New York State Police, New York
End of Watch Thursday, December 19, 2002
Reflections for Trooper Robert Wayne Ambrose
"I miss you lots"
May 5, 2007
I've tried many times to leave a message here. Couldn't get the words right.
I remember...
... when you were born. I wanted a nephew badly. I remember walking home from school in 4th grade and yelling to my mother from half a block away "Is it a boy?" and she yelled YES! I was so happy to have a nephew.
... holding you in my arms in the back of your mother's Plymouth Fury. You were a baby, maybe 6 months old. Back then there were no baby seat laws. I sang to you while you slept.
... when you bit a dog. You were maybe 3 years old. I thought to myself - what a tough kid.
... when you were hanging out with Pop in front of my house in Islip with that kids hat on.
... when we watched David Letterman together one night. You were 7, maybe 8. You thought it was so cool to be up late watching with me. We laughed a lot and many years later we talked and laughed about that night.
... when you fell through the pool liner at my parent's house. I still laugh at that one.
... when you grew to be taller than me.
... when you first started working out.
... when you starting going out with girls. We frequently talked about girls after that. We talked about things you didn't tell anybody else but your friends. It was an honor to be one of the people you confided in.
... when you first started playing football. You got bigger and tougher every year after that.
... going to a lot of your football games. I remember one game at Hofstra, you had 3 consecutive tackles.
... watching the Mike Tyson - Buster Douglas fight with you and Dan at my apartment. Great night.
... you knocked that guy out in college. You were sticking up for your friend.
... how happy you were when you bought the Laser from me.
... how hard you worked at the Trooper academy and how happy you were when you graduated.
... how much we laughed when you told me the "destroying the wild turkey" story. I miss that laugh.
... how you always said yes when I needed help moving. I could always count on you.
... all the times we went to the shooting range. We would fire hundreds of rounds.
... the last time I saw you. Thanksgiving 2002.
I'll never understand why you were taken from us. There were so many more things left to do, so many more good times.
You will always be remembered and honored.
Uncle Dave
Uncle Dave
May 3, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Looking through your pictures makes me want to meet you in person. Being with Christina for 4 years now, I hear more stories about you each and every year. I only wish I could of met Christina earlier. I know a picture tells a thousand words, and looking at each picture of you with your family makes me upset that I could not be in the pictures with you. I only hope I am making you proud and I promise that I will take care of Christina for the rest of my life. And one day I will met you. Hopefully that time is not close to come, but if it is I hope I can shake your hand. And to tell you what an honor it is. I will see you my friend. God Bless You.
May 2, 2007
Happy Birthday! Thinking of you always!
De corde totaliter et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter absens in remota! 12/19
~your bell
April 30, 2007
Happy Birthday in Heaven Bobby....I wish you were here...I miss you more than words can say. Heroes live on'll forever be my angel. I know your doing your job in heaven taking care of all those who die too young just like you. Please continue to watch over our family and give us strength. I think about you every day and can still hear your loud laugh and see your amazing smile. I see you in the mirror every day and feel you around me every night before I go to sleep. I know you're all around me. I'm not scared anymore to be alone because I know I'm never really're always with me. I hope I make you proud. I couldn't be more proud to be your sister. Happy birthday you old man! Love you xoxoxo
April 30, 2007
April 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Bobby.
We miss you.
Uncle Dan
April 29, 2007
``````````````````ROBERT WAYNE AMBROSE`````````````````````
```````One of The Best Friends One Could Ever Hope For``````
I know you are not gone forever
your journeys just begun
Life holds so many facets
this Earth is only one!
I think of you as being rescued
from this world's sorrows and its fears
In a place of total paradise
with no trials and no tears.
I know you must be wishing
that we could know today
that nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
I think of you as living
in the hearts of those you touched
and realize nothing loved is ever lost
and Rob your loved so much!!!
I love you & miss you very much My Wonderful Friend
I will be celebrating you all day for your Birthday!
Kimberly Rastelli
Forever Friend
April 28, 2007
Hi Bobby....since it's so close to your birthday I was just thinking of you and your very dear family......I seem to have passed by your barracks a lot these past couple years. The week before Christmas every year I think of you and pray for your family as that December day was so chilling a day for all who ever knew you. I am so sorry your life here was so shortened & your family had to lose u over something that could have and should have been avoided...... but, without a doubt, I know u r smiling down and watching over us all and are happy in Heaven. God Bless your family always! (((~*Remembering mudpies in your "side" yard...;-))))
Friend from childhood
April 26, 2007
Hi Bobby....since it's so close to your birthday I was just thinking of you and your very dear family......I seem to have passed by your barracks a lot these past couple years. The week before Christmas every year I think of you and pray for your family as that December day was so chilling a day for all who ever knew you. I am so sorry your life here was so shortened & your family had to lose u over something that could have and should have been avoided...... but, without a doubt, I know u r smiling down and watching over us all and are happy in Heaven. God Bless your family always! (((~*Remembering mudpies in your "side" yard...;-))))
Friend from childhood
April 26, 2007
Ive come across this memorial by accident,on the internet
my name is Robert george Ambrose,from sydney australia,i am only a couple of years younger than trooper Ambrose and share similar intrests especialy motorcycles,
perhaps we are related as my family originaly came from Irlend
and would have decendents in America too.
Its so sad to lose such a fine young man,
i hope his family is comforted by the memory they had with
him while he was here,and that memory never fades
Rob george AMBROSE
Robert george AMBROSE
March 5, 2007
I am a police officer in England, around the same age of Robert. I was browsing the internet and came across this site. I would like to pass on my condolences to Roberts friends and family.
Constable Gary Frost
Herts Police ENGLAND
March 2, 2007
Hi Bobby,
Today is my 22nd birthday...and I've gotten so many calls and messages and felt so much love on this day. But there is a part of me that feels so empty...and i know its because you aren't here. Each birthday gets harder and harder without you. I love you and miss you more than ever. My one birthday wish is for you to be here and I know that can't be. I feel you around me but I just want to see you and for you to give me a big bear hug and say "happy birthday lil kitten in getting old." God bless you and please continue to watch over our family. We miss you more than words can say.
Love always,
February 16, 2007
I came across your memorial site that your family made in your honor and went through all the photographs. I know how hard it is for your parents and loved ones to attend all the memorials, but we all do it in honor of our fallen loved ones. It is a way to keep your memory alive, not only in our own hearts, but for everyone else to know you. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 13, 2007
I absolutely love the idea that Kim Rastelli had about making Dec 19th a day of love and caring and to use this day in your honor to reach out to others in need. I know that is what you would want people to do. I will be doing this also and if anyone else wants to join me on that day, please come along. I will be feeding the homeless, bringing food to the animal shelters (which I know you would love), providing a toy for a tot or whatever else I can think of that will be helpful to others on that day. I hope we can all do this to show Bob how much he meant to us and how much he has taught us to love.
You are so missed!!!!
Jennifer Schimmel
February 1, 2007
I heard a song the other day and it really made me think of you and made me cry but also smile....I love you so muchh and miss you terribly! I think about you every day and always will...I feel you around me now more than ever! You're me angel forever<3
Here are some of the lyrics from the song:
"I'm already there,
Take a look around.
I'm the sunshine in your hair,
I'm the shadow on the ground.
I'm the whisper in the wind,
I'm your imaginary friend.
And I know that I'm in your prayers,
I'm already there.
I'm already there,
Don't make a sound.
I'm the beat in your heart
I'm the moonlight shining down
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I’ll be there to the end
Can you feel the love that we share?
I'm already there.
I'm already there,
Take a look around.
I'm the sunshine in your hair,
I'm the shadow on the ground.
I'm the whisper in the wind,
And I’ll be there to the end.
Can you feel the love that we share?
I'm already there.
I'm already there.
We may be a thousand miles apart,
But I’ll be with you wherever you are."
January 5, 2007
Since I went to see you last week, I've been thinking about you so much. Espcecially over the holidays.
I must of opened the photo gallery on this site a million times to see "us". That entire page represents exactly what our life was all about "us" & "family" No one else...
2 things thats held us together and all we said we needed. You are constantly in my thoughts, dreams and in every one of my daily choices. I know you are with me everyday and I still fall asleep to you everynight.
De corde totaliter et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter absens in remota! 12/19
~your bell
December 28, 2006
Christmas In Heaven
I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below
with tiny lights like Heaven's Stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so Spectacular please wipe away that tear
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas Songs that people hold so dear
but the sound of music can't compare with the Christmas Choir up here.
I have no words to tell you of the JOY their voices bring
for it is beyond description to hear the Angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor or the peace here in this place Can you just imagine Christmas with our Savior face to face
I'll ask him to lift your spirit as I tell him of your love so then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful and let your spirit sing
for I am spending Christmas in Heaven and I’m walking with the King.
December 20, 2006
Bobby.... 4 years and not a day goes by without Dad and I thinking and talking about you. We have such good memories of you and they are what keep up going. The impact this has done to our family is immeasurable and no one is the same. We miss you terribly!! We love you always and forever and we know we will see you again.
December 20, 2006
I can't believe its been 4 years...not a day goes by that I don't think about you and miss you! I love you so much...Christmas time isn't and never will be the same without you...thanks for giving me that sign the other night...I knew it was you right when it happened...please continue to watch over our family, especially Mommy. I always feel you around you my big teddy bear! I know we will be together again one day big brother!<3
ur kitten
December 19, 2006
Hey there,
I haven't forgotten about you although I missed our anniversary on 10/14, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you. So much has changed and I'm still stuck in the rut of you not being here with me. I put on our video today, closed my eyes and just listened to your voice. Hearing you laugh with us is all I have, and we all miss you so much.
Missing you hurts so much, I miss my love of my life, bestfriend, "us". I still can't believe you are gone.
I miss my "rock".
I will always keep you close to me in my heart forever. Please know that.
Nothing has been the same since you left us............
Love Always,
Chris, Jaime, Joey
December 19, 2006
I love you today, I love you always. Dane misses you!
December 19, 2006
It's been 4 years since we lost you and not a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts. May you rest in peace.
Sgt John Antonelli
NYSP SP Tarrytown
December 19, 2006
Despite the darkness that surrounds me
I always see a light–
A star, directly above,
Glittering and shining bright.
It reminds me of your smile
Which would always brighten my day.
I can only picture your face
As you live thousands of miles away.
So, every time I need you
I look up to the sky,
Searching for that star
That reminds me of your smile.
When I see that star
I hear you whisper in my ear,
"Remember, I promised you
I’ll always be there."
Then I can smile
Even though we’re far apart,
Because I know you’re here with me
And I’m forever in your heart.
Rob, 4 years and still not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you!
De corde totaliter et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter absens in remota! 12/19
~your bell
December 19, 2006
Thinking of you... Still feels like yesterday.
Kim =)
December 19, 2006