Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, August 11, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Scott T. Stewart, IV
Things have settled down a little bit this week, so I thought I would get on here and say Happy Birthday. We spent the day as we have for the past couple of years...we all went to visit you together and the girls sang to you and this year they wanted to have cake, so mom made brownies for the event. Then we went over to the blood drive. This year it was at Kim's church, they did a wonderful job, I am just sorry that people had to leave without giving because there were so many people.
I just purchased my ticket to go to the sibling retreat again this year. I always get so much out of the retreat and meet so many that understand. And the land that surrounds the lodge reminds me so much of you, I feel like you are there with me all weekend long.
It has been a long four years, I still can't even believe that this has happened. There is not a day that goes by that you are not on my mind, and I, like mom wonder what your life would be like now. I know that you would have children. You were always so good with Jordan, can you believe that she starts Middle School this year. She is a great kid and she is going to be tall like you.
We will all be together on the 11th. Dad is even coming in for it. It easier to deal with the day when we are all together, I would hate to spend that day alone. It is good that dad is coming home for the week, instead of being out on the water by himself. Keep watch over him and the three girls.
Jordan and I miss you.
July 18, 2006
Happy Birthday Pumpkin,
My computer is down, so I couldn't get here until now to wish you a Happy Birthday. It's so hard to believe you have been gone almost 4 years now. I hope you had a wonderful birthday in heaven. It's so hard going to the cementary to see you (what's harder is trying to tell myself your there when I know your not - your body is, but you are free and everywhere). I wish I could give you a whole lot of birthday kisses and other things, but all I can do is sing Happy Birthday to you and pour chocolate milk. One day we'll be able to celebrate our special days together. It just seems like it's taking a very long, long time. I'll see you soon.
I love you,
Honey Bunny
July 15, 2006
Just wanted to say "HI". I visit on a daily basis and wanted to wish you a belated B-Day. I had a beer for ya on the 12th. Sarah and I had a baby girl on Shelby's B-day (5-25) and she is adorable. Sarah sends her love and often talks about you as do we all. We are trying to talk Deb into coming out here to Tucson for a visit. Hopefully she can make it soon. Take care and say "HI" to Tim and Pat for me. Until next time.
Dep. Kurt Dabb
Pima County S.D. Tucson, AZ
July 14, 2006
Hi Scotty..........So hard to believe you would have been 35.We went out to the cemetery to sing Happy Birthday to you.Last year Haley thought you should have a cake so I made some brownies even had candles. The girls made a birthday card for you, we attached them to a balloon and sent them up to you.Hope you enjoyed reading them.It was so cute they each took a turn pouring the water into the vase and putting the flowers in.
Then we went to the blood drive, organized by Kim and Bill Hart, they had it at her church this year. Alot of people came they even had to put up extra chairs for people to sit.Debbie gave blood, Andrea and I volunteered to help, along with Bill and Megan.I don't give after my fainting spell.I did feel sorry for the three that had to breathe into the paper bag.
I often wonder who you'd be today...would you still be a PO in Detroit. How many childern would you have, would there be a boy to carry on the Stewart name.Would you still be in Michigan or out in the West. You did love it out there.I just wonder....
Dad is enjoying his trip, but he has had his days.I know you are laughing at some of the things that happened. Just keep your eye on him.
I would love to see you again to give you a big hug, but I know that won't happen,BUT I do have the memories, so many happy memories. I try not to think of the sad one.
Your Dad and I are so proud of you as we are all our Kids.
Now we are watching our granddaughters grow into fine young ladies. I know you would have so much fun with them.
They do keep us on our toes.
Sending you a big hug. Always in my heart.
Love, mom
Audrey Stewart
July 13, 2006
Absolutely beautiful post about organ donating. Scott does live on! Not as we once knew him to be, but he is here in so many other ways now! And in heaven, all will be reunited, never to be torn away from each other again. Keep the faith! In our prayers, Scott and his family will remain.
July 3, 2006
I just opened this email today. It brought back many memories about the night you died and how we were asked to donate your organs. You had to die, but others were able to live because of you.
Love you,
The Ultimate Gift Of Life - July 01, 2006
"I am sorry, Mr. and Mrs. . We tried our best, but the damage
was too severe," whispered Dr. K to the distraught parents. He continued, "This is a terrible time, but if
you wish to donate any of your son's organs, I will need to know as soon
as possible."
Deciding upon organ donation was the last thing the parents wanted
to think about. Their only son was only thirty-one years
old, and a life that was so full of promise had now been tragically ended.
As the parents gazed upon the body of their only son,
the grieving parents turned to each other, gave each other a knowing
look, and then kissed their son for one last time.
"Have you made a decision?" asked Dr. K.
"Our son would want us to chose life. Our son has no use for his bodily
organs now. If they can help someone who needs them, then use them."
"We have one request though. I want the
recipients to have our name and address in case they wish to contact us."
Dr. K nodded and replied, "I understand."
Months later, a large yellow envelope from the hospital arrived. Out slid four letters.
The first was from Dr. K. His letter read, " Dear Mr. And Mrs.
, your son's precious gift has given life to eight
people who would have otherwise died. Of those eight, these few wished to
personally thank you. Best regards, Dr. K."
They took a deep breath and proceeded to open the next
letter. It read, "How can one say thank you for what has been a tragedy to
you? Through your son's death, however, my once failing heart now beats
strong, and my life-long desire to become a teacher can now be a
Mrs. squeezed her husband's hand, and began to read the next
letter out loud, "I have not been able to see my three-year-old
daughter's face, or gaze upon a beautiful sunset because of my diseased eyes.
Thank you and your son for the gift of sight! Life is so beautiful, and
I will enjoy it to the fullest!"
A sense of serene comfort washed over them as they opened the
last letter. It read, "I am twenty-one years old, and for most of my
life I have been sickly and in and out of hospitals. As I was raised an
orphan, and thus had no one to truly care about me, yours and your son's
gift of life has been the first time I have ever experienced real love.
I can only imagine how hard it was for you to make this decision, but
rest assured, I will put my new lungs to good use. Your gift of love has
given me new hope! Love, Karen"
Tears of both loss and joy began to flow from their eyes.
The reality of organ transplant enables one who has died to give life.
While this Daily Wisdom may appear to be about the importance of organ
donation, its deeper purpose is to show you, the reader, through
example, how Jesus Christ died so that we too may have life. While an organ
transplant may improve the condition of the physical body, Christ's gift
of eternal life enlivens the spirit.
Choose Christ, and choose life!
July 1, 2006
Hi Pumpkin,
Just thinking about you. I finally have a free moment to say hello and I love you on here. I say it all day everyday - you know that.
I cannot believe it's been almost four years since you proposed to me. Almost four years since you have been gone. Things have been okay. Some things don't change, you'd think after all this time they would have but they haven't. You would think I wouldn't feel the pain, anger, or hurt from it, I have - to a point - become numb to most of it.
I think about our relationship and how good it was. We had sooo much love for each other. Love - strong love. Love that has been able to maintain your death. Some think just because I've married and have a child I don't or shouldn't love you anymore. I should just turn my back on you and forget the love we shared. I had to snip at my own mother! Makes you wonder if they ever had the type of love we shared? Makes you wonder since they think that way then maybe they themselves don't know what love is.
I miss you, and everything we use to do. I miss our daily activity. I miss holding you, just holding you like that everyday. We shared that moment up to the day you died. Makes me laugh when I hear.....funny how things change to suit others.
In DC I ran into an older survivor who had a father and cousin honored on the wall. I'll never forget what he asked me "did you move forward?" I told him yes, but I haven't forgotten nor stopped loving. He said, you never do, but you must live. Live. The concept is so hard at times. But, I will live, and love, and enjoy all the Lord will bless me with, the good and the bad.
It's taken me a while to come to this point. I hate that this happened to you, I would give anything to change it, but for some reason, you are where you are, and my time to be there is not yet arrived. I know you are happy. I know you still love me. The signs you send and the dreams I have tell me everything is good.
I love you. I always will.
Honey Bunny
June 25, 2006
Hi Scotty,
I have a BIG favor to ask of you, could you please keep an eye on your Dad as he starts his sailing journey.I know you will sail with him so he is not alone.
Also keep watching over the girls. I know its asking for alot, but I know you can do it.
Thank you for the white Iris.
Always in my heart,
Love, Mom
June 2, 2006
Well another fallen officer last night.Dearborn Hgts,but I am sure you alrready know that. May he now join you in heaven so you can protect all down here..
You are so missed!
May 25, 2006
Scott, I just found out about this site and I just want to let you know you are my HERO. I can recall the night my crew took gun fire from someone who was supose to be in jail but was out on bond. I was working scout 5-32 you and Officer Maples responed. It was 12:00 midnight shift change we were south of Jefferson shot's were exchange the a@# hole was wounded I looked up and so your mug (smile). And I was saying to my self how did you guys get here so fast Maples responed "stew was driving" Well thank god for you. And from that day I knew I had a friend a partner a HERO. I could not say thank you enough you saved my life, my partners life and for that you will never,never die you are in our hearts mind, you patrol with us, walk with us, Thanks "stew" for watching over us.
Police Officer Maurice Dickson
May 23, 2006
love you,
thinking of you as always
May 19, 2006
Your Dad and I went to the Detroit Police Officers Awards Banquet to present the Scott Stewart award. This year we selected two very desering officers.Dad made the speech, in one part he said you would have liked the two officers as your partners this is how we make our decision, the person with your work ethics.You would have been proud of the ol man's speech.
Then as always he did something that made me laugh. I could hear you laughing to....
The family will be in D.C. to honor you and all the fallen officers.
The girls are doing fine, they are growing so fast. Shelby will turn 5 this month. Jordan made the honor roll, we are proud of her. I went to her band concert, she can really beat the drums.Haley still loves to go to MacDonalds.
Always in my heart,
Audrey Stewart
May 3, 2006
Scott, I wish I could have known you in person. Just knowing your parents tells me how much everyone loved you and I wish you knew how proud we all are of you. The service you gave Detroit will be proudly carried on by all DPD officers and each time we attend a memorial, I will pray for your family and friends. I know their pain and I know they all miss you so much. Thank you for your valor.
Donna Rundell
Friend of your Mother
May 2, 2006
Went to the Grand Canyon a few weeks back. Thought about you as I looked out over the ridge. I know you would have loved it. I hiked it a little and sat there with my feet over the edge. All I needed was you yelling my name because I was getting a little fearless in my hike. LOL. I wish you could have been sitting there with me enjoying the peace and beauty. And the rain. Why is it whenever I hike a mountain it has to rain! You had to have been behind that since you found our rain hike at Bowman Lake funny! It seemed strange to do it without you, but then how could I not go and see a place you had been? I thought about how you were there and a very cute picture of you stayed in my mind as I took it all in. I remember you telling me about it. You were right, it was beautiful. I plan on driving out to Yellowstone again this summer. It will seem strange to visit a place you and I went, but it will bring out some very special memories. I just read that a person tends to remember the beloved better when they are not in a state sadness. We'll see. I love you! I'll see you soon.
April 25, 2006
Happy Easter! You will be at the table as always. We love and miss you.
April 16, 2006
Hi Scotty,
Sending you a big hug,and a chocolate Easter bunny.
Love you,
Audrey Stewart
April 16, 2006
Hello stewie, you have been on my mind and I thought I would leave a reflection for you.I think about you everyday and there is not a day that goes by that I don't communicate with you through God. Times are different now and I just ask that you continue to watch over us all. May God bless your family, Monica and friends. My heart is still heavy and you are missed so very much. Rest in peace, love.
Officer Dana Russell
March 24, 2006
Hi Scott,
You don't know me but I feel I know you through your family. I want you to know that they are wonderful people. Your mom has been such a support for me in my troubling times. I hope you and Mark have got acquainted because I am sure you would become friends. We are counting on you all to be our guiding and watchful lights. We know what a great job you will all be doing. Take care.
Mother of S.H. Officer 6-5-04
March 18, 2006
Hi Scotty,
Sending you a big hug, corned beef and cabbage.
love you,
Audrey Stewart
March 17, 2006
Just thinking about you. Thought I'd say hello. My teen told me he had a dream about you. He said he knew it was you because he had seen a picture of you. He said he dreamed you were in his room and it scared him, so he came and got me and I told you to leave his room and go to Molly's. He's been asking me if I thought our house was haunted then he told me this. Well, you're our friendly ghost. He is such a good kid. I just hope everything turns out alright with him and his situation. I don't want him to be hurt anymore by those who were suppose to care for him. Watch out for him if you can.
Gotta go, work calls.
I love you,
I miss you,
Honey Bunny
March 12, 2006
Hi pumpkin,
Just been thinking about you. Nothing new there! :) Life is crazy and busy, but good. Taking a plunge at the end of this month. But, it doesn't change anything. I was talking with another survivor tonight about these feelings. They don't change even after you move forward, I knew they wouldn't.
I love and I will always love you. You know it.
You were honored in a very special way this weekend. I am very happy and proud. I just wish I could have been there to see your uniform displayed. I was told it looked great. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial held a film feastival and used your uniform in their display case - the only uniform or officer info displayed. What an honor.
You know what I want, and I'm hoping it happens. It would be beautiful.
I am very happy you are being remembered. I might not be allowed to help, participate, or even be informed of the event, but I am very happy they are happening. You are very loved by all and remembered daily, and it warms me to hear when something good is being done in your name. I don't need to be there to feel proud about the event, you, or what was accomplished. It is enough that it happened on one of your days, or it is being done in your name. Good is good. I hope these things continue for years to come. Those who do anything for you should be applauded and thanked. And, I give my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to them all.
I love you,
I'll see you soon,
Honey Bunny
March 5, 2006
How do I say goodbye to what we had
And the good times that made us laugh
outweigh the bad
I thought we'd get to see forever
but forever is gone away
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
I don't know where this road is going to lead
all I know is where we have been and what we been through
If we get to see tomorrow
I hope it's worth all the wait
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
And I'll take with me the memories
to be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
And I'll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
Author Unknown
February 15, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!
True love has very little to do with candles, flowers, and warm, fuzzy feelings. True love is tough. It hangs on. It lasts.
I love you, I wish I could give you a big bag of dark Dove chocolate and smother you with kisses. I've been thinking about you all day, I hope you can feel the vibes and love I have for you up there.
Love Always,
February 14, 2006
Dear Monica,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you & Scott. You're always in my prayers. Scott---continue to shelter Monica in your love. She will love you forever.
Kelly Gillain
February 8, 2006
Well Scott-
Valentines day is approaching and the stores are selling the hershy kisses left and right.. I always think of you whenever i buy a bag..
You are never forgotten and thank you so much for watching over my husban when he goes to work.
You and Monica are always& forever in our prayers...
wife of an officer
February 7, 2006