long time.
I LOVE YOU and will always Miss You.


Kristen Butler

December 10, 2003

I did not know Robert personally, but I do know your loss and I am truly sorry for your loss. Robert made the ultimate sacrifice because of a problem that Ford is well aware of. I truly hope that in Robert's name and in the name of other officers who have died in the line of duty in the same manner that you continue your efforts against Ford.

Once again my deepest sympathy to you and your family.


November 26, 2003

I will always remember the times we had when we were younger.

family friend, Kristen Butler

November 12, 2003

I will miss Bob tremendously as well as my son who went to Wendy's frequently with us. Bob was a great friend as well as an outstanding trooper. I can hear him on the phone as if it was yesterday. He would always say HEY BUB WHAT'S UP!!!!
When ever he came over to my house he was always like a big little KID with a new addition to his truck. My family will MISS HIM.
Janet, Jacob & Evan

Evan Steinberg, MD

October 26, 2003

My God continue to bless you and watch over you Rob. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends. To all police officers, thank you for protecting us and risking your lives everyday for us, you are our heros!

October 21, 2003

Losing you Bob hasn't been easy. I know we will all see you again on the other side. Remember that your family loves you very much, and we all miss you. I know you are an angel watching over and protecting. We love you!

October 10, 2003

We will always remember 2001 Superbowl, meeting you for the first time after hearing Brenda talk about you so much. She loved you so much and wanted everyone to know. We all thought you were an amazing person, she was right. You and Brenda were so happy that day.. You had to work that night and I remember the way you used the time, you talked with us, . the short time you could stay, you answered all of our questions.. You and Brenda were amazing...we remember U 2 it was special and so nice to see that kind of happiness. We still love you and Brenda, could have never imagined that the two of you would seperate this way. Our prayers go out to your family..and Bren..GOD BLESS YOU ROB...FOREVER

Friends 2001-02

Friends of 2002

October 3, 2003

Hey Rob, I feel like I never had a chance to say, "goodbye". We met online and the first time we got together was on the 4th of July, 2001. I remember sitting in your truck watching the fireworks while it rained. You were one of the sweetest guys I knew. A gentle giant. I always felt bad about you driving down to nassau county, Long Island, but you were always such a gentleman. I wished we didn't live so far from each other. I wish the distance wasn't such an obsticle for both of us. I always wondered "what if". But I was glad we got together once in a while and kept in touch via phone and email. Everytime you told me you were coming down to see your family, you would try and come and see me. Dinners, miniature golf, or just hanging was a lot of fun. Then you just disappeared. Thought we lost touch. I never got to meet your family or your little dog you talked so much about. Because I only knew you, I didn't even know you passed away until (I believe) August this year when they showed you on the news again due to another officers senceless, tragic death. I was shocked and saddened. My heart goes out to your family. You'll always be within my heart. I miss you big guy. With love always. Catalina

September 26, 2003

Bobby, its been 9 months....but it really doesn't get easier without you. Not a moment passes that I don't think of you. I miss you terribly and I want to talk to you and hear your voice so bad. I always talk about you and all the fun times we had....but after I laugh, I just break down and cry. I love you and I just wish I could go back in time and could have called you so you could have came over and avoided the accident. It's so hard...I feel so empty lately and I just want be able to hear your laugh and feel better. You're the best Bobby, we miss you so much and love you so much....


September 25, 2003

I will NEVER for get you Bobby... I am happy I saw you one last time at Stina's last High School performance

Friend kristen

September 14, 2003

Hey Tiger:

Out of sight - but far from out of my mind. No matter how much time has passed, or how much I "think" I have healed - not one day passes where I don't think where we could have been right now - in our lives (together).

I will always love you.


September 3, 2003



September 3, 2003

I still hear you laughing, I still hear your cries, I still see your smile.
But now all I remember, is our last good-byes.
I wish I would have told you, How much I loved you and how much you meant to me.
We had so much more life to live, So much more to do.
You wished to see the world, Now you can... where you are.
Your wish has come true, But heaven is so far.
My wish was to see the stars, I told you, in our last good-byes, You granted my every wish,
As I saw them in your eyes.

De corde totaliter et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter absens in remota! 12/19
~always........your bell


Bob and Family,
As tomorrow's dedication to Bob approaches, the thought of Bob is in my head more than ever. Although, I don't believe I will be able to make the memorial, I would like all of you to know (as well as Bob) that you are always in my thoughts.

God Speed!

C/S RJ Horowitz
NYSP Monroe

A million stars glimmer from the universe,
we know one was given your name.
Gazing down keeping watch and concern.
So infantile, so blameless.
Why did you have to be taken from us?
Why do you have to sparkle in the heavens,
and not be here with us?
So brave, so full of years.
But something went wrong and soon you were departed;
our hearts were shattered, our tears fell like rain.
We never felt such distress and throbbing.
We see the world today with new eyes.
You had so much to live for,
and so much yet to do,
it seemed almost endless.
The thoughts of all the yesterdays,
the good ones and the bad.
The reflection of all the adoration joined,
and all the enjoyment we had.
If we all could relive the days gone by yet again.
Let creations gateway open its arms to you,
to sentry over your heart,
in anticipation when we can unite with you once more.
Persist to flicker your star,
radiate on us,
so we may experience the calmness of your devotion for eternity.

In Loving Memory of "Our Hero" Bobby.
We miss you and love you very much. Never leave us

My thoughts and prayers to your family, friends and co- workers. You are another angel protecting us all. It is true that PO's give more than just tickets. I do understand the sorrow. I also lost my big brother. his final watch was Oct. 2002.

If Anything Ever Happens, Just be Proud of Me...
I did my best every time... I walked the thin blue line...
All I wanted to take care of my family...
and make the world a brighter place...
While I walked the thin blue line...

Rest easy Trooper


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