Chattanooga Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Monday, May 6, 2002
Reflections for Police Officer Julie Rochelle Jacks
I was deeply saddened by reading of the falling of your little warrior, Julie Jacks. I would have loved to have known her. You have truly lost a real treasure. The following words once helped me. I hope they can be of some comfort to you who new and loved Julie.
And God Said, "No"
I asked God to take away my grief,
And God said, "No…
It is not for me to take away,
But for you to work through."
I asked God to make my broken heart whole,
And God said "No…
Your spirit is whole,
Your pain is only temporary."
I asked God to grant me patience,
And God said, "No…
Patience is a by-product of tribulation,
It isn't granted, it's earned."
I asked God to give me happiness,
And God said, "No…
I give blessings.
Happiness is up to you."
I asked God to spare me pain,
And God said, "No…
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
And brings you closer to me."
I asked God to make my spirit grow,
And God said, "No…
Grow on your own.
I do the pruning that makes you fruitful."
I asked God if he loved me,
And God said, "Yes…
I gave my only Son to die for you."
I asked God to help me love others
As much as He loves me.
He said, "Ah, finally, you have the idea."
Derric Johnson
CSO R. Anthony
Santa Clara Police Dept. Calif.
My deepest sympathies go out to the Jacks' family. I never met Julie Jacks, but obviously she was one of a kind. A very special woman whom not only served as one of Chattanooga's finest officers, but a friend to many. Its police officers like these that make us sit back and think of what a great sacrifice is made to protect us as citizens, to serve, too often that sacrifice is taken for granted. That can wear one soul down easily, day after day on the streets. It's obvious that it didn't stop her, she remained the best officer she could be, and yet, a true friend for so many. My regret is never meeting her. She will NEVER be forgotten. The sacrifices she made will NEVER be forgotten. God Bless the Jacks' family, may Julie Jacks rest in peace.
Bob M. Wade
resident, Chattanooga, TN
Another sister has paid her price, May officer Jacks rest in peace. I am greatly saddened every day that an officer has to pay the supreme sacrafice with their life. To the family, You are in our prayers, God bless......
Patrolman Darrell Jones
Lexington Metro, Lexington, Ky
I knew of Julie from school days at Ooltewah, but I had the privilege of getting to know her through my husband - they were in the Police Academy together. It seemed like Julie was a little sister to him...and to many others. I recall on several occasions when my husband and I would go to lunch at our favorite little "whole in the wall", I got to enjoy lunch with her. And then there’s the stories I would hear and the gatherings I’d get to go to. I admired her...her strength, her courage, her determination, her laughter, her beauty. It has been one week today since the funeral. Right now, somebody is thinking of you, Julie. You are sorely missed but will never be forgotten. We don’t always understand why things happen the way they do, but we need to try to remember that our Lord will see us through. I pray that He will continue to strengthen us. May He grant comfort unto the Jacks family and Bobby, and to Julie’s brothers and sisters in blue that are hurting so. Thank you for your paid the ultimate sacrifice. May you rest in peace.
police officer's wife
Chattanooga Police Dept
Heros come in both sexes, different sizes, different colors, and backgrounds. Yet, these fallen heros all have something in common. They all served in their respective agencies with pride, humility, and courage. It has been said that we in law enforcement are part of the thin blue line. However, we are much more than that. We are family, drawn across geographical boundries. When such a loss as Julies occurs, we all are effected. We each want to hug those closest to us a little tighter. To the family of Officer Julie Jacks, she is a hero. Not only to those with whom she served but to all of us who have taken the oath to protect and to serve.
Investigator Joe Willis
Anderson Co. (Tx) District Attorney's Office
my heart goes out to all that worked and cared for officer jacks. i believe this was a devastating loss to the department and to officer jack's family. it's a shame that an officer so young in her career had to perish. god bless you all and the family of officer jacks.
patrolman D.LGordon
pascagoula police department
When God Made Peace Officers
When the Lord was creating peace officers, He was into his sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said,"You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
And the Lord said,"Have you ever read the specs on this order? A peace officer has to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, and enter homes the health inspector wouldn't touch and not wrinkle his uniform. He has to be able to sit in an undercover car all day on a stake out, cover a homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witnesses and testify in court the next day. He has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half-eaten meals. And has to have six pairs of hands."
The angel shook her head slowly and said,"Six pairs of hands, no way."
"It's not the hands that are causing me all the problems," said the Lord,"it's the three pairs of eyes an officer has to have."
"Thats the standard model?" asked the angel.
The lord nodded. "One pair that sees through a bulge on a pocket before he asks,'May I see what's in there, sir?' (when he already knows and wishes he had taken that accounting job.) Another pair here in the side of his head for his partner's safety. And another pair of eyes here in the front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say,'you'll be alright ma'am,' when he knows it isn't so."
"Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve,"rest and work on this tomorrow."
"I can't," responded the Lord,"I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck."
The angel circled the model of the peace officer very slowly. "Can it think," she inquired.
"You bet," declared the Lord with pride. "It can tell you the elements of a hundred crimes; recite Miranda warnings in its sleep; detain, investigate, search and arrest a gang member in the street in less time than it takes five learned judges to debate the legality of the stop, and still keeps a sense of humor. This officer also has phenomenal personality control. He can deal with crime scenes painted in hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victim's family and then read in the daily paper how law enforcement isn't sensitive to the rights of criminal suspects."
Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the peace officer,"There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."
"Thats not a leak," said the Lord,"it's a tear."
"What's the tear for," asked the angel.
"It's for bottled-up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American flag, and for justice."
"You're a genius," proclaimed the angel.
The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put it there," He said.
God's Speed Officer Jacks.
Officer David K. Day
Lexington PD, Lexington,KY
As I watched your funeral from my job, I realized what kind of friend you would have been. I only knew you in passing, but I learned so much more about you and how you were a hero in life as much as death. I wish I would have had the honor of knowing you better. Your family will miss you very much and I hope than can draw on the comfort of knowing where you are and knowing that they will see you again some day. From the way your friends spoke of you , Bobby was a very lucky man and was be proud of every minute he had with you. I know you are having a ball in Heaven and I hope we can get to know each other alot better there than we did here. Bobby, hang in there, my prayers are with you. See you soon Julie!!
As a woman I have always admired you. You seemed to have it so together. When John began working with you and I always heard your stories and other fox midnight soildier's stories, I then realized you were for real. We met a few times and spoke on the phone a few times. You are definately someone I wish I would have known one on one. I thank you for your dedication, professionalism, strength, and courage. I know my John came home many of nights because you were there to back him up. May God be a place of Refuge for your Mother, Father, Bobby, Ashley, Ginger, your niece , all your family and friends, and of course your Brothers and Sisters in Blue. Thank you for protecting me and my household from evil.
Niki Chambers
wife of Chattanooga Officer
Officer Julie Jacks,
I only worked with you briefly on two different occasions, yet in those few moments, your professionalism and sense of duty were obvious. Your memory will live on, even as our pain subsides. May your family be blessed with the "peace which passeth all understanding" and be comforted during this sad time; a time that all of us are searching for some understanding for the "why's" of your tragic passing. And to Bobby Moses: My prayers are given for your comfort, as well. Don't forget that your brothers and sisters in blue are here for you.
OFC Roger D. Gibbens
Chattanooga Police Department
Goodbye Sister in Blue, God be with you.
Ofc. Paul Maupin
Collegedale Police Dept.
To all of the officers who risk their lives every day to protect us, we thank you. God Bless you all! God bless you, Julie, for the wonderful, joy of a person you always were. Our prayers go out to The Jacks family, and to Bobby. May the Lord comfort you all.
Melissa and Katie
For Julie's family, I am so sorry for your loss. My sister, Officer Candace Ripp, was killed in December 2001, in Nashville, TN. I just returned from the National Police Memorial Week in Washington D.C. I wish I could take your pain away. I often wish when I cry for others maybe it will be a few less tears you will cry yourself. The C.O.P.S. organization has helped us so much. I sincerely hope they will come thru for you all as well. The FOP will help you too. Let them! It will be a few months from now that you will be able to read the material that will be sent to you, but it will help. If nothing else, you will find that everything you are feeling is NORMAL. You are NOT going crazy. I will pray for you now and months from now. Again, I am so sorry that this has happened to your family.
Laurel Trosclair
I am so sorry and sad to read about the passing of this officer. People like her are the reason why the rest of us can live in relative peace. God bless you officer, we will never forget your sacrifice.
Correctional Officer - 1
Correctional Service Canada (Edmonton)
Dear Julie;
After reading all of the reflections I've concluded that you were one terrific person and a good cop. After 21 years I pray that you will be the last name that will be added to the memorial, but I know that it will not. May God comfort your family and friends. Patrol the streets of heaven with St Michael, and we will see you on the other side.
Sgt Kevin McGowan
Charleston Police Department (SC)
To The Chattanooga Police Dept.
The Martin County Sheriff's Office Swat Team wish to express our sympathy and condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this diffcult time.
Sincerly, D/S Cedric Humphrey
you are a true hero, not just for how you died, but how you lived. rest in peace. god bless the family and friends of this fallen officer.
Baltimore City, MD
I had the pleasure of meeting you. You were also so happy and professional. I am very heartbroken over your death. I know that you are in heaven now. You brought joy and pride into everyone's life that you met. You gave your life so that Chattanooga can be safer. You make me proud to say that I am from Chattanooga. I will pray for your family, fiance and friends. RIP "Little Warrior"
God bless
God Speed!
On behalf of the Men and Women of the Huntsville Police Dept. My heart goes out to you and your family. When I heard the news, I heard "TAPS". My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Officer Mike Lewis
Huntsville AL PD
I did not know Julie Jacks , but from what i heard she was very well liked. I know that she had alot of Friends,and other fellow police officers that cared alot about her.. I know that she was engaged to be married to another officer Bobby, i feel for you sir! I recently got married and i honestly can say i dont know how you are making it!! I know that god will be with you every step of the way! Trust in the lord with all your heart, and dont stop praying to him because he will always be with you no matter where you are! I am praying for all the Family, and to Julie thanks for all your hard work, and DEDICATION, that day your life was taken, you will be sadly missed. May god bless you!!
Tiffany McCurdy (Poe)
tiffany mccurdy
Officer Jacks is a true hero, paying the ultimate sacrifice. She was obviously a very brave person, willing to assist one of her fellow officers without hesitation. Its hard to understand why these things happen, but God can give strength to see us thru any tragedy, and in a way that He will reveal in His time, some good always comes out of tragic situations.
Randy Rogers
Son of Harold Lee Rogers
Terre Haute, In. Police Dept.
EOW 6-16-1984
In such a very short time, you quickly became one of our favorites. You were one of the best, brightest and bravest, and we will miss your almost-weekly visits to the Grand Jury. We continue to cry for such a tragic loss.
Hamilton Co. Grand Jury, Chattanooga, TN
Your reputation as a Police Officer was one that I could only hope to attain. When I learned that I was going to go to FOX Midnight shift, the first thing that I thought of is "Wow, I'm going to get to work with Julie Jacks." At that time I had only heard of what an excellent Officer you were. During the year that I worked with you I got to see first hand. You were the best and you didn't even know it. Not only were you an awesome Police Officer you were a great friend. I haven't met anyone as fearless or as courageous as you, ever, and to be honest I don't think that I ever will again. You make me proud to do what I do every night. FOX Team will never forget you and we will always Honor you, Julie. I hope that in Heaven I will get to work next to you again. Until then you will always be in my thoughts, and prayers.
Patrolman Johnathon Chambers
Chattanooga Police Dept. / FOX Team
On behalf of my agency, the Hoover, AL Police Department, I would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family of Officer Jacks, and the Chattanooga Police Department.
LT James A. Coker
Hoover Police Department, AL