Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, August 11, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Scott T. Stewart, IV
Are you smiling????? I am sure you would approve, there is a happiness there that has been gone for a long time, it is nice to see it back. I am sure you had something to do with it!!!!!!
February 16, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day :-)
I love you,
February 14, 2007
Happy Anniversary
I will always remember this day
I love you,
Honey Bunny
February 1, 2007
My Hero
Too alarming now to talk about
take your pictures down and shake it out
truth or consequence say it aloud
use that evidence race it around
There goes my hero
watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
he's ordinary
Don't the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out
Kudos my hero leaving all the best
You know my hero the one thats on
January 18, 2007
Thought about you alot today with flashbacks of both good times and bad. Continue to watch our backs.
P.S. you now have a veteran officer with you up there.
January 12, 2007
A very sad week. Two families mourning the loss of their very loved and close fathers. Be with your friend and send him some sign of comfort that you were there to greet his father. I hope you found my father-in-law. He is a great guy. He never knew you, but he respected you very much and would talk of you to others. So much pain this week makes me wonder how we get through it.
Love you,
January 12, 2007
Egg nog was drank in your memory, tears were shed, memories were brought up, and ornaments were hung with you in mind. Please watch over your family and friends in the upcoming year, you are their blue angel.
Miss you!
January 3, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 2, 2007
Happy New Year!!!
Hopefully, 2007 will be a great year for everyone. Continue to watch over us. Things are getting pretty bad at work. To many close calls coupled with the lack of equipment and manpower. This year was the first in a very long time they forced officers to ride the streets at midnight. Well, scout cars were shot, thankfully everyone made it home.
I was told platoon 1's roll call was different. The Lt. explained how the Canadian Mounted Police have a book of their fallen and they read from it all the time at roll call. To remember those who didn't make it home, to remind how dangerous our job is, and to drive home how we are all we have, so we should be united inspite of our differences. Then he talked about you. I like him.
Last night someone talked with me about you and how hard it must be. She talked about how families have love ones pass and how during their gatherings those loved ones are mentioned and talked about very easily. Then she said it must be different for you because you can have a new life and your new life your love one would not be brought up during those gatherings. She got me thinking. It is hard at times to gather with others and the conversation turns toward something that sparks a memory of you and then have the uneasy feeling about whether or not I should tell the story. Well, you know me, my stubborn self goes ahead and tells the story, if they don't like it they know where to plant.
You are such at major part of me. Why should I hide you, or erase you? That would be disrespectful. What would that say about me and our love? I loved you only until someone new came into my life? Nope. If I love someone I'm not ashamed to say it or show it and that love doesn't disappear because the person does. Remember our discussion about the degrees of love. I will always love you and you will always be a part of me.
I have to go, I have to help my princess with her princess hat!
Happy New Year,
I love you,
January 1, 2007
Please keep watch over the Detriot Officer.
Love and hugs,
December 31, 2006
Missed you like crazy over the Holidays. So many memories, some made me cry, some made me laugh.
Your Dad came in from Florida for the holidays.We saw so many people and ate way to much, will spend alot of time on the treadmill. He left this morning to go back to Florida to continue on with his boat trip.Says he is having a great time, but you know that I know you are with him.
Andrea took some great pictures of the girls, they look so cute. Haley was the first to say Andrea had taken enough. I think Jordan and Shelby could have gone on and on.
Dad brought the girls sea shell necklaces back from Florida, they each made a thank you note, I'm sure at Andrea's suggestion.They did a geat job.
It was a Christmas without the cold weather and snow, rather different.
Dad went out to see you while he was home. Andrea went out today and added some more things to your wreath,she said it was looking rather sad.
As you know I miss you, wish you could be with us.
Thinking of you and always in my heart.
Love and hugs
Audrey Stewart
December 29, 2006
"Our loved ones are never truly gone they merely watch over us from above."
December 29, 2006
Merry Christmas!
I know I'm a day late posting, but you know me, if I ever did anything on time it would be a miracle! :) I was able to see you yesterday. I hope you like your tree. Every year they keep getting better. Before they just had wreaths shaped like trees, now they have mini tree's with lights you can spike into the ground. Can't wait till they have mini real trees!
I hope you had a great Christmas in Heaven. I miss you, but I know I will see you again.
I love you,
December 26, 2006
December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Scott. Watch over your loving family and Monica this holiday season. You are loved and missed.
Stephanie, wife of a DPO
December 24, 2006
At this time of year we celebrate the birth of a Saviour and yet mourn the loss of a saviour. We have a Saviour who made the ultimate sacrifice and we mourn a saviour who made the ultimate sacrifice. Our Saviour lives and this saviour shall live again. Rest In Peace
D. Paul, Special Agent
December 19, 2006
He is Gone
You can shed tears that he is gone,
Or you can smile because he lived,
You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him and only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on,
You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your
Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes,
love and go on.
December 12, 2006
Thinking of you, your family and Monica this holiday season. You were blessed to have so much love in your life. Continue to be the guardian Angel you are. Your parents are wonderful people, it's so hard to see the pain they are experiencing because you are gone. Your sisters are great women, they miss you so much. In all your family has experienced so much pain from your loss, but they continue to help others who are suffering the same loss. Says a lot. Your beautiful Monica, any man would be lucky to have someone continue to love them as she loves you. I believe she will love you till the day she dies and you will be a part of her all the way. What a strong woman, you would be proud of how she carried herself through your death and afterwards.
Merry Christmas Stew.
December 9, 2006
To Scott's family
Be still...
be still...
and you will
hear an ANGEL
"Love is near."
December 8, 2006
Love you,
I come here everyday, it's hard to write somedays. Maybe, it's because I talk with you everyday, so why write? :) I don't know if it's just the holiday time or something else, but lately I find myself crying more and more during the day and night because I miss you. I try to tell myself everything will be alright and that I must try to accept it all. Some days I wish someone could tell me why. Why? Why you? I try to tell myself it was your time. God, called you home ending your road, and mine had to continue. I wonder how things would have been if you weren't called home. Would we still be in MI? Probably not. With the way the department is going I would have never been able to talk you into staying, and where you go - I go. Unfortunately, I cannot follow you there, I have to wait. I'll see you again Pumpkin.
Honey Bunny
December 1, 2006
November 21, 2006
Went through photo albums last night, I can't believe that you have been gone so long. I was laughing at the picture of you riding Jordan's bike when you made what was to be your last visit to our place in Virginia. As I was looking at all of the pictures, I couldn't help wondering what your family picture would look like? How many kids would you have now? Where would your family be living? Where would we be living?
We will be going through another set of holidays without. I still think of you constantly and wish you were here to celebrate these holidays with us. Jordan still has your photos in her room, she has made a Memory Book that she keeps on her nightstand. She misses her Uncle Scotty. As always, you will be in our thoughts and conversations this holiday season. Keep being our Blue Angel.
Miss you!
November 18, 2006
Dear Monica,
Your life has been a reflection of your love for Scott. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have provided and continue to provide to me and to our group. I was excited about the news you gave today. I know that Josh, Scott, and all the other guys are cheering us on as we go through each day without us strength when we need it most. It's an honor knowing you and being able to know about Scott through you. As always, he would be proud of you and all that you have done to keep his memory and other fallen officer's memories alive. In the midst of our tragedies, I'm thankful for the friendships that have blossomed. Sending you love, hugs, and care bear stares of course.....
Your friend,
November 15, 2006
Received some good news today. There will be more help for Fiance's and S/O's of Fallen Officers. I know all of you are together smiling at all of us for not giving up. Keep looking down over all of us. I love you. Not a moment passes that I don't think of you and wish you could still be here. I was asked a question this week on what would be the one thing in my life I would change if I could. I would have made you come home. I would have tried throwing a fit, guilt trip, anything to try to twist your arm to accept the offer to leave early. I wouldn't have taken no for an answer. I will always kick myself for being passive with you that day and accepting your desire to work.
I know you're always with me - thank you for the dreams. I love them.
I'll see you soon,
Honey Bunny
November 14, 2006
Missing you, wish I could give you a big hug.
Always in my thoughts,always in my heart.
November 5, 2006