Carroll County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Tuesday, September 3, 2002
Reflections for Lieutenant Billy Ray Jiles
The Lt. Billy Jiles Memorial Youth Fund is set up with the intent of providing funds to assist local youth within the Carroll County community. Those who knew Lt. Billy Jiles know that helping youth in our community was very dear to his heart and he would be so proud knowing that his legacy lives on and that the benefits from the memorial fund will go to help those he cared so much about.
Donations can be made to the fund at Community Foundation of West Georgia (CFWG) via:
1. Online direct link:
2. CFWG website, click donate at the top of the website and scroll down to the Lt. Billy Jiles Memorial Youth Fund button.
3. Mail a check to CFWG, 807 S. Park Street, Carrollton, GA 30117, either note on the check or enclose a note specifying the Lt. Billy Jiles Fund.
4. Stock. If someone would like to donate stock, have them contact the Foundation office, (770-832-1462) or and we will be glad to share wiring instructions.
April Fortenberry
November 6, 2022
Lots of good memories, Billy. I was looking at some old photos the other day from NA school at GPSTC and from our time in Columbus. You are missed.
DK Wilkins 505/291
Former GBI
September 27, 2022
19 years . Brother you are not forgotten and never will be.
Investigator (retired)
DeKalb County Al So
September 14, 2021
I had the Pleasure of knowing Billy When I worked at Amoco in Douglas county . What a great Man very Sweet. He was Quiet and very Professional in his work ! He would ride through and stop and came in to check on the Employees to make sure we were ok and safe! We always felt safe and didn’t worry about the Danger in our work at a Convenient Store. I was shocked and broken hearted when I heard it on the News . What a Great Cop, A Great Man, and a Great Person Billy was. He’s very much missed . Rest In Peace Billy !
February 17, 2021
Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 3, 2020
Miss you Lt you were one of the best that night was the worse of my 24 year career RIP #908
Retired Patrol Cpl. Thomas Lanning
Carroll county sheriff's office Ga
September 3, 2020
Miss you Lt you were one of the best that night was the worse of my 24 year career RIP #908
Retired Patrol Cpl. Thomas Lanning
Carroll county sheriff's office Ga
September 3, 2020
Written 9/3/2016. Your memory lives on!
Uncle Bill: Always on Call
I told myself I wouldn't say anything today... I woke up thinking about him. That day. The bedtime phone call. I called the ER and asked for Dr. Fitzgerald. I knew he would tell me the truth. But the secretary stammered and I heard someone in the background say, " Transfer her to the family room". My heart sank. The world stopped spinning. I knew.
If you've never experienced loss you may get weary of people posting their memories. I hope you never have to know what it's like when memories are all you have left. And the cliche " hope they get over it",- well, that is so wrong! But my thesis on loss is for another day.
Uncle Bill was more like a big brother to me. There was a generational age gap between my dad & him. (As you may have guessed my dad was the oldest & Bill was the youngest). He doted on me as I was the first grandchild in the Jiles family. Presents, " dates", and plenty of horsing around.
I'll never forget the Christmas he took my siblings & me shopping. We went to the "Big City" of ATL. Now what young man voluntarily takes 3 kids shopping alone??!! Hey, he loved us! He told us to sit in the car while he popped the trunk. I didn't follow directions too well and peaked out the drivers side of the door to see him slide a gun down the small of his back & down one of his socks underneath his jeans. I asked him why he was doing that since he was not working. He replied that he was ALWAYS on duty and he didn't want anything to happen to us.
And, he was ALWAYS on duty. It was rare he had a holiday really free. He was single for many years and volunteered to work so others could enjoy their families. But he always stopped by Granny's to grab a bite on the run, open presents, & share a few laughs. We used to play with the lights in his patrol car, the siren etc.
His mind was always on protecting others. After we were grown he stopped by my sister's house as he was in that jurisdiction. We were standing around outside cracking jokes & laughing til our sides hurt. We all looked up when a car buzzed by at such record speed we barely saw it but definitely heard it. Without a hint of alarm he kept smiling and stepped backwards toward his car as he said, " I'll be right back". He eased the car away from Noah ( just a toddler) and then squealed his tires as he left a plume of dust and gravel at the end of the drive. We heard him turn on his siren after he was out of sight. Sure enough he was back in what seemed like a few minutes. I asked if the driver had gotten away as he was back so quickly. With his typical sense of humor & boasting he replied, " Nah, girl! I caught that bad boy & wrote him a ticket so fast he didn't know what to think. And he admitted he never saw me. I told him I had a niece & nephew with a baby in the area & he better never come barreling down a residential area like that again!"
I was followed from work one evening. I first noticed a young guy beside me at a red light - just a short distance from the hospital. I glanced toward his direction as I " felt" him starring at me. He gave me a teasing smile & then raced ahead of me when the light turned green. I just thought he was a young kid trying to show out. But he kept slowing down until I caught up to his speed on the 4 lane. I ignored his glances and attempts to get my attention. I really thought he would give up in a few minutes. However, he became aggressive as I began to speed up. He sped up, too, & passed me again. I noted his tag number. I was quickly approaching a section of the road that merged into two lanes and the remaining stretch home was mostly trees & sky. I had escalated to 70, 80, 90 miles per hour. The driver kept up and swerved his jeep toward my car in an attempt to run me off the road. At this point I was already going too fast to safely make a call on my cell phone. All I could do was pray and try to remember every driving lesson Uncle Bill had given me. My speed reached 100 but I was focused & was not stopping for a creep who had begun making lewd gestures. And I was determined he wouldn't run me off the road. I left him somewhere in the wind at 110 miles an hour. My heart was racing. I was scaring myself!
I made it home & called GA State Patrol. The area where the incident took place was not their jurisdiction. I pressed them on who I should report to as this man had dark intent and I didn't want another young girl in harms way. After reporting to another county I called Uncle Bill. He took my information, told me it wasn't his jurisdiction and made small talk for a minute or two. He ended the call abruptly which I though was unusual. He was always chatty & never seemed stressed (what I didn't know was he was running this guys tag number as we talked).
He called me later that evening and told me I wouldn't have to worry about being followed again. He had gone to this guys house & given him a man to man talk that left him visibly shaken. Now Bill didn't have to do that. He knew I had already reported the incident to the appropriate jurisdiction. He also knew my call could easily have been overlooked if officers became distracted with more pressing issues.
Not only did he protect his family. He protected his community. He had worked undercover and was offered a state promotion. However, he wanted to be near his family as he had young children. As Lieutenant he had been doing paperwork the night of his last call. He had gone home to kiss his children goodnight. He intercepted a call on the way back to the office.
I listened to his recorded back up call over & over. Clear directions. No sense of " alarm". Silence. He died protecting his family, friends, & community. He gave clear directions to his fellow officers as the perpetrator was armed ( he had already murdered an elderly man during the pursuit).
As I stood beside his stretcher in the ER he looked like he had just stepped out of a salon. Summer tan. Fresh haircut. And, not one hair out of place. The ER crew had done a phenomenal job of preparing him for his family. He had a peaceful expression on his face. He intercepted a fateful call he could have easily ignored. He could have gone back to the safety & comfort of his office instead. But he didn't. He was ALWAYS on call. # 908!
April Fortenberry
September 5, 2016
God bless this officer for serving and prayers be with his family
Sylvia shaw officer
Austell pd retired
September 4, 2016
You are missed my dear friend! We worked a lot of cases together and put a lot of bad people away! I still pray for your family.
Retired Agent Vickey Horton Burton
September 4, 2016
i still miss my friend....You were a great officer, but you were so much more than that. You were a great father, husband, brother, and son...I will always cherish our friendship.
Clay Nix, GBI 550/182
Georgia Department of Corrections
June 13, 2016
I still miss my friend. It was an honor to serve with you. You were a great officer, but more than were a great father, husband, brother, son...and a great friend.
Georgia Department of Corrections
June 13, 2016
Today, I was honored to do a roll call for officers in south Georgia that have been killed in the line of duty. But as the one on the radio, I was able to give it my personal touch. I also honored an old friend.
Paula Whaley, 9-1-1 Coordinator
Seminole County Sheriff's Office / E911
May 21, 2016
Think of you often old friend. Our days together on the LVS squad with the GBI are ones I remember fondly. You were a good friend and a great example with regard to priorities - up each morning early reading your Bible in whatever hotel we happened to be staying in. I always appreciated your dedication to faith and God.
Powell Laster
Former GBI #551
May 31, 2014
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to keep watch over all of them and also those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten as true heroes never die.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
September 3, 2013
It's hard to believe it's been a little over 10 years. I still miss those late night meals at Wafflehouse and the weekend ride-alongs we shared together. I think about you all the time, especially when I see Holly, Haleigh, and Matthew. You would be so proud of those kids. They are growing up all too quickly. Anderson asks about "Mr. Billy" from time to time and I tell him about the fun things we used to do. I only wish he had been able to meet you in person. I know that we will meet again when this life here is over. Until then, know that you are still thought of, loved and missed by all those here who knew you.
Kevin Bradley
Cousin and Friend
December 16, 2012
It's hard to believe that 10 years have past since we lost you. You would be so proud of the kids and what they have become. I wish soo bad that you were here to see my little girl and the family that I have made. I still think of you every day and me and holly are as close as ever. From time to time I swear I can feel you in the truck riding right next to me. Just keep watching out for us until we meet again. I love you billy. Heroes live forever
September 3, 2012
Its been almost 10 years brother and I think of you everyday. The pain of your loss still hits so hard, Every time one of your brothers or sisters fall my mind goes to you. I miss you everyday. Until we meet again......
Heroes Live Forever 908
August 11, 2012
Rest in Peace, Lieutenant Jiles. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
March 24, 2012
A great Trojan teammate. I still cannot believe it.
May 17, 2011
Billy I still cry over you to this day. I miss you so much. Why do all the good cops get killed. I love you so much Billy. I know one day you will meet me in Heaven.
Love Adam Watson
Adam Watson
March 21, 2011
Just was thinking about you today Lt.
December 13, 2010
Just thinking of you today and all the times we had at DCSO.
December 7, 2010
Its been 8 years and we miss you more than every. Will always love you as a brother RIP.
September 3, 2010
Just thinking of you. Hard to believe it's been 8 years. You are still missed by us all.
Russell Grizzard
Carroll County Sheriff's Office
September 2, 2010