Hazel Park Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, July 28, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Jessica Ann Nagle-Wilson
The dedication of the memorial went very well. There are three pillars, each with what the Chief calls a field cross. The first one was for firefighters. Thank goodness Hazel Park has not lost anyone from the fire department so it was dedicated to all the firefighters. The next one was the military cross. It was dedicated to John Dearing. He was 21 years old and killed in Iraq in 2005. The last one was for police officers and it was dedicated in your memory. The Chief did a wonderful job designing it. The police officer’s cross has your badge number on it, 233. There were speakers from each of the three different areas; Father Bob did the opening and closing prayer as well as the blessing of the memorial. The City Mayor, City Manager and Senator Jacobs, as did John’s Dad all spoke and I represented our family. Choked backed the tears a few time but I didn’t cry. Always trying to stand strong. The Hazel Park Honor Guard did a 21-gun salute and Emmi played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. I know you would have been so proud. I know we were.
I wanted to tell you that after the ceremony, I was talking with some people and I could see this elderly woman talking my picture. After a few minutes she came over and introduced herself to me. She told me a story about how she would not be here today if it wasn’t for you. It seems she was very ill and you went with her to the hospital. It was hard to get the whole story because as she was talking to me, she was crying. I love hearing stories about you while you were working. I can never get enough. I started a journal that I called "Give Me a Memory" on one of your anniversaries. Unfortunately, I never got it back. I have no idea where it ended up. One day, I’m sure it will show up.
Well, time for bed.
Love and miss you,
December 18, 2008
This afternoon we will be attending the dedication of the Hazel Park Salute to Fallen Heroes. The city is recognizing and memorializing you for the sacrifice you made. We have waited a long time for this day to come. Call me selfish but I don’t ever want them to forget you. We have to thank the Chief for all he has done to get this project moving and seeing it through to completion. I’m a little nervous because I am speaking. I am going to try very hard not to cry. Wish me luck!
December 12, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica
November 27, 2008
Matt, his Mom, his Dad, Dad and I went to the cemetery today and put down the grave blanket and wreath. Dad and I put out Grandma’s and Uncle Barry’s too. Each year, Matt picks out a different color so that we don’t have the same kind every year. This year, the ribbons are a really pretty dusty blue color. I know you would like it. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is coming up and then it’s Christmas.
Yesterday, Dad and I were looking through the pictures from the past Christmas’. It’s hard to believe that this is the 7th holidays season that we haven’t had you here with us. The time goes by so fast and the memories are so clear. I can hear your voice and picture you with all of us.
Love and miss you,
November 23, 2008
It's been awhile since I have written but never a day goes by when I don't think of you so this is just a note to let you know how much you are loved and missed.
Love always,
September 30, 2008
Missing you as always. It's been said a gajillion times but oh so true. Nags, not one day goes...
hazel park
September 24, 2008
Thank you, Officer Nagle-Wilson, for your commitment to right. Your sacrifice was not in vain. The world is a better place because of you and all LEOs who carry on your legacy. God bless your family.
A Grateful Citizen
August 23, 2008
I have never been to this page before and I just spent the last 2 hours looking at
and reading the reflections left here. Sometimes you get the bad guy and some
times he gets you. I am at a loss for words, but my heart goes out to her
husband especially, for it's not an easy thing to find a soul mate, not to mention to lose one. And for a parent to lose a child, well, that's something that just
never sits right. Hold tight to the Lord for He holds tight to you. John 14:6
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
July 29, 2008
The Hazel Park "Salute to Heroes," and so much more have been inspired by the tragic death of Officer Nagle-Wilson.
May Her Soul Rest - In - Peace.
Maj M. B. Parlor
July 28, 2008
Oh how the time has passed and it still seems like it was yesterday.You are truley missed.I keep you and your family in a very special place in my heart.
God Bless
Wife of a police officer
July 28, 2008
Dear Jessica,
I woke up this morning, thinking that it has been six years since our lives were changed forever. We received several cards for friends letting us know that they were thinking of us during this time. One of them wrote that while another year has gone by, we’re one year closer to being together again. How true is that. I think only another parent can think of it that way.
We had a service on Saturday at the cemetery. Emmi wasn’t able to play the bagpipes but to our surprise the Metro Detroit Police & Fire Pipes & Drum came so they played. The Hazel Park Honor Guard was there and Father Bob did the service. It turned out wonderfully. When I was thanking them, I told them that every year I debate whether or not we should do anything because at some point people aren’t going to want to come and every year, they do. After the service, we went to the FOP Lodge. I have to say, it was an early night. I think we were home by midnight.
Tonight we are going to the track. I know it was one of your favorite places to go. Not sure how many are coming but it doesn’t matter. Being in Hazel Park and doing something you enjoyed makes it special to me.
Love and miss you forever,
July 28, 2008
When I think of her, the memories return...
Those images of time and place
That the years cannot erase.
Tho' she's no longer an active part
Of my routine, my daily life,
Through the visions that live on,
I still hold her in my heart.
I still think of her each day
And the memories are dear to me.
Time cannot erase or take away
The precious memories that I hold.
I remember so many magic days...
The love we shared, how much we cared,
The joy and happy times together
Before she was called away.
No, time can never erase
Those images of time and place
And the joy and love I feel
When I think of her.
July 28, 2008
As I sat in my garage yesterday I looked up at your memorial badge and realized another year had passed since you left us. I will never forget where I was on that terrible day. You made the world a better place and I'm glad to have been even a small part of it.
You are missed.
July 28, 2008
Thinking of you and your family today, I know what they are going through.
They love and miss you very much.
Give Scotty a hug from his family.
To the family stay strong, and remember the happy memories.
July 28, 2008
Everytime I hear this I just think of you and all of the memories-I'm certain I echo everyone when I wish for just one more day to spend with you, hanging out, watching movies, just to talk- Funny how as I get older I realize just how lucky I was to have a friend like you. Missing you...
My old friend, I recall
The times we had are hanging on my wall
I wouldn't trade them for gold
Cause they laught and they cry me and
somehow sanctify me
And they're woven in the stories I have told
And tell again
My old friend I apologize
For the years that have passed since the
last time you and I
Dusted off those memories
But the runnin' and the races and the
people and the places
there was always somewhere else i had to be
And time gets thin my old friend
Don't know why, don't know why
Don't know why, don't know why
My old friend this song's for you
Cause a few simple verses was the least that I could do
To tell the world that you were here
'Cause the love and the laughter will live on long after
All of the sadness and the tears
We'll meet again my old friend
July 22, 2008
Dear Jess,
I've had the priviledge and the honor of getting to know you through my close frienship with your husband over the past two years at the Flint Police Department. You truly are a beautiful person both inside and out and not a single day goes by that he doesn't talk about you, think about you and miss you terribly. I've heard the beautiful stories of how you first met one another, how you got married, moved into your first home and of the plans you had for the future. Matt has an enormous heart and attributes it to one person; you. Your story will forever live on in the hearts and minds of everyone who loves you, admires you and respects you. Forever.
Police Officer- Flint Michigan
July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Jess!
As I was enjoying coffe and watching the birds in the backyard at the feeder, a lone white sparrow appeared. It ate a few seeds then flew off. The sparrow returned a few hours later and stayed a little longer before taking flight again. Perhaps it was you visiting;at least I'd like to think so. Always on my mind and in my heart you are.Happy Birthday!
May 23, 2008
May 23, 2008
Happy birthday.... thinking of you.. went to see Tim McGraw last night and am pretty sure you were laughing at the thought of me at yet another country concert! REALLY wish you were physically here to celebrate... Miss you much.
May 23, 2008
Hi Jessica,
Wishing you a Happy Birthday up in Heaven.
Tell Scotty I said hi.
Audrey Stewart
May 23, 2008
Happy Birthday!
We got back from DC a week ago. Most people feel the Candlelight Vigil is the hardest part but I think it’s midnight on the 15th. To me, it signifies the end of another year without you. As I always say, May is one of the hardest months, so many things going on but as always we make it through.
I picked up your birthday cake from a florist in Hazel Park that went to school with Mark Sawyers and in a way has a connection to you. Her cousin, Jason, went to school with you and she made the floral spray for your car at the funeral home. She was so nice and it was wonderful to meet her. She did a beautiful arrangement for you. I am taking it to cemetery.
Another year…………Love and miss you,
May 22, 2008
Yesterday was Mother's Day. It was the first time that I have been home for Mother’s Day in 6 years. We celebrated it at the campgrounds on Saturday. Dad and I road on the motorcycle since the weather was so nice. You should have seen us, two old people, with our leather’s on, riding around but I do love it. We had a wonderful time with Rob, Kerrie, the girls, Amanda and Dakota. Of course, I knew you were there with us.
On Sunday, I went to the cemetery in the morning before the rains came and spent the rest of the day washing clothes, cleaning and getting ready to leave for DC. Dad and I also worked on taking a car flag from the NLEOMF and making it into a flag to fly at the cemetery along with the American flag during Police Week. We leave tomorrow morning and come back home on Friday.
Well, I better get back to work. I am leaving for a while to go Warren’s Memorial this morning.
Love and miss you,
May 12, 2008
My family and friends will travel to DC for police week again this year to pay our respects to you and our fellow fallen officers. I will pray for your family, department, and friends. Look over us as we travel, and thank you for keeping an eye on our fellow officers. God bless you. You will not be alone at the wall, as we will stand with you.
Fellow Officer from MI
May 5, 2008
Just thinking of you, Jess. Thinking about you a lot lately.
April 24, 2008