Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, August 11, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Scott T. Stewart, IV
I went to Jennifer and Matthew's funeral. I know that you were there to greet them when they joined was so hard. I thought of you the whole time and knew that you were there with everyone, comforting them. I felt so numb afterward; it was very difficult to see Eric and your family and friends reliving so much--for their wounds are still so raw. Please continue to watch over them now more than ever as they really need you. I know that you keep a hand on everyone; that makes me feel a little better each time Eric leaves for work...
Thank you.
March 3, 2004
Rest in peace, my friend. Your death still haunts many of us who knew you. You were an inspiration to many of us from the 1st day of the academy. Your death hurt all of us in the law enforcement community.
I'll never forget the good times in the academy.
Police Academy classmate
February 27, 2004
As two of your fellow officers were buried today, I thought of you often. Not like you aren't on my mind all of the time, but this week I thought of you constantly. The wounds were starting to heal a little bit, now they have been torn back open. The question of why does this keep happening is back in my head. Not only has this brought it all back for us, your family, but I saw your friends and co-workers suffering with it also. Please help us all continue to heal from your tragic death. We miss you so much that it hurts, the hole in our hearts is still there. Keep watch over Jordan, Haley and Shelby, you are their blue angel.
I love and miss you,
February 21, 2004
Two more heros were buried today. This week has brought back a flood of memories of when you were called to your next duty station. I spend alot of hours trying to figure out why.... why you...why Jennifer and Matt. I can't seem to figure out why you are gone. I only know that I now live my life differently because of you. Watch over your family even closer right now. I'm sure that the sad events of this week have caused their wounds to hurt even more.
February 20, 2004
We lost 2 more today. Jennifer Fettiq and Matthew Bowens. I know you and Jessica were there to greet them.
Another senseless killing in our department. Over nothing.
Memories came flooding back. Jennifer was engaged and Matt married 2 months. Just like you and Jessica.
I love you and miss you.
Help lend your strenght to all who are going to need it.
Love you,
February 17, 2004
Rest in peace, and thanks for keeping the peace while you were here. It will be an honor for me to serve as a police officer soon because of the sacrifice that Officer Stewart made. God bless his family and friends. He will never be forgotten, heroes live forever.
Baltimore, MD
February 16, 2004
Today is Feb. 16,2003. It looks as though we have lost two more Detroit Police Officer. I am really not sure why God needs all the good ones but i m sure one day it will be revealed. Please continue to help God watch dow on all of who remain. You an all the other officers will always be in our prayer. Be safe on the streets of heaven :-)
February 16, 2004
One of your fellow officers joined you today. It was so hard to see the family at the hospital. They are in such pain and will be for many months to come. I know that you will be there to take him under your wing.
We are thinking of you.
Love and miss you,
February 16, 2004
I close my eyes and you're still here
Oh, the aching my heart does fear
For when I open my eyes again,
You will not be with me then
For what we shared was beautiful
No words could ever describe
The love, the feelings, the smile, the joy,
That were all bottled up inside
My heart still pounds as I think of you-
Your touch, your smile, your eyes of blue
They are so deep, with thoughts inside
Those thoughts from me you cannot hide
I want to close my eyes and remember it all -
The smile on my face when I think you might call
I see you standing there at our door
Oh, I wish it could be once more
To let you come into my heart
The taste of your mouth as it starts to part
The touch of your hands on my back and my face
The passion built up inside is release from that gate
The gate that kept these feelings locked inside
The feelings that for years I always wanted to hide
But you, being the giving person you are,
You gave me so much of yourself, by far
You helped me to heal, and you taught me to feel
You taught me how to open my heart to what's real
And I thank you for that with a love from my heart
Who knew all along that someday we'd part
But we promised to remember the love we shared
We promised never to forget how very much we both cared
As you wish, I love you, it all means the same
You'll be in my heart was never a game
The minutes will turn to hours, and hours to days
The days will turn to years, then there will be a way
For the two of us to find each other again
I will always love you
February 3, 2004
Watch over us who were left behind. There is a large hole in the hearts of those people who knew you, you are missed very much. Some day all of us who miss you will join you.
You are a hero.
February 2, 2004
Happy anniversary. It would have been 3 years today.
I miss you, and I think of you everyday. I still wonder why things had to be this way and I wonder how long until I get to see you again.
I hope your having fun where ever you are. Just think if you were here I'd give you a big bag of heart shaped dark Dove chocolate. I remember the time you shared your last piece with me. Something we both know took a lot from you. :)
I love you
February 1, 2004
Debbie and I just went on a rode trip. We talked a lot about you. We talked about some of the things we did as children and adults. Our trip to Hawaii to visit you and the trip sailing around the Caribbean. Boy, did you enjoy your birthday that year.
We talked about how we are going to celebrate your life every August and I think we came up with a pretty good plan. A trip you would have enjoyed. The great outdoors. We will go every year to be with you.
One of Debbie's kittens died last July, Jordan said that the kitten went to be with you on your birthday. These girls say the most amazing things about you.
We are all thinking about you. I am sure your ears were ringing on Friday.
Love and miss you,
January 17, 2004
Remember me,
as I remember you,
don't forget, the little things,
that meant nothing
to anyone but us.
Recall the days, the minutes,
the seconds,
keep them close
to your heart.
For I remember you.
As time goes by,
it seems as if
the visual fades a bit.
But then a certain song will play,
or a certain word is said.
Sudden total recall,
fills my mind and soul
I see you, I hear you, I feel you.
Then I know that you are not far gone.
To have you here, to really see, to really hear,
to smell, to feel, to touch once more,
the physical presence of you,
OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what I would give.
Remember me,
as I remember you,
keep checking in on me.
I don't every want to forget,
one little thing about you.
It's true the memory fades a bit with time
but the heart and soul will carry on
all that we have ever known.
Remind me time to time,
that its ok if I forget just how you sound, or smell, or look.
Remind me that the most important thing,
is that I remember
the life he took.
I remember everyday. I love you.
January 15, 2004
It has been 17 months since you were taken from your family. I have thought about you a lot these past months. I think about the last time I talked to you, the last time I saw you alive, the last big hug I received from you. I am so glad that you came to visit in April. We had such a good talk.
The family is doing a lot better. Mom and Dad are still very sad about your death, but we have rid ourselves of the things that made us sad and angry. That has allowed us to grieve the way we should have been able to grieve from the beginning. I saw a sign this past summer, I think you had something to do with it. It said "he who angers you, controls you". Thank you. You made me realize that there was nothing to be angry about, and it has made a world of difference in my life and for our family. We just let go, and it was the best decision we all made since your death.
Debbie's girls' sent you a gift in the sky. They thought you would like it. Jordan still talks about her uncle. She wished you were here with us this Christmas in our house. I told her you were with us, and that you were with us everyday. She wanted to name her new Hamster after you. We decided against it. I was a little worried about when it died.
Yes, life is going on and all I do every morning is think about you looking down on me. You would want me to live and give Jordan a happy life. You wouldn't want me to be sad or depressed. So I think of that smile of yours and try to keep one on my face all day. Sometimes it's tough, but I always try. The holidays were really hard for all of us, but we all try.
As always, I love and miss you. Keep the family safe and watch over our girls. Be in spirit with Dad and Scott the next 15 days. You would love what they are doing, so go with them.
Love you,
January 2, 2004
Happy New Year,
I know you'll be with me and everyone you love in the coming year.
We met three years ago this month. I think about that moment often. Zog called my name and the only one I saw when I turned around was you.
I love you,
January 1, 2004
Oh Scotty, our second Christmas without you. We still have some of the old traditions like making fudge (the family still loves chocolate). The memory of you and Dad fighting over who was going to clean out the pan. You would end up sharing. Now Jordan helps me make the fudge, and tells her Grandpa she gets the pan, again they share. We still have our eggnog on Christmas Eve.
A new tradition we started is the blue light in the window (even Dad has one down at the shop) and a blue candle during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner - to show support to all your cop friends and law enforcement and to honor you.
When I hear "Calling All Angels", I think of you with tears in my eyes knowing you are watching over us all. Hope you hear Jordan sing it, she does a good job.
Andrea and Debbie went to the Sibling Retreat and I went to the Parent Retreat. Going helped us so much, as I sat on the bus going out to the Retreat, I looked around and thought I am not alone. These parents have lost a son or daughter too.
They say as time goes by you start to heal. I just feel like I have a big hole in my heart that does not mend. I miss your big hug and smiles and just dropping in to say HI.
Your dad and I talk about you and when something happens, we say that is Scotty showing us you are still around. Jordan, Haley, and Shelby are growing up so fast. They are what keeps us going.
Love and hugs,
December 31, 2003
Scotty -
You are truly a hero.
December 29, 2003
Merry Christmas, 2 down, who knows how many more to go.
I miss you terribly and I think of you everyday.
I hope you like the christmas tree. I tried to decorate it in the colorful style you like :-) Remember arguing over whether christmas trees should be colorful or classy.
I know you loved the chocolate milk I gave you. I wish I could have given you more than milk and a small tree.
I copied a before mentioned practice. I thought it was a great idea to light a candle for you on a special day. I searched for a long time to find a candle that I thought would represent you. I didn't want blue. When I think of you I don't see you as blue, but a warm, earthy color.
I ended up finding a candle holder that I thought said everything. It's pearl colored with Love carved above a heart between a man and a woman. The caption tied to said :
I Love You
When you light this candle
And the heart begins to glow
Know that I'm thinking of you
And I love you so
I will light this candle for you on every special day we shared and other days just because.
It's hard to believe how much things have changed since you left. It's even harder to believe you're gone.
But, it's comforting to know you will be some type of guardian angel for a lot of people. Just remember we're human and we'll do stupid things sometimes :-) I know you're enjoying yourself since you alway did get a kick out of watching people :-)
You are loved and admired by many people. (I can see you smiling your bashful smile, the smile I love the most) Watch over them and, if you can, help bring some joy and happiness into their lives.
I Love You
(I still say it that phrase everyday to you. Some things will never change.)
December 28, 2003
Once again a holiday is upon us and you are not with us. As always, we miss you terribly and wish that you were here with us. We will think of you often this holiday season. We will talk about you often also.
Keep watch over the girls.
We love and miss you,
December 24, 2003
Happy Holidays. If only you could see every one could see you one more time. It doesn't seem right,all the friends that used to get together kind of drifted but thats the way life is,right. Well you are truley missed. Keep watch down on every one. Everytime I eat a hersey kiss, i think of you and laugh. Monica is doing well. Everyone loves you.
December 15, 2003
I am still praying for you and your family.
I sure hope that everytime officers around here go on the road, they remember that night that an evil person made a stupid choice, and you were gone. I also hope that everyone is a little more careful thinking of you.
Please continue to watch over your most precious and loyal friend and love, Monica.
December 12, 2003
We spent another holiday without you. You were thought about often. You are still missed tremendously. We burnt our blue candle in your memory during dinner, you were with us. We visited your grave and brought the wreath out. Jordan left red and white carnations for you.
We love and miss you, it still hurts.
November 30, 2003
You touched many peoples hearts. It is great to know that you are watching down on my love one while he works in that dangerous career as a cop. I also wanted to say that I am glad to say that you were my friend...
you are truley missed.
keep watching over and protecting everyone..Thank you
November 23, 2003
Unfortunately, I never got the chance and the honor to know you. But I have been able to discover what an amazing man and police officer you were through your wonderful family and friends. They all love and respect you so much. Please know that you remain their mentor and friend and they still look to you for guidance. I know that you continue to watch over Eric and all the guys; I think that makes all of us feel a little better knowing that they have a special guardian angel looking out for them. I think about you often and wish I would have been able to call you "friend" while you were here on earth. But I feel as if you are a friend because of how close Eric holds you to his heart. Thank you for the beauty you gave while you were here. Know that your imprint on everyone's heart will last forever.
October 22, 2003
We attended a ceremony this past weekend that honored all of those that donated organs in 2002. We are proud of your gift that allowed others to live. We made a patch to go on their quilt so your gift will be remembered forever. They read a poem that we thought said it all:
ASCENSION by Colleen Corah Hitchcock
And if I go,
while you're still here...
Know that I live on,
vibrating to a different measure
-behind a thin veil you cannot see through
You will not see me,
so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we
can soar together again,
-both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest.
And when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart,
...I will be there.
You are always in our hearts, never far from our minds. We miss you.
October 15, 2003